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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Announcing a Free-to-Play Option


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I like how some are all like rage quit without even giving it a chance. Keep to your fears and you will go nowhere fast. I am willing to give it a chance then see how things turn out. I guess I just like to keep a open mind, I guess that is really hard to do at this time for some.
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I like how some are all like rage quit without even giving it a chance. Keep to your fears and you will go nowhere fast. I am willing to give it a chance then see how things turn out. I guess I just like to keep a open mind, I guess that is really hard to do at this time for some.


It's hard to say people didn't give the game a chance when most actively subscribed to this point. A lot of people had high hopes for this game to survive, however, this just simply isn't the direction most wanted the game to take. You're not an open minded person if you're trying to condescend on other's choices.

Edited by Stogzlol
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I would like to see new hair styles and colors to be either added into the game for subs or into the market where we could buy them with the cartel coins. Other than that I plan to remain a sub mainly because I have a friend who I play MMOs with and it really doesn't matter what game we play as long as we are both having fun. Besides, it was his turn to pick the game. I picked the last 5. :jawa_tongue:
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I would like to see new hair styles and colors to be either added into the game for subs or into the market where we could buy them with the cartel coins. Other than that I plan to remain a sub mainly because I have a friend who I play MMOs with and it really doesn't matter what game we play as long as we are both having fun. Besides, it was his turn to pick the game. I picked the last 5. :jawa_tongue:


I think you can expect character customization to skyrocket since its going to be in of their main ways of making money, I can see them adding stuff like new customization options for our characters, barber shops, new species and even ship customization!

Edited by ChazDoit
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I like how some are all like rage quit without even giving it a chance. Keep to your fears and you will go nowhere fast. I am willing to give it a chance then see how things turn out. I guess I just like to keep a open mind, I guess that is really hard to do at this time for some.


if it wasnt EA were talking about , id be right there with you buddy....

but ive seen them ruin and make near mandatory DLC on their past games, it honestly woldnt surprise me that they make this pay2win , even more so, because of the horrible financial failure this game was


i hope i eat my words, but i wouldnt trust EA with a roll of wet toilet paper so i guess well see

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Totaly Agree with you my Friend ;) , No matter What some Trolls may say, true Fans Enjoys SWTOR !


unfortunately for the state of the game, it is you so called "true fans" who ruin games because your passive aggressive consumerism allows companies to poke lightsabers up your butt while you "patiently wait for the devs to do their jobs" and "accept that unfinished products is just part of the development cycle" etc, etc, etc.


You people actually think it is okay for these companies to release unfinished products, to such an extent that money mongering publishing houses like EA actually allowed that nonsense to spill into console games.


CONSOLE EFFING GAMES WITH PATCHES ... all because of "fans" who are willing to be buggered to satisfy their jones.


Gosh darnit people, be CONSUMERS and start taking an active role in ensuring that the products you spend money on are worth it.


Is 15$ a month "too much money" (this is for all you, "if you cant afford it, get a real job people)? No, it isn't, but when I purchase a game, I can play it for as long as i like without paying more for it. We now pay 15$ a month for the privilege of playing the same game every day.


To this end, I support F2P, because I don't NEED/WANT to be charged a monthly fee for the same product: ESPECIALLY WHEN THAT PRODUCT DOES NOT WORK AS INTENDED OR PROVIDE THE AMENITIES THAT WERE PART OF THE PURCHASE BARGAIN (ie monthly content updates, bug fixes, etc).


Your monthly subscriptions support the devs in their backwards cycle of "pay-to-beta". Eventually, once the game is complete, people will get it for free.


Oh wait .. in this case, even the people getting it for free will be getting an incomplete product.


edit: Meanwhile, you people are bickering over whether or not you can play mon calamari and have more vanity items and whether or not CE buyers and DDE buying are being treated equitably.


the average consumers these days are eff word CATTLE. You get prodded into a pen, and milked until its time to stuff you full of inefficient and unhealthy food so that you can walk to the next pen to be milked for all you are worth again.


