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(keep it civil) What let you down most about TOR?


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wow, you pretty much read my mind. I would also like to add to the list how linear the planets feel and how unlike other games where the zones are all connected into one giant world this game has all the zones it's own planet which makes the game feel very small. Also space combat on rails was a let down, I want to see some free roam space battles.


The biggest thing for me, apart from all that mentioned by others above, I think has to be the blatant lie that was the guarantee of content rolling out every month after 1.2. That was just a barefaced marketing deceit that was designed to keep people subscribing with absolutely no truth behind it. James Ohlen must have known what he was saying was not the truth and that for me was just appalling behaviour - plus a total lack of respect for the playerbase.

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The biggest thing for me, apart from all that mentioned by others above, I think has to be the blatant lie that was the guarantee of content rolling out every month after 1.2. That was just a barefaced marketing deceit that was designed to keep people subscribing with absolutely no truth behind it. James Ohlen must have known what he was saying was not the truth and that for me was just appalling behaviour - plus a total lack of respect for the playerbase.


To add to what you said why do you think they have been giving us so many goodies? Since launch on several occasions they have awarded subscribers with pets and titles and a free month with only one thing in return....they make you keep your subscription active in order to qualify for them so they basically bait people into subbing again so they don't miss out, just like how recently the new reward for staying subbed is that you will get all those cartel points once game goes f2p.

Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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To add to what you said why do you think they have been giving us so many goodies? Since launch on several occasions they have awarded subscribers with pets and titles and a free month with only one thing in return....they make you keep your subscription active in order to qualify for them so they basically bait people into subbing again so they don't miss out, just like how recently the new reward for staying subbed is that you will get all those cartel points once game goes f2p.


I don't have a problem with subscription renewal ploys such as the ones mentioned above, that's just standard marketing that all MMOs I'm sure employ. What I do have a problem with is when I am lied to by someone on the pretext of promising something so I will opt for a 6 month subscription on the basis that I will see all this content roll out "month after month". That is really bad and for that very reason I cancelled my recurring sub.

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The thing that bugged me the most about TOR. Everyone left.

Personally, I think its a great game. It has great potential. Yes there is room to improve and expand but That is not a bad thing. I am not a raider. Nor am I interested in battleground pvp. In fact i'm not that fond of pvp at all. I do have fond memories of defending towns and Hotspots in Games like Wow and SWG. But for the most part i avoid the red zones. for me MMORPG's are themed playgrounds. places to hang out and have fun. Socialize and do things with friends. whether its out saving the world doing missions or just sitting at a lake fishing. it doesn't really matter to me as long as there are cool people to do it with. I enjoy helping people with things they like to do and so I do keep my gear as up to date as i can. So i am useful. but other then that, gear grinds don't interest me ether.


social! Reasons to social. (like the old wound system of SWG.) Places to social. Not just Fleet.

But that sort of thing is as much the player base's fault as anyone's. So I would not blame the game for that. Not completely at least.


I suppose If I had to come up with one thing that does not feel right about the game, The worlds do not feel like worlds so much as Themed Rat mazes. Not game breaking mind you but its an erk.


Now. I have many friends that have stopped playing as well. Each for there own reasons.

One cant afford a computer powerful enough to run the game yet and cant borrow mine all the time.

Another Left to go on a 3 month Hiking trip.

Another found the interface to difficult to navigate. (mouse sensitivity issues) And the bosses to hard. But to be fare, he is a stroke victim and his interface skills are impaired. not the games fault.

Another had to give the game a break to take care of his new born daughter. rock on good dad skills!

The list goes on. Only one actually left because he did not like the game. and to be fare, it was not the game so much as the combat was boring for him. So he went back to playing his console fighter games.



Still, my number one issue is that most of my friends left to do other things. And when EA enacted the server transfer options that lead to my server turning into a ghost town, THAT took the wind right out of my sails.

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1) Free to Play. This killed any and all desire I had to log in. I'm trying to liquidate my stockpiles of crafting supplies before my account expires in a few days and I have a tough time logging in for the 15 minutes a day I need to do this.


2) Continuous broken promises. Every time they promise to deliver more content more quickly, they don't. Then they make the same promise for good measure. The boy who cried, "Wolf!"

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1. Complete lack of immersion, No Day Night, Rigid planets, No social side, No social classes.


2. Space.....No excuse, as far as development goes its the easiest gaming system to make, Black, a few stars and some things to kill, its a planet with no terrain, sky, plants, trees, NPC's, and to then put it on rails....Just wrong.


3. Poor End Game Gear implementation, Tionesse is completely bypassed and worthless, should be moved to the daily vendors, End game gear has the wrong stats in for all tanks (Accuracy with Defense, seriously). And general poor looking costumes.


