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F2p = game dead pvp dead


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Its the end of the game for me, and I suspect alot of others. I bet the Sub numbers drop by 50%. Do you understand what a disaster f2p is for a game that is supposed to be the wow killer? If they had fixed pvp and allowed cross server, people would not have unsubbed to start with. Instead of fixing those, they unveil F2p wow way to go bioware, ya


Narrowminded, need i say more?:rolleyes:

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Here is a good post that hits the nail right on the head.


""""Im sorry but I think you dont get the point here.


What should worry you is that a subscripted player will need pay for extras that can only be available paying money.

Quote from the official info: With Cartel Coins you can purchase convenience items, boosts, visually unique gear, collectibles, and more.


I dont care if you can pay to get a nice dress or a nice pet, mount or whatever... the ptoblem for example is that you need pay for boost like example: the normal stim give you +100 stat ... BUT you can buy a superspecial stim that give you +300 stats that can ONLY bought with money.


The true history behind the f2p is making players spend more money than the subscrition cost.


All the players that are competitive and want be a 100% on an operation or pvp will be spoiled this way.


For me as a hardcore player with 6 max lvl alts with all contend already done and only spending time to farm BH for my companions will be goodbye."""""


I will leave in about 2 months when I am ready not when you random people would like me to leave. But get used to seeing players using items u need to buy to keep up with, With the hacking and bots the cheaters will have a permamnent edge. Ive seen it b4 and I bet the farm I'll see it here too.


If your a member and subscirbe you get Cartell Credits per month, Credit sellers are pretty much dead ingame, you dont even know what they mean with "boosts", so your assumption has no merits as of yet

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I say old chaps, country bumpkins in my refined internationally networked electronical amusement pastime? I dare say we shall not stand for this jibber jabber!


Let us ride our horses to Bioware's castle and lay siege until they retract this scandal!

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Bioware actually tricked me into thinking this was a well supported well funded game, but apparently it is not. What are my alternative games for pvp where I get an even playing field? Is GW2 the way to go? I am done, how can they fix class balance when they have been spending all their time working on f2p. hahaha so sad. 2 months left and as soon as f2p hits im done here, its been fun, enjoy your new pvp competition, 15 year olds and poor people.


at least poor people are not as retarded as you so its better competitiveness

Edited by beyondkilling
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I say old chaps, country bumpkins in my refined internationally networked electronical amusement pastime? I dare say we shall not stand for this jibber jabber!


Let us ride our horses to Bioware's castle and lay siege until they retract this scandal!


I just had to quote this, so perfect.

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I say old chaps, country bumpkins in my refined internationally networked electronical amusement pastime? I dare say we shall not stand for this jibber jabber!


Let us ride our horses to Bioware's castle and lay siege until they retract this scandal!



Dare I say? That would require us having an open world option, since BioWare's castle isn't a War Zone. lol

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Connotation matters, and I don't think many people would have read your comments any other way. If the way I (and everyone else in this thread) have understood your comments is not what you intended, then you should consider being more careful about the way you speak.


That said, whether they are living in the US or Britain (and are thus a minority) or in their native country, not wishing to associate with them is really about the same thing, and it is the reason you have drawn such a negative reaction from people in this thread.


I read his comment as foreigners, not racial minorities.


Then again - i consistently read your comments as "I have over 9000 level 50's and don't want to be the only person playing this game when it goes F2P." I'm still giggling about your "Even if you don't change a single byte this game is awesome" Yeah - maybe the class story-lines, but not the end-game operations or pvp... and we're in the pvp forum.

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Non-ranked PvP is officially dead.

I understand the words, but I have no idea what you mean.


I had a ball in the WZs this AM before work. Was PvP dead and I just didn't know it? Or will it be dead when I play tonight??


Or are you saying that a big influx of new lvl 50's will ruin the WZs???


If you don't like SWTOR, then stop torturing yourself and quit. But please don't feel like you need to convince the rest of us that we aren't having a good time.

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Bioware actually tricked me into thinking this was a well supported well funded game


The game is well supported and funded. It even has a healthy subscription base. But that is beside the point. F2P games make publishers more $$$. EA just cares about the bottom line and they want to make more $$$ from SWTOR. F2P is just another revenue stream.


If you don't like it, just don't buy any F2P stuff. Quitting the game isn't necessary, but whatever.


If you enjoy playing with the millions of foreigners with no manners and little kids who cant afford the sub then have fun, I won't be around to see it.


This is an interesting statement simply because, up till 1.3, I considered the SWTOR community to be one of the worst I have ever seen. After 1.3, it sort of cleaned up a bit (not sure why). Clearly paying a sub does not equate to good manners and good behavior. If anything, SWTOR is proof positive that this is not the case. lulz


Where are all these creeps coming from?


My man. Go back and read what you wrote in this thread. Essentially, you embody what you hate. On the other hand, if this is a veiled troll thread, then kudos to you, you just won the interwebz.



