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F2P >Facts< here (Sources provided)


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I apologize for disturbing the nature of your post, but helpful...?

What you posted is partial information, and partially helpful. If you want to make a helpful post, invest a bit more of yourself into it. If plethora of different opinions and debates is not going to help, how is this achieved with one single official statement? Do you really see a simple repetition of statements as helpful?


This does not even make sense. He is not shooting for a grade. LOL


He is posting from a credible source as a means of countering the misinformation being posted by the same old complainers making wild assumptions without reading the facts. Yes, it is obviously needed based on the OP he was answering.

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everything will change for us subber plus its going to be p2w so we will have to buy stuff as well as paying a sub


Didn't have to look far for an example. LOL Here is someone posting misinformation, right out of their backside. The boards are inundated with it, so yeah, anytime someone posts legitimate information as a means of countering such nonsense, it will well worthwhile.

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I look at your post with "an eye for specifics" and I see someone that will try to twist anything said into a negative in order to feed his own vengeful agenda.


Now, why on earth someone would have the need to seek "revenge" against a video game is beyond me, but really now. Give it a break. Same with the OP. If you don't like the game, then leave the game, but hanging around here trying to spin everything into a negative, hateful argument, posting conjecture after conjecture does very little for your credibility.

The post directly above yours is one of those sadly.


everything will change for us subber plus its going to be p2w so we will have to buy stuff as well as paying a sub


It's worrying that people get such shortsighted notions and then just stick to it. Am I the only one that can think of a million things worth putting in the cash shop BEFORE the words 'Pay to Win' even gets mentioned. It's so darn annoying xD. I cant say with certainty there will never be a Pay to Win item, but i'm both hopeful and optimistic that nothing so stupid would ever be introduced.

Edited by Nanglez
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The post directly above yours is one of those sadly.



I edited my post that you are quoting here so as to insure that my mention of "OP" in the negative was not in reference to the OP of this thread but the postiing linked to thisthread.....don't want anything else being twisted. ;p

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I edited my post that you are quoting here so as to insure that my mention of "OP" in the negative was not in reference to the OP of this thread but the postiing linked to thisthread.....don't want anything else being twisted. ;p


Haha Well if people like us don't try and quell the rage then who will. Moderator's seem to be all but nonexistant now on the forums, so its up to the users now to try make the forums a place for more then fanboy trolling and QQer's whinging.

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Perhaps you ought to look at DDO and LOTRO if you're going to say F2P games make no profit. They *very* clearly do. In fact, going F2P actually saved both of those games and turned a loss into a hefty profit.


I totally agree and would even go so far as saying they are the biggest and best examples of how F2P can work successfully.

But like any MMO you frst have to enjoy the game, its look, its feel and its mechanics.

I have played DDO snce the very first day of BETA in EU and saw it almost fall off the cliff (in fact it did just that in the EU until Turbine rescued its player base with a global transfer of accounts... (yes it can be done and done well EA! ).

Since they launched F2P the game has seen a marked increase in both subbed, Free and Premium accounts... and content and features have been released and updated faster than I have ever seen previously in its 7+ years live.

However Lotro for me, although a decent game doesn't hold my attention span all that much but again the model has proven successful and has also reversed that games fortunes.


BUT... any F2P MMO has to keep the right balance between fluff content and P2W stuff. Yes the cashshop needs hooks and those hooks will have to reach out for all kinds of players free or subbed... but normal game content whether current or future doesnt normally have a $ value to subbers... but there will always be exceptions to that rule and that's when boundaries get muddied.. both DDO and Lotro have tried pushing the boundaries and recieved many a backlash from its loyal base of subbers - - but at the end of the day its down to the individual to put a value on the things they see in the cashop and whether they feel they need it or not...


BEAWARE is a business, like it or not and as such need to turn a profit or the game will simply become unviable and that then leads to only one end.... LIGHTS OUT!.


Another MMO that has stood the test of time with its cashop model is GW (yes you had to buy the box, i know).. but love it or hate it that game was really one of the first or maybe even THE first to really push this kind of business model out to the gaming community and look how it has stood up... it may not be everybodies cup of tea and has suffered all the same lashings and fanbois etc etc that embattles every MMO out there.. but no one can deny it has stood the test of time and has been successful, especially when you look at its mediocre budget - TOR on the other hand.. hmmm I am not so confident .


Whether F2P will reverse SWTORs demise is in noway certain and to me its the last throw of the dice from EA.

For me there are serious underlying performance issues in this game that simply aren't going to change quick enough added to that the boring nature of the game content, lack of diversity in gameplay and toon building (why no multi-class/dual spec!!), almost zero feeling of being in space, unimmersive planets/.quests - all valid reasons that have seen players leave in drones.. not the price they charge to play it.

