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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No Expanded Space Game?


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Yes. It is the future and you will get it in an expansion. Don't worry, they are probably working on it and it will be awesome.


I hope they are........ but considering they've not said one definate thing even about just expanding on-the-rail space, really what your saying is unfortunately just completely baseless speculation.


Bioware EA would IMO be mad not to make a Jump to Lightspeed expansion for SWTOR (especially given the forum poll results)......... however that does not mean they are currently (or even will be) making one.





Until they say they are doing that, getting peoples hopes up is just leading them to another fall. :(

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Won't have too very shortly and then you will wonder how the heck did I know lol... Have a good day and google has more than vague stuff the des give a lot of interviews outside of swtor. Feel free to work and find it.


I've read everything they've ever said about space in SWTOR (I think).


The only definate thing they've said about it is that we'd be playing 2 new on-the-rails missions by September-ish (the 1 for each faction "Decent" type ones show in the E3 video).


Other than that they've said they'd "like" to do stuff, and that they are supposedly working on "something to expand space", but that is as definate as it gets.


No one wants to see better space in SWTOR than me, but it's just not there at the moment (or at least not publically).


If you can show me where they've ever said more than this I would genuinely like to see it. :)

Edited by Goretzu
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I would rather they forget about this but I can see why some people want it. This isnt x wing, I thought the space stuff was a nice little mini game but no more than that. It will probably come eventually though.


Space is at the core of the Star Wars universe.




This game is called "Star Wars" but I'm always on the ground fighting? Where's the "Star" in that? >.<

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JTL expansion was in developement before SWG went into beta and took nearly 1 year and a half release it when they expected to do it within 6 months after SWG launch.


Problems with a free flight MMO are not client side, are in server side. Data traffic is way higher and if the server is not prepared to handle it won't be possible implement 3D space. Precisely, most of the problems JTL had were server crashes during tests.


Actually, considering the lag spikes the engine shows when there are more than 10 players in the same instance, I don't see possible any 3D free flight, and if they do it will be heavily instanced, not a free roam as many of us would love to see.

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Maybe it will be like world of tanks, but in space. Enormous amount of grinding, shortcuts to buy your way to the competitive edge with real money. If well done, like WoT, it might be still fun like WoT. But in the end expensive for normal people (who dont have 10 hours a day to grind).
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Maybe it will be like world of tanks, but in space. Enormous amount of grinding, shortcuts to buy your way to the competitive edge with real money. If well done, like WoT, it might be still fun like WoT. But in the end expensive for normal people (who dont have 10 hours a day to grind).

No please. That crap no. I played the beta and was all focused in pay 2 win.

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Problems with a free flight MMO are not client side, are in server side. Data traffic is way higher and if the server is not prepared to handle it won't be possible implement 3D space. Precisely, most of the problems JTL had were server crashes during tests.

Check out my earlier link, that game was published in 1985 and was run on 64 KILObytes of ram by an EIGHT bit processor.


I don't see where the server side overhead of free flight space zones would have nearly the overhead of something like a WZ, either for the client or the server.


Even hutball takes place inside of an extremely large spherical surface, that a far distant background is rendered on, glitch through the wall and you'll see it. But a space environment doesn't normally require the client to track the position of 10,000 do dads just to render realistic ground coverings. The missions in the minefield are the exception in the current minigame.


The server doesn't have track any more than the position, shape, orientation of hit boxes, and determine when collisions occur. How is that "way higher"? Even if the hit boxes were the exact shape of the models, it should be easily possible for a server to handle 8v8 space PvP, or 1v15 PvE with a swarm of blaster bolt hit boxes flying everywhere. A cell phone has enough processing capacity to do that. Who cares if pvp is limited to 8v8 or solo instances? I'll take that over the minigame any day.


I would be extremely surprised if any of the current ship model wireframes have half of the datapoints as the rancor or veractyl models have. The whole exterior of the space station model probably doesn't have any more points in it than the larger republic capital ships. And the Imp capital ships are just stupid simple. Add in that a ship model has almost no animation to it, and that the enviroment is largely an empty volume. No client problem here.


It needs work ~ but not a whole lot of work. The hit boxes being used are very primitive, and collision detection is poor. The AI for turrets is already being used all over the game. And the AI for missle and bomb behavior is fantastic!