Did you just really say that you sob, people like you are the people that make me long for crucifixions on the side of road for rich a holes who treat everyone else as crap on the ground. I dont consider myself rich, but I do budget my money to make my sub work


I lol'd

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I read his comment as foreigners, not racial minorities.


Then again - i consistently read your comments as "I have over 9000 level 50's and don't want to be the only person playing this game when it goes F2P." I'm still giggling about your "Even if you don't change a single byte this game is awesome" Yeah - maybe the class story-lines, but not the end-game operations or pvp... and we're in the pvp forum.


The graphics are great, the animations are lovely (as much as I'm looking forward to trying GW2, I think the animations are ABYSMALLY bad), the abilities, skill trees, and general mechanics are all fun and diverse enough not to get old, the interface is nice and clean, the warzones are fun, in my opinion, etc. etc. There have been bugs, but I honestly don't think any more than any other MMO, and even WITH the bugs it still just looks like one of the highest quality games I've played in a very long time.

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I understand the words, but I have no idea what you mean.


I had a ball in the WZs this AM before work. Was PvP dead and I just didn't know it? Or will it be dead when I play tonight??


Or are you saying that a big influx of new lvl 50's will ruin the WZs???


If you don't like SWTOR, then stop torturing yourself and quit. But please don't feel like you need to convince the rest of us that we aren't having a good time.


Someone give this man a cookie

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so what i get from your post is that


a) poor people are bad




b) you think this game is dead because its going to have a limited f2p, so you are considering moving onto gw2 which is entirely f2p





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Its official if you read News Week and Forbes investment magazine the game is already under 1 million subs and losing hundreds of thousands each month. Goggle it!


The game is going free to play to lv50. Once GW2 opens up and all the PvPers get a taste of PvP that rocks watch the TOR PvP servers get sucked into a black hole. The silver lining is that other MMO’s can make sure they do not model their games after Stun Wars, Bug Wars, No end content Wars, Ignore your community Wars. So many people gave great input on how to fix things but BioWare/EA just put everyone in the forums on ignore and there is no surprise that they killed the game in record time. Killed 400K players after patch 1.2 bombed and then those of us that held out hope for patch 1.3 300k and counting players woke up and smelled the coffee. I know I un-subscribed right after patch 1.3 did nothing to fix PvP in the game. The PvP in the game is the worst I have ever seen. Constant button mashing and cced every 2 – 3 sec, bugged, lagged, etc. etc. etc.. Whomever, though that a PvP model like this would be fun should be CC locked in place and see how much fun it is to have the crap bet out of them and not be able to do a dam thing about it. Personally I will never ever play anther BioWare MMO again. Maybe if they paid me to play I might but it better be a lot. So for those of you that are going down with the ship and refusing to run to the escape pods have fun flushing more of your $ out the nearest air lock until it goes F2P. Those of us that want to have fun playing an MMO will be saving a butt load of $ and have a ton more fun PvPing/PvEing in GW2.

Edited by RoenHawk
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Its official if you read News Week and Forbes investment magazine the game is already under 1 million subs and losing hundreds of thousands each month. Goggle it!


The game is going free to play to lv50. Once GW2 opens up and all the PvPers get a taste of PvP that rocks watch the TOR PvP servers get sucked into a black hole. The silver lining is that other MMO’s can make sure they do not model their games after EA’s stun wars, Bug Wars, No end content Wars, Ignore your community Wars. So many people gave great input on how to fix things but BioWare/EA just put everyone in the forums on ignore and there is no surprise that they kill the game in record time. Killed 400K players after patch 1.2 bombed and then those of us that held out hope for patch 1.3 300k and counting players woke up and smelled the coffee. I know I un-subscribed right after patch 1.3 did nothing to fix PvP in the game. The PvP in the game is the worst I have ever seen. Constant button mashing and cced every 2 – 3 sec, bugged, lagged, etc. etc. etc.. Whomever, though that a PvP model like this would be fun should be CC locked in place and see how much fun it is to have the crap bet out of them and not be able to do a dam thing about it. Personally I will never ever play anther BioWare MMO again. Maybe if they paid me to play I might but it better be a lot. So for those of you that are going down with the ship and refusing to run to the escape pods have fun flushing more of your $ out the nearest air lock. Those of us that want to have fun playing an MMO will be saving a butt load of $ and have a ton more fun PvPing/PvEing in GW2.


Hi how are you. Why are you still here if you have such disdain for this game? Just curious. Guess what, I enjoy the pvp in this game. I notice how you say you will never play another bioware MMO again, you didnt mention any other games they produce, obvsiously they didnt upset you too bad.


That all being said, "FUN" is subjective.. You might think GW2 is fun, while I think its crap. Guess what, that makes me nor you right or wrong. It means we have different ideas of what "FUN" really means. If Im having fun playing this game does it still constitute as a waste of money? Is it just as much of a waste of money as buying a new 70$ console game, beat it in 2 weeks then spend another 70 on a new one?


