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Bad Ops Leaders!


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I am tiered of the BAD OPS LEADERS who become leader just for the name and NEVER give directions! It is simple for most things what direction do you want everyone to go! Give Ops Leader to someone else if you are not going to do it!


One Ops leader told me the Imps defended first so we lost before we even began. BS! WE lost because he did not say a single thing until I called him out!


Is there a way to fire BAD Ops leaders while in PVP?

Edited by Raina_Que
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I am tiered of the BAD OPS LEADERS who become leader just for the name and NEVER give directions! It is simple for most things what direction do you want everyone to go! Give Ops Leader to someone else if you are not going to do it!


One Ops leader told me the Imps defended first so we lost before we even began. BS! WE lost because he did not say a single thing until I called him out!


Is there a way to fire BAD Ops leaders while in PVP?


OPs leader is automatically assigned to the player who is closest to leveling their valor to the next level (i.e. my valor level 1 will be OPs leader before you if I am 50% to level 2 and you are only 49% to level 90).

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Its not like ppl ask to get the leader mark in there. It often goes to the higher valor rank which doesnt really mean anything. If there was no leadership in your WZ you and the other 6 non leaders are just as much to blame. Some ppl want to pvp and not have to tell a bunch of strangers over and over how to play their class, the map or what to do or not do in pvp. Hell you have a minute and a half at the most before the start there is only so much you can do.
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Its not like ppl ask to get the leader mark in there. It often goes to the higher valor rank which doesnt really mean anything. If there was no leadership in your WZ you and the other 6 non leaders are just as much to blame. Some ppl want to pvp and not have to tell a bunch of strangers over and over how to play their class, the map or what to do or not do in pvp. Hell you have a minute and a half at the most before the start there is only so much you can do.


Right, because it takes so much effort to type in "2 left, rest mid" or something along those lines. At that point, it's up to the teammates to call out where they're going. This will actually help the team win, because that's what I play for. In the rare instance that people just want to play "attack the first enemy I see", I'm better off leaving than carrying them


Are people really that lazy?

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Right, because it takes so much effort to type in "2 left, rest mid" or something along those lines. At that point, it's up to the teammates to call out where they're going. This will actually help the team win, because that's what I play for. In the rare instance that people just want to play "attack the first enemy I see", I'm better off leaving than carrying them


Are people really that lazy?


My point is there is nothing stopping anybody from doing that. Just because somebody randomly has the leader mark means nothing. So the OP and the other 6 ppl in his groups saying or doing nothing are just as much to blame as some random person that might not ever realize they have been marked as the leader.

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Right, because it takes so much effort to type in "2 left, rest mid" or something along those lines. At that point, it's up to the teammates to call out where they're going.


Exactly. Why do people rarely say they will go left, especially when you see them make a bee-line for left at the start.


Why do sage and scoundrel healers never identify themselves? Why don't tanks say "Got you guarded" since you can't really tell where the guard is coming from?


Why do sentinels never say "I will get the first transcendence" instead of both of them blowing their transcendence at the same time.


Why does no one ever say "Make me your focus target, and use focus target's target, and we will focus fire burn these guys down!"


There's a lot to do in the first 75 seconds, and it can be tight, but no one ever even bothers.

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My point is there is nothing stopping anybody from doing that. Just because somebody randomly has the leader mark means nothing. So the OP and the other 6 ppl in his groups saying or doing nothing are just as much to blame as some random person that might not ever realize they have been marked as the leader.


I see what you mean there. If I'm not ops leader and there's 30 seconds left until the match starts, I'll usually post a plan and ask for volunteers.

The other great thing is that now, anyone can mark targets. I always love when I say "Kill the marked targets" and it's always some newb who replies, "mark them", only for me to tell him that they've been marked the whole match. I can only assume that person hasn't been paying attention to the marked targets at all.

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Exactly. Why do people rarely say they will go left, especially when you see them make a bee-line for left at the start.


