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Advance Class Respec


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How about this... when you hit level 50, you should be able to change your class to any other class in the game for a fee. Your Story Progression will be monitored on a Class by Class basis.


So say you are level 50 Vanguard and want to switch to Commando, you can, and your story progress is the same. But if you want to switch to a Shadow, you have to start the story at level 50 on Tython. Then later you can switch to Scoundrel and have to start the Smuggler story on Ord. You won't be able to wear gear unless you have the appropriate gear either. So better keep a stock of stuff in your inventory.


Class respecs cost 2,000,000 credits a pop. This sounds about what people who want AC respecs are asking for anyways.

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The idea that there is a statistically significant number of players that would quit over BioWare allowing Advanced Class respeccing is preposterous.

And how many would leave the game if they can't respect?


Until such a change hits the game nobody can really predict the outcome.

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I doubt that the "GIMME THE RESPEC" crowd will be leveling one of each class. They seem to not even want to level one of the other AC, let alone the other 6 classes.


As for your question regarding inexperienced vanguard or geared commando, I think most people would prefer to have an experienced vanguard tank, but I sure wouldn't want a commando, geared or otherwise tanking in any FP I'm running. Same goes the other way, I'd prefer a geared experienced commando healing, but I would definitely prefer an undergeared, inexperienced commando healing for me over a vanguard.


So you would prefer a powerleveled vanguard with no grouping experience over the theoretical commando respecced to vanguard who has healed in groups?

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Let's go back to that part where BW stated that they set up the talent trees the way they did because they did not want any one class to be able to fill all three roles. Oh, look at that, no one class can fill all three roles.


I honestly didn't know they stated such a failed design as not only a choice but a goal-I guess aping WoW only goes so far with them. God knows 3 roles in one spec would just break the game in every possible way.

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So do mages and warlocks.. They are different clases.. The problem is, you have no authority to determine what a class is or isn't.. You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts..


They are not the same class so says Bioware.. Case closed..


If you can't use the same standards to define a class in all MMO's, then you can't define them.. If you can't define them, then your arguements and points are moot..


Have a nice day.. :)


Elemental and enhancement shamans play differently-more so than warlocks and shadow priests. Are the shamans different classes? What about paladins- 3 different classes? Druids are 4?


If you can't define classes then BW's supposed opinion doesn't matter either-this very site defines classes as smuggler, trooper, agent, etc.- I don't see vanguard or scoundrel on the classes page.

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I'd rather BW just make you select your advance class at level 1. This whole respec AC thing is just catering to whiners who are no longer playing classes they find fun and want the fotm or something.


Good idea-you want to stealth without ever trying it? Hell that's what BW makes you do now, so no change there.


What will you do to those who didn't lock themselves into a spec-force us to choose?

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I really hope they don't put Advanced AC switching in the cash shop. We should be forced to live with our choices or re-roll. If they absolutely must then they need to make it one of the more (if not the most) expensive options on the store. Cause then you gotta actually think about it. Not to mention that your playstyle change might not accommodate your current companion anymore so you'd need to gear someone else which would mean either tanking credits or struggling through a planet to get new gear.


But overall? Keep it out I say. Wanting to change advanced classes strikes to me is the same as wanting class changes in WoW (That's right. I'm going there.) For example let's say you want to go with a DPS toon as a BH and Pyrotech is the marginally better DPS spec at the time. Then all of a sudden Pyrotech gets nerfed or Arsenal gets buffed. Suddenly the DPS obsessed people are going "OMG TO THE CARTEL SHOP AC SWAP!!one1eleven!"


Choices like companion death or actually being forced to deal with your responses in conversations? Oh yes, BW really makes lasting consequences for your choices.I presume you don't hit Esc in those cutscenes to max out alignment and affection points?


What about respecs? If you choose to level as a dps sage you should have to reroll to heal at endgame, right? Live with your choices or reroll-as long as it's applied fairly all around.


But WoW also allows specs to play differently within the class-you would never see the flexibility of shamans, paladins, or druids here. Apparently 3 roles in an advanced spec would break the game or something. For some reason the ability to tank and heal in one spec seems to be almost an obscenity to some players.


As opposed to "Carnage got nerfed, everyone should play Annihilation now for max dps" rants that could occur? Why is one type of switch ok but the other is violating the 'choices should matter' doctrine that BW themselves caved on before the game was ever launched?

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Depends on how many people will stop playing or paying if they do allow class changes. No one knows what the actual numbers would be on either side, but hypothetically let's say 50k players stop paying to play if they allow class changes. That's 750k/month the game company loses. Now let's say 50k people pay to change class. We've already seen the "GIMME THE RESPEC" people asking for the cost to be 4.99 and those same people have stated that they want to change because their current class was nerfed and they want to play the OP other AC. Do you really think that those people will be changing class 3 times a month? I don't. That means BW would LOSE 500k month, and that's assuming those people would actually pay to change class at least once a month. I think we both know the FOTM players wouldn't. They'll be sticking with whichever AC is OP at the time. Which way do you think BW/EA willl go if they stand to lose more in paying subs than they'll make at the cash store?


