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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Announcing a Free-to-Play Option


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I quite enjoy bacon.


Bacon in all of it's greasy yet crispy deliciousness is not simply amazing, it is complex amazing.


Oh yes...complex amazing.


Because you can't figure out just how it is amazing, why it is amazing, and what makes it amazing.


This has nothing to do with SWTOR going F2P, but the subject of bacon will brighten your day.


May the pork be with you.

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And yet we got none of the above.


Now the real question being: how much did you guys really learn from your past mistakes that lead your decision makers to create this:


Meh. I feel bad for the woman and her family that put every penny into moving to Austin and have those health problems and now no income.


However, Vogel and every other idiot that made design decisions about this polished turd of an MMO deserve to be fired. I hope every last one of one of them gets fired and never works in the industry again (as if). Anyone with half a brain cell could have told you that copying WoW, putting Star Wars skins over it, and adding 100 million dollars of voice acting to it, was going to eat #$@% and then die. But no, every MMO design team is 100% ego, thinks they are the messiah, THEY are different, better, THEY will be the WoW-killer. And the cycle of idiocy continues. Sad part is, all these tools will get work designing another multi-million dollar failgame in spite of this epic failure.

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I quite enjoy bacon.


Bacon in all of it's greasy yet crispy deliciousness is not simply amazing, it is complex amazing.


Oh yes...complex amazing.


Because you can't figure out just how it is amazing, why it is amazing, and what makes it amazing.


This has nothing to do with SWTOR going F2P, but the subject of bacon will brighten your day.


May the pork be with you.


Thank you, and may the pork be with everyone! :csw_yoda: (Excluding EA with the crap they sharted here.) :w_evil:

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I just hope that all character perks and legacy perks will become available for purchase both by credit and Cratell Coins, same thing with withdrawing armorings, mods and enhantements, would save me loads of credits and farming credits, which is a really boring necesity
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Something about all of this does not make sense to me. Coming from a server that had to transfer to another to build population for ua to play. Now we are going to make it free to play and populate the servers that are already heavy to full. I am all for improving and pushing forward. When does that take place? I have been here from the start and could not play due the amount of maintenence and system restarts. So are they prepared for the FTP to take place or will it crash the server system?! I think it would be better to focus on the glitches in game first before bringing more into. I wonder even with all the fans and followers can the games foundation stay strong and hold for the duration. In the end something doesn't make sense to me! Hope this is heard!
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Brave move, I am thrilled to play this game and continue my support for it. I will continue to pay monthly and thrive on this game along with my guild.. Nice move Peeps.. Just bring us the content and this will go fine. Edited by Ardicus
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Might I suggest to lower the free play level to 25 or 30? And they can't join guilds, have more than $XX credits and can't sell on the galactic market. This may inspire them to subscibe sooner to enjoy the benefits of nice speeders, etc. Just a thought.
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So... all the people that purchased the collector edition, get extra items and so on. ...but what about the people who purchased the the digital deluxe edition? are they being put into the same category as those who purchased the standard version of the game?


crap... didn't think about that :eek:

also im kind of exited about the cartel coins


on the other hand though, I wouldn't hate it if they reduced the sub.....

Edited by darth_doom_munky
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This is really concerning for me. Having played LOTRO for years before this game, I really don't want to see another repeat of that. The F2P itself really isn't the most concerning part, what I'm really worried about is the Cartel Coin business. I can see it being positive, as long as a few conditions are met. First of all, there must not be any sort of effect on core gameplay (i.e. pay-to-win). If they start selling legacy unlocks at level 1 for cartel coins... I don't think it needs to be said the kind of disaster that would ensue. Secondly, I really hope they don't push cartel coins at every available opportunity. What really sucked about LOTRO is that virtually every UI panel had a "Visit Store" button embedded in it. I don't want to see that happen here.


Basically, as long as the gameplay remains more or less the same as it was (or rather currently is), I'm fine with this. Worst case scenario, we get a few more trolls in general chat, but it's not like I ever pay much attention to that madhouse anyway.


As a side note, I'm really glad CE owners are finally getting some love, however small. The CE vendor has always been a bit of a let down for me. Deluxe people seem to be getting left out in the cold though...

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Canceling sub a week prior to it auto-billing.

Time to move on to a different game.

Congrats on killing your game that isn't even a year old... Take a look at DC Universe that is what SWTOR will ultimately become... A PIECE OF ****!


Isn't this the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I personally left DC Universe for this exact reason and now SWTOR is going to go down the same sad road.

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IMHO I think worrying how F2P players will affect your gameplay is a pretty moot point. I don't know if Bioware did it on purpose (I think they did), but they moved most of us onto just a few servers that are pretty full. So there is actually very little room for more F2P players to be added. (Even if your server goes from Very Heavy to Full your P2P players will greatly outnumber the F2P ones, after all you are already at a Very Heavy population.) And I'm pretty sure that once F2P comes on line, more servers will open up for the newer folks.


I think also the reason why they said they were not seperating them (F2P/P2P) is that if folks want to go from one to the other they don't have to move them around different servers. (Which cost them time/money.)