I am sure I had more I wanted to rant about, but this will do for now.


edit2: the real meat fo why people are angry has NOTHING to do with SWTOR the game itself, and everything to do with the way that MMO customers have been treated by developers over the last decade. We are no longer members of the gaming community, we are notches on the shareholders stock count. Nothing more.THAT is why people are pissed.


Think about it, heck try thinking at all, PERIOD.

Edited by nakoda
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No!!! Dont do it! This game is way to good to be free, try advertising more or something but if you make it free till 50 I bet more people will stop paying and it will earn the reputation of any other cheap online game
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I'm happy to hear that it's gonna be F2P, finally all my friends who are held back from playing cuz of the subs will now play. Whenever I bring up swtor to pc gamers who've raised an eyebrow upon 1st hearing of a new Star Wars MMO, they always have the same reaction, "Is it F2P or you have to pay every month?"


Bioware deff did a good job here by finally eliminating one of the biggest held backs that keep gamers from playing.


Excellent decision Bioware, I applaud you and look forward to what you provide for the players.


I for one will continue to subscribe so that I can enjoy everything the game has to offer and get the perks that come with it. I have been a subscriber since Day 1 of Early Access with the Collector's Edition. I enjoy the game and the content you provide, despite what all the haters and trolls have to say (every day) about how "terrible" the game is.


I believe this new model is an acknowledgement of the changing business model of online gaming and reflects the best way to approach the market now.


I'm 110% with you, man. Always good to see lovers not haters. You're a gem to this online community.


Great. Now every WOW Fanboy, GW2 Fanboy, and SWTOR Hater has won. -_-


Well.. what are they gonna complain about next? lol How much do you wanna bet those who complained about not playing cuz of the subs are now gonna find some other reason why they shouldn't play.

Edited by LingormR
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Instead of coins to buy SWAG, shouldn't CE owners have new exclusive items on the CE vendor? The stuff there now is crap. I've never used it.


How about 2000 cartel coins AND many more exclusive items at the collector's edition vendor. Hell, they can even make these exclusive items a part of the cash shop model, I don't care. I just want a lot of cool stuff in there that nobody else can buy.

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Yes, I vote for this one to be sure ! No more mario pipe jumping after the first toon.

4. Datacron sharing- datacrons obtained on one toon count for all your others


I'm just concerned how much nickel and diming will be done if you don't subscribe.


I love SWTOR so i'll still subscribe but some yellow posts were hinting that f2p players would be limited to the amount of weekly warzones and flashpoints they will be able to do.


I wonder how they're going to sell that? OR they'd be features you're turn on a per pay basis?


I just hope that if you subscribe you won't need to purchase anything extra beyond character slots or character transfers. The boost items concern me because if they're better than exotech stims then that's pay to win. If they have warzone experience boosters or quest experience boosters I'd love that too.


Some ideas I'd like:

1. Reset operation lockouts for X amount of cartel tokens or you buy an item for cartel tokens that does that

2. Item that summons a portable cargo bay hold to allow you bank access anywhere similar to the mail and repair droid

3. Legacy wallet- shared credit pool amongst all of your toons

4. Datacron sharing- datacrons obtained on one toon count for all your others

5. Ability for droid companions to wear tionese, columi, rakata, and campagin gear (they currently can't cause the armorings are slot specific and droids use cores motors senor unit and parts)

6. Rich Slicing nodes can drop cartel tokens

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I've been looking for the so-called updates to the CE vendor for months now. Where are they ? BW said from the start the vendor would be updated with new items. Sorry, but I don't believe anything they have to say anymore.


How about 2000 cartel coins AND many more exclusive items at the collector's edition vendor. Hell, they can even make these exclusive items a part of the cash shop model, I don't care. I just want a lot of cool stuff in there that nobody else can buy.
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I've been looking for the so-called updates to the CE vendor for months now. Where are they ? BW said from the start the vendor would be updated with new items. Sorry, but I don't believe anything they have to say anymore.


BW also stated how they will update new content on monthly basis but we all now know how that did turned out .

Seems like they have a habit of giving false promises.

Edited by Lunablade
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BW also stated how they will update new content on monthly basis but we all now know how that did turned out .

Seems like they have a habit of giving false promises.


Is giving false promises lying?


Is a business giving false promises or lying fraud?


