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Everything posted by Fizen

  1. I've been hanging for the long promises paid server transfers will this stop me ever getting to move my toons from USA to aussie server. Will you be adding this as a option to use the cartel coins for.
  2. I've done this with placing 7 in a pre made and inviting 1 pick up and got the comms, I've also made a 4 man and got the comms. On the same note I've done 4 man pre made and also not received the comms. And had many people also tell me they've not got he comms. Seems to be KUS most of the time people dont get them.
  3. too hard? *** i skipped the first 3 planets (other than the class story) and am doing quests 5 levels above my current level. If this game was dumbed down any further I'd let my 6 year old play it and then beg they add hello kitty to it. Honestly if your having issues with this game maybe it's not for you. Try getting into a group instead of pvp'n all the time. Also I find it hard to believe you're doing all the content and bonuses. I did this on my first toon and was 50 before I saw half of Belsavis.
  4. JTL space combat is the type of system any true SW fan thinks of when they think of space combat. This thing BW have release makes it laughable. I loved swg for its space addon, and honestly believe BW made a huge mistake in the fly by rail piece of junk they try to pass off. I'm not 7, i want the control to go where i want. I want to kill things my way and not be forced on a guided tour of space. Hope they really look into changing this, but as mmo's go, the producers rarely make a change to a crap product. The thing that made star wars epic was it's massive space battles, and ground wars.
  5. Agreed with the OP, I have no desire to wear armor that makes me look like a giant turd. Year Jedi are meant to be earthy tones but make the armor look decent. If the artists you have really cant come up with something better, FIRE their arses for being useless. I thought the whole idea was to make your players want the next gear set not make them want to vomit.
  6. I know that you guys adjusted the loot tables to look at the group make ups. This was great seeing gear on FP's that players who were there could use is a novel idea. However I feel there is a huge inbalance in what loot is awarded. IE if a team make up is: Trooper Sage Smuggler Guardian I would think there would be a even chance for everyone to get the end item. IE 25% chance of loot being your class. After running T5 with my guildies over 100 times now it appears that the Trooper class has a greater than 50% change were the Sage and Guardian have something like a 10%. Now this may be my own observations and I'm sure one of the many trolls with jump out and say thats great my trooper is in the best gear. That's not what I'm after I just want balance. To give you another example of this imbalance, we ran EV HM last night, The make up was 1 Sage, 1 Trooper, 2 Smugglers and 4 Knights. Not 1 piece of Knight gear dropped, the Trooper scored 5 pieces of Rakata and we had another 3 pieces go to companions. Smuggler got 3 pieces and the Sage got 1. Where is the look at the group make up and award loot in accordance. I'm happy that my guildies are gearing up, but this trooper now has no reason to come to next raid (other than to help players), but due to this inbalance in gear has elected to not come, for fear that only trooper items will drop again. Can you guys at least look into why this is happening. Cheers
  7. Agreed space is so lacking in this game. I was one of the things is loved about Star Wars Galaxies, the ability to fly my ship anywhere i wanted. Hell zoning to run PvP space combat was awesome, runs on capital ships, faction missions. One of the best things was upgrading you ship so that you could invite your team mates to join you on missions. They controls the turrets while you flew the ship. I feel that BW has let the SW fan's and community down with this 'fly by rail' crap, may as well be playing Paperboy (if you old enough to remember it) I've only run maybe a dozen space missions before I got jacked with the lack of freedom (i have 4 alts and none have done a single mission), who ever thought that Star Wars space combat was a linear concept should be tired to a chair and given games like, X-wing v's Tie Fighter series or at least spoken to Lucas Arts and got it fight. I dont even get the feeling that I'm in a star wars universe, it just leaves me wanting.
  8. That one has always been there.
  9. Sounds like a good concept that's been used in various MMO's like everquest etc, where the OP may be 5 or 6 boss mobs that basically gain in difficulty until you've killed the lower ones a few times to gear up from. Adding it as an event to launch a new expansion would be logical and this would allow for limited time gear, that would only be available for those that take part. This has many possibilities, so would be nice to see BW run something along these lines. Even if it's only for a short time event.
