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Starwars?...more like Stunwars


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Unless it is some rare, undocumented, and unwitnessed bug happening, systematically Resolve ALWAYS works as intended, exactly as it should.


You're welcome to prove this wrong by submitting actual evidence. This SWTOR version of "the James Randi Challenge" has been now running for something like 8~9 months, and still, upto date, not a single proof has been submitted that Resolve has exceptions, or fails to work at times.


People tend to have very self-serving/warped memory when it comes to disgruntling events -- I doubt you are an exception.


True and in the "heat of the moment" I am sure some people will take things out of proportion and over-exaggerate things that occur in game. I have played this game since the very 1st beta event, I have multiple level 50 classes and I understand fully how resolve *should* work.


There is no way you can prove that it ALWAYS works, the same that I cannot prove that sometimes it does NOT work as it is supposed to. In this instance it definitely was not working as it should.

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True and in the "heat of the moment" I am sure some people will take things out of proportion and over-exaggerate things that occur in game. I have played this game since the very 1st beta event, I have multiple level 50 classes and I understand fully how resolve *should* work.


There is no way you can prove that it ALWAYS works, the same that I cannot prove that sometimes it does NOT work as it is supposed to. In this instance it definitely was not working as it should.


Actually, while you are correct that it is impossible to prove a negative (i.e. that it "never" fails to work), you can prove a positive (an actual failure). Simply fraps every match and you will eventually find a bug, if it exists.

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there are ways to abuse it. resolve ticks down slowly. even if you are 90% resolved a cc will last it's entire duration. if you combine those two mechanics you can stun a guy, wait like 5 seconds for the resolve to tick down a little, stun him again for 95% resolve, then stick him in a mez for 8 seconds. pretty ****in lame if you ask me.


sometimes mezzes will bug out and act like stuns too. i've been in forcelifts and whirlwinds that do not end when 3 guys are beating on me until 8 seconds are up.


stuns and cc's suck. i probably WILL go back to FPS games cause at least im not sitting there smashing my keyboard while my character does nothing. i don't mind dying, but dying like a chump is not fun at all.

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there are ways to abuse it. resolve ticks down slowly. even if you are 90% resolved a cc will last it's entire duration. if you combine those two mechanics you can stun a guy, wait like 5 seconds for the resolve to tick down a little, stun him again for 95% resolve, then stick him in a mez for 8 seconds. pretty ****in lame if you ask me.


Stun = 800 Resolve

Decay = 25/second AFTER CC wears off

Time to Wait for Next Stun to avoid Immunity = 800 + 800 = 1600 - 999 = 601 / 25 = 24.04 = 25 (rounding up) seconds of waiting before the second Stun can be used. 25 =/ 5

Edited by Darth_Philar
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Stun = 800 Resolve

Decay = 25/second AFTER CC wears off

Time to Wait for Next Stun to avoid Immunity = 800 + 800 = 1600 - 999 = 601 / 25 = 24.04 = 25 (rounding up) seconds of waiting before the second Stun can be used. 25 =/ 5


what is this i dont even

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what is this i dont even


I'll do it again, only with more explanation:


Step 1 - You hit an enemy with a stun giving them 800 Resolve


Step 2 - You wait 4 seconds for the stun to wear off. After 4 seconds Resolve is still 800 as it does not decay until the Stun expires


Step 3 - You wait 25 seconds for the Resolve to decay to an amount lower than 200 (175 in this case). Since 800 - 175 = 625 you need to divide the decay amount (625) by the decay rate (25) to determine the decay time (25 seconds)


Step 4 - Your friend (since you don't have a stun off CD right now) hits your enemy with a stun giving them an additional 800 Resolve but bringing their total Resolve to 975.


That is the only way you can use two stuns without filling the resolve bar. It takes 25 seconds, not 5 as you suggested.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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it is stun wars.. unfortunately it is part of the game.. i just hope in the future they lower the cool down time on cc break...


yes there are folks out there who are experts at keeping people stunned. so.. why fight pvp again?

