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In a battle of chess, who would winn? Vader or Revan


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Revan in 6 moves. Vader doesn't have Revan's tactical and strategic experience.


Now, for a match between Chess masters, go with Revan vs. Thrawn. :D


Oh, Thrawn would win. Easy. Revan is smart, but Thrawn is a genius. It's like pitting GL against Einstein in chess. (Not saying GL's smart, but he's all I can think of right now) :)

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Oh, Thrawn would win. Easy. Revan is smart, but Thrawn is a genius. It's like pitting GL against Einstein in chess. (Not saying GL's smart, but he's all I can think of right now) :)

I disagree. I think it would be a very close game that could go either way. Revan proved in the Mandalorian War that he was prepared to sacrifice in order to gain elsewhere. That's the very essence of chess. He also defeated the Mandalorians handily (though I would like to have seen how he'd fare against a Crusader Mandalorian army rather than one ruled by neo-crusaders). Then, he came back and waged war against the Republic very successfully.


Thrawn also has a very keen strategic mind, and, without him, the Empire might not have existed into the Legacy Era.


It would be a game of move and countermove, gambit and counter-gambit. One thing is for sure, though. It would be a quick game. Actually, I imagine they could play like Holmes and Moriarty did in A Game of Shadows: completely mentally, with no board on the table, and discussing other things at the same time.

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I disagree. I think it would be a very close game that could go either way. Revan proved in the Mandalorian War that he was prepared to sacrifice in order to gain elsewhere. That's the very essence of chess. He also defeated the Mandalorians handily (though I would like to have seen how he'd fare against a Crusader Mandalorian army rather than one ruled by neo-crusaders). Then, he came back and waged war against the Republic very successfully.


Thrawn also has a very keen strategic mind, and, without him, the Empire might not have existed into the Legacy Era.


It would be a game of move and countermove, gambit and counter-gambit. One thing is for sure, though. It would be a quick game. Actually, I imagine they could play like Holmes and Moriarty did in A Game of Shadows: completely mentally, with no board on the table, and discussing other things at the same time.


Revan used Mandalorian tactics to beat the mando's and after serving with the Republic military was able to predict any strategy the Republic would make.


Thrawn was a military genius. He created strategies based off of the artwork of his enemies. He was able to adapt to any situation and respond with deadly efficiency. Thrawn would probably have the games events and outcome planned out before it even began.


I agree that it would most likely go just like in Game of Shadows. These two are geniuses and it would be exciting to see.

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Revan in 6 moves. Vader doesn't have Revan's tactical and strategic experience.


Now, for a match between Chess masters, go with Revan vs. Thrawn. :D


Vader does have about three years of experience in leading clones into battle and later almost two decades leading Imperial Stormtroopers and Fleets. He was Jedi General Skywalker for a reason, after all.


Revan's tactical experience can be summed up in "beating the Mandalorians with their own tactics but much larger numbers". And before anyone brings up his assault on the Republic, he pretty much had unlimited hardware (which was superior to the Republic's) because of the Star Forge and that was after he'd hijacked a third of their military, after the Republic had fought a brutal war repelling the Mandalorians. He was like a lion pouncing on a wounded, sickly gazelle. Not that impressive.


But this is all moot anyway, Vader has a much deeper connection to the Force therefore he wins by default.

Edited by Aximand
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*Flips board* NooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooOooo!!!


I can picture that.


Vader is Anakin and just not as cool anymore IMO. Just an emotional wreck that cries about his girlfriend all day he is so emo.

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You can't outthink Thrawn. You either need to come up with something so dumb that he didn't think about the possibilty, or you need the Force on your side because it's shown that he cannot anticipate what happens against Force-aided individuals since he cannot imagine what it'd be like if you could use the Force. So a vision would be useful against Thrawn, assuming the vision didn't just show you getting owned.
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I always thought Vader was a loser. Spineless wishy washy toad who abandon's his side just as the tide of the war turns. Seriously, he's a war criminal responsible for some of the worst atrocities and -- as the band of allies is just about to win the last battle without his help -- decides to change sides?


Who is he, Albert Speer? Wouldn't surprise me if Lucas had this in mind as he was definitely referencing the Second World War throughout the series.


And then the prequels, I became even more disdainful. Seriously WEAK character.


Could completely see him throwing a fit after Revan defeats him in 3 moves.


- Arcada

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Vader before he got his armour or afterwards




After:Revan, vader can barley lift his arm with all that machinery and armour



This isnt Revan vs Vader combat-wise... p.s. Vader was much more powerful post-mustafar.

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Revan would of course win a game of chess. Vader was never the brains behind the Empire, he was more of a weapon to keep the galaxy in check. Revan was the brains behind his. If you'd want a fair match, pair him up with Sidious or Thrawn. :D
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