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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Force Leap through cover


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While it may seem silly from a RP point of view ("I'm a Sith/Jedi, I should be able to jump to whoever I want to!"), for balancing purposes it was designed the way it is. If you are allowed to jump to Snipers in cover, then Snipers would need to be given an additional knockback which would actuallly wind up hurting you more in the long run.
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On one hand, force leap is such bs. It allows melee to pretty much teleport to their target, negating a lot of the whole being-melee disadvantage. On the other hand the sniper's cover is such a hard counter to leap, making sniper the only really viable ranged dps class. IMO force leap should be like the sage/shadow's speed but on a 15 sec cooldown, melee have to actually judge the distance and aim where they want to go instead of it being a magical teleport. And being able to close the gap on cover, snipers have plenty of cc and knockbacks. Edited by HaibaneRenmai
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On one hand, force leap is such bs. It allows melee to pretty much teleport to their target, negating a lot of the whole being-melee disadvantage. On the other hand the sniper's cover is such a hard counter to leap, making sniper the only really viable ranged dps class. IMO force leap should be like the sage/shadow's speed but on a 15 sec cooldown, melee have to actually judge the distance and aim where they want to go instead of it being a magical teleport. And being able to close the gap on cover, snipers have plenty of cc and knockbacks.


It would cripple the warrior class. People in the 3rd dimension would wreck faces. As it is, people who have force speed either have means to attack the 3rd dimension (sorcerer) or they have the means to pull them closer (assassin). If you give a pull on a rather long CD, I would be fine with force speed replacing jump.


EDIT: Why the F did I use the term 3rd dimension? I mean people up/down in such way you can't go to them. Like the catwalks on huttball.

Edited by Ghostuka
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Yes, let's remove leap and make this game for ranged DPS only... you can't do that much damage while they walk from 30m to 4m...


Might as well take sin, shadow, op, and scoundrel stealth away too, it does the same thing. It's called a gap closer people and is essential to melee classes. Snipers have the advantage of not being leaped to because turrets can't kite. After they leap at you, feel free to use KB, slow, root, etc to kite the hell out of them. Now, what happens after the initial leap is them ripping your face off without you doing any damage, but that's another story...

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Yes, let's remove leap and make this game for ranged DPS only... you can't do that much damage while they walk from 30m to 4m...


Might as well take sin, shadow, op, and scoundrel stealth away too, it does the same thing. It's called a gap closer people and is essential to melee classes. Snipers have the advantage of not being leaped to because turrets can't kite. After they leap at you, feel free to use KB, slow, root, etc to kite the hell out of them. Now, what happens after the initial leap is them ripping your face off without you doing any damage, but that's another story...


If I could use Stealth every 12 seconds it would be a gap closer.

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Bw should also consider removing stealth from the game. It's unfair that i can't leap stealth classes while they are in stealth with my Jugg and Mara :(


ohhh, pooor you ! - you play one of the most OP classes in the game, and have way more on hand than any other class, and your upset you cant leap on people in stealth. Here's a clue its called "stealth" for a reason ! :rolleyes:


Just saying !! :p

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What is up with the not being able to use force leap through cover? it's really stupid. I can't leap through it at extremely high speeds but I can walk through it at 3 mph? what the heck? It screws up my entire fighting style.


As someone that's played both a smuggler and a Jedi Guardian I can say this, it's fine the way it is. It used to frustrate me at times too when I PvPed with my Jedi Guard, but after having some time as a Gunslinger it's easy to see why. Your main skills all come from cover, and you can be knocked out of that rather easily. Knockbacks, stuns, Gunslinger smoke and a number of other things, including Force Push/Choke can take you right out, so the bone the classes get there is not having to add Force Leap to that list.


Once a smuggler/agent is out of cover, their effectiveness in many cases will take a hefty hit.


Balance will never be perfect and will constantly change, but there are some things that you just have to learn to deal with with the skills you have at hand.

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and remove gear


everyone should brawl using legacy brawl options


A guild mate actually went into a 50 WZ naked and using those only. It was hilarious! Managed to put up a whopping 35k or so in damage. :eek:


Not exactly effective... but pretty damn funny.

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Stealing NoTommorows signature here cause it pretty much sums this up


Quote: Originally Posted by Fdzzaigl

So you can't deal with something unless you can charge right in its face, sums up what most of the irritating hordes of Marauders and Juggs are about in Warzones..

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Can't Leap to someone in cover!?!!?!?!


I think i know the solution - buff sith marauder.


By the way, what is up with undying rage? I think it's broken. I only have 5 seconds of near invincibility, and i can be cced.


It should've been something like 30 second of 99% damage reduction and immunity to CC.


Fix pls. :rak_01:

Edited by hyuplee
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Bw should also consider removing stealth from the game. It's unfair that i can't leap stealth classes while they are in stealth with my Jugg and Mara :(


Funny, because I've had Marauders leap to me while in Stealth on several occasions from quite a distance..

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