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Top ten worst swtor ideas.


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10. The art style. Too cartoony. Sure there are star wars comics and cartoons out there, but those are nowhere near as cool as the movies. The art style should have been more realistic.


9. Sloppy animations and bad gear design. Jedi don't wear body armor. Not in George Lucas universe and they shouldn't have in Bioware's. The cut scene animations are not good enough. Too many slow swooping ships and conversations. Any time you show a cut scene with a spaceship, you entire goal should be to make the viewers jaw drop, Think awesome! And enough dialogue cut scenes. Words can be spoken with blasters and light sabers. Always go with action over dialogue. Only use duologue when there is no way for you to tell the story without it. Can you imagine how boring the star wars movies would have been if it were 90% dialogue and 10% action.


8. No third faction. Bounty hunters and smugglers fit better in a faction that is just in it for the money. I have played both the smuggler and the bounty hunter and I wanted so badly for the story to remain neutral, but unfortunately you have no choice in the matter. smugglers end up with the republic and the bounty hunters end up with the empire. The whole allure of those two archetypes is that they are on the fringe. Playing both sides and a bit selfish. Forcing them to fall in line with either the empire or the republic ruins what they are.


7. Fleet Stations. When I visit Coruscant I think how cool it would be to look at these vistas all the time instead of a dusty old space station. The fleet stations feel like a cage to me. We spend so much time there and not on the worlds we know and love. When I heard that the central hub and social areas of the game were going to be on a space station I thought "No, don't do that. That is such a terrible idea." They did it. I can only speculate why. I assume it was for stability reasons and load times. The fleet stations are utterly boring.


6. Segregated questing areas. This was a design choice and very bad one. In the starter areas I can see there being some segregation, but throughout the entire game? Come On. The planets with the least amount of segregation are so large that you don't run into the other faction enough. It was as if the developers did not want us fighting on these worlds. It is called Star Wars for a reason. In war there has to be conflict. When I read the book deceived Malgus even said that without conflict the empire was nothing. I say that without conflict, this game isn't star wars. We were all deceived.


5. Ilum. There are so many things wrong with that planet, even now. It was a joke from day one, so much of a joke they just abandoned it and removed it from the PVP menu. It was supposed to be the endgame PVP playground in this game. It was just a complete and total failure.


4. Spreading the players out over too many servers at launch and then having no plan in place to merge those players together when the initial rush of players subsided. This was totally inexcusable and what has hurt this game the most since launch. How many servers were there? This happened because they had this on there mind. "There is nothing more important than a smooth launch. " That my friends is short term thinking and that is what got them into a jam.


3. Ignoring trends and launching a subscription based MMO. There are too many F2P alternatives out there. SWTOR cannot compete with them all. When I say F2P, I am not just talking about MMOs either. SWTOR does not just compete with other MMOs. They compete with anything that could take it's subs away. That includes facebook, Playstation Games, and any other entertainment product. If a player finds themselves entertaining themselves in a way that is cheaper than fifteen dollars a month that sub is going to drop. The game should have been F2P from the start.


2. Pillars 1, 2, and 3. During development all we heard about was how innovative the fourth pillar was going to be. And it sure was. That was the most remarkable thing about the game. Pillars one two and three though were not all that remarkable. Standard fare at best, and on top of that many features were incomplete in those pillars. Bioware should have taken more chances with pillars one two and three. We have played those games before and we are tired of them. I can't tell you how many times I have heard players say that other than all the story content, this is pretty much like any other mmo. They stopped playing all those MMOs because they were tired of them. Bioware copy and pasted pillars one two and three. That was a huge mistake.


1. Lack of Space Combat. Again, this is Star Wars. Much of the action in the films was in space. Bioware completely devalued that aspect of star wars and they shouldn't have. This game should have launched with robust space combat. Dozens of ships and massively multiplayer space battles in 3 dimensions. The rail shooter nobody plays. It isn't anything special. Underwhelming to say the least. To me it is a slap in the face and I am sure it is to many others. It is like taking half of what is star wars and just not putting it in the game. If there was a whiteboard with all of the things this game had to have in it. Multi player space combat should have been right at the top. How many star wars games have there been with space combat in them...just about all of them. Bioware didn't swing and miss this one, they didn't even swing. Total fail.

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10. Partially disagree. While I see your point, the art and graphics usually take longer to implement along with content. I don't care if the characters look like wow as long as the game is decent.


9. Disagree. Most of the cutscenes aren't that long. Imo, the only fps with more than required dialog are black talon and esseles. Gear is gear. Not all gear have to be necessarily look like lucas' swtor universe gear. The artists might not have much choice. This is not a movie, this is a game and the storylines are pretty decent for it.


