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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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This will work well, as long as things are not overpriced and keeping a sub really does give you access to EVERYTHING.


Most upcoming MMOs are F2P, so I don't know exactly where you quitters are going to go :p


Hopefully if you just continue with the sub plan, you won't notice any chance appart from a lot more players...

Edited by NasherUK
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I will be...but not clicking the unsub button til after Dec (when I paid til LOL). I am quitting now though.


The announcement is like free to play! Yea! Oh yea, pay for new content, pay for priority login (dont think we will have to worry about that), pay for GTN, pay for...seriously?


Just waiting for the moderators to close all of these posts, only dang MMO forums I have ever seen to have such a communist forums. Anything they dont like, delete.

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I will definitely not be un-subscribing.

I do not play any Heroic missons, no Group missions, no warzones, no PVP.

I'm just in it purely for the story.

I've been in it since beta and I only have one level 47 Smuggler. As soon as I get her to lv l50, i'll be moving onto a Sith character.

I'm not here for the MMO part, just for the single player aspect. This is the first MMO I've played, and I was drawn to it because it followed on from the KOTOR series. I know most people are probably here just because it's another MMO game to play, so I'm more than likely a minority.

I personally would've preferred a KOTOR3, but this is just as good.


From what I can tell, they are going to run the two models side by side. So those who want F2P can do F2P and those that want to continue paying monthly can do just that.

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Resubbed a few weeks ago and started new chars on a different server to my release characters. (still waiting on chance to reunite all my chars.....hopefully before F2P).


Staying subbed for a while longer and will decide if i want to go free to play when more info on the differences are available. Looking at it now, as i dont pvp (warzones dont interest me), and rarely have time for Ops nowadays, f2p is looking like a good option for me.


But am staying subbed until then as i like the levelling and i gain Cartel coins this way too.

Edited by Sivn
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The cash shop pushed me over the edge. I don't mind a F2P model where you pay money to unlock the content, and subscribers get more. However, when you add cash shops for in-game items (even if it's 'cosmetic only', which we know is the first step toward P2W) it seals the deal.


I'm going to wait to hear more about it, but I don't think I'll continue to play after the F2P model launches, unless the subscription model gives enough "Cartel Coins" to purchase all "Cartel Market" items. Subscription models should include everything the game has to offer. Otherwise, there's no point to subscribing. From what they've announced, the subscriber model has virtually no benefit over the free model.

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90% of people are missing the point. They announced it totally wrong. Actually they announced it right but everyone is getting the wrong idea.


Its not a replacement for the sub. Its a new model that allows people to play 1-50 for free.

Edited by Arkerus
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Not me and anyone who does isn't to smart. They are setting this up like LOTRO did it and it worked great.


We get more content quicker.. everyone wins..


Very amusing . I'll tell you how great it worked: i played from the start , had two lifetime accounts , 2 max level chars , 4x 65's and 3 creeps . The game became an untolerable grind , literally worse than watching paint dry , painting your gravel drive white with a modelling paint brush one gravel at a a time or cutting a football pitch with a pair of scissors.


I deleted all my chars , unsubbed from my two lifetime free accounts ., made new random passwords and uninstalled. Will never touch anything Turbine is involved in or any game backed by Warner Brothers.


If you call grinding in Dullsville x2 smart then hey i guess your smart.

Edited by Jachen
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The cash shop pushed me over the edge. I don't mind a F2P model where you pay money to unlock the content, and subscribers get more. However, when you add cash shops for in-game items (even if it's 'cosmetic only', which we know is the first step toward P2W) it seals the deal.


I'm going to wait to hear more about it, but I don't think I'll continue to play after the F2P model launches, unless the subscription model gives enough "Cartel Coins" to purchase all "Cartel Market" items. Subscription models should include everything the game has to offer. Otherwise, there's no point to subscribing. From what they've announced, the subscriber model has virtually no benefit over the free model.


I'm a hoarder type personality too, but I'm fine as long as there is always an option for me to obtain an item/etc. I just don't like when they start offering "one-offs" for cash that only run for a certain period of time.

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I really don't want to, to say i'm not a fan of the F2P model is the understatement of the century, but I mainly play because of the friends and guild we've worked damn hard to create and keep together since launch.


Some have reacted badly to this announcment and if they decide to quit I don't know if I'd like to stay.


It's a shame as the new content looked really good, but this was content (for the most part) promised prior to the F2P announcment, they'd need to have a few more aces up their sleave to convince the majority to keep subscribing.

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I am, where's all the stuff they announced at the Guild Summit and at launch that were coming or on the way. They're certainly not here, I'm not giving these clowns any more of my money. I wouldn't even give them my spit if they were thirsting at the side of the road. They deserve nothing but my contempt with their lies and mis-management
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i'm not going to unsub. why? because my guild will still be here, we will still have access to all the content, and i'll still have fun.


the rumor about a cash shop does concern me though. i don't want this being like D3. i will consider leaving if a cash shop is implemented.

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im not unsubbing, but i do feel F2P is gonna lead to the destruction of this game. by talkin with guildies and other players, i found that the crowd in TOR is a bit older than that of WoW or other MMOs, seeing how Star Wars is a older story. but with most F2P games, u have a large amount of 10-14 year old kids who will constantly complain and try to troll, which ruins a community. when ppl cant stand being around the rest of the community, the game falls apart. there isnt much of a community in TOR as it is, granted with F2P, there will be more, but not nearly as manay as the subscribers. F2P needs some more restrictions. Like chat restrictions, guild restrictions, etc. you shouldnt have to give them nearly as much of the perks as a sub player. they dont help in advancing the game. they arent helping on the PTS, they havent paid for subs for the last 7 months (cept for those goin from sub to F2P) i do like character creation restrictions and such, but i do feel that F2P is gonna hurt our fine community.



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Ironically I wasn't going to buy GW2 because it is pay to play rather than a "proper" MMO with a subscription.


Now, by announcing f2p, SWTOR is losing the main reason why I was going to continue to choose it over GW2. It's not a case of "I don't want to play a f2p game so I'm going to play GW2". That would be silly. It is the case, however, that SWTOR has lost its main appeal over GW2 for me.

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