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Was Ilum *THAT* broken?


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I've been waiting anxiously for Bioware to tell us what was "Coming Soon" in the SWTOR for weeks... and I have to admit, I'm very disappointed that there was no mention in yesterday's release of PvP beyond a new warzone. Like a lot of others here, I am/was really anxiously looking forward to a return of some kind of organized PvP.


(Why don't I just go fight other players? Sometimes I do exactly that... but it's sort of like the difference between playing a war game, and a 'murder' game. I want to kill imp's for a purpose, not just to ruin their day and/or boost my ego.)


I honestly thought Ilum might just be a few man-hours away from being playable. They obviously already put a lot of time into setting up the PvP zone... and I wasn't around for the disaster earlier this year, but surely there must be something that can be salvaged from there, in some form. Ignoring the Hero lag issue for a sec (those of us who really care will upgrade our systems if thats what it takes)... how much work will it take for them to restore Ilum?! And yet it's not on the roadmap for the next 4-6 months?

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yes. the lag incurred by just ~30 made it unplayable.


denova is pretty laggy too. comes and goes. not sure what's up.


fyi: the lag i'm talking about had nothing to do with my computer or internet connection.

Edited by foxmob
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I've been waiting anxiously for Bioware to tell us what was "Coming Soon" in the SWTOR for weeks... and I have to admit, I'm very disappointed that there was no mention in yesterday's release of PvP beyond a new warzone. Like a lot of others here, I am/was really anxiously looking forward to a return of some kind of organized PvP.


(Why don't I just go fight other players? Sometimes I do exactly that... but it's sort of like the difference between playing a war game, and a 'murder' game. I want to kill imp's for a purpose, not just to ruin their day and/or boost my ego.)


I honestly thought Ilum might just be a few man-hours away from being playable. They obviously already put a lot of time into setting up the PvP zone... and I wasn't around for the disaster earlier this year, but surely there must be something that can be salvaged from there, in some form. Ignoring the Hero lag issue for a sec (those of us who really care will upgrade our systems if thats what it takes)... how much work will it take for them to restore Ilum?! And yet it's not on the roadmap for the next 4-6 months?


With the game going F2P you will never and I repeat never see another open world that is totally pvp orientated. That and the game engine they have cant handle more than 40 people fighting in one place.

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yes. the lag incurred by just ~30 made it unplayable.


denova is pretty laggy too. comes and goes. not sure what's up.


fyi: the lag i'm talking about had nothing to do with my computer or internet connection.

it was still better than not having Ilum.

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it was still better than not having Ilum.


Ilum is still there... I was able to fight 10 separate Imperials on the PvP/western side of Ilum just last night while I was getting the 5 stacks of the valor buff. I usually play around out there between warzones to get maximum valor. Some nights (like last night) you run into people 1v1 or 2v1 a lot, at least on The Fatman. I actually have a ton of fun doing this.


It can be really fun if you bring a buddy or two, and run into multiples... then it can deteriorate into bigger skirmishes which is just so much fun :D

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Lag is bad enough at times in regular warzones, especially after the last patch, just imagine what it was like. You could literally queue an ability and it wouldn't fire off for at least a minute. It was THAT broken. I really wanted big, epic massive pvp battles and objectives myself, which is one of the reasons I'll be trying out GW2 some. If SWTOR had optimized and got it right to begin with or put a significant amount of effort into it, I probably wouldn't be going anywhere at all.
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I was unaware Ilum is no longer accessible.


It's accessible, they just took the daily/weekly quest, and phased them out. Thus, not many people will venture out into the western part of Ilum, where all of the PvP was. Once again, BioWare took the most easy way out first. Though sometimes, I really feel like I would rather have a slideslow PvP fight, than not one at all.


Lag is bad enough at times in regular warzones, especially after the last patch, just imagine what it was like. You could literally queue an ability and it wouldn't fire off for at least a minute. It was THAT broken. I really wanted big, epic massive pvp battles and objectives myself, which is one of the reasons I'll be trying out GW2 some. If SWTOR had optimized and got it right to begin with or put a significant amount of effort into it, I probably wouldn't be going anywhere at all.


GW2 does look like a good game, and I've heard quite a bit about how lag free the WvWvW zergfest is. But in the back of your mind you have to wonder. If they had an optimized engine, and put more effort to Ilum as you said. Along with also continuing to put out more Warzones, would any of us be leaving, or have left to begin with? Thats what BioWare really needs to ask themselves, and remember that. :(

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GW2 does look like a good game, and I've heard quite a bit about how lag free the WvWvW zergfest is. But in the back of your mind you have to wonder. If they had an optimized engine, and put more effort to Ilum as you said. Along with also continuing to put out more Warzones, would any of us be leaving, or have left to begin with? Thats what BioWare really needs to ask themselves, and remember that. :(


Well, to be fair, I already tried GW2 and it has it's pros and cons. It is not the second coming like some people hype it up to be, but it is fun in my opinion and has it's moments just like any other game of good and bad. I am not one to condemn any game without personally trying it and I will never (intentionally) use bias when comparing things. I like both games, but I have now played and tried all the classes in SWTOR and have done the warzones hundreds and hundreds of times. I have done the side quests on both sides, some of the flashpoints (one area I haven't done much of), at least half of all the class stories, and I still have more pve things I could do, but the pvp staleness is getting to me and my altoholicness is running out of things to play with to keep me entertained. So, truth be told, I might have tried it anyway; but the lack of pvp options in SWTOR certainly isn't helping. I am not foregoing my sub to SWTOR just yet though, I hope they can pull it together.