8. Disagree. Of course, this is your personal opinion and I personally feel this doesn't have to be so. I mean, even I would have liked it if BHs and smugglers had at least a choice to join the faction of their choosing, but it is simply not feasible for the way this game is designed. Each class has its own unique story. You are simply playing the story of a certain BH who happened to anger the republic and hence joined the empire. Same with the smuggler. Having a separate faction isn't right with your argument of lucas' star wars universe either. It has always been, is, and will always be about the power struggle between jedi and sith. This game is about a war between two different governments supported by the jedi and the sith.


7. Agree. They should've made coruscant and droumand kass the central hubs. But it might've even been a bigger disaster. This is because of the load times. Planets take longer to load than the fleet. Plus, according to the story, we "shuttle" to almost all instances which is why the fleet would seem a better venue story wise. But I still agree with you.


6. Agree. Yes, a better way could've been spreading the questing areas far apart on a planet by filling voids among each other and having the players shuttle between them through taxi. For example, the starting area on tatooine and the very next one are accessible through taxi without having to manually travel probably because they are quite far apart.


5. Agree. I don't know if this can be rectified, but it would be nice if they did.


4. Disagree. You may be right, but personally I din't forsee this problem.


3. Disagree. I think you're wrong. If this game din't have as many bugs and was better than what it is now, then I'm sure it could've had far more subs than what it does now.


2. No idae. I don't know what you mean.


1. Disagree. I don't think that is a bad idea, but I also don't think it should've been implemented at launch. Remember when vehicle combat was introduced in WoW during wotlk? The QQ was unbelievable that the instance was nerfed to oblivion and still people avoided it. An average player fails to do combat without having access to all the abilities that they usually play with. This is just pve. Imagine how it would be in pvp. I daresay even implementing cross server might only help having it pop now and then.



Oh, might I add bugs and crappy engine to the list?

Edited by Starleash
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The completely identical fleets are probably one of the worst design choices I have ever seen, and just shows how lazily Bioware have developed this game. Coruscant and Dromund Kaas are iconic, but instead of spending our time there we're imprisoned in a space station. The only reason I can think of why they went with fleets is that the game couldn't cope with tons of players in the capital, in which case they should have spend more time actually FIXING THE ENGINE.
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In BWs defence regarding the fleets, I wasn't in beta but the way I heard it at first there were no fleets in and the capital worlds were intended to be the social hubs for each faction.


Players however didn't fancy the setup hence why the flavorless fleet stations were added literary just before launch. I assume those planets are simply designed too big for a nice congested and convenient hub people like.


Perhpas with one of the expansions the main social hub will "move" like in many other an mmo and they flesh up a proper hub on the capital planets. A separate area inside the DK citadel or Coruscant goverment building or something. Can have its seperate load screen even to circumvent the rest of the planet.

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bugs and low pop servers and bugs and lack of other faction interaction and bugs and game engine and did i mention bugs ? those were the main reasons people left. More content would have helped, but if there had been few bugs from launch we would surely have had a content patch more or 2. Programmers are just busy fixing bugs...
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The completely identical fleets are probably one of the worst design choices I have ever seen, and just shows how lazily Bioware have developed this game.



I'm not entirely convinced it was a "design choice" anymore than I'm convinced that no day/night cycle outside of Taris & Balmorra was one.


In both cases I suspect it may have been a "running out of development time choice". :(

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General boards that allow people to constantly declare a game a failure based on their own mind projection.


Worst idea in the history of bad ideas.



because the game is a roaring success.. right?

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Operations based endgame for a solo story was dumb as hell. The story follows a classic Republic versus Empire, where the bosses are the kind enemies we should expect. Then we go into WOW type enemies at Operations. Should have never added raids from WOW and not give them a BIOWARE or STAR WARS appeal. The only endgame battle that fits with the story is battle of ilum and false emperor and they are flashpoints.


If anything we should have pvp ops. Mandalorian raiders should be pub vs imp, so should colicoid war games. Battle of Ilum and False Emperor should be a race against factions. They do not let the pub go against the imps enough in this game.


I am a big bioware fan and a star wars fan but I see myself unsubscribing for the second time because of the stale operations endgame and warzones cannot be played for 6 months with other forms of pvp.

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"It is a touchstone, It has established standards, it's established how you play an MMO. Every MMO that comes out, I play and look at it. And if they break any of the WoW rules, in my book that's pretty dumb. If you have established standards, WoW established them."


-Greg Zeschuk

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10. fully voiced

9. fully voiced

8. fully voiced

7. fully voiced

6. fully voiced

5. fully voiced

4. fully voiced

3. fully voiced

2. fully voiced

1. fully voiced


Takes way more money and time to make new content, which you can easily see by the quality of voice acting added in same faction voidstar and civil war

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Jedi and Sith have both worn armor under their robes in multiple different eras in the SWU. However since this is set in the Old Republic era, we have precedence of Jedi/Sith with body armor in KOTOR I and II, the KOTOR comics and numerous other examples.