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It's kinda interesting to see how people refer to something as a "permastun", which implies there are stuns so long and frequent, that it runs permanently. Except, such a thing doesn't exist in the first place.


They casually confuse the difference between a "permastun", and "just enough stuns to get them killed during the working duration" -- which, in reality, is mere 8 seconds from two back to back hard stuns, which after that time you're granted a period of immunity.


In 1vs1 terms (in other words, more or less numerically equal conditions), no enemy just kills you straightout during the duration of that stun, except perhaps Ops/Scoundrels in the early days. Heck, the absolute majority of classes in game don't even have enough stuns to use back-to-back. Only defense Juggs/Guardians can do that.


It may seem like a "permastun" to people who just about die every time a group of enemies chain-stun them, but to others who know how to counter it, or survive it properly, its just another common game mechanic.



Don't disguise as your lack of understanding as if it were some OP mechanic -- because it ain't.


I am going to talk about the chain stun. Its the stun/stun/root then slow along with DoT that people are applying.




16 seconds of absolute stun is happening all the time.


Legshot has 5 a team I can literally freeze you in place with using cc after your resolve is full for 21 seconds.


So Stun/stun then legshot someone whose cc breaker is on gcd. You have now frozen a player in a single place in a video game for 21 seconds. That is not right


My Class as all of this CC:

Electrocute (60s)

Mind Trap (always on out of combat)

Whirlwind (60s)

Force Lightning (6s)

Force Slow (12s)

Spike (30s)


All Classes (Cybertech):

Grenades (90s)


You get 1 CC breaker mine is on a 120 second cooldown. No one can help you by removing a CC. So if you fight me at any point in the game I am 100% sure you will get with some form of CC that impairs your movement.


I am also positive most battles 1vs1 or 1vs many you engage in will result in significant time that you cannot respond. I didn't mention overload and force pull, but that is also imo cc since I am controling you. Here come stand in fire/acid while I stun you for 4 seconds. My favorite is pull/spike/electrocute. It seems to deal with the cc breaker well. Plus it makes you twitch on the ground..


I use a lot of CC. I am a tanksin. Its my job. Guard the healer. You're going to get CC'd if target my healer along with a nice taunt.

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<< You play a sent and you are qqing about sorc? This is amusing to say the least. >>


I'm "qq'ing" about something a sorc (or anyone with a stun and a knockback) can and did do, yep. I also don't think I'm being outplayed by anything other than cheap mechanics when I get pulled into a fire and stunned/rooted - same deal. I'm not one of those that thinks that sorcs are a horribly crippled class, though (I play a sage on occasion); much of the qq is because half the game was playing them when/because they were op'd and now that they aren't those that don't like having to reroll to the new fotm are crying on forums. But it IS hilarious when sorcs complain about sentinel ccs.

Edited by WaywardOne
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@ HelinCarnate. I think that there is a documented bug with the Sith Assassin whirlwind when they spec in Darkness tree. The whirlwind is unbreakable by damage but all damage received by the CCed player is healed. Might be a feature :rak_03:.

@WaywardOne. I'm pretty sure you don't want to play a game where everybody get's a stick of wood and they compete upon a patch of sand. Cause that's the only way to remove events like the one you described (getting pulled and rooted in the fire pit, etc). I think you are taking this game way to serious to actually enjoy it, sorry.

@PlagaNerezza. You say stun rest of us say mezz. The difference? You know it for sure but let's say that to other people that might not know it. If you want to keep that guy in one place for 21 seconds you need not to damage him (your team neither). He also has to be alone with no support healer that can cleanse your mezz. I saw this tactic used in Alderan WZ when sneaks try to ninja cap a turret but with careful positioning that is avoidable. And no, it doesn't happen all that often but if you really want we could ask BW to nerf your sin's CC capabilities a bit ;).

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<< You play a sent and you are qqing about sorc? This is amusing to say the least. >>


I'm "qq'ing" about something a sorc (or anyone with a stun and a knockback) can and did do, yep. I also don't think I'm being outplayed by anything other than cheap mechanics when I get pulled into a fire and stunned/rooted - same deal. I'm not one of those that thinks that sorcs are a horribly crippled class, though (I play a sage on occasion); much of the qq is because half the game was playing them when/because they were op'd and now that they aren't those that don't like having to reroll to the new fotm are crying on forums. But it IS hilarious when sorcs complain about sentinel ccs.


