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Would you prefer repeatable content (e.g. minigames) or new story next?


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I'm sorry but alot of us want fun activities in game, not more quests. Once they raise the level cap they will continue the class story line...until then we want something to do outside of quests/wzs. There is almost nothing to do in this game outside of quests wz/fps besides running around in a circle on the fleet. This is why I think we should get mini games, it's something to preoccupy our time with.


That isn't what the OP is saying though, he/she is asking whether we'd like repeatable content OR story, not one then the other.

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I can play mini games on my phone, tablet, facebook, or wherever...add in some more real content.


Yeah, pretty much this, Story is what drew me into tha game, and was the best part of the game hands down.


However some minigames would be nice too, but they have to be implemented well, take for example Pazaak, it would be great to be able to play with other players but your Companions too, and to keep a trackrecord of your victories and defeats


No reason we cant have both, now that they game is going F2P they can will be selling any new content.

Edited by ChazDoit
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That isn't what the OP is saying though, he/she is asking whether we'd like repeatable content OR story, not one then the other.


I think I was pretty clear, they are going to continue the story obviously but in the meantime I would like to see activities such as mini games implemented. This game needs something to do outside of quests,wz,fp/ops because as of now there is absolutely nothing to do in your free time except go datacron hunting or level up another alt.

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With the amount of people yelling "Press the space bar" in groups I think it's pretty clear what they need more of.


But not mini games. Actual MMO content that we are used to.


Not pod racing or card games and such

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I want more companion missions like when you romance a companion and get married, if you are a sith or jedi it is difficult to be married and i would want a quest where you have to fight to continue to be married with that person cause the jedi says that commitment is against the law and sith says that it is a weakness and must be removed so yeah=).


Here is some suggestions on how it can proceed:


They kiddnap your love

They try to break you apart from eatchother

Try to kill


and etc etc you know what i mean

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for every classquest made they could make 4 daily quests. Now i like my classquests at least 4 times as much as daily quests, but you can only run classquests 1 time, then it´s over.

I would like some class daily´s instead maybe. and more little things like sitting on chairs (sitting on the floor looks silly) and more drinks in cantinas and bars. Ability to get drunk, armwrestlng with someone in the bar. little things you can do to bug your friends, like give them 3 minidroids spinning over their heads, or that anoying flashlight from kaon.

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Im still wondering if new class stories will be coming with MAKEB, when mmorpg asked James Olhen he dodged the question, probable because he was not allowed to confirm/deny.


So far, EVERY planet has at least a few class quests*, in my opinion it would be bad if they dont add at least a 2 or 3 quests related to our class stories in Makeb


*except Ilum

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Im still wondering if new class stories will be coming with MAKEB, when mmorpg asked James Olhen he dodged the question, probable because he was not allowed to confirm/deny.


So far, EVERY planet has at least a few class quests*, in my opinion it would be bad if they dont add at least a 2 or 3 quests related to our class stories in Makeb


*except Ilum


I doubt it. If this game had been a roaring success, I would expect them to keep the current model. Class quests are expensive and have a bad ROI.


You can thank the haters for this. They have spoken that a story game is not worth subscribing to.

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I doubt it. If this game had been a roaring success, I would expect them to keep the current model. Class quests are expensive and have a bad ROI.


You can thank the haters for this. They have spoken that a story game is not worth subscribing to.


I dont know, many people that left admitted that the 1-49 was very enjoyable and the game suddenly stops cold when you get to 50


Bioware could have kept adding at least 30 mins worth of class quests every patch instead they decided to keep pushing their Raiding content, and they fell flat on their face.


This game should have never focused on the retarded pve gear progression, there are already other games that do it better, and as spiritual successor of KOTOR, the original game had nothing to do with Raiding.

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More story - particularly story content promised since before launch.


Endgame is ALL repeatable content. Heroic missions are all repeatable content. Ops, warzones, space missions - there is no shortage of repeatable content. But once you reach the end of existing story, that's it.


SWTOR is a story-driven game. That's where I think we most need new content.

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147% Do I want more story, especially for my Agent. They (BW) were all about how this game going to be very heavy on story game play and it is...but I have little interest in doing some of the story lines (I've done 3 working on 4th). I would like to see more Agent story because of how awesome it was!


Buuuut I don't see any new class stories coming anytime soon even with the new planet. I can see it being like Illum, more just the planet story line than anything else..I hope I am proven wrong


I love this game and I realllly want something to drag me back into it :jawa_frown: more fresh class stuff would be it for me :tran_grin:

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Nar Shadda should have gambling. It should have seedy resort like things to do. It should be.... well a destination. Minigames would go a long way to expanding play. Bet on swoop races. Participate in swoop races. There are so many options for that planet and minigames.


I endorse this idea! Oh man do I ever endorse this idea!!!