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It's accessible, they just took the daily/weekly quest, and phased them out. Thus, not many people will venture out into the western part of Ilum, where all of the PvP was. Once again, BioWare took the most easy way out first. Though sometimes, I really feel like I would rather have a slideslow PvP fight, than not one at all.


I never considered Ilum PvP fun for the most part. It was a lolzerg slideshow that was hardly considered World PvP (minus some pulls into turrets, but that got old fast), and didn't offer any skill based PvP for anyone. Fight clubbing was also rampant, and was just generally terrible in design and effort. This is what happens, when you tie rewards with open World PvP, it gets abused and becomes no fun and people stop doing it.


Fact of the matter is, World PvP and Ilum is still available, yet the majority of the player base chooses not to partake in this, and for good reasons.

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Well, to be fair, I already tried GW2 and it has it's pros and cons. It is not the second coming like some people hype it up to be, but it is fun in my opinion and has it's moments just like any other game of good and bad. I am not one to condemn any game without personally trying it and I will never (intentionally) use bias when comparing things. I like both games, but I have now played and tried all the classes in SWTOR and have done the warzones hundreds and hundreds of times. I have done the side quests on both sides, some of the flashpoints (one area I haven't done much of), at least half of all the class stories, and I still have more pve things I could do, but the pvp staleness is getting to me and my altoholicness is running out of things to play with to keep me entertained. So, truth be told, I might have tried it anyway; but the lack of pvp options in SWTOR certainly isn't helping. I am not foregoing my sub to SWTOR just yet though, I hope they can pull it together.


Same. I will not say GW2 is the MMO messiah either. My PC was down during the last beta but from the game play I watched, it looks pretty good to me. I looked into it quit a bit since then, so I get irritated when I read misinformation on it, or just any game really. And yeah. Started a little bit after the launch myself. Mainly play my Assassin and thats at like valor 88. Not to mention all of those times where I had already maxed my rank as a lowbie, and was still playing WZ's. Everything's just run its course and lost its luster to me as well. Might as well try it out and play with the rest of my guild thats migrating there as well (but they atleast played in BWE3 :(), so I can see for myself how good it is.

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With the game going F2P you will never and I repeat never see another open world that is totally pvp orientated. That and the game engine they have cant handle more than 40 people fighting in one place.


Don't put it past them to revamp Ilum and put in a coin or real money cost to access it.

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So are we never going to see something similar because the engine sucks balls?


Basically, yes. Whatever changes they make to ilum or anything they add to the game to allow/encourage any kind of open world PvP or PvP outside of warzones will never work due to the game engine being so poor. They spent £100's of millions of dollars on developing this game and they cheaped out on THE most important component, the game engine, this is the result.


In contrast I have been playing the GW2 beta weekends and doing WvWvW PvP the GW2 engine is absolutely amazing, 100's of players on screen at once, maxed out graphics all particle effects flying about and it's lag free. They have clearly put a lot of work into the game engine and it shows. The thing that shocked me more, is that the game engine that works so well in beta, is not even the final optimised game engine!! Bravo arena net.

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It was broken. Heres an idea (that i stole)


Make ilum a timed warzone. Every 2.5 hours a battle will be staged, 100 per side and no more. You hafta que in. several cannons to control that will target the other sides base. once base is destroyed, victorious side gets access to a vendor that has cheaper prices on weapons,off-hands, relics and consumables ONLY (no armor)


Also theres a ship that takes you to a dungeon where you can fight a boss that drops pvp WH gear.


When there is no fight, there are creatue/robots/people that can be farmed for raw crafting mats that are better than all the other worlds and the winning side additionally can shoot down "enemy NPC scout ships" that will give even larger crafting bonuses.


BAM ilum is fixed. werd

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It was broken. Heres an idea (that i stole)


Make ilum a timed warzone. Every 2.5 hours a battle will be staged, 100 per side and no more. You hafta que in. several cannons to control that will target the other sides base. once base is destroyed, victorious side gets access to a vendor that has cheaper prices on weapons,off-hands, relics and consumables ONLY (no armor)


Also theres a ship that takes you to a dungeon where you can fight a boss that drops pvp WH gear.


When there is no fight, there are creatue/robots/people that can be farmed for raw crafting mats that are better than all the other worlds and the winning side additionally can shoot down "enemy NPC scout ships" that will give even larger crafting bonuses.


BAM ilum is fixed. werd


It will not work. Read what previous posters have put, THE GAME ENGINE CANNOT HANDLE IT. It can barely handle 16 players in the same warzone. Face it, any world based or large scale pvp will never ever happen, people need to just forget about it and realise your stuck with the same 4 warzones, nothing more.

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