4. Complete, and total lack of Guild content, Soloists are rewarded for playing solo, Guilds in an MMO get nothing, we have a chat channel and a bank (recently). other than that if I put my guild mates on a friend list and made a channel myself, I still have a guild........Guilds are pointless and completely over looked.


5. No solo content, Im a raider, i love OPS, I love doing things in Groups, BUT, Lockouts and RL get in the way of these things, where are the epic solo bosses, where are the Epic companion instances, Dailies are completely pointless after 3-4 weeks of hitting 50 as progression puts you past anything worthwhile on those vendors.


6. PVP.....Need i say anything here...........What a waste of time, just another grind, No Real war, no open world PVP, no open world bases to defend, no open world battle scenarios. Complete exclusion of players because of the Expertise system. I would really love to know who dreamed that idea up, SWG's PVP was great for the 4 years i played it, GCW system gave you a sense of your side is winning/losing and ANYBODY could do it, Yes if you were level 75 you would get owned by a 90 90% of the time.....But why exclude people with a PVP stat....Pointless.


7. Character customization, 4 body types and a handful of faces / hairstyles etc etc....Seriously this is a AAA MMO in the 21st century, games 5+ years old have better options than this...


8. Crafting....What can i say, Crafting is the worst i have seen in any MMO, Complete lack of progression unless raiding, no viable Items to craft, only for low levels unless looting schematics, materials from Raids or being lucky enough to RE Items that should be available on DIFFICULT Solo crafting quests.


9. Companions, Great to help level, but completely unnecessary, Development time wasted on something you use that could have been scaled to not need them at all....Waste of time at End Game as they can not perform in Ops or on World bosses, Are only useful for soloing Dailies and lower Heroics, that are a waste of time with regard to progression, as a player at that level will have exceeded the content they are soloing. Everything they are useful for is a mute point, If they had not been introduced, content would be in game for a single player to do without a companion....Great idea, great thing to have....... Completely wasted.


10. Saying you will listen to your players, to then not listen at all, this happened in Beta, Early launch, and still to this day.


11. Credit syncs, Worst Ive seen in ANY MMO....And legacy levels are completely pointless. For that matter the legacy system is completely pointless. Nothing was added that the players asked for, and everything that was was given a 1million + price tag.........You say you have detailed game data.........Try reading it...!!!

Edited by Nippon
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What I don't like is


1. That you cant filter warzones


I don't know if they fixed it but that really bothers me


2. The second thing is more a personal.


noone whats to quest together. At least when I was playing.

The co-op in this game is the best I ever seen. Noone seems to take advantage of it. It is fun solo but it more fun with someone else.

Edited by PoisonedTea
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Ok where do I start …… I think main points are


• Game was rushed into release without key features implemented and general game bugs corrected.

• A game engine not capable of running an MMO, to its full potential.

• Poor communication from the developer on all aspects, server transfers, timeline of content release without unrealistic targets. Does anyone believe new content every six weeks once we go F2P……I sure don’t?

• Not enough for the player base to do at end game.

• Load times for planets and general optimisation for different computer systems.


Below is just one part of the game, believe me I could have written a book on all aspects of the game and ways they could have improved.


The Levelling Experience


First time round I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the levelling experience. However the replay value in this is not as high as other games, with only the class stories holding any appeal for alternative character levelling.


• To much emphasis placed on voicing all quests, planet story line and class story would have been sufficient for the wow factor. By voicing all quests in the game…. this has impacted both the cost and time factor involved for producing any content and future content in the game.

• The majority of the planets are far too linear and you are driven down set paths….be this through the quests themselves or the false walls put up in the game to separate zones….the prime example of this is Taris. The only planets that managed to have any open world feel to them were Alderaan, Hoth and Tattoine.

• Planets lacked any soul to them and felt too lifeless, no day and night cycles, no weather effects of any note. Plus the NPC’s that littered the game felt like they had been put there and were not there for any reason. I think the best way to look at this as an example, is a holo cantina band in every rest zone…..A small touch like a live band playing would have added character, and been a RP players dream come true…even if they did play the same five songs.

• No multiple path levelling…this could have affected how your class stories panned out in the long run. And made the replay valve of characters more appealing.

• No open world interaction with the opposite faction, too many barriers were put in place to purposely keep the factions apart…..you don’t even feel like your at war or on the brink of war at all.

• To pass up the use of Tauntaun mounts on Hoth is just criminal…..our speeders are having trouble adapting to the cold…… I mean come on.

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1) Self absorbed community

2) People making hypocritical comparisons to WoW, bashing it for being both too much like it and not enough like it

3) Anyone using the term "sandbox" without understanding what it means

4) The fact that people love to hammer spacebars even when you point out you haven't done a particular FP before and get upset that you won't spacebar through it even though you said at the start of the run "no spacebarring"

5) That my interrogation droid can't actually zap other people.

