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Took a 6,002 smash hit from Jugg


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Just finished a pvp match. I was hit with a smash from a jugg for 6,002 damage, my total hp is 14239. How can anyone not be upset from a hit like that? Yes I'm in recruit gear, this is going to be a brutal climb to get better gear....sigh. :(


I was hit again by the same person for 5,8XX, dont remember the exact amount, later in the same match.


It's not necessarily the gear. Both of my mains have 1300 Expertise and still get nailed with 5K+ Smashes/Force Sweeps each night.


Don't get upset. Just learn from the experience. Those Jugg Smashes can wreck not just one player in a match but several at the same time. If you haven't noticed already, Juggs tend to bait people into what I call a Smash ball. It's amazing that peeps fall for it, but it seems to always work. The Jugg goes in and starts attacking a Healer or other significant target, teammates instantly flock to the player's aid to help, Jugg hits Smash and everyone gets lit up.


The best is when multiple Juggs or Guards do this at the same time. Works especially well defending or against ball carriers in Huttball. This isn't only a Jugg thing by the way, a Guardian's Force Sweep is equally as rough.


Lesson to be learned...avoid the Smash ball. When you see multiple Juggs/Guards congregating together, try to peel them away, break them up with a knockback, or attack a different target on the fringe of the fight. I believe the range on the skill is 5m so space is your ally.


In 1v1s, use that space. Don't go toe to toe without a defensive cooldown that can help mitigate the damage.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Just finished a pvp match. I was hit with a smash from a jugg for 6,002 damage, my total hp is 14239. How can anyone not be upset from a hit like that? Yes I'm in recruit gear, this is going to be a brutal climb to get better gear....sigh. :(


I was hit again by the same person for 5,8XX, dont remember the exact amount, later in the same match.


I've seen Bomberette, Ohh, and a couple imp juggs smash for 8k's post 1.3 On PO5


Welcome to 50 pvp, where everyone his like a monster truck.

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on my shadow tank i got hit with a 5200 smash, raged for a bit, then a few mins later i hit a guy for 4400 and thought im pretty much doing the same thing im complaining about so now i dont rage, just suck it up.
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on my shadow tank i got hit with a 5200 smash, raged for a bit, then a few mins later i hit a guy for 4400 and thought im pretty much doing the same thing im complaining about so now i dont rage, just suck it up.


thx for the signature quote, great line

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Since smash is the most predictable move in the game (always after force choke or force crush) I feel no remorse for you. Judging by your avatar you are either a guardian, sentinel, or shadow. If guardian save force push for right after his choke or crush. If sentinel pop a WZ adrenal and cloak of pain. If a shadow pop force shroud. Furthermore at 14k HP I'm fairly confident smashes arn't the only thing hitting you like a truck. I could easily aimed shot someone at 14k for 5.5-6k on my MH and 1k-1.5k on my OH, followed by a 3-4k trick shot.
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Since most of the ppl in here haven't the slightest clue on what knights and warriors are capable of:


That's for all the ppl that say "walk away" or "kite". I know you all like to think that you are the ultimate player that always has his cooldowns available and can react within 0.0001 seconds anytime someone uses an ability whether it targets you or not...but we all know that's not the case.


As someone said already, it is pretty dumb that the strongest aoe in the game is the hardest hitting single target ability. The "just avoid it" excuse is played out. Hated when ppl in wow said it was your fault that the arcane mage was hitting you for 100k+. Nothing else could possibly prevent you from defending yourself against said mage. In 1v1 situations, I agree that it is your fault if you can't predict and counter most ppl's moves. But this game isn't about 1v1s.

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Stopped reading at "your" instead of "you're". If you're going to berate someone you could at least sound intelligent.


So spelling your you're* means your intelligent? cool story bro. Honestly what is sounding intelligent on a pointless qq thread about the Rage spec (when at this moment a Pyro PT in BM is 3 hitting a WH) gonna prove? Am i the only one who is happy when a Sentinel or Guardian is in the Focus spec?

Edited by PowerReaper
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Keep at it OP, it does get better over time and at LEAST three of the SWTOR PvPers are decent people.


People play to enjoy themselves, I understand that. Please remember you are not smashing NPC resource nodes and that you REQUIRE opponents to queue or YOU do not get a warzone at all.


(The top 20 servers list stats should show you why you should care, if you asked yourself.)


Good luck, enjoy the game

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That rotation has to be one of the most easiest to counter, if you couldn't get out the way (takes long enough to set up the Smash) then wow.


Agree completely.

Even if you can't walk out of it, pop ur CD and see the smash damage reduced to 4k or even 3k - ridiculously small damage considering my force scream could tick well over 5k as a carnage mara. Even with CD up in some cases. (horray for gore)


People should actually play the class before they come here to whine.

Edited by hyuplee
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This is balanced in PvE, to get aggro, but PvP... I mean this isn't complaining, smash and force sweep are on fast CD's so this should take a Dev to the knee increasing the Rage of Focus cost around another 3-6? I don't like one-hit KO's like Vanguards and Powertechs. They both have health and DPS... DPS that tanks... everything should be tree dependent. :/
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At op i understand its frustrateing to take a hit like that but it does get better whith gear as well as understanding when the smash will prolly hit.



for all you one trick pony clowns out there pat is absoulutly right. you can't know when the smash will drop and i think you are grossly underestimating how long it takes for our stacks to drop off after we build them, it takes a long time. For the 10% bounus damage after charge we have i belive 7seconds, but the stacks take a long time to fall off. a good jugg will not smash right after charge unless he knows it will land ie: just saw you blow your knock back. and lets also not forget how hard scream and ravage hit as well.


