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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You're not worthy of an incoming call....


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This is nothing more than a rant. Last night on CW we capped the second node and as we were splitting up to reinforce the other node it got capped with no inc call. The following is basically how the conversation went down in chat:


Me: *** man, why no incoming call

D-bag: There was 3 of them

Me: That doesn't mean you can't say inc 3 grass !?

D-bag: I have 2 other people on voicechat and I told them

Me: Well clearly that didn't work so why don't you give the rest of your team a chance to help next time

D-bag: I don't feel that the rest of you are worth giving an inc call

Me: Great team attitude, it's hard to imagine why we are now losing

D-bag: Whatever, you guys all suck anyways


On top of this awesomeness, there was one guy in the WZ with 12K health wearing some level 25 greens. It's bad enough to be gimped, but then to have someone choose not to call out an inc in chat just boggles my mind. :mad:


whew, okay, i feel a bit better now, can someone pass me a tissue for my QQ

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I always feel like the guy that is screaming on ops chat, saying how bad the team is... is ALWAYS the guy with 50k damage, no other stats other than the 2-3 medals and 1500 objective points.


BW should give these guys the title "backpack", because just like a backpack back in high school... we only carry them because we have to.

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I always feel like the guy that is screaming on ops chat, saying how bad the team is... is ALWAYS the guy with 50k damage, no other stats other than the 2-3 medals and 1500 objective points.


BW should give these guys the title "backpack", because just like a backpack back in high school... we only carry them because we have to.


^^ QFT...they are so worried about what everyone on their team is up too so they can complain about others when the game isn't going in their favor. It's as if some people just que up to talk smack to their own team because their life is that dull. Sometimes you win....sometimes you lose, but to expect to win EVERY game is truly living in a virtual world.


My favorite is when the guy/girl guarding the node has all the answers :rolleyes:

Edited by Master_Nate
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this is right up there with...


calling out 3 inc, having no one show up, dying, losing the node and being slandered because "you never called out"


or being called a noob because you couldn't stop a 1v2 cap as a non-stealth. Hell I had a deception-sin leave a node unguarded yesterday because "deception is the worst class to hold a node". The entire team of pugs lost their **** at that, it was so hilarious. LVP vote was needed in that WZ.

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I got into an ACW the other day that was in progress. My team had just capped mid and was trying to hold snow and I was on the speeder to mid (I had literally just started and this was my first speeder ride).


I get to the ground just in time to see the mid turret switch back to Republic since no one stayed to defend it.


Some angry teammate of mine immediately started screaming at me for not calling inc, to which I responded by saying, "not on me, I just got here. You left it undefended". Then he started screaming about how terrible the entire team was. We wound up winning (20 -0) in spite of his constant complaining and lack of action.


His parting words following our victory were "You all suck, stop queuing". I'm guessing it was his time of the month.

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I got into an ACW the other day that was in progress. My team had just capped mid and was trying to hold snow and I was on the speeder to mid (I had literally just started and this was my first speeder ride).


I get to the ground just in time to see the mid turret switch back to Republic since no one stayed to defend it.


Some angry teammate of mine immediately started screaming at me for not calling inc, to which I responded by saying, "not on me, I just got here. You left it undefended". Then he started screaming about how terrible the entire team was. We wound up winning (20 -0) in spite of his constant complaining and lack of action.


His parting words following our victory were "You all suck, stop queuing". I'm guessing it was his time of the month.


Man, I'm glad/sad it's game wide. Similar situation happened in a VS yesterday on a team I was on. We get through the first door and get stopped on the second set of doors, after the bridges. An Operative kept telling everyone they sucked, they should kill healer to win etc. I am assuming he's stealth-ed, in a corner typing his little arse off in disgust at this point, thus not helping out the team he is complaining too.


While waiting behind the gate before Round 2 starts he tries to get people fighting

him: "When we lose, it's because you all suck and don't know priority"


everyone else: ...........


And low and behold we win, I was happy no one responded to him. Sure they could have focused the healer on the other team more but that wasn't the underlining issue going on here, it was multiple things. For starters, this DPS Operative was typing more than he was fighting, which always makes me :confused: I find it more common nowadays for people to start ignoring these "elite" players and focus on proving them wrong which always makes me :D in the end. Bad team or not, people should relax, quit the WZ, log off, play an alt, get a girlfriend, or something but typing to people online trying to coax them into a pissing contest mid game is really quite sad and a waste of EVERYONE's time.

Edited by Master_Nate
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me on vent with a couple friends last night while i was defending grass solo:


me: "i've got 2 incoming, may need some help"

me: "nevermind, both of them seem to be in recruit gear, hold tight til i call it"

me: "they're both dead" :D


there are times where calling out and mobilizing people is not the best idea.

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me on vent with a couple friends last night while i was defending grass solo:


me: "i've got 2 incoming, may need some help"

me: "nevermind, both of them seem to be in recruit gear, hold tight til i call it"

me: "they're both dead" :D


there are times where calling out and mobilizing people is not the best idea.


Ahhhhh yes... good point.


I hate when there are 3 people guarding and they call "incoming"... only to peek over a wall and see half of my team running to help kill one guy that is already at 10% before they get there. :mad:

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the flip side to that is, if you decide to hold off reinforcing, you better know that you're not screwing your team over.


i knew i had all my cooldowns up, and even if there was a stealthy, i would be able to pole hump them long enough for help to arrive.


that, and looking at the health plinking up and down with the people in mid, i could tell that there was at least a big majority of the opposition mid, so i figured pulling bodies away from that would not be smart.