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This isn't a "LOL I HATE TOR" Thread, just a general area for people to say what annoyed them or what was disapointing in TOR to them, not a hate thread. We're all disapointed in one way or another about any game, none are perfect. For the record i still play TOR and am enjoying every bit of it, and frankly i don't see why people constantly moan about how crap it is.


The Dev team. Lotta hype very little substance.

The marketing team: I must assume that they are the real reason for the silence around here.

The Legacy system. Here's a system that rewards you for alting. You can only use your legacy goodies in a two minute window once every 20 minutes. What?

Character creation. Too limited. Until you hit 50 on a species, then you unlock more options on that species.

Unable to alter appearance after creation.

Baby got back robes

Not enough character slots

Public test server & related forum. What a joke. Pages and pages of feedback ignored, then wiped clean.

Ugly endgame gear

Social points being character specific


There's more, but you said the most, so there's my top 10

Edited by G_Vega
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The only thing I'm really disappointed about is the lack of endgame. If you're not into raiding or PvP, once you hit level 50 the game has nothing meaningful to offer. Sure, there are dailies but I hate grinding. So basically, the only thing I can do (and have fun doing it) is to reroll an alt. Which is what i did. But I don't know if that will keep me interested forever.
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5. Lack of housing. Yes I am comparing this mostly to SWG but its a good comparison since it is another SW game. We could completely outfit our houses there with all kinds of crap and it was a great time sink when you were bored of grinding and pvp. There were classes devoted to just providing resources for people's houses. Here the best we get is a few star ship upgrades, but nothing really to make my ride pimp and what's worse is nobody will ever see it if I did. How is it that a smuggler cannot have a first class rig, I mean the Fatman is named after a ship! What about the Wilde Karrde?


This is true


The mention that have your ship and you be able to customize it but I never found any

other then the space mini game stuff.


They is no housing stuff for your ship.


You cant think it the same as a sandbox game but they didn't do anything

Edited by PoisonedTea
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I really enjoy this game and I am not quitting any time soon...


But here are my biggest gripes:


1. Bugged content. We had to cancel a guild op last night because its taking 2 days to fix a major issue in Denova. This isn't the first time this has happened. You would think 24 hours would be the most on a major issue like this.


2. Not enough games and competitive scoring. It would be nice to have games on the fleet. It would be nice to see global scoring in the space game so we can see how we compare to other people. Why can't we have a scoring leader board?


3. Need one more major thing to do. End game content and PvP is fun and well worth the time but we need one more thing to do. I don't know what it would be but something that we can sink our time into would be nice.

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1. Space- On rails and no PVP

2. Lack of a combat channel. I want to see who hit me and for how much and how fast while they are hitting me.

3. Legacy perk costs. I didn't expect much from this, but I didn't expect it to cost so much.

4. Lack of a reason to open world PVP. At least give valor and make valor worth something. ex Valor perk65- reduced cost of extracting War Hero mods from gear by 5k.

5. the carrot on the end of the stick is Gear. nothing more.

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All I heard was they had "one of the best and most dedicated PvP development teams in the business". PvP has been lackluster. With the whole Ilum fail. You never really see a mod post in the pvp forum anymore and there are bugs happening in warzones that have been around since launch.


Do not get me wrong I can still enjoy PvP and I understand that they said that this is a PvE game but throw us a bone.

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A lack of phasing, GW or WoW style--when I blow up an AA gun, it should disappear entirely from the landscape. It's 2012.


Lack of use of the Star Wars universe and the sci-fi setting. When do I get to fight in space (in a space suit) on the skin of a star destroyer in hyperspace? How about a fight inside an asteroid falling into a neutron star? How about a low gravity world, or one with twice the gravity, or one with a killer sunlight like Haestrom?

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1. The game design did not encourage social interaction. Watching cut scenes together is hardly interaction. I think there needed to be more incentives for grouping, and a guild perk system. The class story is such a strong part of this game, and grouping plays no part in it.


2. Everything on rails. The zone layouts, the space combat, the quest progression. I was expecting more open world a choices when leveling, but you really have to follow the path they set out for you.


That said, the game still has tremendous potential.

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4) Lack of anything sandboxy, RPy or just generally "fun" (no sitting in chairs, no fishing, no LOTRO music system, nothing from SWG at all entertainers etc.).


In all sincerity, could someone explain the fascination with "fishing" in a Star Wars game? I'm not flaming anyone here, I'm just curious. I don't get it.


Also, what music system did LOTRO use that you are missing? I haven't played that.

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1) Linear Gear Progression.


