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Guide to beating a team of 6 Powertechs/2 Healers


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A Sent - QQ'ing about PvP class balance and the frequency of a certain class within that team..


What did you say to me ? L2P i think it was.


Take your own advice !! noob.


Buahuahuahuha, totaly agree, it's time to l2p noob! :;)


Also, Stun, do not forget to stun!


Reality has arrive at the end eh?



Edited by Yusta
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If operatives get nerfed any more they might aswell just remove the class. Your asking for a nerf because (3) Operatives can kill (1) you, i'm pretty sure 3 of any class could.


The solution for Operatives (any class actually) is to add a buff to all classes that you can't be stunned within so many seconds of a previous stun, this prevents stunlocking and gives you the chance of popping your defensives/heals whatever. If this did happen I'd expect Operatives DPS to be buffed.

Edited by Jayshames
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It's actually pretty easy to kill them.

3-4 Specs with decent AE dmg would tear them into pieces. Also the team will suffer extremely from overkill! they ll blow up 1 player within seconds but surely will waste at least 1-2 globals.


Sage or Smasher stacking would be a hard counter

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Pull mechanics.

Force pull a poor sorcerer / sage into a group of sentinels / vanguards.

Watch and eat popcorn.


This game makes no sense. :p


And 6 sentinels will lose to 6 PTs because of Guard and Taunt.

You will want to flip table when all your teammates are glowing red and the opponent glows blue.

:) This is what i am currently enjoying. First i rolled mara because people told it was OP, but later after playing a lot I realised that best OP classes for rated are PT?VG and OP healer. You can add two tanks for ball carrying but it is not essential cause 4-6 PT/VG kill everything they see and two OP healers make them immortal. If not Hutball where you need to carry balls, i would roll a team of 5 PT and 3 OP healers.

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A Sent - QQ'ing about PvP class balance and the frequency of a certain class within that team..


What did you say to me ? L2P i think it was.


Take your own advice !! noob.


I'm not qqing lmfao, i'm saying they shouldn't just put 6 of the same class in one Warzone.

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A Sent - QQ'ing about PvP class balance and the frequency of a certain class within that team..


What did you say to me ? L2P i think it was. There's a complete difference, you where qqing about everyone of our abilities being overpowered. In this thread i'm saying what kinda match up is that?


Take your own advice !! noob.


And there's a differeance, i'm saying they shouldn't have 6 of the same damn class in 1 WZ. You where qqing about every single one of our damn abilities being overpowered. When in this thread did i say they where overpowered or when am i qqing? You should be the last one calling someone a noob and saying L2P when you've made about 10 Sentinel/Marauder overpowered threads.

L2P etc.

Edited by PowerReaper
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yeah cammo against 6 stealth detects nice try, there's no getting away other than maybe combat sent speed.


you don't run all 6 assault, have at least two of them in tank stance either tactics or shield tree, I've actually run into this in rateds, it's biggest disadvantage is lack of mara/sent speed boost so they can be outmaneuvered but the brute force will beat your group unless you are very organized with cc.


1v1 sent/mara should beat vanguard/PT most of the time but in groups vanguards make each other better, they can much more easily assist without all being in aoe for cc or damage. they save amomo by not always having to apply their own dot before using HiB/rail shot so each one's damage actually goes up. Finally they can taunt or pull off of each other. I have little doubt that group synergy provided by vanguard group easily wins especially since they have tanks so their healers have a chance at living long enough to do something, while the sentinels watch their group's unguarded healers die instantly to 4 dps vanguard/PTs


Someone who understands what i mean rofl..

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All forceleap will do for the marauders is deliver them right into the vanguards stock strike completing their rotation and allowing them to concentrate on their best attribute, being extremely mobile while dishing out heavy damage.. 3 second damage uptime every 12-15 seconds will not beat 12-15s of uptime every 12-15s


I think you wanna get away from the 3 Pyros chasing you not charge into them.

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Marauders don't come close to pts imo. While the damage potential of a pt in a match may only be equal to slightly higher than a marauders, its ttk is significantly lower. This is largely due to its mobility and range.. pts generally get the 1st attack, its easier to focus fire, kiting + positioning tricks don't work, etc...
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Marauders don't come close to pts imo. While the damage potential of a pt in a match may only be equal to slightly higher than a marauders, its ttk is significantly lower. This is largely due to its mobility and range.. pts generally get the 1st attack, its easier to focus fire, kiting + positioning tricks don't work, etc...


Yes and now try focussing a marauder and than focus a Pyro. You might see a difference.

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6 snipers and two operative healers.


Hehe, I can totally see a Huttball game of six Assault Vanguards and two Scoundrel healers against six Snipers and two Operative healers. Nobody would ever be able to touch the ball.

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yeah cammo against 6 stealth detects nice try, there's no getting away other than maybe combat sent speed.


you don't run all 6 assault, have at least two of them in tank stance either tactics or shield tree, I've actually run into this in rateds, it's biggest disadvantage is lack of mara/sent speed boost so they can be outmaneuvered but the brute force will beat your group unless you are very organized with cc.


1v1 sent/mara should beat vanguard/PT most of the time but in groups vanguards make each other better, they can much more easily assist without all being in aoe for cc or damage. they save amomo by not always having to apply their own dot before using HiB/rail shot so each one's damage actually goes up. Finally they can taunt or pull off of each other. I have little doubt that group synergy provided by vanguard group easily wins especially since they have tanks so their healers have a chance at living long enough to do something, while the sentinels watch their group's unguarded healers die instantly to 4 dps vanguard/PTs


First off they save no extra ammo because in order to proc HIB, they have to use skills, one of which applies the dot already. And 2nd, a combination of trans and camo can easily let a sent escape from battle. 3rd, the sents would have group dam buff and group healing. And finally, they all have awe.


I have actually faced a team of 4 pyro PTs in rwzs and although they do lots of damage, they cannot defend worth ****.


6 sents/2 healers >> 6 VGs/2 healers in wzs. Trans and inspiration wins games.

Edited by Smashbrother
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Hehe, I can totally see a Huttball game of six Assault Vanguards and two Scoundrel healers against six Snipers and two Operative healers. Nobody would ever be able to touch the ball.


lol i know right. the snipers certainly won't outright win the warzone, but they will definitely keep the vguards from running rampant around the map. i'd like to see how it plays out. :D

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