Why do sage and scoundrel healers never identify themselves? Why don't tanks say "Got you guarded" since you can't really tell where the guard is coming from?


Why do sentinels never say "I will get the first transcendence" instead of both of them blowing their transcendence at the same time.


Why does no one ever say "Make me your focus target, and use focus target's target, and we will focus fire burn these guys down!"


There's a lot to do in the first 75 seconds, and it can be tight, but no one ever even bothers.




PUGs are full of fail, so you can't really blame the Ops Leader, who was given the job by default. If PUGs were even 1/2 as coordinated as premades, they would be far more successful.

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Bioware must of thought, IDK, that people with a higher valor rating, must have more experience so should be designated as the leader. Just really isn't true, it doesn't count for skill, Valor rating means nothing really. But if you are in a situation of being an Op Leader, and find your self in a team of scrubs, etc, there is no amount of leadership that will help you win, if the enemy team have better geared and skilled players. Yes I know a lot of this comes down to organisation, but people with very little expertise, just can't really make a team, if they are playing opposite a premade team of full War Heroes.


Just my thoughts.

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Exactly. Why do people rarely say they will go left, especially when you see them make a bee-line for left at the start.


Why do sage and scoundrel healers never identify themselves? Why don't tanks say "Got you guarded" since you can't really tell where the guard is coming from?


Why do sentinels never say "I will get the first transcendence" instead of both of them blowing their transcendence at the same time.


Why does no one ever say "Make me your focus target, and use focus target's target, and we will focus fire burn these guys down!"


There's a lot to do in the first 75 seconds, and it can be tight, but no one ever even bothers.


Do you do any or all of those things every match? Sure all of these things and more can and should be done. Its one thing to point out problems, its another to fix them. I am also a bit lucky and spoiled, I almost only run with full groups of ppl I know so 3 or 7 other ppl on vent/mumble/ts together and we all know our roles and whats going to happen.


I know what I am doing to start every map depending on the toon I am on and who I am playing with. I also know what everybody else will be doing before we even see where we are going. Rarely does it change much unless somebody has a new 50 or we are runnign with new players.

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PUGs are full of fail, so you can't really blame the Ops Leader, who was given the job by default. If PUGs were even 1/2 as coordinated as premades, they would be far more successful.


There's a whole lot of bad out there. I don't think most players appreciate/realize how much they get carried in this game by good team players. There is so much information for me to process at any given moment, and with fewer good players on my team, the more I need to preempt the enemy. Sometimes I won't even call out if enemies are incoming (despite the fact that I will ALWAYS announce how many enemies are incoming if it's fewer than 4).

Bad Pugger: "Looks like that person is calling for help when he said 1L. Despite the fact that I can use my minimap to see if anyone else is going to help him, I'm going to let our healer defend this node and rush over to help him"

Exercise common sense please. It doesn't take 5 people to kill one enemy. On the flipside, it should only take one enemy to kill the one healer you left at mid. Are people really that reluctant to use their noggins?


I was in a novare coast yesterday and I managed to cap a node with 2% left. The enemy had something like 86% left... finally, when the enemy gets to 6%, they cap the turret back. Despite me telling people specifically when they need to hold a turret or go help another one, pugs will go wherever they please.

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I am tiered of the BAD OPS LEADERS who become leader just for the name and NEVER give directions! It is simple for most things what direction do you want everyone to go! Give Ops Leader to someone else if you are not going to do it!


One Ops leader told me the Imps defended first so we lost before we even began. BS! WE lost because he did not say a single thing until I called him out!


Is there a way to fire BAD Ops leaders while in PVP?


welcome to pug

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Looking at the map/doors/node whole clicking is hard for ADD kids these days.


They should let you pass leader to someone who wants to do the job.


It's called OP chat... anyone can do it.

The guy who has dark orange colored font is no better or worse at typing than anyone else in the WZ.

