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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If there was one thing you could remove from SWTOR....


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No, people who want expertise removed are actually asking for the gear gap to be removed. They just don't know it. But they do have a point.


That is exactly what I want. If you join a WZ, no matter what kind of epic gear you have, every player would have identical stats. In games like these only a skill would matter. Players could still be rewarded with cosmetic stuff, titles etc.


What I also hate is how the gear progression works in most MMO's like in WoW. In every new expansion your epic gear is now inferior compared to the new green/blue ones, making all the previous gear worthless. What is even worse is the ridiculous HP/DMG numbers you get at max lvl in every expansion and this thing just goes on and on.. same stuff all over again. Let's try something new please?


Sorry for my bad English.

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Sorry, but Lucas has said no black lightsabers.


In addition, black or black-core lightsabers are non-logical.


Quote myself for reference :

1. Black core color cristals - How can something made of light or plasma or whatever, but something emitting light can be black ? I always assumed the core of a lightsaber's blade or a balster's shot was white only because the core is so bright that you can't say the color of it anymore and see it bright white.
Edited by Altheran
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The one thing I would get rid of is the needless complexity of the skills/abilities. E.g., as a conceal agent, if why do I need hidden strike, backstab and shiv? Just give me a shiv that gets a bonus if attacking from stealth or from behind. I want to enjoy my character fighting the enemies in the game world, not focusing on watching all my hotkeys and timers.




I would actually like to watch my character fight. I didn't realize how cool some of my abilities actually looked untill ...


wait for it ...


.... I watched SOMEONE ELSE with the same class/spec fight. It was pretty awsome. I just wish I could see this when *I* am playing instead of watching my dang cooldowns.


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Yes there does, or PvP players will have to do EC HM to get the gear they need for warzones, which is stupid. I don't get why so many people hate on expertise. You are just trading other stats for more damage and mitigation; it's basically a wash. There needs to be a pvp stat. What you should be advocating is a smaller gap in the gear sets.


What does this have to do with Explosive Conflict? Make the higher tier PvP gear on par with that and then everything is fine. Make prices comparable with the time it takes to get the stuff in the high end Operations. I don't understand why it makes a difference.


I still don't think there needs to be a PvP stat.

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You'd probably be surprised at how few people born after 2005 are playing this game.


Why would anyone be surprised by how few in this group are playing as they are 7 years old now? I think many in that age group are more concerned with Thomas the Tank Engine more than Star Wars. :D

Edited by Urael
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A new one:


The community, this community is worse than WoW. i have never seen a larger bunch of selfish, pathetic, whiney, *****y self-entitled vermin in my life.


False. All gaming forums end up being the same. This one is no worse than any other.

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Hands down... the cost to remove modifications from gear. If I want to test a different set up and need to change the modifications from all of my gear it can cost well over 500k credits. Seriously?!?!?!? 500k credits to change modifications that I already own? What am I doing... just throwing money onto the ground when I swap out modifications?
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What does this have to do with Explosive Conflict? Make the higher tier PvP gear on par with that and then everything is fine. Make prices comparable with the time it takes to get the stuff in the high end Operations. I don't understand why it makes a difference.


I still don't think there needs to be a PvP stat.

Sometimes I get the feeling that PvPers and PvEers wish they had seperate games, blame each other group for everything wrong with their part of the game. If you could get the same gear either PvP or PvE then it would have to take the exact same effort either way, but even if it did, each group would complain the other group was getting it too easy. Also, they don't think someone who has PvPed to top gear should get to skip PvE grind and the other way around.


I don't know how true that is, but the impression of it is more important to the devs. Expertise is probably fine as a mechanic that distinguishes PvP gear from PvE gear, but it shouldn't distinguish PvP gear from PvP gear. That is, as long as you are wearing full PvP gear, you get the full expertise bonus and the experise bonus from a tier 1 PvP piece is the same as the expertise bonus from a tier 3 PvP piece..

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