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Why do people hate SWTOR, really?


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After reading a lot of the hater posts I just have to wonder about a broade issue. What is it about some segement of gamers that allows them with a straight face to make statements with ZERO evidence or basis in reality?


OMG please back away from the computer... quickly......


Before you do, though, have a read :



Then understand... or not....

Edited by Rasticles
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I am not a rager, or a hater, or a 14 year old, or an MMO Noob. I've grown to not dislike the game itself but how its run or lack thereof. That said, there definitely needs more things to do at 50. Coming out with content doesnt mean more raids. People will beat them in a day and complain the next day. There needs to be something more sandboxy to do at 50 ALONG WITH raids and PvP. Bioware/EA have many many producers, they need to come up with something innovative. But do any of us expect them to do that? Certainly not I seeing whats happened in the last year.
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I am not a rager, or a hater, or a 14 year old, or an MMO Noob. I've grown to not dislike the game itself but how its run or lack thereof. That said, there definitely needs more things to do at 50. Coming out with content doesn’t mean more raids. People will beat them in a day and complain the next day. There needs to be something more sandboxy to do at 50 ALONG WITH raids and PvP. Bioware/EA have many many producers, they need to come up with something innovative. But do any of us expect them to do that? Certainly not I seeing what’s happened in the last year.


I love this game, it's awesome. My first MMO ever and I'm totally hooked. I just started my first alt and with the legacy system I find it even better than before when I first started (before 1.2 came out). I'm leveling pretty quickly and am having an awesome time. I can't believe there are so many characters with so many different specs you can use, it seems it would take an eternity to get through it all.


I think the end game content is pretty darn good. I played end game for quite a while before starting my alt and never really got through it all. My complaint with end game would be that the group finder should be a little better on picking good partners for some of the harder content. Also, EC (Denova) should be added to the group finder, as well as hard mode ops. The group finder should also include grouping people up for the world bosses that would enable them to get some of the vehicle achievements. Also, the world bosses, can they be put on a shorter respawn time? I waited once for one and that was it. I can't see myself taking the time to get a group, go to the world, and wait around in case it's not spawned yet. How about some indication of when it will respawn or something?


I feel like the people that are complaining are those that literally have all day to play. I get a couple of hours a day to play and that's about it. So the game just feels freakin' massive to me. I feel like there is so much content that there is almost no way I'm going to get to it all.


There are improvements that need to be made to the game. I mentioned the group finder, that would be some much needed improvements. Another would be the crafting menu's that show what you can craft. It would be good to be able to put a filter on the menu so you only see what you want (as an example).


This game is going to have a long life. There is more content coming out soon, a nightmare EC operation will be released soon, and another operation that is supposed to be even more difficult than EC.


One last thing, open world PVP could be improved. I've seen some good ideas around here. I think they tried with Illum and are definately on the right path, however nobody is playing it. Illum should be a warzone you can queue for or something that would put people in there. This whole idea that people will become friends, talk and organize, well it's ridiculous. Most just don't. People are on with their few hours or whatever they have to play and they don't want to stand around and chat, they want to play. Make it easier to play.

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After reading a lot of the hater posts I just have to wonder about a broade issue. What is it about some segement of gamers that allows them with a straight face to make statements with ZERO evidence or basis in reality?


Even though I agree to a certain extent, the real issue is focus and negativity. They focus on little things that really don't matter if you play and enjoy the game and the negativity will follow. Negativity makes the game environment toxic, this has happened in so many games. Hellgate, Vanguard, the list goes on and on. When people get sick of hearing the negativity they will leave the game for a while. In reality the community is half the issue with the game.


I'm not going to say that game does not have issues. It does seem that every issue people describe on these forums is relatively small and I've never encountered them. The Ilum latency bug I did have, but it was gone the next day. Taking things like this and focusing on them makes you resent the "fun" parts of the game. I also paid for the game, I'm still having fun and I don't regret it at all.


Entitlement is another issue entirely. focusing on things that were said in 2004 is the same as your girlfriend telling you that you were a jerk 10 years ago but bringing it up every 2 hours on the forums. What exactly is the point? I have no idea but it does not help the community and it does not help yourself. If you are doing nothing but complaining, you are not having fun and you are ruining it for other people.


