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CE Owners! Read the fine print on these 'Rewards'


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The very first screen that pops up when you log into TSW is the EA logo. Do your homework.


The Secret World (formerly known under the working titles Cabal and The World Online)[6] is an massively multiplayer online role-playing video game by developer Funcom. Oopsy.:p

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Honestly I think we need to get over F2P = DOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!!!


Sit back. Relax. Deep breath people.


Feel Better now? Good. As for F2P, iti s a matter of time before all games besides WoW will likely have a F2P lineup. It is the hot thing at the moment in the MMO world, and sadly righfully so. The market is saturated and the developers are feeling it. Also probably didn't help that the game was released in what is basically a 4 yr recession...


That said, people are being forced to sub to a single game. Days of have 3 subs to 3 games is probably over. If EA wantsto cater to the casual player, more power to them. I personally will remain subbed unless there is no real reason to be, which I would need to play the F2P before I made that call.

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Why would you not be subbed when the F2P hits? (Assuming you plan to play at all) If you have the CE, and have been playing for this long, I am sure you have at least one lvl 50. It seems damn near all the post 50 stuff will require a sub.


It still makes me laugh when people get mad when a business tries to make money. "YOU MEAN I HAVE TO PAY TO GET STUFF... ***!" I swear, I blame it on The Pirate Bay. The Pirate Bay is making this generation delusional lol.

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So you think you deserve rewards for unsubbing?


This has nothing to do with being subbed or unsubbed. They said they're giving said reward for having purchased the CE. Asking you to also be subbed at a point in time of their choosing is weird.

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Add on top of that the fact you can go out right now and buy the CE version for LESS than I paid for the DDE and in some cases for even less than the ORIGINAL standard price and the whole "CE should get EVERYTHING SCREW STANDARD AND DDE BUYERS HER DER" argument becomes even sillier.


CE is a fraction of what it used to cost to buy it.

Less than either editions were originally.

It was never 3x as much as standard anyway that was an exaggeration in the first place.


Some people can only feel happy not only when they have everything but when others have nothing.


Only in the USA, in Europe that are still holding our at €100, so you guys are not so hard done by.

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TSW is horrid. They are already giving out free trials. I tried it, looked like the Sims but with fewer options for clothing. It is also story driven but the cutscenes are horrid and way over the top. I just could not get into it. But best of luck.


You mean, in your personal opinion TSW is horrid.


So far I have only found one horrid thing about TSW, and that is that I have enjoyed playing so much that I missed out on the last TOR event.


The voiceovers and cutscenes are better than TOR (in my personal opinion ofc).


I am a TOR CE owner, and as you can see from my sig has played quite a lot. I had no plans to play TSW this summer, maybe not even this year as I have had so much fun with TOR, but a friend gave me a CB key in june, and since then I have barely played TOR at all. I am still a subcsriber, and I still plan to be, but, I bought a lifetime account to TSW, that is how good I think that game is.


The free trials are not there because the game is not good, but because they want to show more people how great the game really is. A lot of new players have started after trying those free trials. They wouldnt buy the game after a free trial if the game was horrid now would they?

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assuming it works the way the OP is implying. u think that customer service method is acceptable? to buy a $150 CE and then sub for 10 months and happen to then unsub a month before F2P comes out because you dont like to pay...and they dont give you ANY credit for the $150 purchase + $150 in 10 months of sub???


Why on earth do you think that your past sub should earn you future credit? Those tokens and rewards are CLEARLY put forward as rewards for subscribers. When you no longer subscribe, you no longer rate the rewards. I am not aware of any deal on the planet where you get to continue to get the benefits of a paid service after you stop paying for it. If you cancel and ended your netflix sub today and a new movie you want to see comes out tomorrow, they aren't going to send you the movie because you are a cool customer.

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It's not really F2P, it's an over glorified account trial if anything. Anyone half-serious about this game will pay a measly $15 a month to have full access and cartel tokens.


It would be a lot easier if people would just wake up and realize this.


You're talking about the TOR forum posters here remember. Not much hope in wishing this haha; there is a better chance of the Emperor giving out icecream to the good little boys n girls of Republic citizens.

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Ofc it's money grabbing. I don't even play anymore, but I still keep my sub since the €15 don't hurt me and I might want to take a peek at the cash shop once the game goes f2p.


I have doubts that this game will ever manage to become successful, so keeping my sub is just a backup plan in case GW2 fails.

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Ofc it's money grabbing. I don't even play anymore, but I still keep my sub since the €15 don't hurt me and I might want to take a peek at the cash shop once the game goes f2p.


I have doubts that this game will ever manage to become successful, so keeping my sub is just a backup plan for when GW2 fails.




To add, it is ironic how you call the F2P a money grab but then talk about playing GW2.

Edited by TheBBP
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If your subbing now you have no reason to go FTP.. Your going to be limited you will switch back in a week.


^This ...


I've been a subscriber every day since launch, so for me this is a non issue really


^And this ...


3/10 for another "sky is falling" thread. ;)

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It's not really F2P, it's an over glorified account trial if anything. Anyone half-serious about this game will pay a measly $15 a month to have full access and cartel tokens.


It would be a lot easier if people would just wake up and realize this.


I know right! The F2P option does absolutely nothing for people after lvl 50. If you want to raid, run HMs, or do RWZs you will have to sub. Or at least spend like $14.99 in cartel coins lol. All they are doing is extending the free trail by 35 lvls.


People also fail to realize what a steal it is to get 8 class stories for $15. It is like selling Skyrim plus the expansions for $15. I can not see how people are calling this a "cash grab"

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Everyone that spent their $60 buying the STANDARD EDITION of the DCUO got their account promoted to Premium Status which was medium tier account SOURCE HERE


Swtor is compensating us for the money we spent on subscriptions but it would be nice if we at least got some Cartel Coins for having purchased the Standard or Digital Deluxe Edition, around 300 or 400 coins would be awesome!



Seems like EA idea of F2P is treat accounts that have subbed loyally for 1 year (by that point) exactly the same as new accounts made on the day it goes F2P.


It doesn't bode well IMO. :(

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To add, it is ironic how you call the F2P a money grab but then talk about playing GW2.


What do f2p and gw2 have to do with eachother ?

Also, unless you're referencing a different post of his, I do not believe that he called f2p a cash grab.

Edited by LasherC
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