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Forbes take on SWTOR


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Pretty much what I think.


Except I think that the sub model is still viable.


You just need to actually release a good game. And the key word there is "release".


Don't rush it out to make the christmas sales. Keep the beta running for extra months if that is what is needed to properly finish the game. Get all the features in at launch.


And remember features != content.


If SWTOR had been polished, had all standard mmo-features and proper engine at launch it could have released with less content.


Because people will return to a good game when new content is released. They wont return to a crappy game no matter how much content is added.

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" If there was any brand on earth that could make for a massively popular MMO, it was Star Wars, and as such it was surely worthy of the flood of cash and man hours devoted to it."


So true, I bet all the future DEVs got something to think about regarding all games

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Hard to disagree with any, except possibly:


Don’t Rely on an Aging Model - depending on what it means.


If it means don't try to remake WoW (which itself is based entirely on 1999's Everquest 1), then I agree.


It if means the subscription model then I disagree, a good enough MMORPG with innovation could still get millions of subs.

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Forbes painting TOR as a "failure" ..man I normally agree with Forbes. This article just seemed to be an attack.
LOL ... Forbes didn't do a thing. Wasn't this same blogger and this same topic lambasted in a thread last week and then closed? The author isn't Forbes. He's an independent blogger and a Forbes contributor.






He's no more knowledgable than anyone in these forums.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Forbes painting TOR as a "failure" ..man I normally agree with Forbes. This article just seemed to be an attack.


Investing, as Forbes said, $400 mil into a game and having THIS as the result 8 months after release?


I think that's a fair characterization.


Again, as the Forbes article said, if they invested $20 mil to get the same result it's not a failure. DUCY?

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Thanks for link, interesting read.


As much as I may be a subscription kind of guy at heart, I think the times they are a changing.


I think the Sub/F2P hybrid model probably is going to dominate over thenext few years. Meh I'm just awaiting a time when the trend for Fisher Price cookie cutter MMOs (and yes, this started with WoW and its over simplification imo) has gone full circle and studios return to making MMORPGs, quality MMORPGs that are worth a sub fee.


A re-boot of EQ or SWG or DAoC with cutting edge engine and latest MMORPG features would be superb :) It's these types of games that have the depth and complexity to keep people playing for years. Ever since WoW MMOs have all been so simple and easy mode that players race to end game are bored within months :(



Edited by ImperialSun
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Yeha cause a bunch of old white guys in suits that drive lambo's and Benz's are the guys to listen to when it comes to MMO's......


Wake up and smell the coffee... these are the people that dictate everything with regard to MMOs.


At least the OPs linked report talked about things other than share dividends, investment enticements and pwoffit... things that make a game good or bad from a player's perspective. Notice the lack of this kind of player empathy from LA/EA/BW.


How sad it is that with so much money spent, so much talent available, and a global IP to die for... we are now where we are.

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LOL ... Forbes didn't do a thing. Wasn't this same blogger and this same topic lambasted in a thread last week and then closed? The author isn't Forbes. He's an independent blogger and a Forbes contributor.






He's no more knowledgable than anyone in these forums.


lol this is pathetic, the guy seems to be on a vendetta against Swtor and EA (cant blame him on the last one) but seriously, people were ************ and whining because I linked a

but then keep posting articles from this Paul Tassi dude... What a Joke! Edited by ChazDoit
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What you meant to say was, "Paul Tassi's take on SWTOR." :rolleyes:



Paul Tassi

-About Me

I'm EIC of a movie/tv/gaming site called Unreality in addition to my duties for Forbes. I'm new to this business, and I think I'm a part of the first generation of journalists to skip print media entirely



/don't care :cool:

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He's no more knowledgable than anyone in these forums.


No...he is...look at his credentials!!!


I'm EIC of a movie/tv/gaming site called Unreality in addition to my duties for Forbes. I'm new to this business, and I think I'm a part of the first generation of journalists to skip print media entirely.


/sarcasm off

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Very well said.


I would just add one thing - THE STARTING ZONES.



I was so disappointed when I first saw that starting zones where based on the CLASSES and not RACES.


Sure, from story's point of view it makes sense. But now, to actually add a new starting zone they need to create a whole new CLASS and that's a hard.


Not to mention that even if they did only one class could (probably) start from it!


That's just bad planning.

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Forbes painting TOR as a "failure" ..man I normally agree with Forbes. This article just seemed to be an attack.


He's just a blogger for Forbes. He talks down SWTOR in all of his articles and talks up GW2 - i bet he posts on these boards!

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Forbes painting TOR as a "failure" ..man I normally agree with Forbes. This article just seemed to be an attack.


Well, actually, EA painted TOR as a failure, referring to it as both a "miss" and a "disappointment" during the conference call.

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Well, actually, EA painted TOR as a failure, referring to it as both a "miss" and a "disappointment" during the conference call.


No !


This game is successful. It has more players than... most games that cost 1/5 of it's budget !


BEAware will fix everything when it goes F2P. Just wait and see.


Am I doing the whole fanboy thing right?

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