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I really don't see how you people can expect a huge space battle on this game with it's trash engine that can't even handle more than 8 vs 8 which is just sad as you can get for a pc game. Maybe in the years to come and if they did a block buster of an update on the trash hero engine it would be possible but by then it would be worthless still because better games will be out and the wait isn't worth it.
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JTL expansion was in developement before SWG went into beta and took nearly 1 year and a half release it when they expected to do it within 6 months after SWG launch.


Problems with a free flight MMO are not client side, are in server side. Data traffic is way higher and if the server is not prepared to handle it won't be possible implement 3D space. Precisely, most of the problems JTL had were server crashes during tests.


Actually, considering the lag spikes the engine shows when there are more than 10 players in the same instance, I don't see possible any 3D free flight, and if they do it will be heavily instanced, not a free roam as many of us would love to see.




You can play pretty decent space MMOshooters in your browser these days. :)

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I guess it may be a little early to speculate about this, but one of the things I was really looking forward to long term was an expansion that really broke out the space game of the rails (similar perhaps to what SWG offered). Now with the game going to Free to Play, I don't imagine there will be an investment in major expansions to the game (major new worlds, new classes, expanded space game, etc), just endless nickle and dime boost to the existing content. I really enjoyed this game, in no small part because I was looking forward to the long term potential, but since the Free to Play announcement, I've just been too bummed to even log in.


So, my question does anyone think it's possible that there may be future major expansions now?


You realize the only thing you're basing this on is your assumptions and nothing else?


Nowhere have they said the space project is off the table, and in fact the last interview posted with Daniel Erickson from July 24th had him talking about the future of space.


Please try not to make stuff up. And most certainly don't let yourself get bummed up over stuff you made up.

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I like the idea of the space project they were talking about, but on the other hand i hope they keep the rail shooter in too, because I for one do love that thing, afterall, it's a 'mini-game'. It's kinda fun to do in between of warzones and flashpoints, or a quick one when changing planets. Maybe because I played StarFox too much :p
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I really don't see how you people can expect a huge space battle on this game with it's trash engine that can't even handle more than 8 vs 8 which is just sad as you can get for a pc game. Maybe in the years to come and if they did a block buster of an update on the trash hero engine it would be possible but by then it would be worthless still because better games will be out and the wait isn't worth it.


They don't have to use the same engine. in fact for a proper space sim it wouldn't be effective to. SWG/JTL in fact used different engines. you simply make the game jump between engines when you switch, won't take any longer than normal zone loading. in fact space would load faster.

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Since games like DDO and Lotro still put out fairly good paid expansions, I don't see why this this game would be any different. The Rider's of Rohan, is going to be quite large. It does not take a huge team to make store items, if they go the path of other games they start off small and add things over time.

One thing f2p should do is bring in the money for them to keep expaning the game, I think they know if they don't keep adding to the game, people will not stick around to buy from the store, that kinda defeats the whole f2p, option they are adding.

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Since games like DDO and Lotro still put out fairly good paid expansions, I don't see why this this game would be any different. The Rider's of Rohan, is going to be quite large. It does not take a huge team to make store items, if they go the path of other games they start off small and add things over time.

One thing f2p should do is bring in the money for them to keep expaning the game, I think they know if they don't keep adding to the game, people will not stick around to buy from the store, that kinda defeats the whole f2p, option they are adding.


A Jump to Lightspeed expansion would be a pretty huge thing though, I'm not even sure if Mines of Moria would compare (which is by far the largest LOTRO expansion, and of course before F2P), I think it would be a much bigger undertaking than anything I've seen from a F2P/cashshop MMORPG.


But equally you're absolutely right that as things stand F2P could struggle because there isn't that much game to the game (and F2P/Cashshop only works if they sell and keep selling), and something like a JTL expansion would add massively to SWTOR.

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I have no idea why people so convinced we will get some expanded open world space game. We dont have open world anything.


I hate to say this line, but....(i am sure the talking dinosaur will agree, /sigh) This is not SWG.


This is one rumor that is nothing but wishful thinking. Maybe if we had chat bubbles and expanded questline/storylines (still waiting to turn a certain female jedi companion to the darkside)


The sooner you can forget the wishful thinking the sooner you can enjoy the game for what it is. Its fun but its not an open world mmo and space is a mini-game.


