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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free-to-Play Q&A Thread

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"Over the coming months there will be more frequent Game Updates, including group content like Flashpoints, Warzones, Operations, and dynamic in-game events and more included in your subscription."



My only question:


Is the bold text true this time?


When I read that the first time, I was somewhat wondering if that meant content or just maintenance updates. Since 1.3 launched, there's been like 2-3 days of downtime each week for maintenance "updates." I'd prefer it to go back to once a week, for maintenance and content or even once a month for content, ala call of duty "drops"

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I'm assuming that each of your characters recieves an allowance of cartel coins for each month of subscription?


I'd like to know this too. All the cartel shop items should be Bind on Legacy, bottom line. That way nobody can make a profit off it/gold farming, but so that you can still buy stuff for alts/move items if you need to reroll a class.

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My concern is more frequent updates. New content is great, but the game being down all the time being updated and then having to be reupdated when the new patch is launched broken is frustrating.


Should we expect more downtime with more updates or has BW found a way to better handle this? Should we expect updates twice a week instead of once (not counting unanounced fixes of course)?

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I've been hanging for the long promises paid server transfers will this stop me ever getting to move my toons from USA to aussie server.

Will you be adding this as a option to use the cartel coins for.

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How will character creation options be limited for Free-to-Play players? Will you be adding more options for subscribers, or will you be removing existing options for those that play for free? I'd love to see new character creation options for subscribers, and I am a bit worried that people who choose not to subscribe will find themselves unable to play some of their current characters because they have "restricted" character creation options.
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How does the F2P model integrate with the Friends Trial? For example:


1. What does a person invited from a friend trial have to buy in order for the inviter to receive the speeder reward?


2. If someone makes a character during their friend trial with a species that is locked from the F2P model, does that mean they can't use that character once they buy the game unless they pay extra?

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My question is when did you decide to go the F2P direction, how much time have you taken to think and plan this change out?


Is this something you have been working on since shortly after launch or did you decide to do this last week? Because that's what it looks like from here and I'm afraid like some other issues in the past it's going to be poorly implemented and tested and we're going to have to muddle though the bugs for months to come because the proper amount of time was not taken to ensure a smooth quality transition to a F2P system

Edited by ramseyw
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1. I'm a guild leader of a small guild, my question is can we invite these new players (F2P) into guilds?


2. With the Sith mediation throne how is that going to work since you can't drop furniture in your ship or even decorate.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Based on the Comparison Grid, only subscribers can complete operations, and F2P players can only access Flashpoints and PvP Warzones a limited number of times in a given period.


Why this model? Why not instead allow F2P players the ability to purchase Flashpoints and Operations from the Cartel store for unlimited access, ala the DDO model of Adventure Packs, thus also allowing F2P players the ability to buy timed passes as well for this content?

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I understand that purchasers of Collector's Edition will receive a reward of 1000 Cartel Coins and that's great but is there going to be some reward for the purchasers of the Standard and Digital Deluxe Edition?


Out of the questions I have posted (& any others I may have) this is a BIG one.

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• How limited is "limited"?


• Instead of having no access, how about having a cash/cartel item/token that will allow Non-Subscribers to enter Operations?


• Same goes to subscribers, instead of having to endure a 1 week lockout, how about an item/token that will reset their lockout and allow them to enter as much as they want but at the cost of a cash shop item.


Just sending suggestions here. :D

Edited by iandcph
added suggestion
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As a subscription player will I have to pay for Carthar and possible other new species with Cartel Coins or will the subscription people get it for free? The same for the character slots we were told were coming. Edited by TheSeer
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1) Im not much interested in Flashpoins and Operations but will I be able to purchase other features like full access to warzones, purchase extra character slots, bank slots and travel features?


2) Also which of these will be unlocked per character and which ones will be account based?



3) Any plans on releasing a Annual Pass or Lifetime Subscription? (I know I said I wasnt interested in FP and Ops and now Im asking for a lifetime sub, but if its a good deal maybe Ill buy it)

Edited by ChazDoit
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Morning all.


I spent, (real life money) in purchase:


1. Pre order Collectors Edition,

2. 180 days suscription,

3. Razer SWTOR, mouse, mouse pad, keyboard and headset,

4. SWTOR Prime Guide,

4. Not related to the topic, but I bought a new rig, wich cost me like $3,000, only to play SWTOR,

5. Bought a website for my guild www.therevengeofnight.com,

6. Etc.


My question is:


The people, like us, who spent a lot of money, beliving in your game, who supports your game, who plays your game, will have best gear/content/ops/wz? And I mean, if I paid $15.00 per month, can I have better gear for example? Or just a fanzy outfit, like "used boxers from Darth Vader which glows in the dark".


If I paid $15.00 per month, can I have direct acces to the "store" and purchase "special items"? Or anybody CAN purchase the special items, for example the F2P "gamers"?


Because if the F2P "gamers" can purchase "special items" from the "special store", which is the point to paid $15.00 per month?

If I can paid for "special items" to have the best gear in game, do I need to do my "daily commendations"?


And the spammers... do you have any "strategy" for the spammers, you know, the people who sold in game credits for real money, for example, I'm a F2P "gamer", but anoher gamer, (you know, the people who paid suscription), wants to sold me some "special items", (only availabe for the people who paid a montlhy suscription) as a F2P "gamer" can I have it?


You really need to clarify not only THIS QUESTIONS, but every single question made in this topic.


Damn Bioware I really trust in you! Why you do something like this? I really enjoy YOUR game, the people like us, who paid your salaries deserve better things!


I really hope you answer this.


And please, do the War Zones only available for suscribers!!


Sorry for my spelling but I'm angry and tired.


Kind Regards.

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If this has been asked before I apologize but I don't have the time to search every page...How will going about receiving the Kurtob Alliance Speeder mount change with the transition to Free to Play? Will it require a friend to become a subscriber, spend a certain amount of money in the Cartel Store or something else entirely?...Thanks in advance for any help!
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