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Ahhhhh yes... good point.


I hate when there are 3 people guarding and they call "incoming"... only to peek over a wall and see half of my team running to help kill one guy that is already at 10% before they get there. :mad:


I always call "inc #" so my team knows how many to send. Granted, when your team can't count very well I'll run into the same thing you listed above.

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I always call "inc #" so my team knows how many to send. Granted, when your team can't count very well I'll run into the same thing you listed above.


I do the same... I hate when they trickle in and make me look like I'm counting though.


"inc 3 snow"






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me on vent with a couple friends last night while i was defending grass solo:


me: "i've got 2 incoming, may need some help"

me: "nevermind, both of them seem to be in recruit gear, hold tight til i call it"

me: "they're both dead" :D


there are times where calling out and mobilizing people is not the best idea.


True, but I've found myself on the other end of this one. Had one incoming which I was handling easily and then had 2 stealthers blow me up. Nowadays if I see 1 inc I'll call out "1 inc, send one person only plz" and go from there. Then again, I've had that backfire on me as 4 people all think they are "the one". Sometimes I guess you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. But, I'll honestly take the guy in level 25 greens that will call incoming over the guy in BM that apparently hates his team and seemingly wants to lose.

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This is nothing more than a rant. Last night on CW we capped the second node and as we were splitting up to reinforce the other node it got capped with no inc call. The following is basically how the conversation went down in chat:


Me: *** man, why no incoming call

D-bag: There was 3 of them

Me: That doesn't mean you can't say inc 3 grass !?

D-bag: I have 2 other people on voicechat and I told them

Me: Well clearly that didn't work so why don't you give the rest of your team a chance to help next time

D-bag: I don't feel that the rest of you are worth giving an inc call

Me: Great team attitude, it's hard to imagine why we are now losing

D-bag: Whatever, you guys all suck anyways


On top of this awesomeness, there was one guy in the WZ with 12K health wearing some level 25 greens. It's bad enough to be gimped, but then to have someone choose not to call out an inc in chat just boggles my mind. :mad:


whew, okay, i feel a bit better now, can someone pass me a tissue for my QQ

Maybe get some friends and start doing Ranked WZ's. It's the only sanctuary from Pugs.

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I do the same... I hate when they trickle in and make me look like I'm counting though.


"inc 3 snow"







Once I get to 4 I just say 4+ since at that point at least half of the enemy team is incoming and my team better be able to account for the remainder lol.

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Ahhhhh yes... good point.


I hate when there are 3 people guarding and they call "incoming"... only to peek over a wall and see half of my team running to help kill one guy that is already at 10% before they get there. :mad:


aye. When you've got half a team already over their screaming out SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW so the rest of the team rotates just in time to get their with nothing to kill and the node they left being capped..



9 times outta 10 the person yelling over ops chat about how bad everyone is, is probably the reason you lost.


I also love the person that leaves as soon as 1 thing goes wrong. Whats even better is after a comeback I always shoot them a tell. "Thanks for leaving and letting a better player join, we came back an won. Hope you enjoyed not geting anything from that match"

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I always feel like the guy that is screaming on ops chat, saying how bad the team is... is ALWAYS the guy with 50k damage, no other stats other than the 2-3 medals and 1500 objective points.


BW should give these guys the title "backpack", because just like a backpack back in high school... we only carry them because we have to.

Your just parrotting. Many times I've noticed that the guy badmouthing has had the best or better stats than the majority of the team.
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It's fairly common for premades to talk over vent instead of through ops chat. It's just so much easier. I wish this game had integrated ops chat like Eve Online does.

or any other major MMO.


though, lets be serious for a second. does anything believe BW can piggyback a voice chat that wouldn't add additional lag and brokeness to the game?

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True, but I've found myself on the other end of this one. Had one incoming which I was handling easily and then had 2 stealthers blow me up. Nowadays if I see 1 inc I'll call out "1 inc, send one person only plz" and go from there. Then again, I've had that backfire on me as 4 people all think they are "the one". Sometimes I guess you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. But, I'll honestly take the guy in level 25 greens that will call incoming over the guy in BM that apparently hates his team and seemingly wants to lose.


If I call out "inc only 1" and 5 people show up and we lose another node then it's bad on them for being stupid. I'm happy to call inc but I expect them to think for 5 seconds about what to do with the information - like checking their map and making sure they don't abandon their own node with only one guy to defend.

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I always feel like the guy that is screaming on ops chat, saying how bad the team is... is ALWAYS the guy with 50k damage, no other stats other than the 2-3 medals and 1500 objective points.


BW should give these guys the title "backpack", because just like a backpack back in high school... we only carry them because we have to.


I'd rather have a guy with 50k damage and 1500 objective points WHO CALLS INC. Than a guy with 900k dmg who doesn't.

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or any other major MMO.


though, lets be serious for a second. does anything believe BW can piggyback a voice chat that wouldn't add additional lag and brokeness to the game?


If they licensed ventrilo like Eve does then they would handle the implementation.

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I'd rather have a guy with 50k damage and 1500 objective points WHO CALLS INC. Than a guy with 900k dmg who doesn't.


The guy calling out incoming would be defending... therefore would definitely have more than 1500 objective points within what? A minute and a half?


Sorry, but sometimes I don't realize I need to more obvious.

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