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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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Yep. I was gonna by my prepaid card today and decided not to and went with ghost recon future soldier instead of wasting more money on this game just so most of is given away for free. I was thinking that over for a while but after reading that i decided to forget the card since I am not in the mood anyway to play much as it is and when GW2 comes out I will be even less of a mood to play this game.
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I did.

Not because it's going F2P, but because I see EA/BioWare treating those who bought a physical copy of the game and subbed at one point, the same exact way those who haven't spent a penny on this game.

I'm of the mind you should have access to what the game launched with, and whatever content the game has prior to switching to F2P. I will not pay for: character slots, character customization, inventory slots, bank slots, travel mode, quests, Warzones, Flash Points, Operations, to sum it up: if it's in the game now, I won't pay for it. Period. IE: see how I stopped playing DC Universe Online and started playing Star Wars: The Old Republic as an example and what SOE did, and did not due to those who supported their product at launch. And how I won't ever buy anything by them again (and even considering as going as far as not buying the next console by Sony).




It's not the fact that it's gone F2P, it's how, if you were a subber your now being blackmailed!

Wearing Rakata? - your now naked!, half sized bags & banks, loosing char slots, loosing content, etc., the list goes on!

What have we been paying for all these months? "Life support!" Now that the terminally ill patient "thinks" it's getting better, the machine is no longer needed and we're unplugged. Best watch it doesn't relapse, the machine has been removed, for good! :mad:

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Unsubbed and removed payment method this morning after reading the announcement. I wish I was rage-quitting for no reason but it was done out of disappointment due to past experience with multiple former sub based titles that went "f2p".
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I unsubbed out of principle more than any kind of rage, really.


Since the first whiffs of F2P rumor wafted about, I've said that I won't keep supporting a game that goes from Subscription to F2P (or any variation thereof) any earlier than two years after release. People keep quoting LOTRO or DDO as examples of good "freemium" games, and yet... I wouldn't call those games good.


I'd call them mediocre, much like every sub-to-F2P game conversation that's happened in the genre thus far.


I'll probably play through the remainder of my class stories and such, at least until the downward slide becomes too much for me to handle.

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I have unsubbed and believe many more will as well.


IMO EA has made at least 90% of their money back on TOR through sales of the game, subscriptions, item marking (Razer products), BIO cutbacks (lay-offs / you're fired), and misc. area. I also think, EA is trying to cut their losses, and want to get that last bit of 10% back plus some, so they offer the F2P and those that are subbed will get a "goody bag" ... sort of like the carrot on a stick trick. They will try and mysteriously appeal to the F2P'ers by stating "Oh!!! look what the subbers received this month, blah blah" trying to get others to sub. In the end, this game might be far less than it is now by EOY, which makes me sad.

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It's not the fact that it's gone F2P, it's how, if you were a subber your now being blackmailed!

Wearing Rakata? - your now naked!, half sized bags & banks, loosing char slots, loosing content, etc., the list goes on!

What have we been paying for all these months? "Life support!" Now that the terminally ill patient "thinks" it's getting better, the machine is no longer needed and we're unplugged. Best watch it doesn't relapse, the machine has been removed, for good! :mad:


except that if you continue with the subscription you keep it all and have access to all content. You people are hitting the panic button way too fast on this. It is a good thing we will get more content now and if you played from start or even came in before aug 1st you are getting cartel coins for the time you already had a sub! Plus CE gets their novelty hero's banner item along with 1000 cartel coins. So right there you are getting at least a little return on the money you spent. Stop panicking and sit back and relax...when they patch it in see what its like before making up your mind.

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except that if you continue with the subscription you keep it all and have access to all content. You people are hitting the panic button way too fast on this. It is a good thing we will get more content now and if you played from start or even came in before aug 1st you are getting cartel coins for the time you already had a sub! Plus CE gets their novelty hero's banner item along with 1000 cartel coins. So right there you are getting at least a little return on the money you spent. Stop panicking and sit back and relax...when they patch it in see what its like before making up your mind.


1000 Cartel Coins for $149.99+tax.

Some how that exchange rate looks bad when compared to 1600 Microsoft points for $19.99

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Oh without a doubt the rage quit threads will be quite common over the next few days. It's one of the best sources of entertainment on any forum!


Were you here when they posted the video from E3 (I think it was '09) -- with the consular standing in the back healing? Flametastic days those were...

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You all know nothing, so why even bother to assume such things to such a degree that it makes your mind explode and causes others to facepalm themselves into unintended suicide? If you like the game, pay for it. If you don't, then don't. It's that simple.


Until the actual content comes out, 100 percent of you are speaking using the flatus spewing from between your flappy posterior.

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except that if you continue with the subscription you keep it all and have access to all content. You people are hitting the panic button way too fast on this. It is a good thing we will get more content now and if you played from start or even came in before aug 1st you are getting cartel coins for the time you already had a sub! Plus CE gets their novelty hero's banner item along with 1000 cartel coins. So right there you are getting at least a little return on the money you spent. Stop panicking and sit back and relax...when they patch it in see what its like before making up your mind.