  10. Since we now have a way to log combat. Can I request one to log the chat channel (mainly the OP channel). This way I can work out who got what during an OP after the event is done and not have to sit there writing it all down as we go. I don't see a need to log all channels but being able to do raid would be beneficial to those guilds using DKP systems to work out who gets what.
  11. Please please please make the egg unique and bound. I've seen ppl selling 3 eggs when I've tried 5 times top camp it only to get ninja'd by some tosser that then offers to sell it to me for 1 mil cred's
  12. you get the patterns on belsavis for artifice and armstech.
  13. Is it possible to add lock out for flashpoints, similar to how OPS are shown. It would be nice to be able to have a quick look and say to a group 'sorry but I'm not able to do FP blah for another hr'
  14. Prior to APAC servers coming online, I'd que for a wz for 4 hrs some nights due to the lack of ppl on both sides doing PvP. At these times cross server would be beneficial. Just put a option to cross server of not. Do not go fully 1 way or the other.
  15. with everything thats flying around atm I'm not surprised that they've not given any extra info on the server transfers. I've read some great post by other community members, including one saying BW just offer if to everyone so that they can move if they want. This would fix the issue others and myself are having with non APAC members within their guilds.
  16. I still think its funny they open the new server then tell you that you're entitled to a free transfer (kudos BW) but then to punish you for thinking that your part of the world was going to miss out on this awesome game , that take 6 weeks to do the transfer. Many member of my guild made alts on the server and some are now concerned what legacy will coz my issues if that alt gets its legacy before the transfer.
  17. nice post, I'd like to see the taunt timer slightly reduced. Spamming between taunt and challenging call (ae taunt) leaves about a 15sec pause. Reducing the cooldown of ae taunt by 5 secs should be enough to add alot better agro control, since taunt only places you on the top of the list for a sec duration. As a full defense tank you dont do the damage to just stay there (no big issue) so taunts are a main issue.
  18. kinda strange, I knew others would be having this issue as well, though I never considered it to be Aust to EU. After speaking with CSR I'm just following their instruction, hopefully having all these posts they will fix the issue.
  19. I've spoken to in-game support as this issue to starting to show signs of tearing my guild in 2. We're a mainly Australian guild, have been since day 1 and assigned to space slug. Our guild has players from all over the globe, not just Australia. Being Australian 90% of the members want to move to the Apac servers, (i dont blame them the pings are great) this however means that our other members will be left out in the cold. Why bioware has just dropped the ball on these people is hard to understand. We can agree with having to remake the guild on moving, but this is making it so that players whom have been playing for months now have to to re roll just to stay with their guilds. I'm asked countless times since the announcement of the new servers that guilds should be taken into consideration when offering these moves. Please let guild leaders at least send member lists of those non APAC players so that they can move with our guilds. The despair this is creating in my guild (let alone any of the other APAC guilds) is creating vast rifts. I've already had members state that if we move and they cant then they will quit the game rather than being forced into making new toons. So I beg again that you please do something to help these people and help our guilds not be torn apart.
  20. I’m surprised that since announcing this, BW hasn’t responded to player concerns regarding guild’s moving and non apac players in their guilds, however they have stated that ANYONE can play on these new servers. They’ve not given any information in regards to what will make a player allegeable to a free transfer or when these with be ordered other than saying early march. After 50 pages of posts that dev’s apparently read I’d thought they’d as least try to give people some answers.
  21. I dont know if they really need a nerf, I've played a few that seem to die easy. Then others that you just cant deal with. I put it down to gear. I got annoyed the other night and went and made an inquisitor for giggles. This blew my mind at level 6 i was soloing level 8 elites without a companion. I could never do this on my JK. Yeah maybe they are over powered but hell it was fun. I reckon the need a neked pvp event where we just punch people to death.
  22. please tell me we ur a imp lol
  23. Yes what about these guys, we have 8 usa members and some euro players that raid in our time zone. Let the guild leaders have the ability to send you their guildlists to you can move the guilds as a whole. I'll not be happy if you make us remake our guilds either that would just be ******.
  24. Our guild has American and Canadian players in it. Will you allow them to move with our guild?
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