So you're convinced that 50,000 players feel like you and would ragequit over this-too bad BW doesn't do in-game polls to see how burning an issue this is for the playerbase.


I don't think it should cost anything at all-make it like the respecs are- free once per week, increasing credit cost after that.


BW has lost at least 1.4 million players without advanced spec switching-does that mean anything?

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I am not sure why this is being argued about. This kind of thing will be purely a business decision. Just like the move to F2P to begin with.


Bioware will calculate how long the average player takes to level an alt to level 50. How much money they would make in sub fees in that time (if the player has a sub) plus how much money the average player would spend in the cash shop on that alt (exp boost for example) and they will set the price to be near to that amount. My guess is that it would be around $30. Maybe $40. Maybe higher.


There is no "Bioware would never do that" or "that would ruin their game" or "x number of people will quit". It's all about the money. If there is a demand for a cash shop item, perk, etc. They will put it in the cash shop and price at whatever price is close to the money they would have gotten from the player over time otherwise.

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So you're convinced that 50,000 players feel like you and would ragequit over this-too bad BW doesn't do in-game polls to see how burning an issue this is for the playerbase.


I don't think it should cost anything at all-make it like the respecs are- free once per week, increasing credit cost after that.


BW has lost at least 1.4 million players without advanced spec switching-does that mean anything?


Maybe you didn't notice the word "hypothetically" in my post, the fact that I stated that no one knows the numbers on either side or the fact that in my little scenario the numbers were the same for both sides.


As for the 1.4 million players who have left, how many left because they couldn't change class, and how many left for other reasons? I seriously doubt that 1.4 million players left because they couldn't change class. You could say that this game needs monkeys, after all they have lost 1.4 million players without having monkeys in the game.

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So do mages and warlocks.. They are different clases.. The problem is, you have no authority to determine what a class is or isn't.. You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts..


They are not the same class so says Bioware.. Case closed..


If you can't use the same standards to define a class in all MMO's, then you can't define them.. If you can't define them, then your arguements and points are moot..


Have a nice day.. :)


Yes...........you didn't read the first part. We all know they aren't the same classes it is now, I didn't state this as a fact. This topic is about something we don't have now but want to see in the future.


Mages and Warlocks (from WoW?) didnt have the same resource system/gear/shared skills. And if they did who cares, this game isn't WoW.

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I should be able to respec within my AC or switch ACs whenever I want. The fact that I can't is just stupid. It's arbitrary. It's like telling me what times during the day I should play. Or how many hours per day I can play. Or how many times I can level a character to 50, delete it, create a new one, level it to 50. I mean really. It's nobody's business what I do with my characters. They are mine. I pay for them. Period.
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I should be able to respec within my AC or switch ACs whenever I want. The fact that I can't is just stupid. It's arbitrary. It's like telling me what times during the day I should play. Or how many hours per day I can play. Or how many times I can level a character to 50, delete it, create a new one, level it to 50. I mean really. It's nobody's business what I do with my characters. They are mine. I pay for them. Period.



No, it's telling you that you made a choice that had a consequence associated with it. Most of us are only asking for the consequence to be lessened, not completely removed. You are paying to play a game with others players. It is the other players business. Play a single player game where nobody has to interact or compete with you. Then you can argue that. :rolleyes:

Edited by Kourage
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No, it's telling you that you made a choice that had a consequence associated with it. Most of us are only asking for the consequence to be lessened, not completely removed. You are paying to play a game with others players. It is the other players business. Play a single player game where nobody has to interact or compete with you. Then you can argue that. :rolleyes:


Creating a character is a choice. If I don't like it I can delete the character and make a completely new one and level it to 50. There's no difference at all. None.


And let's be REALLY REALLY honest. The choice is extremely trivial. I mean really. First, there's almost NO difference between ACs. Second, I can have eight characters per server (soon to be unlimited with Cartel Coins). Third, I can have as many accounts as I want.

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Maybe you didn't notice the word "hypothetically" in my post, the fact that I stated that no one knows the numbers on either side or the fact that in my little scenario the numbers were the same for both sides.


As for the 1.4 million players who have left, how many left because they couldn't change class, and how many left for other reasons? I seriously doubt that 1.4 million players left because they couldn't change class. You could say that this game needs monkeys, after all they have lost 1.4 million players without having monkeys in the game.


You're the one that started with pointless 'hypothetical' scenarios about how the game will lose thousands because of whiny ragequitters if this is allowed. By your logic I can say that it's possible that 1.4 million players (or more since BW won't release the true number) have left because this feature hasn't been implemented. Now we've both spent electrons on EXTREMELY unlikely hypothetical scenarios.

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If they allowed this they would have to allow the ability to switch to any class since that's what it would be switching a class. People that took the time to make each class Sentinel/Guardian would be screwed otherwise.
That is sunk time and has no bearing going forward. Not everything has to be fair retroactively.


They presumably had fun while leveling their multiple characters, that will not change, and they'd only have more options going forward.

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