This is their single biggest failure in my opinion for two primary reasons. Firstly, its is boring as hell. I know that if I get rakata gear, it'll be better than columi etc. I know that my gear choices as a shadow will be virtually identical to another shadow. There is no variation, there is simply "the best" and that it. Secondly, linear gear progression invalidates old content too quickly. Flashpoints in this game are great! Great story, fun bosses, shortish duration, some minor challenges. But, once you hit 50 you can skip ALL flashpoints and just do EV/KP normal mode and gear up twice as quick. Linear gear progression is stupid.


2) Lack of structured Open World PvP.


I'm not a great pvper, but pve gets boring so I require other activities to do, both solo and in groups. Warzones are simply too repetitive and too reliant on group balance. Open World PvP should have been both rewarding (valor, territory control, gear, pride, whatever) but doable either solo, small group or raid. Currently, I log in and have a choice to raid (But only EC HM worth doing), do flashpoints (purely for BH comms), level alts (I dont like alts) or warzones (after 73 valor levels grinding warzones, im bored...). I find myself logging off early almost all the time and have recently started looking for other games.



These two things are the primary things that have let me down in TOR and have resulted in me playing much less than I normally would. These two things affect me on a daily basis because I basically have very little content to do that I still find enjoyable. I will almost certainly be moving on if the next patch doesn't deliver.



3. Linear Worlds


I'm not an explorer by nature, but I like being an accidental explorer. When lotro first released, all you had to complete a quest was the quest text. Usually it was obvious where to go, but often you'd get lost or didn't understand the clues so you'd end up wandering around a lot searching for mobs / items for your quest. This turned everyone in to accidental explorers - you'd stumble across a building, cave, mob etc that you wouldn't normally see. TOR is just too penned in, too linear and combined with the directional tool for locating quest objectives, you never get lost.


4. Instanced Feeling to the World


Apart from on fleet, you basically never see anyone. Despite it being so linear, everywhere seems dead and you don't bump in to people. Fleet itself just feels like a 3D lobby that gives you access to vendors, planets and instances. They need to spread stuff out more: GTN's on most planets. Open World PvP zones with goals on every planet. Better social tools to encourage interaction. Basically, get people off fleet and out on to the planets so they can interact with other people!


5. Lack of focus on social interactions


This game is NOT designed to promote communities. As there is no point doing 16man raids, most / all guilds just do 8man raids or 4man flashpoints. Due to small group size, guilds are a lot smaller. There is less need to pug. Group content can be entirely skipped whilst leveling. There are no natural hangout zones for people. Lack of sparring on fleet removes a valuable social bonding tool. No chat bubbles, limited emotes etc reduce roleplaying abilities. Basically, as soon as you are in a guild that can regularly field 8 people for an operation, you never have to interact with anyone outside you guild again and nothing encourages you to do so. This is especially true with lack of open world pvp. Players join MMOs for the features. Players stay in MMOs for the community. There is no SW:TOR community. There are no server communities.

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In all sincerity, could someone explain the fascination with "fishing" in a Star Wars game? I'm not flaming anyone here, I'm just curious. I don't get it.


Also, what music system did LOTRO use that you are missing? I haven't played that.


They wanted to build a heroic game. And you know, as James Ohlen said, it's not heroic to have a bunch of players beating up on one opponent. Oh... wait... fishing.


Fishing? Not heroic.


Playing music? Not heroic.


But the music system in LOTRO is cool and was the only cool thing about Asheron's Calll 2, from which it was lifted.

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Initially? Just 2 things:


1 That it wasn't D&D-based, like KoTOR. (I had spent the last 2 years playin DDO, too.)


2 Discovering at level 11 that (due to #1 above), my Jedi couldn't dual-wield bcause I had rolled the wrong kind of Jedi.


There've been other things since then, of course, but thos were te first let-downs.

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The incompetence of ..... pretty much everyone in Bioware Austin. Horrible management of the game everywhere you looked. Sloooow patches ... even the simplest of features and fixes took forever with hardly any communication what so ever from them. And then when to do release a patch ... its screwed to hell, much like last nights (and lets not forget the 1.2 f-up). Then of course the lack of communication. Seriously ... Blizzard should sue EA for using the term "soon" more than them. I cannot fathom how we can possibly still not know wt-f they plan to do about transfers and extra char slots. I think the most communication we've gotten from them is thr pro,ising to communicate more in the future :rolleyes:


Now, of course, the final "f-u" that drove me to cancel ... the f2p b/s. Rather than bucking up and fixing whats wrong, they decide to convert even though they still have over 3x the subs of most other gone f2p games and possibly the second most subs of any other subbed MMO to date.


I otherwise loved this game. I didnt QQ about the WoW-clone, the pvp, the dialogue, questing ... anything. I enjoyed all aspects of it and honestly thought it the best MMO out there even now. But enough is enough. I cant justify paying them another month. Bioware seems determined to run this game into the ground and not appreciate the dedicated players that have stuck with it since it was announced.

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