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I see you're ditching lore already, BioWare.


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How is BW ruining Star Wars with this? As I pointed out on page two, our characters are NOT canon. People running around with a replica of Nilhius' mask does not break lore in any way. It's the same with the color crystals. Jedi using red and Sith using blue is NOT lore breaking. This is no reason to leave Bioware games.


I will say it again...since our characters are NOT canon the addition of the Nilhilus mask has no bearing on the man's face wear at all. Canon wise the mask is gone, nobody else has it. You are not canon, therefore no lore is being ditched/broken.


umm wrong there is already a non force using sith cult were looking for his mask during palpatine era.

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umm wrong there is already a non force using sith cult were looking for his mask during palpatine era.


But did they find it? If so then I stand partially corrected. I say partially because nobody in the time frame of the game has it.

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Can it not simply be a replica of Darth Nihilus' mask? I mean, seriously? You can go down to Toys 'R' Us and buy a Batman mask. That does not mean it is -the- Batmans mask. It doesn't mean you are Batman (sadly). Just because everyone is running around with a look-a-like mask of Nihilus doesn't mean it is THE mask. Just a replica. A cheap copy. Ergo, no lore is broken. And if someone starts spouting that they are wearing the real deal, you could simply roll your eyes and say 'Yeah, sure. I hear those are going a dime-a-dozen'.
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I stand corrected.

Read it in a hurry on break and for some reason it changed in my mind from Nihilus to Revan as I was thinking of a response.


Although, as someone pointed out, they could just be copies.

Look how many Batman masks there are atm.

As long as they don't try presenting it as the "original" then I still don't see the problem.


Oh, and Cya Later!


If it makes you feel any better originally Nihilus's maks was going to be made from Revan's skull.

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Nihilus masks for everyone huh? Oh well, atleast there's $$$ to gain.


BioWare obviously doesn't care about us, they care about the quantity of players in general and how much money we generate for them.

Where were you when SWG came out? I would pay any amount if I could go back in time and stop the release of SWG for the lore atrocities it made.


Just because Bioware put up a mask of a character means they've thrown lore out the window? Grow up. You can get Bastila Shan's lightsaber if you're a Jedi Shadow and so can everyone else, but does it really matter?

Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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Well there shouldn't also be 100's of Emporer's Wraths, Havoc Squad Leaders, or Lady Zash apprentices running around on the same space station, but there are anyway.


Listen to this man, for he haveth common sense! People have no problem with there being thousands of heroes of tython running around, but if the same people all have an item called "Revans Bucket of Stoolwater" it's suddenly an outrage?

Edited by Brutalisateur
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I love Bioware have had barely anything from Kotor II in this game and now the subs are running low they're suddenly bringing in Nihilus' mask in :p


I just loled my *** off... you probably bought the characters and havent played the stories because you are talking **** mate.

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First, where do you get this mask? From the CE vendor?


Second, they are not retconning anything. Lore goes only so far in a videogame. This is like the cries about color crystals that popped up a few months back. It doesn't mean anything since it is for PLAYER CHARACTERS, which are not canon. Now if the entire Dark Council wore them it would be differant.


Actually, you have no proof your or my character's are completely canon, since no canon has been established yet.

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Nihilus masks for everyone huh? Oh well, atleast there's $$$ to gain.


BioWare obviously doesn't care about us, they care about the quantity of players in general and how much money we generate for them.


Why do people have to complain for the sake of complaining can't you just stop posting and let those of us who like the guy discuss how awesome it is in peace?

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How are you gonna feel when there will be 300 players on the fleet with Nihilus mask on day of F2P release , not good right? Same here :/


I fail to see how 300 people wearing a mask affects my gameplay. If its some immersion thing people are complaining about then, I stopped caring about that when I first started playing and I saw 50 something people running around with master titles and such.


It's an mmo people, not a single player rpg.

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No one complained about everyone wearing Malgus's rebreather or Ven Zallow's Jedi Battlelord robes.


That was empire and republic based tech that Malgus and Zallow wore, it wasn't something made special for them.

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Nihilus masks for everyone huh? Oh well, atleast there's $$$ to gain.


BioWare obviously doesn't care about us, they care about the quantity of players in general and how much money we generate for them.


so bioware does not care about us by giving us one of the best looking Masks in all of the old republic time line hmmmmmm not sure your right about that one lol


and lets face it its going to be a replica of the mask not the mask it self and bioware could of stopped all this thred just buy putting Replica Nihilus Mask and i can also imagine The Hutt Cartel making and selling replicas and trying to pass them off as the true Sith relics too lol.

Edited by Genuine
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I just loled my *** off... you probably bought the characters and havent played the stories because you are talking **** mate.


Ok so aside from the appearance of the Exile and a very brief mention of Kreia in a codex entry what huge list of Kotor II references are there?

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Here are a couple ways you could explain away seeing multiple Nihilus masks while still maintaining the "integrity" of the lore that has developed.


-The Nihilus Cult reasoning

After Nihilus was defeated by the exile, whispers of the atrocities he had commited leaked to the general public. As the years passed, his legend grew and grew to the point where he became a sort of mythic monstrosity with cults springing up devoted to worshipping him. Cult members wear replicas of his mask as a sign of their devotion, and can be found throughout the galaxy no doubt intent on pursuing some nefarious goal or other.


-The "Jodo Kast" reasoning

Jodo Kast was a small time bounty hunter who took to wearing Mandalorian armor and passing himself off as Boba Fett, in an attempt to cash in on Fett's reputation as a bounty hunter so that he could make more credits. Of course, Boba Fett didn't care for this, and killed him easily. Because a scrub wearing iconic clothes is still just a scrub. Likewise, those who wear the Nihilus mask just couldn't hack it themselves as a Sith Lord, and have to make up for their shortcomings by trying to pose as a character from galactic history that actually DOES inspire fear.

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Actually, you have no proof your or my character's are completely canon, since no canon has been established yet.


Where did I say our characters were canon? Read my words again. I said they were NOT canon. Unless LA decides to start pulling our characters out of the game and use them in novels/comics they will never be canon.

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Where did I say our characters were canon? Read my words again. I said they were NOT canon. Unless LA decides to start pulling our characters out of the game and use them in novels/comics they will never be canon.


They are sort of canon but mostly like this: One nameless sith warrior, one nameless sith inquisitor, one nameless imperial agent, one nameless Bounty Hunter, one nameless jedi knight, one nameless jedi consular, one nameless smuggler, one nameless Trooper.

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They are sort of canon but mostly like this: One nameless sith warrior, one nameless sith inquisitor, one nameless imperial agent, one nameless Bounty Hunter, one nameless jedi knight, one nameless jedi consular, one nameless smuggler, one nameless Trooper.


The class only titles achieved are what the characters will be referred to, for instance the Imperial Agent is Cipher 9 and the Jedi Consular is the Baronsoothar (spelling).


Titles that are spoilers

Jedi Knight is the Hero of Tython, Sith Warrior is the Emperor's Voice, Bounty Hunter is Mandalore's Heir and the Sith Inquisitor is Lord Kallig.


Edited by Tuscad
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