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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free-to-Play Q&A Thread

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I have a question concering the future potetnial expansion packs (and the route that you plan to take with SW:TOR and its updates). Well... what about them? Now that SW:TOR goes free to play, will thisfact somehow affect your plans for adding content? Will we now see content updates only in form of patches? Or can we hope for full expansion pack? And if you release said expansion pack, will it be available for free only through means of download or will you release it in standart form of normal game that can be bought in any gaming store?
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1. How many characters will F2P players be able to have/keep?

2. How many inventory slots will F2P players be able to have/keep?

3. Will F2P players have access to their cargo bay at all? If so, how many tabs will be available?

4. Will F2P players be able to join/remain in guilds? Can they be officers?

5. How many Credits are F2P players allowed to have/keep?

6. How limited is 'Limited Access' and what does it mean exaxctly? I'm referring to the following:

Character Creation Choices - LIMITED ACCESS


Flashpoints - LIMITED ACCESS

Space Missions - LIMITED ACCESS (wow, even limited access for your little rail-shooter?)

Travel Features - LIMITED ACCESS


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when F2P launches:


how do you plan on controlling the mass influx of potential credit farmers and trolls?


do we still earn the cartel credits every month after the launch and will there be new items/perks to be released every few months?

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Now that SWTOR will be Free to Play can you ensure that future story content will maintain the same high quality it has now and will not suffer ?


-So new companion story / expanded stories

-New class stories

-Republic/Empire new progress in the Galatic War

-New planetary stories

Edited by AdmiralFarlander
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So, what's the difference on the chart where it says: Each Paid month from August 1st to free to play launch.




All active players from August 1st to free to play launch.


What's the difference there?


If I have to log in every day, forget it. There is nothing for me to do now, which is why I haven't played in weeks.

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What I'd like to see in terms of the free to play information is mainly just specifics, i.e., "5 flashpoints per week vs unlimited" rather than just "limited vs unlimited." This is definitely a downer, as I've been a subscriber for a while and I'd personally prefer to keep subscribing/grinding for items, rather than just buying them from microtransactions. In addition, I'm hoping that certain items remain subscriber only. For example, if you'll be able to buy full campaign gear/war hero gear, black purple crystals, white crystals, etc. for cartel coins as a free to play player, that's going to be incredibly lame and defeat the whole purpose of the game/mmo, which is to earn your gear yourself.


In terms of profit, I sincerely hope that EA gives a discounted rate on cartel coins if you continue to subscribe vs buying them as a microtransaction to encourage subscriptions, i.e., 150 per month if you subscribe ($15) vs just 75-100 if you spend $15 via microtransactions. It may not be fair to free-2-play players, but it's not supposed to be. Free-2-play should just give you a taste, not the whole game if you just drop $500 real dollars down and buy max gear/crystals/itemsetc. Please, really incentivize the subscription model.


So I would just like some more specifics in terms of what will be purchaseable with the cartel coins and what will not be. In addition, more clear specifics about all the other stuff, i.e., are free players capped at 10k credits or 10 mil?


Most importantly, what about general chat/access features? Because if everyone will now be able to use the general chat, then I foresee a lot more trolling/spam if people just need a new email to make a new account. They should require cartel tokens just to purchase the ability to use the general chat.


Please, more specifics!

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Now that SWTOR will be Free to Play will you ensure that future story content will maintain the same high quality it has now and will not suffer ?


-So new companion story / expanded stories

-New class stories

-Republic/Empire new progress in the Galatic War

-New planetary stories


Yes, can you please answer this question?

You guys know that F2P sounds like a death knell to a lot of people, so please reassure us that this game will still be getting high quality story content added to it?

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1. Will we be able to use Cartel coins to buy extra character slots or will subscribers be given extra slots as part of their subscription?


2. Will we be able to use Cartel coins to purchase commendations for either PVE or PVP?


3. Will we be able to use Cartel coins to purchase server transfers?


4. Will we be able to use Cartel coins to purchase a change of species, the look or gender of our existing characters?


5. Will the coins be account wide, legacy wide or character wide?

Edited by Delvianseek
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I am interested to know how you are going to stop gold spammers, and how you are going to stop F2P players from over-saturating the market with farmable items? In many F2P games, there are items that are farmed to death because this is all the F2P players can get their hands on.
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Is this F2P going to go along the same lines as LOTRO, Ie: start off with chaff and fluff to eventually include stat items and boosts to get Weapons and Armours easier, purchasable crafting items etc etc etc...


If this is the case how do you plan to keep subscriptions in line with Pay 2 Win, which is frankly what LOTRO became.


For the record, LOTOR had a healthy sub base, went F2P and saw a huge influx of players, Eventually it became almost P2W and is now dead. How do you plan on implementing the store to keep subscribers playing and at the forefront of the game.


Do you plan on adding death penalty removal and other such things that basically required store purchases on top of subscriptions so people could compete at End Game.


Also I hope we are not going to see a constant barrage of new Social gear, speeders, ships, interiors, pictures and the like added to the store over actual in game drops and credit purchases, everything available on the store should be available in game, via in-game comms, drops, and vendor purchases.


If you want to give people a $£€ paying option, I am fine with that. As long as items are also available to paying subscribers via in-game options, and i mean everything.

Edited by Nippon
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I have all 8 character slots used up. If I go to the F2P model, do I get to decide which character slots will be active? And also, if I keep the subscription model, will we be able to use cartel coins from our sub money to open more character slots? I'd like 12 total, if that's ok. One of each imperial AC and one of each republic class.
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"Over the coming months there will be more frequent Game Updates, including group content like Flashpoints, Warzones, Operations, and dynamic in-game events and more included in your subscription."



My only question:


Is the bold text true this time?

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With the introduction of the free-to-play option will there finally be modifications made for the unfortunate credit sink that is the legacy system? Will they finally be unlocked through legacy level/in-game accomplishments like they should be?
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First, you can continue as a subscriber, which gives you unlimited access to all game features and future Game Updates at no additional charge


If subscribed players have unlimited access, why would they need Cartel Coins or whatever? Or 'unlimited' is simply another lie?

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Hello everyone! We're sure you have some questions about our upcoming Free-to-Play option, and we'd like to try to answer as many as we can in a special edition of our Q&A. We'll be delaying our normal Q&A and will bring you more in-depth answers on as many of your questions about Free-to-Play as we can next week.


Please use this thread to ask your Free-to-Play questions. Please do not use this thread as a discussion or commentary thread, as we'll be using it to gather your questions.


Be sure to check out the Free-to-Play FAQ, new Free-to-Play announcement page, and comparison grid to see if your question has already been answered!




Well there it is, free to play in SWTOR, I'll try it for a month or 2, but that is probably going to be the deathnell on my subscription. I have played a few free to play games before, STO, LOTRO, and a bunch of other ones. I didn't like them, they where even worse then WoW, at least there the subscription and bans kept the trolls in line. Looks like I might want to start looking for a different game now, unless you can give me a good reason not to. But here is my question.


Why if this game was not supposed to need as many people as it has now, did you decide to go free to play.

Edited by SuperGrunt
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