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Secret Space Project


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ooooh...insults now huh? That wasn't even the same link you gave me yesterday.


Yes it was check the thread I gave you a total of 3 links actually and yet here you are still saying the same BS that the 10 missions are the SSSP LOL!!! goes to show you you just talking to be talking right...

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Please don't give me this. SSP was "secretly" in the works since launch, they stated we'd hear word Soon. It's 8 months and not a peep, instead they're touting F2P as if that's gonna turn this game around. SSP is canned along with SGRA and new companions


EA isn't going to give BW the money to hire voice actors for new companions when they consider this game a "miss"

I don't know why it's so difficult for ppl to realize this, EA considers this a failure, they're gonna stop funding it.


So you have no citation? Great thanks.

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Except for the fact they said IT WAS NOT part of the SSP. Holy sith read for once.


Months ago they said this.


Sorry I don't have faith in them.


As a wise man once said "Fool me once shame on...shame on you? Fool me...you can't get fooled again!"

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Months ago they said this.


Sorry I don't have faith in them.


As a wise man once said "Fool me once shame on...shame on you? Fool me...you can't get fooled again!"


They said in that interview JUNE 6th and also made the same statements at E3 and the last gaming convention GDC i think it was.


Try taking some time to read and see whats actually going on before trying to spread your doom and gloom.


You say months and its less than 2 months actually... so again your trying to make things look bad lol!

Edited by Galvatron
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They said in that interview JUNE 6th and also made the same statements at E3 and the last gaming convention GDC i think it was.


Try taking some time to read and see whats actually going on before trying to spread your doom and gloom.


You say months and its less than 2 months actually... so again your trying to make things look bad lol!


The situation has changed since they said that.


Also they haven't exactly delivered on things they have said before...why believe them now?

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Daniel Eriksson was VERY excited about it, and hes the LEad Game Designer now, so No, its most likely not Cancelled, if anything just stalled until further notice


I dont think that DE knows a thing about this game. "Server Populations are fine."

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Nice....thanks man. I never saw that interview so that pretty much clears it up for me. Cannot wait to see what it is. What is nice is when that interview was posted. The devs would have known about the F2P conversion at that point. This tells me it is still on.


You'd think so...but then why the F2P lvl 15 trial then?


This could have easily came from the higher ups and forced on Bioware.

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So in all honesty do you think that they'd spend dev time creating 10 new space missons when they are intending to revamp the whole system a few months later?


You are holding onto an interview with DE taken 2 months ago like it's Neville Chamberlain's infamous "piece of paper." I admire your optimism, others would call it naivety.

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So in all honesty do you think that they'd spend dev time creating 10 new space missons when they are intending to revamp the whole system a few months later?


You are holding onto an interview with DE taken 2 months ago like it's Neville Chamberlain's infamous "piece of paper." I admire your optimism, others would call it naivety.


Who said it was a complete revamp. It's most likely a new mode separate from the rails. They will keep the rails for daily's sake.

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I hope you all realize that the F2P model isn't something that just came out of the blue from EA or the Dev team, they've known about it for a bit of time. Decisions aren't made overnight, and the website prepared for it reflected their careful planning. F2P bonus items, specific Free/VIP distinction, all of that stuff was already prepped and went online with the click of a button.


Now, for all of you that say this interview is old and irrelevant, let me know when DE was conscious about the move to F2P and its implications. Would he still have mentioned the SSP?


We don't know stuff, people. But give it a chance, at least.

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Who said it was a complete revamp. It's most likely a new mode separate from the rails. They will keep the rails for daily's sake.


Is there any actual information on these new missions? For all I know they could be keeping the current rails missions plus the spaceship one for dailies and introducing a new set of 10 free form missions for people to either buy with CC.

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I hope you all realize that the F2P model isn't something that just came out of the blue from EA or the Dev team, they've known about it for a bit of time. Decisions aren't made overnight, and the website prepared for it reflected their careful planning. F2P bonus items, specific Free/VIP distinction, all of that stuff was already prepped and went online with the click of a button.


Now, for all of you that say this interview is old and irrelevant, let me know when DE was conscious about the move to F2P and its implications. Would he still have mentioned the SSP?


We don't know stuff, people. But give it a chance, at least.


You'd think so.


Tell that to the NBA Elite team who were ready to release their game and it was literally cancelled weeks before. EA definitely made that decision over night. When they feel like a game has failed them then they tend to make some quick decisions and pull the rug from underneath the game quickly.

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Bioware Officer: Extermination Emissary Zeta Six, one message. "The last Super Secret Space Project..." Transmission pulsars have stopped, Commander.


Lord Hickman: The last Super Secret Space Project...


Ray Muzyka: [confidently] Is dead! The last Super Secret Space Project is dead! Nothing can stop us now! Ahead full to Free to Play!

Edited by Hambunctious
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Going F2P has eliminated the possibility of any new ground-breaking gameplay being added into the game. Ilum is going to go completely forgotten. The engine that they use can't even handle open world pvp how do some expect it to handle large scale free roam?


And I doubt BW could afford a new engine for the space project, EA would say no and force them to only work on FP's and WZ's


F2P, like Lotro or AoC, and we will get something like that, mean for swtor: An insane amount of money even more than a 100% p2p MMO with 1.5 - 2 Mill of subs. Did you remember how dead was lotro and AoC before the F2P model?, can u check the state of both games now?. An space expansion mean, F2P players buying it, and P2P players resubing = more money for EA and BW, pretty much we will know something about the space proyect aftrer november.

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F2P, like Lotro or AoC, and we will get something like that, mean for swtor: An insane amount of money even more than a 100% p2p MMO with 1.5 - 2 Mill of subs. Did you remember how dead was lotro and AoC before the F2P model?, can u check the state of both games now?. An space expansion mean, F2P players buying it, and P2P players resubing = more money for EA and BW, pretty much we will know something about the space proyect aftrer november.



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So in all honesty do you think that they'd spend dev time creating 10 new space missons when they are intending to revamp the whole system a few months later?


You are holding onto an interview with DE taken 2 months ago like it's Neville Chamberlain's infamous "piece of paper." I admire your optimism, others would call it naivety.


^^^This. Maybe EA/BW are bigger idiots than I already think they are, but it makes zero sense to devote dev time and resources for 10 more failshooter missions if a revamp is on the horizon. Those resources would have been better spent on the revamp.


Is there any actual information on these new missions? For all I know they could be keeping the current rails missions plus the spaceship one for dailies and introducing a new set of 10 free form missions for people to either buy with CC.


Why would you need 10 new missions for dailies? A new system can have dailies implemented as well.

Edited by HarleysRule
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why can't they just come out and say "" hey guys we been listening and yes its still coming soon" OR say

" sorry guys the SSP is on hold for a while" that's all they have to do..

why is that so hard?

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Guild capital ships are a feature that players have been crying out for since before the game was launched. With so many new features being added to the game this year, is this still on the "wall of crazy?”


Absolutely. It’s part of its own big, sparkly wall called "The Future of Space.”


Article is from last month.

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