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Is EA counting on people like this?


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A guy I know wants to play SWTOR now that it is going to have a free to play option. He DREAMED of being a bounty hunter but can't "afford" the game. I told him you can sub OR play free. He's hopping on right away. But here's the weird part.


We were talking about the game and it got into the what if category stuff. He said, "I can't wait to play this game! I have been waiting so long! I hope they have a cash shop to!!!!" I said, "ok...I'm going to ask something here. What if there were "packages" that you could select from. Like package 1 being, a new planet, a new class, a new race all with bonus items in it. Package 2 being 2 new races to choose from, 2 new classes and bonus items and so on. Keep in mind this was just what if questioning.


He then went, dude...I would totally pay for all of them right there! I said, "what if they costed 10 dollars a piece?" he said, "i don't care, for that amount of content and I get to play for free?! are you kidding me? that is amazing!" so I proceeded to tell him that there is a sub option still that is only 15 dollars a month and you get it ALL. All content, everything that comes in. Probably some cool titles to and don't have to pay for anything except the sub fee. He said, "why would you do that? that's dumb....why wouldn't you play for free and pay for what you are doing?" I thought to myself...did he really just say that? because that's EXACTLY what he will be doing...


So I told him.


"Listen...say there were i dont know...5 packages like that in the store that were all 10 dollars each and in order for you to want to play those thing you had to dish out 10 dollars for each of them would you really do that?" he said "dude...in order to play this game for free!? DEFINITELY. That is like...an amazing price for all that content." I then thought to myself "Is there something he's not getting here?" So then I told him, "look....you would be getting ALL that content for NO money if you just subbed to the game and paid 15 dollars a month." He said "but I would be paying 15 dollars a month. I don't want to do that crap. I want to play my mmos for free." I said "Ok, here is what I'm trying to tell you. You told me you would buy every one of the "packages" for 10 dollars no matter how many there were." he said, "right" I go...."that adds to 50 dollars if there were 5 and with you you said you couldn't just pick one, it would be all of them." he said, "right..." I said, "how can you not be getting something like this? 15 dollars a month for access to everything is MUCH cheaper than paying 50 dollars for new content and paying for pvp access and even MORE content packages that come out. Keep in mind you also have restrictions on the account, don't you see that?" him - "i don't care how much I spend...I just want to play for free!"


Wow...seriously? Did he just really say that?! "I don't care how much I SPEND, I just want to play for FREE" :eek:


Basically his conclusion was that no matter how much he had to pay in the cash shop whether it be 10 or 100 dollars, he would keep playing the game because it didn't require a sub fee and therefore it's "free". End of conversation. That's how he views it :rolleyes:


Is EA betting on people just like that for their cash shop to work? Are people really that easily fooled? Something they don't get? I am...having second thoughts about the frienship lol. If he doesn't get that. I thought he was smart guys lol. I guess not... hehehe


Keep in mind this was completely a what if scenario I came up with for him to try and see what his thoughts on the matter. Nothing in here is true about packages or anything like that nor do I think they will do that. It was just a scenario I played out for him. *actually laughing out loud*

Edited by Sarfux
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I get your friend, many people, myself included find it more comfortable to be able to play at our own pace and don't have to worry about paying a monthly sub. the only reason I do pay for a sub now is because I'm a huge Star Wars and Bioware fan, and I really wanted to experience everything in this game.
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People are easily fooled yes, and we'll have to rely on people, such as your friend to help SWTOR keep going.

I know i'll keep subbing. I'm even subbing this month were i'll have no time to play in between my internship as a programmer, my part time job and all the other games that are getting released this month. It is probably stupid of me to keep subbing, but i'm doing it to show Bioware that i like the game and even if i can't play it, i'll still support it. So people like me and people like your friend is most likely what will drive this game forward, where people like you can play all you want :)


EDIT: Just noticed how bad the wording is in this post. No offense is meant at all :p

Edited by Talkarr
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Never got that way of thinking i had a pretty similar argument with another friend and he was telling me i was being stupid for paying every month. Really frustrating, but if alot of the "Free players" are gonna be like that EA will be very happy... Just hope it's not gonna become pay to win...
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Should work on the LoL principles, there you get free champs to play BUT they give you a taste by rotating them, then you think well i want that champ and well it dont cost that much, bang you have spent cash. The ow look at that costume, bang more cash, new champs well i liked the other champ and bang more cash. Edited by Shingara
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How does that guy want to play ? Given his mental state he is clearly unable to turn on a pc or install a computer game.

hehehe. I like that comment :p Believe it or not...he is a computer technie nerd and is good in math. Which why his answer surprised me. I thought he would take the sub option. Apparently he thinks 50 dollars is less than 15 or that it's "free" lol.


However...he is book smart. There is one thing he is lacking. Well...several actually. But...he lacks common sense. Doesn't have an inch in him. Nothing. It's sad. He gets cheated alllll the time in the world because he lacks it. Just like when he'll play his "free" game but spending up to 50 dollars in the cash shop. Knowing him...more than 2 times a week because I have seen him on cash shops. He's bad.


No required sub fee = free...for him. Isn't that sad?