LOL the only one crying here is you mate - because you were dumb enough to let sorc cc you on a fire pit. You were completley outplayed by the class that is the paper to your scizzors - dont pretend otherwise.

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I could live with the stun bs if they made our break reset every 30 seconds instead of 2 minutes. You come back from a death trying to defend a door where you had to use your break to stop a cap and are immediately stun locked till dead. The break needs to reset way faster since every class has some sort of stun and most can trait some sort of CC that totally bypasses the resolve bar.
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I could live with the stun bs if they made our break reset every 30 seconds instead of 2 minutes. You come back from a death trying to defend a door where you had to use your break to stop a cap and are immediately stun locked till dead.


The way you are explaining things is one of the reasons why CC breakers need to be used sparingly.


The very situation where one suicidal person can interrupt a cap, die, respawn, rinse and repeat the whole process to stop what should have been a successful cap attempt... now that's what I call BS. Try to think in the broader perspective of balance, instead of being so submerged in selfishness.



The break needs to reset way faster since every class has some sort of stun and most can trait some sort of CC that totally bypasses the resolve bar.


The break needs to be on a CD long enough for people to seriously think about the absolutely necessary timing to use it. Otherwise, all you are asking for is just another masked/disguised way of saying "get rid of CC from the game" -- as in, "I wanna be able to break out of CCs almost everytime, every fresh engagement".

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<< @WaywardOne. I'm pretty sure you don't want to play a game where everybody get's a stick of wood and they compete upon a patch of sand. Cause that's the only way to remove events like the one you described (getting pulled and rooted in the fire pit, etc). I think you are taking this game way to serious to actually enjoy it, sorry. >>


I'm not sure what you're talking about. Pls tell me the sum of your /played time. Are you "seriously" telling me that all that is time spent where you don't care what happens? Maybe you should probably find another activity where you do.


Show me another MMO where 75% of the classes get cheap wins like that constantly? Yes, Wow has one or two classes that can knock ppl off cliffs to their deaths in a small handful of very specific locations and guess what? Many PVPers complain when that happens there, too. I can't think of any other MMO with a similar "feature" however.. maybe Aion. And even in Wow the event doesn't involve a stun (you can outmaneuver a shaman if you're paying attention). This wasn't me standing in an avoidable spot in a bg, or me failing to anticipate - there is no way to avoid stupid moves in huttball and some classes have more of those moves than others and some classes are more vulnerable to them than others.


I'm still playing this game after 6 mos, I've probably got more total /played time than most people and I have fun in most of the wzs most of the time, even when I lose, even when I die to cheap mechanics. But since the subject came up, here I am... and if you think my perspective is only shared by a small minority of posters here you're smoking crack; lots of ex-players (pvpers) do not like the excessive CC in this game and think Huttball is ridiculous.

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<< @WaywardOne. I'm pretty sure you don't want to play a game where everybody get's a stick of wood and they compete upon a patch of sand. Cause that's the only way to remove events like the one you described (getting pulled and rooted in the fire pit, etc). I think you are taking this game way to serious to actually enjoy it, sorry. >>


I'm not sure what you're talking about. Pls tell me the sum of your /played time. Are you "seriously" telling me that all that is time spent where you don't care what happens? Maybe you should probably find another activity where you do.


Show me another MMO where 75% of the classes get cheap wins like that constantly? Yes, Wow has one or two classes that can knock ppl off cliffs to their deaths in a small handful of very specific locations and guess what? Many PVPers complain when that happens there, too. I can't think of any other MMO with a similar "feature" however.. maybe Aion. And even in Wow the event doesn't involve a stun (you can outmaneuver a shaman if you're paying attention). This wasn't me standing in an avoidable spot in a bg, or me failing to anticipate - there is no way to avoid stupid moves in huttball and some classes have more of those moves than others and some classes are more vulnerable to them than others.