Okay, a question then...


What is your coins going to be for?


They are going to give us all bonus coins for being here from day 1. That in itself has alarm bells ringing over what cost things are going to be!

Can't really see them handing out 1,000s of coins letting you buy loads of things. People are thinking "Wow! I'm getting 10,000 coins!" but 1 item is "maybe" the same cost?

Everyone thinks all the content will be free, then bits start sneaking in, next thing your buying health pots & rezz scrolls just to play. :(

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You all know nothing, so why even bother to assume such things to such a degree that it makes your mind explode and causes others to facepalm themselves into unintended suicide? If you like the game, pay for it. If you don't, then don't. It's that simple.


Until the actual content comes out, 100 percent of you are speaking using the flatus spewing from between your flappy posterior.


You're quite right. Quite right.

My concern it sounds just like what SOE did when DCUO went free to play.

Want more than 2 character slots? Have to pay (DCUO's max is 8 I remember correctly)

Want more inventory slots? Have to pay

Want more bank space? Have to pay

Want to acces the broker (AKA the GTN)? Have to pay

Want access your mail box? Have to pay

Want to repair? Have to pay (Free cash cap is 1500, Premium is 2000) and repair cost for high end PvE and PvP costs way more than both of those amounts...combined

I can keep going.

But I left that game for this. I stuck around and was patient with SOE on DCUO. I just don't have it in me to do this yet again. I hope it works, but I just see it. If I'm wrong, I'll say as much. But I doubt it.

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Those who say they are unsubbing because of free to play is lying in your face. They had already planned on unsubbing and are using free to play as a lame excuse.


lame excuse, better than the crap game engine that falls over with other ppl near kinda a draw back in a mmo u think


u want to make ppl think they are leaving cause of f2p not cause of the core of the game is so bad that drives off new ppl:p ?

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Those who say they are unsubbing because of free to play is lying in your face. They had already planned on unsubbing and are using free to play as a lame excuse.


I had no plans to stop playing until F2P was announced.

I endured DCUO's F2P transition, and have no desire to endure it, another time. Already I can compare the switch, based on the limitations, to each other. I maybe wrong, but I doubt it.

Second, I am not mad. Mad would require emotion. I am disappointed, and would rather leave now, then endure the change, only to realize once again those who bought a physical copy of a now free game, are once again getting burned (I'm of the mind you own a physical copy of the game, any physical copy of the game, you paid for that content with the purchase of the disc and sub AND shouldn't have to spend a penny more to access it).

And why leave now? I have friends and family members who stopped playing prior to DCUO going F2P and still say its one of the best super hero games ever. I disagree and feel it isn't even close by a country mile. I'd rather leave and wish I hadn't, then leave and wish I had. It's nothing more than I don't want to regret the time spent in this universe. Nothing more than that.

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(I'm of the mind you own a physical copy of the game, any physical copy of the game, you paid for that content with the purchase of the disc and sub AND shouldn't have to spend a penny more to access it).


What happens now if you stop paying a sub? Also you keep paying the sub you still will have access to everything you have now. Noone ever said even without f2p that all future content would be free as well. Many game sell expansions after launch in the MMO world. No MMO you just buy the box and you are done. There is always either a monthly fee, a cash shop or both.

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Those who say they are unsubbing because of free to play is lying in your face. They had already planned on unsubbing and are using free to play as a lame excuse.


I was thinking about unsubbing, but was leaning towards staying. This was the tipping point. I'm not investing hundreds of hours into a new legacy just to see the game deteriorate into a series of micro transactions your cartel coins won't cover.


Plus, the in game chat had devolved into a series justifications for, and denials of the significance of, the F2P system.


Wanna call me a liar, Pollyanna?

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Still plan on playing for a while, but might unsub. It depends how restrictive the F2P is. The chart is too vague for now. I don't play enough that I'm concerned about hitting my weekly limit on flashpoints. So far the only *real* restriction appears to be operations. I can live without operations and they certainly aren't worth a sub fee alone.
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Im gonna wait and see how things turn out... Im very upset and feel even more betrayed by bioware that this is happening. After all I only get in about 2 hours a day on weekdays, and its sounding like a HUGE chunk of the stuff that i really like about this game is going free why should I pay?


Ive already payed 50 euros plus shpping to a red zone for the game plus $15 every month non stop since launch. On top of that I just spent 2 months salary on a new PC largely for SWTOR. Why should I keep paying money for a game thats gona go downhill?


If I can be assured that I wont lose anything I currently have if I keep subbing till this game goes F2P then I will, after that I think ill just unsub n play all the other classes stories to 50.Bye bye RPing, bye bye imaginary character backstories and relationships etc. itll just be a solo game for me.


but then again with so little info its hard to say for now. but im STRONGLY leaning to unsubbing the night before this game goes F2P

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