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Discussion concerning DoTs vs Cleanse


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It's already bad enough that they can cleanse DOTs in the first place without buffing the cleanse. In reality, most healers aren't good enough to actually use their cleanse, but as it is most DOT specs could be essentially shut down if healers actually knew what they were doing. The good ones already do.


Now, that's not to say cleansing is perfect. When you cleanse, you are sacrificing a GCD and, if you went around trying to cleanse everyone in a warzone you'd be doing more harm than good by lowering your healing output significantly. However, a team of healers coordinating should have an OK time with specs which rely heavily on DOTs.


There's no need for a buff.

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I don't mind the cooldown on cleanse or even not being able to cleanse every type. What really bothers me in this game is the poor debuff design for pvp.


Many of the same icons are used for different debuffs, making it very difficult to see what is cleansable and what isn't. Example, the sleep (mental debuff) from concussion round is the same icon as flash grenade (tech debuff). You can still manage if you're aware and see a gunslinger around for example, however in the cluster **** that is warzones, you can't always tell what debuff is what.


My second biggest issue with cleanse is that you can't see debuffs effectively off the ops frames, because the 4 slots given to ops frames debuffs in pvp are taken up by trauma, bolster and 2 for medals. Now if there's a sage/sorcerer around there's going to be another one from their shields. The only way you can cleanse say an awe is by paying attention to whats going on and noticing the animation.


Not to say cleanse is horrible at all in this game. On average I use cleanse probably 1 out of every 7 globals on my sage, depending on what i'm facing.


You can't really take the cooldown off of cleanse, because eventually they are going to fix the ops frames and cleanse will become a lot easier to use. Not only against marauder/sentinel bleeds etc, but think how easy a good cleanser can keep a melee on a target if there wasn't a cooldown on it. There are no blanket silences or school lockouts in this game to prevent cleanses. No CC would stick against a good sage/scoundrel healing combo and you would have to have debuff protection which leads to more rng = bad design. :rolleyes:


on topic: powertech problems are not in their dots/proc its the uncounterable damage that they can do from range with no casting.

Edited by madtycoon
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Im not asking for a buff of cleanse, or a cool down change on cleanse. I just think that it needs to remove *all* harmful effects like it stats. Not just ones related you your ac. ie: Sage cleanse should cleanse tech harmful effects aswell as force harmful effects.
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It's already bad enough that they can cleanse DOTs in the first place without buffing the cleanse. In reality, most healers aren't good enough to actually use their cleanse, but as it is most DOT specs could be essentially shut down if healers actually knew what they were doing. The good ones already do.


Now, that's not to say cleansing is perfect. When you cleanse, you are sacrificing a GCD and, if you went around trying to cleanse everyone in a warzone you'd be doing more harm than good by lowering your healing output significantly. However, a team of healers coordinating should have an OK time with specs which rely heavily on DOTs.


There's no need for a buff.


I disagree. Chain cleansing to control a PT or Lethality's DoTs would be less helpful than just chain healing becauss of the ease of reapplication and is less popular because you get zero credit on the scoreboard for a cleanse.


I've played Dirty Fighting and don't particularly like it, and it'd certainly be hit more significantly by a buff to Cleanse, but Vital Shot is spammable and could have its energy cost lowered to compensate for more Cleansing going on.

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