I'm not sure where I'm going with this as it's likely the trolls will just make fun of it. But I'm trying to be honest. The community is half the problem.


I'm still having fun. :rolleyes:

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Not sure if I replied to this one or not, there is so much hilarity on this board this morning.


....but I will say that the reason that people "hate" this game is because gamers hate all games as well as anyone that does not agree with them. Find me a game board not inundated with whiners hating the game they play LOL.

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Because people are inherently stupid.


They complain, yell, scream, have tantrums, swear up and down, act like children, yet don't change their behavior one bit.


If you hate the game, move on and play something else. People don't, which is why in the end, regardless of what happens no one wins except EA...as they laugh their way to the bank with all of your money. Mine too, but I actually enjoy the game!

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Remember.. These are the people that complain about bugs and then complain about the down time to fix the bugs.. They probably shouldn't be playing an MMO.. They may also be WOW players trying to ruin this game so it doesn't knock WOW off it's throne..


This game is awsome.. Nuff said..

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This has really nothing to do with hate, and really more of a trust issue. People just don't trust EA/Bioware anymore. They lost trust over the past 8 months, and based off past experiences and the current trend, people don't trust EA/Bioware to implement a successful F2P game. I'll just leave it that, as many issues people have with the game and with EA/Bioware have already been addressed in the forums.
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I can tell you that I've played a number of MMOs and surfed their forums and there are *always* "haters" who yell and scream about what's wrong with the game and threaten with "I'm unsubbing!!" and to those people I always think, "Good....later." But then there are a relatively silent majority of players (like you) who enjoy the game and play it regularly and have a good time.


Don't let all the "screamers" make you think they are the majority, they are not. They just yell the loudest. People like you and I will just go on enjoying the game and wishing there was a "mute" button for the disgruntled minority. :cool:

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Remember.. These are the people that complain about bugs and then complain about the down time to fix the bugs.. They probably shouldn't be playing an MMO.. They may also be WOW players trying to ruin this game so it doesn't knock WOW off it's throne..


This game is awsome.. Nuff said..


Your on to soemthing there, keep diging around the net and you may find more than you thought was imaginable.

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Out of the over 1 Million people that played and left this game- how many do you think bothered with the forums? Look around at the postings, it is a lot of the same people posting over and over.


To think that players "complaining" or "whining" is what made the game go free to play is just simple minded. It is/was the lack of content. People may have glanced around for some news about the game, and saw press releases from the developers going on about how they were going to be releasing new content with a regular cadence after 1.2. It never happened.


Sure, they may have created that content, but now it is going to be pay to access. To what extent, we shall see- remember the survey they released? How much would you pay for.... perhaps if you want to play the new warzone you will have to pay some cartel coins? Or if you want to shuttle to the new planet, it costs you cartel coins!


Nothing is set in stone as far as the Pay 2 Play model is concerned. We will see how far they are willing to push the envelope as they attempt to milk players for more money.


Hate for the game is a strong word, but any sensible person would remain skeptical of how the game is going to proceed after the promised content release announcements that never came to fruition, and the developers stating the game would "never" completely go free to play.

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They may also be WOW players trying to ruin this game so it doesn't knock WOW off it's throne..


You really believe SW:TOR is even knocking on the door to WoWs castle?


Because I don't see SW:TOR getting anywhere near the throne to knock WoW off of.

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This has really nothing to do with hate, and really more of a trust issue. People just don't trust EA/Bioware anymore.


Trust to do what??? Seriously????? Why the hell would I trust a company whose inherent purpose is to make money. Do you honestly think it's about the ART of gaming, blah, blah, blah for these guys?? Seriously???


The only thing to trust is that EA will make money one way or the other.

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You really believe SW:TOR is even knocking on the door to WoWs castle?


Because I don't see SW:TOR getting anywhere near the throne to knock WoW off of.


Watch the GW2 forums at / after launch....take notice that the same ppl that were here and on the blogoshpere and on the mmo sites and on youtube flaming TOR for months on end will be the same ppl doing it there. Theres more going on than you can ever realise.