I'm still playing this game after 6 mos, I've probably got more total /played time than most people and I have fun in most of the wzs most of the time, even when I lose, even when I die to cheap mechanics. But since the subject came up, here I am... and if you think my perspective is only shared by a small minority of posters here you're smoking crack; lots of ex-players (pvpers) do not like the excessive CC in this game and think Huttball is ridiculous.


Your whole point is a rather feeble atempt to weigh things more in your favour because you dont like being killed "in a cheap way". Dont put yourself in a stupid position to be killed in such a way then..


This forum is full of whiners such as yourself who think they game revolves around one class and all stuns should be nerfed so your class has an easier time than it already has.


Fact is different classes use different mechanics and if you are any good, you know what they are and you adapt accordingly. Maras tell sages time and time again we have the tools to deal with them, and we do to a degree - so do you in regards to not being stunned on a fire pit. You thought the sage was the usual free kill and you got pwned - boohoo, thats on you.

Edited by PloGreen
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Show me another MMO where 75% of the classes get cheap wins like that constantly?


How about you show us upon what basis you claim "75% of the classes get cheap wins", first? Maybe 75% of your losses are due to so stupidly falling to an obvious enemy trap, but that sure don't happen to me.



Yes, Wow has one or two classes that can knock ppl off cliffs to their deaths in a small handful of very specific locations and guess what? Many PVPers complain when that happens there, too.


So? People who complain about those stuff in WoW are also considered hopeless mouthing off n00bs who need to L2P before throwing tantrums.


Your point being what, whiners are universal in all games with PvP?



I can't think of any other MMO with a similar "feature" however.. maybe Aion. And even in Wow the event doesn't involve a stun (you can outmaneuver a shaman if you're paying attention).


People exploit the terrain to their advantage in all games with PvP to differing degrees. Your sentinel/marauder class may not realize it, but meeting one of those classes in closed space without any terrain features to exploit is as gruelling as any firepit when you are the one being attacked while playing a low-defense class.


Do you see them complaining about that? Did you ever stop to think how your class being naturally more advantageous in such situations is no different from other classes using terrain features to their own advantage?


Ofcourse not. Whiners never think about the times when they also used the same to their own advantage. Its always someone else, always the system, always some outside fact/feature that unjustly persecutes them. Geez, man.



This wasn't me standing in an avoidable spot in a bg, or me failing to anticipate - there is no way to avoid stupid moves in huttball and some classes have more of those moves than others and some classes are more vulnerable to them than others.


Just as much as other classes who were vulnerable, can be turned advantageous in others. You learn to accept that as the given fact of PvP, or just quit and walk away if you can't stand that.


One thing for certain is, throughout the entirety of your whiney protests in these forums, many others will have no problems at all and enjoy the game through its end days.



I'm still playing this game after 6 mos, I've probably got more total /played time than most people and I have fun in most of the wzs most of the time, even when I lose, even when I die to cheap mechanics. But since the subject came up, here I am... and if you think my perspective is only shared by a small minority of posters here you're smoking crack; lots of ex-players (pvpers) do not like the excessive CC in this game and think Huttball is ridiculous.


The players who are still here and enjoy the game as it is, greatly outnumber your pathetic "lots of ex-players".


Come back to us with an "I told you so" when the game SWTOR has drawn its last breath. Then maybe we'll clap.

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<< @WaywardOne. I'm pretty sure you don't want to play a game where everybody get's a stick of wood and they compete upon a patch of sand. Cause that's the only way to remove events like the one you described (getting pulled and rooted in the fire pit, etc). I think you are taking this game way to serious to actually enjoy it, sorry. >>


I'm not sure what you're talking about. Pls tell me the sum of your /played time. Are you "seriously" telling me that all that is time spent where you don't care what happens? Maybe you should probably find another activity where you do.


