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So...the secret space project is...


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Why is everyone's glass half empty now?


Mostly cause of F2p.


It has a bad stigma of being Pay 2 Win but in most cases these days in F2P games it's never that.


However, that in no way stops the emotional bursting posters from hyping up things that "might" happen.


Nothing but massive amounts of speculation, hyperbole and fear mongering at the moment. Thats why people seem so negative.


To be honest, if you were always committed to paying $15 a month. What have you lost? Nothing that I can see but we are getting way off topic now.


Secret space combat. I hope it's coming and its good but BW will have to tell us more thats for sure.

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Has Bioware EVER announced anything for this game (like actually announced, not just said something vague about working on) that they didn't have a few screens and a video to go with?

If the poll about which new mechanic players wanted most is only a few months old, and they started work on this Super Secret Space Project AFTER that, and taking space off the rails would be a major undertaking to begin with, and Bioware is pretty slow getting content out anyway ... I would not be shocked if there is still an off the rails space system in the works.

There's already a bunch of previously announced content in the works that's still not out, so I doubt we'll see a space overhaul until after most/all of that stuff is done, and I would imagine something of that size it'll be packaged as a for pay content update (if not part of a full retail expansion). But given the size of a project like this, and the turn around time Bioware general manages, I kind of doubt the new space missions are the Super Secret Space Project (and if they are I'll bet there's still an overhaul in the works as well).

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ofc we loose something when swtor goes f2p. All the time spent on developing fluff items to be had for coins is time taken away from developing "real" content.

about this space shooter. I hope it´s not just more of the same railshooter, but untill i hear more from EA and/or bioware then i fear the worst. Maybe it´s secret because bioware want to delay our further disapointment as long as possible. If it is just more railshooters, then the development times is wasted. There´s enough singleplayer content in swtor, we need more group content. Dont even have to be FP and OP´s just stuff you can do as a group.

some minigame shooting desertrats on tattoine(forgot their name), a nerfherder minigame on alderaan. and ofc the podrace and pazzak that allways comes up.

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I'd quite like some confirmation that the space project is still on the cards, I'ts brought to the fore by it's absence in all the forecasting that the devs have been doing while talking about F2P and what we can expect with that model.


I'm not about to ditch the game but it would be a pretty big shame if I dumped my sub to go and play that other old SW game that will offer me 3d space combined with a ground game and the star wars universe...yknow, the e_u.


I'm prepared to wait though, for now, on the promise of the space element I am hoping for, I will wait and continue to sub because I think the game is overall very good however I probably wont wait forever without some sort of "yes its still coming"


I don't think thats an overly unrealistic expectation.

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And you are the bigger retard for believing there's something epic coming. Remember when we were told we'd be blown away by Ilum? Bioware hype is not to be believed, it NEVER lives up to their hype, and it'll NEVER match yours. You just add to the foolishness with your crazy expectations.


Plus they haven't been straight with us at all.

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Actually looking at what they've put in the F2P section:




It may just be that the SSSP was 4 more (per side) on rails missions. :mad: :mad: :mad:


THey already confirmed BEFORE the F2P announcement that the Extra Missions would be a very small part of a Massive thing they were planning for a patch in the future

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THey already confirmed BEFORE the F2P announcement that the Extra Missions would be a very small part of a Massive thing they were planning for a patch in the future


I've highlighted the part you seem to ignore. Things have changed, despite your raging fanaticism. They WERE planning...not developing, not releasing, "planning".

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Just wait. Everything they've promised is coming Soon™. Or was that Shortly™?


Their definition of soon must be in terms of how long it takes Neptune to complete its orbit around the sun....


Edit: that is every 164 years

Edited by Tuscad
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THey already confirmed BEFORE the F2P announcement that the Extra Missions would be a very small part of a Massive thing they were planning for a patch in the future


Can you link that?


Because all I've ever seen was the 2 missions trailered in the E3 video, which were talked about at the beginning of the year.


Other than that I've seen nothing concrete mentioned about "Space".

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Dump space rail shooter, revamp X-Wing & Tie-Fighter (classic 1995 space flight simulator's) make obvious changes (we couldn't use x-wing's or tie-fighter's, they haven't bee built yet) add revamped flight simulator in place of crappy rail shooter. PROBLEM SOLVED!!!!!:cool:
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Dump space rail shooter, revamp X-Wing & Tie-Fighter (classic 1995 space flight simulator's) make obvious changes (we couldn't use x-wing's or tie-fighter's, they haven't bee built yet) add revamped flight simulator in place of crappy rail shooter. PROBLEM SOLVED!!!!!:cool:


Only if problems were solved as easily as typing them out.

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Until I hear Bioware state differently, this is what I feel it was all along.


Yeah, I'm in the same boat as you.

I have zero faith in EA/Bioware to make something other than more terrible on the rails space missions.


Look, Bioware, if I wanted to play a rail shooter, I'd go to the arcade or boot up my Wii.


At least I still have Star Wars Battlefront 2 :/

Edited by Beslley
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Why would you have expected something different than what you got?


It was never promoted as anything but a rail shooter minigame. Something to do on the side.


The only real embarrassment is your post. Sure, you can wish and hope for something different but what you see is what you got in this case.


It's a fun side game and nothing more.

Did my post hurt your fanboy feelings?


I don't remember ever seeing anything in the media specifically pertaining to a rail shooter minigame in SWtoR pre release. As a matter of fact, I remember Bioware was pretty tight lipped about the space portion of the game. After playing it I can see why.

Edited by SwordofSodan
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Did my post hurt your fanboy feelings?


I don't remember ever seeing anything in the media specifically pertaining to a rail shooter minigame in SWtoR pre release. As a matter of fact, I remember Bioware was pretty tight lipped about the space portion of the game. After playing it I can see why.


They had one video of space combat pre launch, they released the video really close to launch.

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Towards the end of pre-launch, they did finally start loosely mentioning the idea of 3d combat, but never hinted it was or would be in development. It remained on the Wall of Crazy, (now renamed the Vogel Memorial Wall of Busted.)


The key prior to the forum wipe, I said then was simple: it was too late for launch, or even the first year. And that is still true. If this is to be pushed, it has to be something we keep after and pushed. Of course, the state of the game being one of chaos, I have no idea if it is realistic to hope for something.

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