Churning out more contnet quicker is one thing... being able to play it enjoyably and without having to repeat it over and over is another..

Story - now if they can continue on with that side of things at a decent rate of knots I think that might prove a better option.. that is one thing they got right.. but it needs polishing and make the choices really make notable differences in the direction of your story/companions and ultimately your game.. at the moment that really lacks imo... but its a real opportunity that they can still build on..


Lets hope they can pull it back.. cos I want sabres and blasters and teddy bear culling, I wanna be able to play that jeidi with a dark streak...otherwise it will all turn back to SWORD and BOARD for me, and as much as I still enjoy that, the MMO industry needs a Star Wars MMO!

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Don't bother, if we are so called "QQers" and "Haters" then I guess they are "Blind Fanboys"


It also says "SUBJECT TO CHANGE" at the bottom meaning they can change it whenever the hell they please.


And I am fairly sure there is wording to that effect within the ToS already?


So what's your point? Having a statement along the lines of "subject to change" or "final content may vary" etc is par for the course in all business.


Not sure why you would pick on that, when we all, already agreed to the caveat from day 1...oh wait, you're just looking for anything to put a negative spin on a very helpful post.



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This does not even make sense. He is not shooting for a grade. LOL


He is posting from a credible source as a means of countering the misinformation being posted by the same old complainers making wild assumptions without reading the facts. Yes, it is obviously needed based on the OP he was answering.


In aid of what exactly? You will never be able to stop the misinformation and laziness of some, so to those of us who actually care about the situation and read, it is indeed just repeating facts. The misinformed will not pay attention to this thread, and to anybody else wishing to seek information it makes more sense to use the official website rather than a forum post that quotes and links to it for a matter of convenience.


EDIT: Whilst the OP well documented the facts, there was nothing in here that people couldn't find out for themselves from the official sources (which by chance are also located in the forums)

Edited by Fisheyswan
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Alot of people need to draw their attention to the following pages.


Excellent resource. Thank you for documenting this and providing a "one stop shop" for people to go to for real facts. I appreciate you linking to all the original info.


Good job! Best thread on the forums right now...







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In aid of what exactly? You will never be able to stop the misinformation and laziness of some, so to those of us who actually care about the situation and read, it is indeed just repeating facts. The misinformed will not pay attention to this thread, and to anybody else wishing to seek information it makes more sense to use the official website rather than a forum post that quotes and links to it for a matter of convenience.


EDIT: Whilst the OP well documented the facts, there was nothing in here that people couldn't find out for themselves from the official sources (which by chance are also located in the forums)


First off, you're right, we'll never be able to stop it. But we can certainly have an impact on how much misinformation is out there. Secondly to answer your edit, whilst all the information is available quite readily, you'd be amazed how many people have still evidently missed it. So thats what the OP is for.


I feel like a broken record repeating myself, but I don't understand why simply providing the information in a simple consolidated fashion, does any harm. You can argue all you like that it won't do much good, but the fact is, its as i said - not doing any harm.

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First off, you're right, we'll never be able to stop it. But we can certainly have an impact on how much misinformation is out there. Secondly to answer your edit, whilst all the information is available quite readily, you'd be amazed how many people have still evidently missed it. So thats what the OP is for.


I feel like a broken record repeating myself, but I don't understand why simply providing the information in a simple consolidated fashion, does any harm. You can argue all you like that it won't do much good, but the fact is, its as i said - not doing any harm.


Fair enough, you make a good point, all i was saying is that there shouldn't be any need for the provision of "information in a simple consolidated fashion" when it already exists, but if it helps, then it helps and bravo for it :D

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Nothing relevant is "spelled out" yet:


I know roughly how many "cartel dollars" I will have but how much do they cost a f2p player (what are they worth $10=100cp or $10=1000cp or ...)? What exactly can I buy with them (200 cartel dollars for that non-brownish hood-down jedi robe I've always wanted or is it 2000)?


How much $ to unlock features for a f2p account? How many wzs can a f2p play? If it's 5/day and 2 fps I might be happy with that, but less than that might not be enough.

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Still says in your FAQ that you think it will cost $15 for the box after f2p when its been clearly stated you can download and play for free.


Link me some source material that directly state's that, on swtor.com and i'll gladly change it. As i couldn't find the answer to the question myself, but... as i pointed out in your post, I THINK it will, doesn't mean i know it for certain.


I just find it hard to believe that thousands of game retailers around the world, that purchased copies of the game to sell, are expected to make $0 off their remaining copies. But that's just my thoughts.

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I look at your post with "an eye for specifics" and I see someone that will try to twist anything said into a negative in order to feed his own vengeful agenda.