Btw. I've been playing an mmo the past 6 months. Just because you have been doing it wrong doesnt make this game a single player game. Everytime I log on and open up the who window and see more than one person it confirms it for me that im still playing an mmo. Any time I queue up for a wz with my buddie, it confirms it im still playing an mmo. Everytime I hit queue in the lfg tool and I get tossed in a hm group or sm raid group it confirms it for me. Im still playing SWTOR, a star wars MMO.


Just because you cant grasp the definition of what an MMO is, doesnt mean we can't either.


Enjoy GW2, do yourself a favor and stop nerd raging over a game you do not like. Go to the GW2 forums and start posting on them so you can stretch you're e-peen. Im sure you will have something to talk about over their.

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Good point! Your right! For those hundreds of thousands of us that are leaving because where tired of paying our $ and wasting our time waiting for BioWare to fix all the bugs, lag, classes, World PvP, and on and on. Good thing the two of you will be left in space dock to evacuate the NPC’s.


Am I going to vent a little like so many others have until my sub runs out? Dam right I am because I paid for it. I am excessing my right to be a little miffed after wasting all this time and money hoping they would actually fix problems that the game has had since they released it. It is a shame that their solution to fix WvW PvP was to just Ice ball it and the list goes on and on. I guess you two are solo players that never grouped up or have joined a guild in the game or played PvP. At the rate the consolidated servers are losing players they will end up like the ghost towns that a lot of the servers where before the mergers. If you have not started seeing this happening get an eye exam you need glasses. I am not sticking around paying money only to watch the servers fade away to nothing once again. Out of a guild of 237 Hard Core PvP/PvE players 162 of them have already left the game since July. After talking to the rest of the guilders who are concerned about the future of this game almost 50 of them are bailing once GW2 and their subs run out. All I am saying is that this game had great potential but with the consistently flawed management making decisions on the part of BioWare it shows how fast a game like this can bomb. There will always be people like you two that eat and like whatever you are spoon feed but for those of us that have played many MMO’s over the years are done waiting for Bioware to figure it out. It is pretty amazing how the cascading effect of bad decisions on the part of BioWare has led this game going F2P in record time. Personally if they would have focused on 2 or 3 things and not be all over the map and actually took some of their hard core player bases advice then maybe they wouldn’t have lost over 40%+ of their sub base in less than 7 months. I have never seen an MMO with a budget this big bomb this fast in the first year of release. So since I was dumb enough to buy a 3 month sub hoping they would have fixed something after patch 1.2/1.3 and that I am paid up till Aug 11th I will add my two cents whenever and where ever I want. For the rest of you Noobs that cannot handle my two cents bite me and grow a pair. I will be gone in 3 days, along with another one or two hundred thousand more by the end of the month so enjoy paying more of your $ to be spoon feed more BS from BioWare until it goes F2P.

Hallelujah! Fall down! We have exercised the demons! You are healed brother! Thanks for reading this guys I feel so much better now. hahaha

Edited by RoenHawk
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Its official if you read News Week and Forbes investment magazine the game is already under 1 million subs and losing hundreds of thousands each month. Goggle it!


The game is going free to play to lv50. Once GW2 opens up and all the PvPers get a taste of PvP that rocks watch the TOR PvP servers get sucked into a black hole. The silver lining is that other MMO’s can make sure they do not model their games after Stun Wars, Bug Wars, No end content Wars, Ignore your community Wars. So many people gave great input on how to fix things but BioWare/EA just put everyone in the forums on ignore and there is no surprise that they killed the game in record time. Killed 400K players after patch 1.2 bombed and then those of us that held out hope for patch 1.3 300k and counting players woke up and smelled the coffee. I know I un-subscribed right after patch 1.3 did nothing to fix PvP in the game. The PvP in the game is the worst I have ever seen. Constant button mashing and cced every 2 – 3 sec, bugged, lagged, etc. etc. etc.. Whomever, though that a PvP model like this would be fun should be CC locked in place and see how much fun it is to have the crap bet out of them and not be able to do a dam thing about it. Personally I will never ever play anther BioWare MMO again. Maybe if they paid me to play I might but it better be a lot. So for those of you that are going down with the ship and refusing to run to the escape pods have fun flushing more of your $ out the nearest air lock until it goes F2P. Those of us that want to have fun playing an MMO will be saving a butt load of $ and have a ton more fun PvPing/PvEing in GW2.


Funny how you bring up StunWars and patch 1.2,is it not ironic that is when they finally made Sorc's more inline?

Is it not also funny that class wa over 30% of all classes if not more?

What that should tell you is more about the inept playerbase that has come about because of WoW,if they cannot have it their way then they take the ball and go home,they dont want to play anymore if they are not stunrolling everyone.

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