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"switch side"


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With "swith side" i simple mean :

Let us change from

Scorcerer to Sage - Sage to Scorcerer

Shadow to Assa. - Assa. to Shadow

Scoundrel to Oper. - Oper. to Scoundrel

so on


most of my friends would like it and even pay some money

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It would actually make sense when you consider your character can earn Light and Dark side points.


Here is one of the ways it could be done. For example, if you have a Jedi and he / she through choices reaches Dark level 3, then that Jedi would be able to switch sides / faction.


They could make a special Flash Point mostly with choices so that it could help mold or reverse whichever side you are currently on. Like the cave on Dagobah (TESB).


It might even open up a new type of game play. What if your in a Guild, Republic side (all members are either Light or Dark) , your turning to the Dark side would get you expelled. Then you would be able to join a Guild on the Empire side.


You can then create a new type of PVP game play with Guild (Rep) vs Guild (Imp). Just like in Star Wars fashion there could be a mission / warzone where your ex-Guild would try to get you to turn back to the Light side.


If your ex-Guild wins, you have a final choice of what side you want to be on. If your new Guild wins, your path on the Dark side continues, consume you it will.

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With "swith side" i simple mean :

Let us change from

Scorcerer to Sage - Sage to Scorcerer

Shadow to Assa. - Assa. to Shadow

Scoundrel to Oper. - Oper. to Scoundrel

so on


most of my friends would like it and even pay some money


100 Dollars says they already had this idea for a later date release and just holding it back until subscriptions start going down in a 2 or 3 years if this game lasts that long.

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With "swith side" i simple mean :

Let us change from

Scorcerer to Sage - Sage to Scorcerer

Shadow to Assa. - Assa. to Shadow

Scoundrel to Oper. - Oper. to Scoundrel

so on


most of my friends would like it and even pay some money


The only way I see this working is if they require you to be level 50, have completed your class quest, and mark all quests on your new faction as completed (to prevent you from doubling down on quest rewards).

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What about if you could switch sides without changing classes?


That would be pretty interesting, having troopers on the imperial fleet and marauders doing an operation with the republic?


You'd need at minimum dark V or light V and need to be done with Coruscant and/or Dromund Kaas.

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What about if you could switch sides without changing classes?


That would be pretty interesting, having troopers on the imperial fleet and marauders doing an operation with the republic?


You'd need at minimum dark V or light V and need to be done with Coruscant and/or Dromund Kaas.


...And how would you handle Class story...?

Suddenly the Imperial Jedi Knight is working with the Jedi, his mortal enemy.

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The biggest hurdle with this is figuring out how to handle class quests. The Jedi Warrior class quests are totally different than the Sith Warrior quests. And they are designed to be a long continuous chain of quests to level 50.
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Friendly tip: it's called defecting when you switch sides.

Second of all, I don't know... It just seems odd. To switch from Jedi to Sith, that's fine. But to switch from dirty, low-life smuggler to high-class professional imperial agent? If they were to switch from smuggler to bounty hunter... It would make more sense.

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The best way to make this work would be to require a character to be level 50 and have completed their main storyline before they can swap to the other faction. That way there aren't any consistency issues to work out.


I would love, LOVE to be able to switch sides somehow. I've got a Sage but all my Republic friends quit, and the only person I know who stills plays is on Empire. I'd love to be able to play with her, and I even got an Empire character to 50, but really don't want to have to go through the process of re-gearing another character. Not to mention I would lose my Korrealis Commander, Rakghoul pets, crystals, etc...


There's gotta be something Bioware do let us swap. I'd even pay for it at this point.

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I would also like to see this. If they implemented it carefully, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. It could be offered at level 50 when all class story lines are completed: just pay some cartel coins, and viola, your Jedi Sage is now a Sith Sorcerer, with all non-repeatable quests marked as complete. Faction specific gear is changed into the corresponding version (ex: Sage DPS Columi gear for Sorc DPS Columi gear). You can only do this once, or possibly twice if there is a very long cool down period.


As an exception, I do think that it would be best if they have all your new companions start with the affection at zero, though, so you can "get to know" them. If you are already level 50, most of their conversations wouldn't give you XP anyway. And then you won't find yourself suddenly married to Ashara instead of Nadia or something. xD


Of course, it wouldn't make sense story-wise, and I think trying to tie it in with the story would simply not work (I don't think they want to add 8 new class story variations when they add more story!). But I don't see a problem with that, so long as people are aware of what will happen.

Edited by Gwena
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It would also make sense if the mechanism somehow involved your light/dark side points. For example, a dark Republican would be easy to see defecting to the Empire. Likewise, a light side Emp could easily jump the fence to Rep.
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