And actually (if they are devious enough) they can actually get some of us P2P folks to cough up some dough. Say you get a friend (or two) that joins with F2P. Since your server is full, he/she has to go to another server. And you want to be able to play with them. And say they come up with a "paid" character server transfer. (The devious part.) You become stuck with either paying to move a character (or two) over or opening up another F2P account. (Hey, it's business they are in it for the money.) And the model they are probably looking at, if they plan on paid character transfers is the one from WoW, where you can only go from heavy populated servers to lesser ones.

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What it means, is that lost players from the community's past could appear once again. There are places in the world where the Star Wars community did not keep pace with our view of balance in the universe. Famed items of myth and legend may appear once again, just as those who disappeared into the outer rim searching, for such famed relics. It seems a high honor to those selected, to follow the path of the masters of the Jedi Order.

All must accept, it is the nature of all worlds to change, even despite our best efforts not to..

Edited by Knightless
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Making the game F2P means very little in terms of acquiring and retaining players if you continue to absolutely ignore the issues which caused so many to unsubscribe in the first place. You are trying to treat the symptom, not the problem.
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What it means, is that lost players from the community's past could appear once again. There are places in the world where the Star Wars community did not keep pace with our view of balance in the universe. Famed items of myth and legend may appear once again, just as those who disappeared into the outer rim searching, for such famed relics. It seems a high honor to those selected, to follow the path of the masters of the Jedi Order.

All must accept, it is the nature of all worlds to change, even despite our best efforts not to..


***?!?! :jawa_confused:

And you're saying this is gonna happen when the F2Pers come?!?! :jawa_confused::jawa_confused:

Damn Jedi and their alchohol-free cantinas, it's what makes them come up with this stuff in the first place!!! :w_evil:

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IMHO I think worrying how F2P players will affect your gameplay is a pretty moot point. I don't know if Bioware did it on purpose (I think they did), but they moved most of us onto just a few servers that are pretty full. So there is actually very little room for more F2P players to be added. (Even if your server goes from Very Heavy to Full your P2P players will greatly outnumber the F2P ones, after all you are already at a Very Heavy population.) And I'm pretty sure that once F2P comes on line, more servers will open up for the newer folks.


I think also the reason why they said they were not seperating them (F2P/P2P) is that if folks want to go from one to the other they don't have to move them around different servers. (Which cost them time/money.)


And actually (if they are devious enough) they can actually get some of us P2P folks to cough up some dough. Say you get a friend (or two) that joins with F2P. Since your server is full, he/she has to go to another server. And you want to be able to play with them. And say they come up with a "paid" character server transfer. (The devious part.) You become stuck with either paying to move a character (or two) over or opening up another F2P account. (Hey, it's business they are in it for the money.) And the model they are probably looking at, if they plan on paid character transfers is the one from WoW, where you can only go from heavy populated servers to lesser ones.


this only works if all the p2p players on your server stay for Free to play and have not quit over it

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As a side note, I'm really glad CE owners are finally getting some love, however small. The CE vendor has always been a bit of a let down for me. Deluxe people seem to be getting left out in the cold though...


They announced Deluxe accounts will be getting something special too, they just haven't said what it is yet.

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this only works if all the p2p players on your server stay for Free to play and have not quit over it


True, but you have to look at the numbers. They have grouped most of us onto just 12 servers (in the US) so a whole lot of folks are going to have to quit. And let's face it, if you invested this much so far in the game, would you quit totally or go F2P (I mean it cost you nothing, and you can still pop on to see what is happening). And even if you do quit, Bioware won't drop you from the server for a while. (Otherwise folks that later decide to come back would have to switch servers, and that would be a huge headache.)

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I am not surprised by this- and not because of the whole TOR is "not doing well" idea. I've seen other games go with this hybrid model and actually not only do better financially, but be able to do more about improving the game.


My only concern is really is when are you guys going to add in same-gender romance options. That is a big reason for why I've played the game. I really don't care for the new companion as the HK's were never my favorites in KOTOR.


Hk's Meh...


I didn't start playing swtor because of the same sex relationships, but it was promised so it should be in before the F2P and the uber new companion. I doubt this will ever happen now as F2P opens the doors to kids who wouldn't have bothered on a subscription plan


Sad to say, but until what was promised gets pushed under the carpet because of narrow minded conservatives, in prefrence for F2P means I cancel my subscription, its gets added with the EQ2 sub that was cancelled, for pretty much the same thing..lieing to its player base and treating us a comoditiy

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The idea of this game going free to play does not really concern me as much as what is says about the future of the game. Free to play has generally become the bastion of games that are not longer relevant. Games that are too far in debt to just scrap, so they hang a price tag on everything and anything cool and then milk it for every penny they can while really offering nothing to the players that is truly innovative from that point on.


What I really want to know is:

1. Will you support this game after f2p, really support, new content, new features, new planets, new voice-overs, the (really exciting) space feature we have heard about or just more of the lame rail shooter battles?


2. Is this true F2P or is it B2P (buy to play) like GW was? You mentioned the box price going down, which means you still intend to sell it. ( there is a distinction)



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