Nah. Look at it with an eye for milking as much profit as possible out of a property. Then you'll start to see where it's going.


Now, why on earth someone would have the need to seek "revenge" against a video game is beyond me, but really now.

Me, too. I'm just here because watching - and being able to provide commentary upon - a train wreck in slow motion is amazingly amusing.


Give it a break. Same with the OP linked to this post. If you don't like the game, then leave the game, but hanging around here trying to spin everything into a negative, hateful argument, posting conjecture after conjecture does very little for your credibility.

I have left the game. Me and the majority of people who've played it, actually. As far as conjecture goes, though, you may want to take a look in the mirror before you start calling the kettle black. Given EA's record of...well, we'll be charitable and call the "misstatements" with this game, to suggest that anything on that page will wind up being the way it functions once it goes live is, at best, hope. Absolutely nothing is confirmed yet.

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Link me some source material that directly state's that, on swtor.com and i'll gladly change it. As i couldn't find the answer to the question myself, but... as i pointed out in your post, I THINK it will, doesn't mean i know it for certain.


I just find it hard to believe that thousands of game retailers around the world, that purchased copies of the game to sell, are expected to make $0 off their remaining copies. But that's just my thoughts.


There is a section of the FTP FAQ were it is stated those who are doing the free trial or free to level 15 now, will be auto converted to the new FTP model. And they have allready downloaded the game for free and there is no mention of them having to pay 14.99 for the game before doing so. So it is clear once they convert to FTP the game will be downloadable for free. The sale now for the game is to try to get more between now and when the FTP launches to get into the game. Plus some would rather not have to download the game, but rather have the physical copy. http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/6481 :cool:

Edited by Valkirus
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just a question for the op...


how many games have you subbed to, that then went f2p?


Not he OP but here you are (as I agree with the OP). 1, LoTRO.


how long did you play these games?


5 years, 3 months. 1 Year, 9 months of that time as f2p.


why did you stop?


I haven't stopped. I just play less hours some months and more other months.


Excluding side missions would be a downer, though to be fair - we've played them multiple times already with our other alts. Will wait out to see how this thing gets implemented.


That is how Lotro does it, you have access to all the areas and all of the storyline but access to the side missions beyond the starter areas is sold in "packs".

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Good thread. But I think the FAQ they have provided is still lacking in many ways and somewhat vague. Like...how many chars slots can the FTP players have..how much credits can they have or how limited is the crafting for the FTP players? How many cartel points will it take for example to open up another char slot? I know these will be answered sometime in the future...but for now, it does leave several questions hanging. But I do agree...FTP for the subbers will not change anything for them .


Its vague on those points because they probably have not made those decisions yet. It might be 2 character slots or it might be 4. Are they going to limit crew skills to 100 or 200, or will it be 175 or will they limit it in another way (e.g. you can't learn purple schematics). Those fine tuning decisions do need a lot of thought.

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You know this is the kind of self righteous post that just gives light onto what blind people want other people to believe


If I had the time, which I do not care to at all, I could make a post with links and charts and quotes from devs which we all believed, stuff that was coming, stuff that was advertised that wasnt even close to the reality of the game, etc etc


Fact is the wise person knows what this is and knows how this game is going to be different, and knows how down the line how much worse this cancer they call cartel shop will do to the game


Please get out of the habit of making the popular quote, if you have a sub nothing changes, because that is the most untrue statement you can make


But if you havent woken up in the first 7 months chances are you won't wake up now

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Only thing i don't like about this free t play model is when they bring content subscribers can play it but they will never own it unless they actually buy it themselves so as soon as you stop subscribing access to that stops.


So is it going to be worth subscribing or just going f2p and buying the extra content?


I am thinking of DCUO f2p model it makes no sense in subbing as parts of the game will never be yours unless you buy it after you finishing subbing you have no access to it but for the free coins you get off them would take like 3 or 4 months subscribing to get it, which costs more than the 9:99 to buy the DLC, pack.

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Thanks, subbers seem to be over concerned about something thats not happening the way they're assuming/being told by misinformed people


You're right. We're talking about EA, the most respected name in the gaming industry. There's no chance they'd ever turn this into P2W, just like it's certain they'll keep their promise about "more content, more quickly"... I'm sure 1.4 will drop to live with tomorrow's patch and it will be huge and bug-free.


Oh... wait.... :rolleyes:

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so as an aktive subscriber, will people that buy stuff with CC get any kind of adv in the game compared to me ?


I donot think so. With the CC coins, a FTP player can get " some " of the stuff the subber allready has. But the FTP player with no sub , cannot earn CC coins. He has to buy them with real money. And you as a subber will earn so many each month without paying any extra.

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