I find it funny how you guys talk like rage juggs are so easy to defeat. any of you on fatman are either out right lieing or have never run into me in a wz because i have never seen any player so eaisily nutralize me. there are alot of very bad rage juggs out there and they are not much of a threat, but the good ones are very hard to deal with.



P.S. whats up PAT!

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Just finished a pvp match. I was hit with a smash from a jugg for 6,002 damage, my total hp is 14239. How can anyone not be upset from a hit like that? Yes I'm in recruit gear, this is going to be a brutal climb to get better gear....sigh. :(


I was hit again by the same person for 5,8XX, dont remember the exact amount, later in the same match.


Sucks even more, for me, when I'm guarding you and you just stand there and take it to the face. :D

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My point about the set up required seems to have been lost.


It requires 3 GCDs to use a big smash. That means that you didn't get hit for 6k, you got hit for 2k three times.

When put into the correct perspective, Smash doesn't really seem so bad. It just looks really bad because you don't see the 4.5 second "cast time" required to pull it off.

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I don't care how many ppl try and defend rage and their smash, it is imbalanced. Balance isn't around 1v1's...therefore it is very common for someone else's CC to prevent you from defending yourself. Know what else? A jugg/mara can set their combo up on someone else and run by you, while smashing for those numbers. Good luck paying attention to that when you're a healer looking at life bars and aren't the one being attacked.
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I don't have a screenshot of this, on behalf of it not saving to directory half the time, but some guy hit me for a good 6.4K the other day. I had 1250 expertise at the time. So while 6.002K might seem much on 14K HP I'd say that it's worse with 6.4K on someone in close to full WH. It just proves what I've been saying from day one; sorc/sage does not scale with expertise.

Since it's obvious that there are no benefits with stacking expertise as a sage/sorc I've now swapped expertise mods for BH mods instead. It simply doesnt matter if I have 1000 exp or 1300 exp.


That said, if you plan on rolling a class and don't want to worry about the gear grind, roll sage/sorc. It's the same in 1300 experetise and lvl 49 gear.


Related, I'm taking 5K hits back to back in every game and pyro dots close to 2K. Sage/sorc has a dot tree, a tree dedicated to dots, where some dots tick for 300. Explain to me how other classes can have dots ticking for 6 times as much? There's no logic being those decisions.

Edited by MidichIorian
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My point about the set up required seems to have been lost.


It requires 3 GCDs to use a big smash. That means that you didn't get hit for 6k, you got hit for 2k three times.

When put into the correct perspective, Smash doesn't really seem so bad. It just looks really bad because you don't see the 4.5 second "cast time" required to pull it off.


It also requires 3 GCD to set up (notice I wrote set up, not use) a big Cull for a Sniper or Operative but...

1. it doesn't do as much damage, (or can match up the damage but on the full 3s duration in Sniper's case),

2. it is dodge/deflect-able, partially shieldable

3. it is much more predictable because the requirements are on the target not on the user, and some moves used are fancy (for exemple corrosive Grenade is easily noticable, and Weakning blast is not bad though).

4. If the target dies prematurely, you have to re-do the full preparation. (Singularity stacks remain on you if the target dies...)


No need to say that it is only on one target, and that if the DoT are cleansed (this is still possible even with the talent which let a weaker DoT in case of cleanse) that the damage go down, down...

Know what else? A jugg/mara can set their combo up on someone else and run by you, while smashing for those numbers. Good luck paying attention to that when you're a healer looking at life bars and aren't the one being attacked.

This. And true even if you're not a healer. Sometimes they don't even have to attack someone before when they use the +6 Focus/Rage, or Zen. Good luck to defend/predict against someone who didn't attack at all and then jump at you, rooting you and... SMASH !!! - in da face

Edited by Altheran
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At op i understand its frustrateing to take a hit like that but it does get better whith gear as well as understanding when the smash will prolly hit.



for all you one trick pony clowns out there pat is absoulutly right. you can't know when the smash will drop and i think you are grossly underestimating how long it takes for our stacks to drop off after we build them, it takes a long time. For the 10% bounus damage after charge we have i belive 7seconds, but the stacks take a long time to fall off. a good jugg will not smash right after charge unless he knows it will land ie: just saw you blow your knock back. and lets also not forget how hard scream and ravage hit as well.


I find it funny how you guys talk like rage juggs are so easy to defeat. any of you on fatman are either out right lieing or have never run into me in a wz because i have never seen any player so eaisily nutralize me. there are alot of very bad rage juggs out there and they are not much of a threat, but the good ones are very hard to deal with.



P.S. whats up PAT!


Hey Az good to see you again. I see you are having a good time reading what those forums clowns are writing about Smash prediction. It's funny how they are able to write full threads about it, but in game when do we ever see it applied?


Just to lay numbers out there:


Smash is on a 12 sec Cooldown. I'm positive it is on a shorter cooldown than all your defensive and knockback cooldowns. So your defensive cooldown is actually your 1 trick pony vs my 12 secs Smash.


Shockwave stays for 15-20 secs. There is no way you can keep me away for that long.


And on top of all, knockbacks are easier to predict than Smash itself.


Bottom line, Rage juggs are in a good spot. Since so many people on forums are defending the idea that Vengeance is better in PVP and that smash is easily neutralized, there is no need to nerf my spec :). Yet in game, 3 globalling people never gets old. I'm positive these guys don't predict much lol.

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