The rest of the OP may ring true for some may not for others,it's all subjective and opinion; and we all know what they say about opinions,elbows and certain other body parts......

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The completely identical fleets are probably one of the worst design choices I have ever seen, and just shows how lazily Bioware have developed this game. Coruscant and Dromund Kaas are iconic, but instead of spending our time there we're imprisoned in a space station. The only reason I can think of why they went with fleets is that the game couldn't cope with tons of players in the capital, in which case they should have spend more time actually FIXING THE ENGINE.


I don't think it's necessarily "lazy" I think what happened is they had Imperial fleet, which when you think about it fits with the Empire quite nicely. It's a utilitarian military hub that looks good, makes sense (they are an invading force operating from a military forward installation).


But the Pub fleet just seems sloppy, hurried, it doesn't make sense from a story perspective, why would they be there instead of on Coruscant or Alderaan or Tython?


What I think happened is they needed another 6 months to finish the game but EA forced an early release, it wasn't being lazy on BW's part, it was impatience on EA's.


I genuinely believe that if the gave had LAUNCHED in the state of 1.2 and that 1.1 included all the stuff found in 1.3 the game would probably be at 2.5M subs right now.

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10. The art style. Too cartoony. Sure there are star wars comics and cartoons out there, but those are nowhere near as cool as the movies. The art style should have been more realistic. They did this so anyone with the most basic rig to a gaming machine could play the game. Most people fail to realize that the more realistic styles and NPCs that aren't static or semi static require a good deal of power to run. You can do one or the other(like with WoW) but both at the same times starts to limit your customer base to those with medium to higher end rigs.


9. Sloppy animations and bad gear design. Jedi don't wear body armor. Not in George Lucas universe and they shouldn't have in Bioware's. The cut scene animations are not good enough. Too many slow swooping ships and conversations. Any time you show a cut scene with a spaceship, you entire goal should be to make the viewers jaw drop, Think awesome! And enough dialogue cut scenes. Words can be spoken with blasters and light sabers. Always go with action over dialogue. Only use duologue when there is no way for you to tell the story without it. Can you imagine how boring the star wars movies would have been if it were 90% dialogue and 10% action. Covered this in my first post. Jedi and Sith have worn body armor canonically. The design of tier gear hasn't been my cup of tea, but it appeals to some. The rest is all opinion.


5. Ilum. There are so many things wrong with that planet, even now. It was a joke from day one, so much of a joke they just abandoned it and removed it from the PVP menu. It was supposed to be the endgame PVP playground in this game. It was just a complete and total failure. True. To give BW credit, they owned up and said that Ilum didn't work as they planned and it failed.Can't say the same for some developers out there.


4. Spreading the players out over too many servers at launch and then having no plan in place to merge those players together when the initial rush of players subsided. This was totally inexcusable and what has hurt this game the most since launch. How many servers were there? This happened because they had this on there mind. "There is nothing more important than a smooth launch. " That my friends is short term thinking and that is what got them into a jam. This was a community created problem. BW launched with a set amount of servers and population caps they were raising as need arose.The community raged over queue times during launch and over a holiday period(when one should expect longer queue times) and BW relented and added more servers. This one is on our shoulders,folks.


3. Ignoring trends and launching a subscription based MMO. There are too many F2P alternatives out there. SWTOR cannot compete with them all. When I say F2P, I am not just talking about MMOs either. SWTOR does not just compete with other MMOs. They compete with anything that could take it's subs away. That includes facebook, Playstation Games, and any other entertainment product. If a player finds themselves entertaining themselves in a way that is cheaper than fifteen dollars a month that sub is going to drop. The game should have been F2P from the start.Opinion. They are numerous successful games out there in each of the different payment methods.



1. Lack of Space Combat. Again, this is Star Wars. Much of the action in the films was in space. Bioware completely devalued that aspect of star wars and they shouldn't have. This game should have launched with robust space combat. Dozens of ships and massively multiplayer space battles in 3 dimensions. The rail shooter nobody plays. It isn't anything special. Underwhelming to say the least. To me it is a slap in the face and I am sure it is to many others. It is like taking half of what is star wars and just not putting it in the game. If there was a whiteboard with all of the things this game had to have in it. Multi player space combat should have been right at the top. How many star wars games have there been with space combat in them...just about all of them. Bioware didn't swing and miss this one, they didn't even swing. Total fail.Opinion again. I personally could care less about Space Combat. Would Guild Capital ships and a Space WZ be cool? Absolutely. Did the current version of Space Combat sour the overall TOR experience for me? Nope. I really find it hard to believe that the modern gaming community has devolved into such a state that one aspect can "ruin" a game for them. I think people just like to complain and "hear" themselves talk on forums when ever stuff like this comes up.


Some of your points I agree with, or just don't bother me. Others are just opinion and a few/some/many/most(pick one to fit your view) don't share your opinion.

Edited by Temeluchus
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