Dont get me wrong I would LOVE for OPEN SPACE, its just not practical to think this will happen. With F2P and the shop I just dont see the real gain tby placing resources on such a project.

Edited by kirorx
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You can play pretty decent space MMOshooters in your browser these days. :)

Are you serious?

The only one we could call 3D space in a browser that I know is Battlestar Galactica Online, and it lags like crazy as soon as there are more than 2 players in the same instance.

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Yes. It is the future and you will get it in an expansion. Don't worry, they are probably working on it and it will be awesome.


Please don't state it as fact when you have no idea. That's really misleading to people.


Expanded space with be the cash cow of this game once it goes free to play. There will be space. Book it.


Didn't save SWG, and that game had the most incredible, in depth, customizable space game of any game.

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If I wanted a space ship game id play eve.


If I wanted Eve's version of space I'd play Eve, if I wanted Trek space I'd play STO, but I want Star Wars space in TOR, it shall henceforth be known as a core game play element.

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I have no idea why people so convinced we will get some expanded open world space game. We dont have open world anything.


I hate to say this line, but....(i am sure the talking dinosaur will agree, /sigh) This is not SWG.


This is one rumor that is nothing but wishful thinking. Maybe if we had chat bubbles and expanded questline/storylines (still waiting to turn a certain female jedi companion to the darkside)


The sooner you can forget the wishful thinking the sooner you can enjoy the game for what it is. Its fun but its not an open world mmo and space is a mini-game.


Dont get me wrong I would LOVE for OPEN SPACE, its just not practical to think this will happen. With F2P and the shop I just dont see the real gain tby placing resources on such a project.


I believe what most people are referring to as "open space" is mostly that we'll be off the rails of the existing space game, able to steer our ship in any direction and fly that way.


As you stated, I highly doubt there will just be a "universe" like EVE where you can just point your ship and head in any direction for 2-3 weeks if you like. But I don't think the game needs that.


Even if it's PVP maps designed around some existing star and planet systems and it's got some PVP elements, I'll enjoy it. And of course if there ARE Space PVP maps, then those will be limited in size so that players can't just fly off into the black to avoid getting hit, just as you only have a certain area of mobility in the current ground warzones.

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Are you serious?

The only one we could call 3D space in a browser that I know is Battlestar Galactica Online, and it lags like crazy as soon as there are more than 2 players in the same instance.


I occasionally get lag in SWTOR space and it's single player! :eek:



I believe what most people are referring to as "open space" is mostly that we'll be off the rails of the existing space game, able to steer our ship in any direction and fly that way.


As you stated, I highly doubt there will just be a "universe" like EVE where you can just point your ship and head in any direction for 2-3 weeks if you like. But I don't think the game needs that.


Even if it's PVP maps designed around some existing star and planet systems and it's got some PVP elements, I'll enjoy it. And of course if there ARE Space PVP maps, then those will be limited in size so that players can't just fly off into the black to avoid getting hit, just as you only have a certain area of mobility in the current ground warzones.


To me if they aren't going to try and at least match Jump to Lightspeed in everyway (and ideally better it), they probably shouldn't bother putting the resources into space combat in the first place.

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I occasionally get lag in SWTOR space and it's single player! :eek:




To me if they aren't going to try and at least match Jump to Lightspeed in everyway (and ideally better it), they probably shouldn't bother putting the resources into space combat in the first place.


Your opinion is duly noted, but personally, Battlefront II's space game was a lot of fun. I'm not limiting myself to accepting ONLY the duplication of another game. I'd say you're setting yourself up for disappointment yet again.


I'm an old X-Wing fan from way back (in its original difficulty, when you could struggle with missions even having a co-pilot doing all of the keyboard work), but I'm not demanding a duplication of X-Wing or threatening to declare it all crap otherwise.

Edited by Kubernetic
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My opinion (note..OPINION not FACT) is that EA/Bioware will never change the current space game. They will add to it but not change it. Especially now that SWTOR is going so-called "f2p" or more acturately PYG (pay as you go). I do see EA/Bioware adding a lot of things AT FIRST to the game in general. However, after the first six months most items added will be added to the item shop. Space combat revamp does not fit into an item shop enviroment.


Perhaps a major paid expansion but that will be at least a year or more down the road and depend upon how much EA/Bioware can over charge for shop items.

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