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While Story is a nice part of the game, and thus important, but if BW had to choose between making the game feel like a Tripple A MMO with the required features (open world objectives, monthly events, mini games, more quality of life features to make swtor feel like a real breathing universe to including strange looking aliens, to day/night cycle etc) or using the Hype train of a SW I.P. to keep things limited as they are and feeding people more story in something that does not feel like an MMO experience due to several bad design decisions including segregating the faction questing areas, or using the fleet as a central hub with not much to do in the hub but look at general chat... while doing the limited end game ruining the large galaxy SW feel when in a small fleet... then it should be obvious for several reasons that one should be more prioritized as an MMO first... since there is also 7* other class stories for people to play which is already a ton of other content.


So to new players, more story will just keep them playing for another couple of days. It will make swtor continue to be the same feel which for some reason caused around 1.5 million people to stop playing the game... out of the 2 million.


Yes, the players who have been here a long time will want more story, but there are also other characters... and really this is an MMO. The story while it is important is more about bringing new features with the game as well when releasing more story for swtor specifically to bring new players and older players who stopped playing... since business wise, the appeal of story or alts is not that great as indicated by the drop in subbing numbers since people dont like paying $15 a month for more story... I think story in terms of success for swtor as an MMO is not that important to its customers since a lot of people here dont seem interested in playing alts but only more story which is very limited content in terms for MMO game-play. I will say the people who want more single player story for one more character, and not care about alts, will be just as happy with more end game mini games for thier single character... and the benefit of more features will be of a greater asset than more story... but both story, and content are very important.


So story is important, but BW should not have to choose. They should be able to deliver both.


The problem is that they failed to make a game that was good at retaining its players at launch and attracting more players as well - and thus begins the problem and also is an example that this game needs more than what it has to keep the players.


Also they story is now a 'free' portion of the game. This means that BW needs content that people will want to buy, and that is not just operations, but expansions, and not just story, since it goes back to the initial problem.


So maybe BW needs to take another loan and make the game better since the limited resources they have is not enough to generate the needed output to keep the game going other than making the most costly part of their game free - which shows the bad prioritization in spending their $150 million dollars in the game.


If BW devs believe in their product, then they should hire more people to release story and side content to make the game more into an MMO... and they will have to do this from the earlier planets as well. Thats a lot of work. If they do that, then the game will be much more successful by following the general expectations of MMOs.


Also for those claiming story is the most important since its the BW feature, well... MMOs are an overall package and story is just part of that. This is an MMO, with a need to pay the bills on the devs side. They have servers that cost money, or otherwise this would be a single player game if they focus on story and people not wanting to pay the $15 a month.


So in other words, BW needs to put features in the game to make it worthy of $15 a month... and of course to have story developed at the same time.


Personally, I will say mini games are needed more than story. If people want story play another class.


If they finished all the other class stories... well, they play too much, and they should go do some exercise. Since that means 6 years of development was burned through in less than a year, then how will a couple of months of development compare for a single story? That is why swtor needs more layers - or repeatable content while leveling and end game. Also they can make the side content will leveling such as pazaak or swoop racing something that people want to buy with thier 'free' story.

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Sandbox housing, and sandbox PVP are self propagating content, especially the latter. Let us build bases and fight for control of planets in new instanced zones. Then go back to working on new warzones, and flashpoints.


That would keep content fresh the longest, IMO. There are no detours for people now - finish your Warzones, Flashpoints, Ops, and Dailies, depending on what you like, and then you have nothing left to do but play an alt. Most people don't seem to engage in all 4.

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It would be nice to have content that wasnt completed the first day it came out.


It can be a single use content if it can last a while


It can be repeatable as long as its not always the same.


By that I mean like house decorating, it is repeatable and never the same. Someone who likes decorating can spend ever hour in game doing it and having fun.


Thats what this game needs something that make players want to play it but not so if they dont they are useless.

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Story should be just a one time thing. Do you repeatly read the same chapter over and over in a book?


Repeatable dailies should be less about story missions and more about community type events such as defend the outpost and assualt the stronghold.

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Repeatable story content already. I should be able to repeat the entire story mode on hard mode. This is nothing new. To make it better just allow us to experience the story again, but altered with the rank we earned through our first playthrough.


Random Suggestions

Trooper: Change havoc squad story where you begin as a major, and you are hunting a dangerous military squad, instead of the original story.

J.Knight: Begin as a master instead of padawan, and solve the problems with your experience.


I will probably never see this and have unsubscribed for the second time. I am reading some of the posts and see that players want alot of the same features from that other MMO and less bioware type gameplay. If the game is not unique then it is not going to keep anybody pass the first playthrough, and because this game is not hard, that can be within a month. Without story this game is not special in my opinion.

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