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  1. Dark Age of Camelot had an option to turn XP off or on... by using the /xpoff or /xpon command So you could use this if you wanted to stay in one certain type of Level Based battlegrounds they had... In fact damn near everyone did it... You would have your 50s for main PvP, then you would have a character with XP turned off at 24 (max level in a lower BG) and XP turned off at 49 (Max level in an upper bg) Just for a change of pace. I don't see what the problem is.... If they want to continue playing @ 49, then let them... if they leave early they don't get any sort of reward, so its not like they're exploiting the reward system. In my opinion, I think they need to implement some sort optional Player XP limitation... to be able to shut it off and turn it on as you please.
  2. What if BW were to make these leeches play in their own WZs? They said they wouldn't be able to play certain content... why not have them locked out of Subscription PvP? I mean don't get me wrong, I would love the free medals I'd get from farming people who don't have access to certain gear...
  3. I think Pub... Most fanbois of SW want to be Jedis...
  4. Dare I say? That would require us having an open world option, since BioWare's castle isn't a War Zone. lol
  5. I'm not sure if I read your post right... Are you complaining that all classes have a "CC" ability? Or that its used too often? I for one think that if EVERY class has a CC... then the cool downs should be at least double what they are. In Other MMO's I've played, we had to wait for 1 or 2 classes (out of around 8) to come around before we could CC anyone. "GET HIM! CC the Target! **** we don't have Minstrel/sorcerer!" Is usually how the text read.
  6. I haven't left a warzone that didn't involve connection issues. However, I understand that if you instantly realize your team is unprepared and are going to get their throats stepped on.... and Gain 50 Coms by losing... Quitting and getting in on another match can possibly get you 140 Coms by winning. But if you don't leave you'll never know. I'd personally take the sure thing. I enjoy PvPing, I'm not stupid competitive with it though... and even on the losing side, I'm still usually Top 5 overall for damage. And I'm happy with that.
  7. Once you stop being that useless troll that has nothing better to do than try to be condescending to others.
  8. True statement... In that case, we need to get BIoware, Mythic/EA's info, tell them to buy the Gamebryo engine. lol
  9. I actually do fairly good damage now... Although not a true assessment since I'm in the below 50 WZ... Do they take that much of a reduction at 50? Besides the fact that everyone else is geared and what not?
  10. No. Just no. Thats the thing about PvP... I don't want to fight guys with the EXACT same gear as me. Where is the fun in that? That would take the pride out of earning your complete WH set... It wouldn't be special anymore. "Oh you have your WH? So does everyone else on this server." I realize fighting someone in WH gear is challenging... but to me its worth the challenge.
  11. Well the Engine would need some work, since they failed when they tried to run this on Illum. But its nothing that can't be fixed, it just takes work. And they have to be willing to put that work in.
  12. I never said get rid of War Zones completely, just don't use them as 'the PvP" in a game. I come from Dark Age of Camelot, which in my opinion had the best PvP in the "MMO World". I'm going to try and not write a book to explain my point... If you're unfamiliar, It had 3 playable realms, and your goal was to hit lvl 50... and go join your realm in PvP. To "serve your realm" so to speak. There were different "battle grounds" or "war zones" that had a central Keep that you could fight for control of, at different levels... 20-24, 25-29.... all the way to 49. Once you hit 50, you entered a HUGE open world PvP area with several Keeps and even more towers. Your objectives were to take another realm's Keeps and associated towers, to unlock that realm's Relic keeps... and the relics give the faction bonuses. All the while, each kill gives you "realm points" to increase your "realm Rank" (Similar to the valor system) except with RR you got a bit "tougher" to kill with the bonuses you got from gaining the rank. I say we need something like this, to where we allow people who enjoy open world PvP, to get faction bonuses for the entire faction from their work. (Hence the meaningful) Rather than warzone after warzone, which doesn't do anything to benefit the whole faction. I think BW needs to incorporate an Open World option, with objectives, with possibilities to earn faction bonuses... +10% Legacy/Valor/PVE exp. or Crafting bonuses... etc. All the while, those who wish to play warzones have the ability to play warzones.
  13. Hence the work they need to do. If it can be done 10 years ago, it can be done now.
  14. You know, I actually have no problem with my Arsenal Merc. I'm usually top 5 damage every PvP match, unless I join late.
  15. I want them to stop trying to put band aids on sucking chest wounds. Do some real work, and make Open PVP with objectives, and faction bonuses for those objectives. Until then, Its just more instanced, pointless, meaningless crap PvP.
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