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WoW Loses 1.1M Subscribers, Down to 9.1M


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Kinda puts things in perspective.:D


Previous Subscription Losses

Q1 2011 - 600,000 subscribers lost

Q2 2011 - 300,000 subscribers lost

Q3 2011 - 800,000 subscribers lost

Q4 2011 - 100,000 subscribers lost.

Q1 2012 - 0 subscribers lost. <------

Q2 2012 - 1,100,000 subscribers lost.

Edited by Taorus
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Game is 7 years old. The fact that it still has subs at all is pretty impressive.


How many games last 7 years never mind hold the number 1 spot. You can't compare the 2 with a straight face. it's not even close.


Pretty much.


Nothing is killing WoW except time.


I think finally the really outdated graphics and gameplay may be finally starting to wear thin on a lot of it's players.

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SWTOR went from 1.7 subs to "well over 500k" and went F2P.


This, and as mentioned earlier, WoW has been around the block for some time. The fact that TOR didn't even make it to a 1 year anniversary without going with added F2P model is hilariously bad.:rak_03:

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Game is 7 years old. The fact that it still has subs at all is pretty impressive.


How many games last 7 years never mind hold the number 1 spot.

Ultima Online, EQ1, EQ2, DAOC, EVE, City of Heroes, just to name a few that have lasted 7 years or more.
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Kinda puts things in perspective.:D


Previous Subscription Losses

Q1 2011 - 600,000 subscribers lost

Q2 2011 - 300,000 subscribers lost

Q3 2011 - 800,000 subscribers lost

Q4 2011 - 100,000 subscribers lost.

Q1 2012 - 0 subscribers lost. <------

Q2 2012 - 1,100,000 subscribers lost.


Only about 6 weeks to MoP see how much they rise then except I bet you don't post those.

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Well...Since F2P is the future of MMO gaming....EA make a prudent business decision.
People say that like its a good thing. I mean who wants decent content delivered in a timely manner when they can have f2p mmos take their money and spend the majority of their development into making more crap for you to buy in the $ store. Who needs new raids when you have 10 new pets to choose from right?
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Well they sure didn't end up here. I wonder where they went?


Honestly, probably various games single player? Or perhaps they're just done with the game. If you think about it the last three Expacs had noteworthy raid bosses in them (including Vanilla had some). Arthas, Illidan, Kel Thas, Kel Thuzad, Sapphiorn (sp), Kil J, Sarages, Death Wing, and etc. I don't even know who the F*** is in MoP lore wise. So I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the Warcraft fans left since pretty much all the important lore bosses were killed.

Edited by Aricus
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People say that like its a good thing. I mean who wants decent content delivered in a timely manner when they can have f2p mmos take their money and spend the majority of their development into making more crap for you to buy in the $ store. Who needs new raids when you have 10 new pets to choose from right?


As a stock holder of EA...I like it.:eek:

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People say that like its a good thing. I mean who wants decent content delivered in a timely manner when they can have f2p mmos take their money and spend the majority of their development into making more crap for you to buy in the $ store. Who needs new raids when you have 10 new pets to choose from right?


But my bounty hunter armor will be PINK!!!!

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Kinda puts things in perspective.:D


Previous Subscription Losses

Q1 2011 - 600,000 subscribers lost

Q2 2011 - 300,000 subscribers lost

Q3 2011 - 800,000 subscribers lost

Q4 2011 - 100,000 subscribers lost.

Q1 2012 - 0 subscribers lost. <------

Q2 2012 - 1,100,000 subscribers lost.


but but but it's not the subscription model it's that SWTOR was fail other MMOs are succeding.

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F2P in less than a year is epic fail. These mmo guys failed at running a traditional mmo. They gonna suck even more at trying F2P.


the guy from warhammer is on the steering wheel....either he happens to be THE unluckiest SOB on the planet and he always comes into projects that are going to get screwed by the investors and shareholders , or he screws the game up and the shareholders and investors salvage what they can....hmmm i wonder wich one could be?

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