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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2nd Quarter results - down another 300,000+


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However, for the sake of argument let's agree that EA has broke even ( or is now making a profit ) at this point via additional box sales or continued subscriptions.


We can't tell, but lets side with the most pessimistic subscription numbers (500,000) and we have a monthly revenue of some $7.5 million and yearly of $90 million). I would posit that even with the most inflated production costs it is highly unlikely that EA won't have "recovered" their investment by December, 2012. In all likelihood they already have but we can't posit a certainty here because of the wide ranging estimates of game costs.


I agree that EA is now eyeing sustainability profit vs pumping more cash into development. EA is looking at "maintaining" the game now.


Absolutely. I would imagine that Bioware had a list of significant content additions and even full-on expansions they'd like to implement and even an estimated timeline (game this size, you have to plan very far in advance).


I'm sure with the "changes" at EA they are looking at all of this right now with an eye to what could return players to the game, what will keep the current base playing, etc. I would imagine that for the short term (few months) we won't see a significant change in content from what they were planning as these were already in the pipeline but post-November.. who knows...


However, as a gamer, I'm not convinced that EA's philosophy coincides with mine. And maybe it's this view that many players are frustrated with - the gaming fantasy versus the business reality...


Can't disagree with this. You are talking to someone who thinks the golden age of computer games was the early 1990s; computer games were a profitable niche market. The people who funded and developed games were generally the people who played them as well. Companies like Sierra, Origin, Interplay, Looking Glass Studios... the heavyweights of their day... each of them established and revolutionized entire genres...


... all gone ...


Thoroughly depressed now man, thanks.


- Arcada

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LOL.. actally it's better for them the way they stated it. That way, next quarter they can say exactly the same thing (as long as it's still legally accurate) and you won't be able to claim subs are down again in Q3. Oh, wait... you will do that no matter what won't you, regardless? :D


Note: Speculation in the absence of fact is the downfall of all hypebole. ;)


By issuing a wide range, they position the subscription discussion off the table next time unless they specifically want to talk about it. Then the quarter after that, they are in dual access model, and subs are no longer a relevant discussion anyways.


Note: Speculation in the absence of fact is the downfall of all hypebole. ;)


EA just outmanoeuvred** you Blattan. ;)




Note: Speculation in the absence of fact is the downfall of all hypebole. ;)
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really really u went with the mom and dads house lol sad And yet you did not dispute that.

so u just said ontop of paying 15 £ a month u would pay more for vanity items man ea must be laughing there asses off or crying they didnt think of this sooner

Some time in your young life, you will learn that if you want something....You are 1) Going to have to work for it. 2) Pay for it. Case in point...Took my wife out for lunch Saturday afternoon...after said lunch we took a stroll to do some "window shopping". My wife saw a pair of shoes and matching purse(vanity items) she wanted, Purchase made. No difference. Edited by Taorus
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Some time in your young life, you will learn that if you want something....You are 1) Going to have to work for it. 2) Pay for it. Case in point...Took my wife out for lunch Saturday afternoon...after said lunch we took a stroll to do some "window shopping". My wife saw a pair of shoes and matching purse(vanity items) she wanted, Purchase made. No difference.


no differernce to real life items than to a computer game items ok seek help

but serious u didnt lay over your wifes shoes and purse for 12 months and then pay another lump of cash on top did u ?

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Can't disagree with this. You are talking to someone who thinks the golden age of computer games was the early 1990s; computer games were a profitable niche market. The people who funded and developed games were generally the people who played them as well. Companies like Sierra, Origin, Interplay, Looking Glass Studios... the heavyweights of their day... each of them established and revolutionized entire genres...


Agree with you here completely. I remember playing games written by lone developers from magazine floppies and on BBS sites well before even Compuserve or AOL.They were new, exciting, and FUN! :eek:

I wrote a few games on my C64 because I enjoyed it and gave them to people to play. Everyone wanted to make a profit, no doubt, but it was more about just wanting to design and create the thing the way you wanted. And, if other people also dug it, man that was cool! :cool:



... all gone ...


Thoroughly depressed now man, thanks.


- Arcada


Apologies - but take heart - misery loves company and I too share that same pain.

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Some time in your young life, you will learn that if you want something....You are 1) Going to have to work for it. 2) Pay for it. Case in point...Took my wife out for lunch Saturday afternoon...after said lunch we took a stroll to do some "window shopping". My wife saw a pair of shoes and matching purse(vanity items) she wanted, Purchase made. No difference.


You seriously can't differentiate the physical difference between a pair of shoes and pixels?! There IS a difference.

FYI, most chicks are played by RL guys.

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Regarding those numbers, if you actually listen to the conference call, a guy from Goldman Sachs essentially calls their subscription numbers BS, in conference call terms...and promptly gets hung up on.


Make of it what you will.


You beleive anything a jagoff from GS says? My grandfather used too till they pissed away 96% of his life savings.

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I am assuming it is around 850k+ if they said well over 500k.


The conversion to allow F2P accounts to access 1-50 will shake the numbers in a different manner (two different kinds of accounts), but we'll have to wait for fall to see what it does.


As for me, I really don't care if it was 500k, or 700k, or whatever. My friends and I play it and plan on sticking with our sub. It still has more subs than the other MMOs and I'd play if it didn't.

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no differernce to real life items than to a computer game items ok seek help

but serious u didnt lay over your wifes shoes and purse for 12 months and then pay another lump of cash on top did u ?


1)No difference in vanity items. And I have no problem paying for something that is going to entertain me...whether that entertainment last 5 seconds or 5 years. In case you didn't know....when you die...you can't take the money with you.


2) what was the point you are trying to make? My wife...like most women like shoes. They weren't needed..was a want. If tomorrow she wanted a new pair...In a heartbeat I would buy them...I love my wife....she is the bee's knee's:D

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If you trust that anonymous laid off Bioware employee that leaked the f2p news subs just went down another 90k after the official f2p announcement. Well I hope they don't shut down the servers and burn the server code before I finish the class stories I consider interesting.
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If you trust that anonymous laid off Bioware employee that leaked the f2p news subs just went down another 90k after the official f2p announcement. Well I hope they don't shut down the servers and burn the server code before I finish the class stories I consider interesting.


Wouldn't be surprised. As it stands there just isn't the incentive to sub when you can get all the story, quest content for free.

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1) In case you didn't know....when you die...you can't take the money with you.


Apparently not being able to make purchases when dead is full justification for being a doormat that makes poor financial decisions in life.......


Or maybe not.


The last time I checked, not being able to take money to the afterlife wasn't justification for spending 20 bucks on a speeder in SWToR when the fridge is empty. Just sayin'.


As philosophical as you are trying to be, it just doesn't apply well in this situation, I fail to see how your real life correlation has any connection what so ever to a hybrid system in which you'd have to pay a sub if you actually wanted access to all of the windows on the street that you are window shopping on.


It's a bit of a difference.

Edited by Celebrus
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Apparently not being able to make purchases when dead is full justification for being a doormat that makes poor financial decisions in life.......


Or maybe not.


The last time I checked, not being able to take money to the afterlife wasn't justification for spending 20 bucks on a speeder in SWToR when the fridge is empty. Just sayin'.


As philosophical as you are trying to be, it just doesn't apply well in this situation.


1) so choosing how I spend my money...makes me a doormat?


2) Sorry, I don't have your limited pockets. Choice's... I made in my life has enabled me to spend money how and where I choose. and which fridge do you reference?. The one in kitchen or garage or the "man-cave"...Rest assured my wife keeps all of them amply stocked. and Fido isn't eating Alpo either:D

Edited by Taorus
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