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Will you ever support anything EA again?


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Their last game to be released was Mass Effect 3 and I loved that game. I was disappointed in the original ending but the ending DLC moved me emotionally (That's a good thing).


Bioware = Bioware EA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioware#Games



When game companies are bought out not only does staffing change, but the whole ethos usually changes, it's a rare one that doesn't go down that route, in fact I don't think I can think of one that has held it's integrity for more than 1-2 games after a buy out. For example Bioware EA is now a conglomurate of the remains of several EA development teams, including Mythic EA.

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I highly doubt it. After SWTOR and Mass Effect 3, i'll wait atleast 2 months before buying anything from EA or BioWare again. From now on, i want to know exactly what it is i'm buying, before i fork over the money for it!

Also on a different, but not unrelated, note; can it really come as such a surprise that so many people pirate games? I spent money on Mass Effect 3 Collectors Edition and i wish every day that i didn't. Biggest waste of money, ever.

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When game companies are bought out not only does staffing change, but the whole ethos usually changes, it's a rare one that doesn't go down that route, in fact I don't think I can think of one that has held it's integrity for more than 1-2 games after a buy out. For example Bioware EA is now a conglomurate of the remains of several EA development teams, including Mythic EA.


Thats true EA bought BW and now named 10 of their studios with Bioware label , its obvious that EA just want to cash on the Bioware name and past reputation.

Its strange how BW was company famous for making RPGS and now suddenly since they are part of the EA one BW studio which doesent have anything to do with their original studios is creating RTS games.

Edited by Lunablade
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dont put to much blame on only EA bioware is at fault here as well. i just plain dont want anything to do with either of them anymore, this game should be reclassified as a hate crime against KOTOR 1 and 2. bioware killed dragon age 2... masseffect 3 and others
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what games will you be buying instead?


give me a good game that wasn't produced, distributed or created by EA. just one. and it needs to have sold over 8 million copies as well.


Not sure if ignorant or just trolling. How about Call of Duty? Assassins Creed? Halo? Metal Gear Solid? In fact most big games do not come from EA.

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Nope, if it was not BW and kotor, i don't even want to try it,

just like i never play skyrim, d3 and gw2 for same reason,

science da2 and me3, BW has changed,

i cant finish me3 for the 1st round.


swtor is still the best mmo currently, so i play it until next thing interesting me.

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ToR was the first game I have knowingly bought from EA in many, many years. The company left such a sour taste in my mouth with their products during the 80's & 90's, I started intentionally avoiding anything they published. Bear in mind that "back in tha day" , almost everything made was a massive grind fest. What ruined EA as a brand in my eyes was poor quality control. TOR demonstrates that the corporate philosophy of EA has not changed.
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This calls for a Philosoraptor meme. Wait a second... a corporation exists to make money? I can't believe people are discovering this for the first time and actually being hurt about it :eek:


I will continue to buy games I want to play, and not buy games I don't want to play. I don't care about any politics or what company is on the label. If you're going to do this kind of boycotting, you would have to do it to the other major companies as well, because they are guilty of equally bad things. You'd be left with only Indie and social games.

Edited by Jenzali
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This calls for a Philosoraptor meme. Wait a second... a corporation exists to make money? I can't believe people are discovering this for the first time and actually being hurt about it :eek:


I will continue to buy games I want to play, and not buy games I don't want to play. I don't care about any politics or what company is on the label. If you're going to do this kind of boycotting, you would have to do it to the other major companies as well, because they are guilty of equally bad things. You'd be left with only Indie and social games.

Very few companies manage to make money just by making money. Most do have to make some product/service and try to sell that to customers. Customers on the other hand do tend to select the one product/service that gives most value for their money, That is why a company leader who keeps repeating that a companys mission is just to make money is sooner or later out of business. More often sooner than later.

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You guys know most people who play this game actually like it. I know I do. I would buy another EA game no problem. Its funny how people still subbed still posting going on about how they quit. I see at least 1 person in this thread I know for a fact said their sub was up in July and they were leaving. Yet they are still here posting which means they paid for another month.


Sorry if I cannot take you seriously when you keep saying you are quitting and hate the game yet continue to pay for it anyways.

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Yep, as long as they make games I like yes, I am not going to cut my nose off to spite my face, they still have not screwed me over as badly as Sony did.


Ea offers to many titles that I play, why would I stop playing them.. /shrug

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You guys know most people who play this game actually like it. I know I do. I would buy another EA game no problem. Its funny how people still subbed still posting going on about how they quit. I see at least 1 person in this thread I know for a fact said their sub was up in July and they were leaving. Yet they are still here posting which means they paid for another month.


Sorry if I cannot take you seriously when you keep saying you are quitting and hate the game yet continue to pay for it anyways.


Most people who played the game have quit. Thats why they sold around 2.4 million boxes and the have around 500k subs left now. To say most people who play the game actually like it, is false.


People still post because they still have time remaining on a cancelled sub. You can buy more the 1 month at a time you know. If you buy a 6 month sub and quit after 3, you dont get a 3 month refund.

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Havent paid EA a dime since the EA_spouse came out and exposed how horrible of a company they were (except for TOR of course, and im somewhat regretting that now as well) . Thank the force for used games, rentals, and most of all .... *cough*


Theyve only strengthened that hate since then. Now not even an online only, subbed-to game will convice me to give them a dime.


Again, hope I live to see the day EA goes out of business. Id throw a freakin party.

Edited by MasterKayote
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I will think about it should SWTOR become pay to win, until then I see no reason hate EA.


Even if SWTOR becomes pay to win, I will not hate a corporation. A corporation is a piece of paper. Management can change and will if EA's actions alienate too many.

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Just wondering where people are on this, I plan to stay with this game until the servers shut down, but after what ea made bioware do to mass effect and then swtor, I'll never buy another product from them again, are any of you going to continue to Ashlee yourself to be abused by EA?


I can't say either way with this type of question. I really don't care who makes and who publishes a game. Of course I will take more notice of games that are created/published by a company that has a solid track record, but that alone is not the deciding factor in my purchase of a game.


I certainly plan on taking a closer look at the new SimCity game because I am a fan of the franchise and have enjoyed all the previous iterations to one extent or another. Business is business, and to the unwashed masses, all corporations are greedy and evil and out to destroy everything we love. However, I prefer to take the stance on if I like it, I will buy it and play it. If I don't, then I won't - regardless of the names attached to the creation.



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