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I am tiered of the BAD OPS LEADERS who become leader just for the name and NEVER give directions! It is simple for most things what direction do you want everyone to go! Give Ops Leader to someone else if you are not going to do it!


One Ops leader told me the Imps defended first so we lost before we even began. BS! WE lost because he did not say a single thing until I called him out!


Is there a way to fire BAD Ops leaders while in PVP?

Like people in pugs actually listen to instruction anyway :p

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Do you do any or all of those things every match?


No, not always. You are right to call me out, I could definitely be better. Usually when I try to coordinate a pug all I get for my troubles is a lot of frustration.


I don't have a sentinel, but sometimes I will ask for transcendence and usually get it. But every sentinel should be checking the group composition and volunteer it if there is another sentinel.


When I ask if there are any healers, all I get is crickets most times. I'll guard the first one to respond and they know it's me. Sometimes I'll guard the green name over my head during prematch and I could stand to be more vocal about that. But pugs don't focus healers enough and I end up swapping guard a lot.


For the focus target thing, I haven't tried it yet. First off, I've had it take 2+ minutes in vent to explain it to someone. I can't imagine doing that in ops chat in 75 seconds. Also, can anyone confirm if there's a bug where you can't use a modifier key like shift or ctrl for the target focus target's target keybind?


Ultimately, when you try to coordinate a pug, some people listen and some people do their own thing. Sometimes it's better to see what they do and react.

Edited by LarryRow
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It's called OP chat... anyone can do it.

The guy who has dark orange colored font is no better or worse at typing than anyone else in the WZ.


Then you don't know about /oa


You know, when you want to type something that both makes a sound AND shows up right in the middle of your screen in addition to the chat box.

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It is automatically assigned man.


I do not always give directions if I'm the ops leader, because it isn't always an advantageous thing to do.

If I say something, there is the very big chance that they won't listen, but apart from that there is also the chance that they'll do just that and stop thinking for themselves.


I've had so many occasions when I called things like: 'Enemy moving right from underneath middle", where EVERYONE suddenly starts moving off their point and to that location.

The same with "2 stealthers move to right to try a ninja, rest keeps pushing left", where again, EVERYONE moves right.


Speaking up often accomplishes less than actually shutting up in many pugs.


On the other hand, I do keep feeding people information, whether I'm the ops leader or not.

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I am tiered of the BAD OPS LEADERS who become leader just for the name and NEVER give directions! It is simple for most things what direction do you want everyone to go! Give Ops Leader to someone else if you are not going to do it!


One Ops leader told me the Imps defended first so we lost before we even began. BS! WE lost because he did not say a single thing until I called him out!


Is there a way to fire BAD Ops leaders while in PVP?


Your keyboard broken?! Type up your own strategy. A leader isn't designated by the color of their type - leaders are the people who take control. Be that person no matter what color your chat is.

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Then you don't know about /oa


You know, when you want to type something that both makes a sound AND shows up right in the middle of your screen in addition to the chat box.



This. Ops Warning abuse is the best part about being leader. Most clickers are too busy looking where the mouse arrow is to have time to read chat.

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Looking at the map/doors/node whole clicking is hard for ADD kids these days.


They should let you pass leader to someone who wants to do the job.


What job can they do that any other person cannot? Why do you put emphasis on a meaningless group position? People seem to believe that the ops leader has an inherent responsibility to organize the team.

Edited by vimm
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This. Ops Warning abuse is the best part about being leader. Most clickers are too busy looking where the mouse arrow is to have time to read chat.


And I'm guilty of it all the time since I tend to be focusing on 99/100 things and will glaze over the chat panel. I've gone so far as to spam ops chat with "STAY SOUTH" every time someone calls "NW" when it's just one enemy attacking them, and without even looking, half the team is already leaving south to 'help' NW.


Other than that, I am always looking at people's health bars if they're a lone defender on a node/door.


It's bad that I worry more about my own teammates than the enemy :confused:

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