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I don't understand how if you can afford to buy a computer that can run the game, why $15/month would be a big deal. If your job sucks that bad that $15 a month will make or break you, you shouldn't be playing games, you should be getting a better job. Edited by X-Funk
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I don't understand how if you can afford to buy a computer that can run the game, why $15/month would be a big deal.


it's called a budget.. sometimes adults can budget a large purchase(like at tax return time) but cannot afford an extra commitment to their monthly expenditures.

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It's rent vs own.


Under the subscription model, you are just renting the game. You stop paying, and you lose access.


But buying content from the store, one is buying to own. It doesn't mater how much it is, you now own it, and it can't be taken away.

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TLDRed that for ya.


Lol, i like that!


To answer the OP, quite simply....YES! That is exactly the people they are not only trying to get but are going to get with F2P. And is the exact reason I have said in other threads that the quality of the community goes down with F2P. Even if not your friend, there will be people coming that are even worse.

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it's called a budget.. sometimes adults can budget a large purchase(like at tax return time) but cannot afford an extra commitment to their monthly expenditures.


Read my post again. I added a thing in there. If you don't want to he basically just said to me, cause we are talking right now in my room about it. He said, "Yea...I would pay 200 dollars in the cash shop to get 20 content packages so I don't have to pay a monthly fee of 15 bucks." EVEN AFTER I showed him yet again, the page on the site that says "unlimited" for a subbed player. He doesn't care. In his head, if there is no sub, it is 100 percent free. Even if he spends up to 500 dollars in the cash shop.


That's a little....loony if you are looking to SAVE money isn't it? Trust me...he is a BIG time cash shop guy.

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Lol, i like that!


To answer the OP, quite simply....YES! That is exactly the people they are not only trying to get but are going to get with F2P. And is the exact reason I have said in other threads that the quality of the community goes down with F2P. Even if not your friend, there will be people coming that are even worse.


Worse than that!? :o


HOW?! I can't even...

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Read my post again. I added a thing in there. If you don't want to he basically just said to me, cause we are talking right now in my room about it. He said, "Yea...I would pay 200 dollars in the cash shop to get 20 content packages so I don't have to pay a monthly fee of 15 bucks." EVEN AFTER I showed him yet again, the page on the site that says "unlimited" for a subbed player. He doesn't care. In his head, if there is no sub, it is 100 percent free. Even if he spends up to 500 dollars in the cash shop.


That's a little....loony if you are looking to SAVE money isn't it? Trust me...he is a BIG time cash shop guy.


it was a response to the quoted post, not yours

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hehehe. I like that comment :p Believe it or not...he is a computer technie nerd and is good in math. Which why his answer surprised me. I thought he would take the sub option. Apparently he thinks 50 dollars is less than 15 or that it's "free" lol.


However...he is book smart. There is one thing he is lacking. Well...several actually. But...he lacks common sense. Doesn't have an inch in him. Nothing. It's sad. He gets cheated alllll the time in the world because he lacks it. Just like when he'll play his "free" game but spending up to 50 dollars in the cash shop. Knowing him...more than 2 times a week because I have seen him on cash shops. He's bad.


No required sub fee = free...for him. Isn't that sad?


You've ignored the time variable. How often do new packages come out? If those 5 packages are all that is available for 4 months, then the price is the same.

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OP, I'm not going to sugar coat this...is your friend stupid or just bad with money. But yes BW and any company that runs a F2P option game hopes people like your friend joins - and they will; a good example is Star Trek Online to an extent.
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You've ignored the time variable. How often do new packages come out? If those 5 packages are all that is available for 4 months, then the price is the same.


I was wondering that as well.. I mean let's say you buy an ops key.. is that a permanent upgrade to your account or is it a timed access key only granting access to ops for 3 months?


of course there's no way of knowing the answer to this until BW says/does something to answer it.

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It's rent vs own.


Under the subscription model, you are just renting the game. You stop paying, and you lose access.


But buying content from the store, one is buying to own. It doesn't mater how much it is, you now own it, and it can't be taken away.


I think you're assuming that you will be able to buy permanent access to things like zones. More likely it will be packs that contain +5 warzone matches to use when you're able, or a pass that allows you to do an op for one month or something.


Also, if you stop subbing, you can still play for free and use all the stuff you bought from the cash shop. Your analogy is completely wrong.

Edited by Gungan
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You've ignored the time variable. How often do new packages come out? If those 5 packages are all that is available for 4 months, then the price is the same.

We aren't talking about the frequency of the updates. We (meaning him and I) are still talking about the money issue. He just doesn't want a sub fee and thinks paying 100 dollars in the cash shop a month is better than paying 15 dollars a month for the game. JUST because there is a sub fee. That is what he JUST said to me right now to type...


I am ...losing hope with this guy lol

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I was wondering that as well.. I mean let's say you buy an ops key.. is that a permanent upgrade to your account or is it a timed access key only granting access to ops for 3 months?


of course there's no way of knowing the answer to this until BW says/does something to answer it.


I would have to say you would unlock ops for a month via cartel otherwise you could just unlock everything once via cartel and then never have subs.

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You've ignored the time variable. How often do new packages come out? If those 5 packages are all that is available for 4 months, then the price is the same.


To be fair he added that it didn't matter to the guy if it was $200 or even $500..

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