Show me another MMO where 75% of the classes get cheap wins like that constantly? Yes, Wow has one or two classes that can knock ppl off cliffs to their deaths in a small handful of very specific locations and guess what? Many PVPers complain when that happens there, too. I can't think of any other MMO with a similar "feature" however.. maybe Aion. And even in Wow the event doesn't involve a stun (you can outmaneuver a shaman if you're paying attention). This wasn't me standing in an avoidable spot in a bg, or me failing to anticipate - there is no way to avoid stupid moves in huttball and some classes have more of those moves than others and some classes are more vulnerable to them than others.


I'm still playing this game after 6 mos, I've probably got more total /played time than most people and I have fun in most of the wzs most of the time, even when I lose, even when I die to cheap mechanics. But since the subject came up, here I am... and if you think my perspective is only shared by a small minority of posters here you're smoking crack; lots of ex-players (pvpers) do not like the excessive CC in this game and think Huttball is ridiculous.


M8 chillax you'll get a heart attack. I don't care about other game, I care about this one which I enjoy. You could have jumped to that sorc and push him into the fire or do a sum of other actions. Instead you got outmaneuver and can deal with that only by calling it a cheap shot. Good for you, w/e makes you happy.


Edited: I understand that you are a sentinel so push wasn't available to you. Still you had other options but he was more focused and had a plan while you've started the fight with the "look a frebee" mentality that bitten you on your arse , tough luck.

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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Actually, huttball is by far the most popular wz amongst dedicated pvpers, and for good reason. It is the most variable, skill based wz out of the lot.


Of course getting stuck in fire or acid isn't a "good" feeling, but you can do it right back to them; every class can. This promotes a more thoughtful use of cc, breaks, cleanses, and passes.


Basically, save your stuns for the most opportune times, and don't loiter on the fire vents if your break isn't ready.


-Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

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Can we get away from all the perm-stuns? WZ's are getting mighty boring knowing that you will be perma-stunned half the time...keyboard smashing. I have notice on many occasions that resolve does not work quick like intended either....stunned 3-4 time wihin seconds by multiple players...and still no resolve? Happens quite a bit.


need a fix and resolve and also...mitigate the stuns....starting to make the WZ's boring...


Just my thoughts...i am sure there are people that love getting stunned to death....but not me.


If you run around in a WZ ALONE you WILL be stunned to DEATH!! There is no way around that. Its a team game so think of what would happen if you played a game of basketball 1 v 3. Same thing...you would call for a nerf on shot blocking cus you can't get your shot off. Since thats not working play 3 v3 and pass the damn ball. You will find PVP will go alot better if you just follow some other idiot around on your team. They don't even need to know your doing it but I bet you'll die a lot less.

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How about you show us upon what basis you claim "75% of the classes get cheap wins", first? Maybe 75% of your losses are due to so stupidly falling to an obvious enemy trap, but that sure don't happen to me.



Any class with a knockback (or pull) and a stun or root can get cheap wins. That's most of the classes in this game. Heck, my sentinel can get cheap wins using stasis over a firepit - it's more avoidable than the knockback/pull + stun/root but it's still very cheap (and not available in most other games).

Edited by WaywardOne
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<< Actually, huttball is by far the most popular wz amongst dedicated pvpers, and for good reason. It is the most variable, skill based wz out of the lot. >>


It is popular amongst a set of players, yes, because it can end faster than most other games. The ones that like to organize and play against pugs have had a field day with it. But most of the guilds that liked to do that left as soon as (or shortly after) RWZs popped up. Most of those players couldn't handle more than a few rated games where they couldn't dominate. Most of the serious pvpers (and a very high percentage of the casual pvpers) I have run with do not like Huttball.

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<< Actually, huttball is by far the most popular wz amongst dedicated pvpers, and for good reason. It is the most variable, skill based wz out of the lot. >>


It is popular amongst a set of players, yes, because it can end faster than most other games. The ones that like to organize and play against pugs have had a field day with it. But most of the guilds that liked to do that left as soon as (or shortly after) RWZs popped up. Most of those players couldn't handle more than a few rated games where they couldn't dominate. Most of the serious pvpers (and a very high percentage of the casual pvpers) I have run with do not like Huttball.


Yes of course you speak for the entire pvp community. :rolleyes:

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