Is a business that displays a pattern of false promises and lying to paying customers civil fraud?


Is a business that displays a pattern of false promises and lying to paying customers civil and criminal fraud?


Any lawyers out there that can explain this to me a simple customer who feels he has been hoodwinked?

Edited by Catsmeat
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Is giving false promises lying?


Is a business giving false promises or lying fraud?


Is a business that displays a pattern of false promises and lying to paying customers civil fraud?


Is a business that displays a pattern of false promises and lying to paying customers civil and criminal fraud?


Any lawyers out there that can explain this to me a simple customer who feels he has been hoodwinked?


We are all PO'd abut it, but unfortunately the EUA pretty solidly backs the company's right to screw you over. We all sign those things willy nilly in ways we would never do in real life. Can you imagine if a car dealer put a contract in your face with similar language, nobody would ever sign it, and place would go out of business, but we're all guilty of ravenously hitting "agree" so we can get to our game. ALL OF US.

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We are all PO'd abut it, but unfortunately the EUA pretty solidly backs the company's right to screw you over. We all sign those things willy nilly in ways we would never do in real life. Can you imagine if a car dealer put a contract in your face with similar language, nobody would ever sign it, and place would go out of business, but we're all guilty of ravenously hitting "agree" so we can get to our game. ALL OF US.


I'm not so sure the EUA is in fact all that binding with regard to misrepresentations of product, especially as we paid prior to agreeing to it based upon those lies. I know I bought the game, installed it, then had to agree to the EUA. Didn't everyone? Contracts can not negate law, that's my laymans understanding of US law. Contracts that are entered into due to fraud are in fact not contracts too as I understand it, I'm not sure how frauds perpetrated in the course of a contractual agreement affect that contract. It'd need lawyers, jurors and a judge to sort it out. No, I'm not thinking of legal action or making criminal complaints, but I am getting ready to just forget that SWTOR ever existed, that this whole SWTOR debacle existed and that it was ever a part of my life.


I guess what it all boils down to is I feel victimized as a customer and Bioware/EA are liars. That's not how a customer seeking fun and entertainment should ever feel.

Edited by Catsmeat
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well not sure how this is going to go but not looking forward to it honestly if it has to be F2P for ppl to enjoy then there not the ppl i really want to play with. either they dont have job's = get 1. Or there kids = all the fun is really gone when the smart mouth kids get on. there goes the galaxy. Oh lets not forget bout ur all time fav's gold / $$ ? Credit hacker's / farmers thx but no thx. i got my CE & held out with all the emoty promise's like same sex relations ship's not a fan of that 1 myself but wait what about that droid on my ship that was to be able to earn affection & new dailies where the hell is that promised stuff the CE was a huge waste of my $$ cuz here i was mislead by reading that the CE was going to have alot to offer that no1 else without a CE was going to be able to have. instead i seen crap. for those asskissing BW i got a nice spot on mine ya can kiss. they havent really bought to the table like they said they where instead im seeing more focus on PvP warzones great if ya like not ragging on em just wheres the real fun at. ? alot of broken or back burner promises isnt worth the $15. a month to a F2P. enjoy & later think its time to move on. thx alot BW ya wasted our time & $$ great job !!
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In fact, many players who have left the game said they would happily come back if they could play without the commitment of a monthly fee. -Quote


^^ This doesnt mean go F2P so all the gold trolls, and wow fanboys, cant log on anytime they want and bash your game, it doesnt mean you needed F2P to get people back, what ^^ comment says, is that you are not pouring out content like was initially promised, and THAT is why people dont wanna pay $15/month anymore, what you are doing, will solve NONE of your business problems....

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If its going free to play then they need to either: A> make subscription players only servers or

B> make 18+ age minimum servers, in addition to the other servers.



Just my opinion


Others have voiced their opinions on what would happen if they downgraded to a F2P account, would their characters get locked or force transfered? That is the problem with making F2P server options. What would be the point for an 18+ server?

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If its going free to play then they need to either: A> make subscription players only servers or

B> make 18+ age minimum servers, in addition to the other servers.



Just my opinion


Or remove F2P Ability to use general chat.... now that would help alot.

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