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Nerf heals in PVP


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Take your shots if you want but healers should not be able to dominate an ops ground based solely on their ability to heal. I have seen too many 50< BG's where a single healer can carry a team to victory. I understand healers should make a difference but having a healer on your side should not guarantee victory, ecspecially whne they're spamming the same 2s cast heal over and over again regardless of GCD. FIX THIS BIOWARE Edited by Infraxtion
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I don't agree with this to be honest. Healers have already been toned down over successive updates, and with out them, as it mostly is 'anyway', is a dps fest, especially when there no healers to be found at all. Healers do make a difference, and they should be able to heal a team effectively. Otherwise why even have healers at all..


Some classes of healers still need tweaks, but nothing that would be completely detrimental to their role in a Warzone.

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The problem isn't really the healers. It's guard, cross heals, peels, taunts &c. &c.


If you catch a healer alone, he/she is probably in a lot of trouble. But if there's a tank w/in 15 meters - yeah, you and another dps won't kill that healer.

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The problem isn't really the healers. It's guard, cross heals, peels, taunts &c. &c.


If you catch a healer alone, he/she is probably in a lot of trouble. But if there's a tank w/in 15 meters - yeah, you and another dps won't kill that healer.


Exactly correct, in my experience :)

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Take your shots if you want but healers should not be able to dominate an ops ground based solely on their ability to heal. I have seen too many 50< BG's where a single healer can carry a team to victory. I understand healers should make a difference but having a healer on your side should not guarantee victory, ecspecially whne they're spamming the same 2s cast heal over and over again regardless of GCD. FIX THIS BIOWARE


why not. as a dps i can totally dominate a warzone with my dps so why shouldnt they be able to. maybe if you spent more time focusing healers instead of kill chasing you wouldnt be so upset. Its the healers job to make sure you dont kill his team mates. If he does his job because you dont do yours and either kill him or atleast make him continually self heal. then it seems u should be mad at yourself not the healer.

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If you catch a healer alone, he/she is probably in a lot of trouble. But if there's a tank w/in 15 meters - yeah, you and another dps won't kill that healer.

I disagree, even if the tank has both guard and is using taunts, DPS having double the interrupts and other CC should more than make up for the one tank because interrupts, knockbacks, and snares are huge when taking down a healer.

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Take your shots if you want but healers should not be able to dominate an ops ground based solely on their ability to heal. I have seen too many 50< BG's where a single healer can carry a team to victory. I understand healers should make a difference but having a healer on your side should not guarantee victory, ecspecially whne they're spamming the same 2s cast heal over and over again regardless of GCD. FIX THIS BIOWARE


Interrupt. Use it. If you're Mando\Merc, knock him away from his team (behind a LoS obstacle, ideally) and stun him.

Pre-50 a good healer can dominate because most players don't bother to interrupt\cc\focus him. Past 50, people usually get a clue, and getting a mark from the enemy team means that you'll get chased by 3 Marauders and 2 PTs across the entire warzone constantly.

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The problem isn't really the healers. It's guard, cross heals, peels, taunts &c. &c.


If you catch a healer alone, he/she is probably in a lot of trouble. But if there's a tank w/in 15 meters - yeah, you and another dps won't kill that healer.

This would be a 2v2. Why do you think the healer should be a free kill in this situation?

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The problem isn't really the healers. It's guard, cross heals, peels, taunts &c. &c.


If you catch a healer alone, he/she is probably in a lot of trouble. But if there's a tank w/in 15 meters - yeah, you and another dps won't kill that healer.


The problem is that people still aren't able to focus.

When I play on my healer, against a premade, I'm pretty much dead the entire time.

They just focus me down, as soon as I join the battle.

A freecasting healer is OP, but that's not the healers fault.

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I shouldnt even reply to this thread but oh well :) Im a sage healer, and if anything I feel my class could use a little love because even a half decent pug will eventually realise there is a healer actually playing and start to focus on me for the easy kills lol. Of course in a premade I can understand that with guard and taunts and peels etc I would be much harder to kill. Maybe if I only got a little love when guard was not active on me? That would be good.
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I disagree, even if the tank has both guard and is using taunts, DPS having double the interrupts and other CC should more than make up for the one tank because interrupts, knockbacks, and snares are huge when taking down a healer.



You'd be right if the only thing the healer did was spam heal themself and the tank just spectated. However, on my jugg? BOTH of those dps will be dead LONG before the healer is in serious trouble. Why? You charge, I chilling scream and force push, you're out of the fight for about 8 or 10 seconds, choke the other guy and oh, the healer now has enough time to get a nuke heal on himself, then I aoe taunt, that's 50% damage reduction from guard and another 30% damage reduction, mean time the healer, now with plenty of health and taking 300 point hits from you, is going to start to burn YOU down (along with me).


Healer + tank >>>>>>> 2 dps. Now, add in a cross heal add in a dps pt who is going to yoink you away from the healer (and utterly destroy you in 3 gcds because that's what they do) and so and and so forth.


Grand luck killing a healer in that environment unless you're in an organized team, and even then, grand luck.