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I don't hate the game, leveling my first toon to 50 was fun. But it got old fast, 2nd 50 was getting boring, 3rd was it for me. Once at 50 there is little to do outside of group content (Ops, FPs, WZs) except a few tedious dailies and hang around the fleet.


It just could not hold my interest as I like to do more in an MMO than just run group content over and over again at max level. Be it a vibrant crafting system, player housing, achievements, mini games etc, something to do outside of groups when I have a some short downtime to log in but not enough time to devote to running group content.


So I rarely log in now and do other things with my time. I am not awaiting the 2nd coming (GW2) or anything like that. I have no intention of buying GW2 anytime in the near future, played GW 1 and it was so so in my mind. Others loved it, that is fine. Just did not do it for me. I am just spending less time playing mmos overall. The same old model reskinned with a new IP is wearing thin. The whole genre needs real innovation.

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Watch the GW2 forums at / after launch....take notice that the same ppl that were here and on the blogoshpere and on the mmo sites and on youtube flaming TOR for months on end will be the same ppl doing it there. Theres more going on than you can ever realise.


Now that's a tinfoil hat conspiracy if ever I heard one...


But, that doesn't automatically rule it out...

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Now that's a tinfoil hat conspiracy if ever I heard one...


But, that doesn't automatically rule it out...


I've been around MMO's a long time, i've made alot of freinds inside the MMO world....you'd be amazed at what really goes on out there.

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People hate SWTOR because:


1. It isn't the "new and innovative" MMO that WOW players want, even though no one seems to be able to specify what they mean by "new and innovative".


2. It isn't WOW.


3. It didn't smash WOW's subscription numbers, and many overcompetative people won't have anything to do with a game that isn't #1 (meta-game vs game?)


4. It isn't KOTOR.


5. It isn't SWG.


None of these things matter to me (caveat: "new and innovative" doesn't matter so much, because I haven't been playing MMOs nonstop for 12 years), and I like the SW universe, so I'm not on the hater wagon.


Not happy with the F2P switch at all, but I'll give it a tentative chance.

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MMOs need more than 8 months to gain momentum. Impatient people like you killed it.


Blizzard's MMO: subs way up 8 months, runaway success

Bioware's MMO: subs down 75% over 8 months, considered a monumental failure


And the reasons for this are many. I assure you that "the players ruined it" is not one of them.

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Remember.. These are the people that complain about bugs and then complain about the down time to fix the bugs.. They probably shouldn't be playing an MMO.. They may also be WOW players trying to ruin this game so it doesn't knock WOW off it's throne..


This game is awsome.. Nuff said..


HAHAHAHAHA...you serious?


Hate to break it to you, pal. The people who enjoy WoW are having fun PLAYING WoW, not sabotaging SWTOR.

The only thing that killed SWTOR was EA/Bioware's mismanagement.


Former disgruntled WoW raider turned Rift raider turned SWTOR raider, by the way. I hold no love for Actiblizzard (I can't believe how badly they f***ed up Diablo 3). I just think that your conspiracy theories are ridiculous.


You can take off your tinfoil hat. It's okay.

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They have just broken free from their shackles of delusion and realised this game isnt really that good. Some people however defend it with their lives.


And some like you have nothing better to do than degrade and flame ppl for likeing something you dont, your a pretty pathetic person tbh. I enjoy the game still and have been here since day one of early access, sorry that upsets you so much.

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So this is something I've been turning over in my head lately, and yesterday's F2P announcement has driven me to ask this out loud (so to speak). Why do people hate SWTOR so much?


I love this game. It has great immersion, really awesome class stories, it runs well on my computer (which I wouldn't consider high-end", and BW managed to balance things out so Jedi didn't steam-roll everyone.


There are a few things I wish would change (daily quest system, world pvp, and other minor issues), but nothing is really a big enough deal to un-sub for me.


So what is the problem? Maybe one of you can enlighten me.


I don't hate SWTOR.


Free 2 Play is good for SWTOR.


SWTOR should have been free to play from the start.

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