Guard, taunt, cross heals, and peels - healers become damned monsters, couple all of that with the fact that even in BAD gear they can erase all the damage a dps could do in just 2 heals - and yeah, healers are pretty tough.

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Take your shots if you want but healers should not be able to dominate an ops ground based solely on their ability to heal. I have seen too many 50< BG's where a single healer can carry a team to victory. I understand healers should make a difference but having a healer on your side should not guarantee victory, ecspecially whne they're spamming the same 2s cast heal over and over again regardless of GCD. FIX THIS BIOWARE


pre 50 wzs are dominated by lack of healers, but the same is true for lvl 50 wzs - if your setup is bad, you suffer as a result


more to the point, a healers ability should have a major impact on an ops, does a better healer not deserve to beat a lesser healer?

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You'd be right if the only thing the healer did was spam heal themself and the tank just spectated. However, on my jugg? BOTH of those dps will be dead LONG before the healer is in serious trouble. Why? You charge, I chilling scream and force push, you're out of the fight for about 8 or 10 seconds, choke the other guy and oh, the healer now has enough time to get a nuke heal on himself, then I aoe taunt, that's 50% damage reduction from guard and another 30% damage reduction, mean time the healer, now with plenty of health and taking 300 point hits from you, is going to start to burn YOU down (along with me).


Healer + tank >>>>>>> 2 dps. Now, add in a cross heal add in a dps pt who is going to yoink you away from the healer (and utterly destroy you in 3 gcds because that's what they do) and so and and so forth.


Grand luck killing a healer in that environment unless you're in an organized team, and even then, grand luck.


Guard, taunt, cross heals, and peels - healers become damned monsters, couple all of that with the fact that even in BAD gear they can erase all the damage a dps could do in just 2 heals - and yeah, healers are pretty tough.


So what you are saying is that:


Teamwork > uncoordinated DPS


You just blew my mind!




Not really. I already knew that, but thanks for illustrating it for the rest of the viewers.


Fact is, healers melt like popsicles in Tahiti if they don't have teamwork backing them up.

I can solo shut down (and usually kill) a healer while playing on my undergeared Mara if he gets no support from his team. If he gets even a little help he synergizes and it becomes a 2v1 (with me being the 1, who loses).

If anything, healers need a small buff to increase their solo survivability to the level of an OP healer so that they can survive long enough for a guard, taunt, peel to be thrown to them.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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I disagree that healers need a nerf. But I think that the sentinel and gunslingers healing debuffs need a buff. They should either be more powerful or last longer. That way there is an active counter to burst healing, even with cross heals. People should not be able to go from 5percent to full health the way they do in rated wzs.
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I disagree that healers need a nerf. But I think that the sentinel and gunslingers healing debuffs need a buff. They should either be more powerful or last longer. That way there is an active counter to burst healing, even with cross heals. People should not be able to go from 5percent to full health the way they do in rated wzs.


To go from 5% to full health (I'm assuming you mean fairly quickly) there's got to be more than one healer targeting him. Just like dps can focus fire someone down quickly, healers can also focus heal. But a single healer can't take someone from 5% to full in a matter of seconds. The biggest burst heal combo a healer can throw is probably 10k. I'm not fully geared yet so I could be wrong.

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My Operative healer is unkillable when he is guarded.

Surgical Probe, Surgical Probe, Surgical Probe, Surgical Probe, Surgical Probe, Surgical Probe...


That doesn't get you very far, you'll be lucky to get more than one crit 3500 surgical probe heal while the rest will be 1200-1500, getting a couple off just to bring your health up and then hit recuperative nanotech and cast injection and surgical immediately after works better, but stun the guy to buy time if he's in your face, every oper healer should have slip away in the spec.

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I disagree that healers need a nerf. But I think that the sentinel and gunslingers healing debuffs need a buff. They should either be more powerful or last longer. That way there is an active counter to burst healing, even with cross heals. People should not be able to go from 5percent to full health the way they do in rated wzs.


Absolutely certain that it he was burst-healed by at least two people at the same time.

Nerf me, and I won't heal anymore. You basically want to eliminate all the healers? You know pvp will suck really bad without healers, right?

I concur. Guard could, perhaps, be toned down a little, but I don't think that healers themselves do not need nerfs for PvP.

Edited by Helig
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I disagree that healers need a nerf. But I think that the sentinel and gunslingers healing debuffs need a buff. They should either be more powerful or last longer. That way there is an active counter to burst healing, even with cross heals. People should not be able to go from 5percent to full health the way they do in rated wzs.


I really hope they don't buff up the trauma debuff. In Marksman, as long as you're in cover, it is free (not in the same way it refunds energy, but you recover the energy spent in the same GCD it took to use). You can use it while moving and from 35m. It comes with an armor debuff. And, it has a five second CD and the traumu debuff lats nine seconds (the armor debuff last 45s). So as long as you're alive, you can keep a target in permanent trauma.


In retrospect, imagine if a healer could keep a target in a 20% damage debuff with an armor debuff from 35m. The DPS in this game would QQ so hard. But for some reason if it's against healers it's fine.

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