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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dear Rage Quitters...


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When someone insults the group and quits at the beginning I'm just glad to get a player with more fortitude to take their place. Just make sure, when we end up winning, to send a tell or mail thanking them for getting out of the way.
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So if I quit because I forgot I had to be somewhere in 15 minutes I'm a rage quitter?

Amazing logic you have there.



He is talking about quitting matches. Not DC'ing, not if your baby is drowning and not if you happen to have an unforseen real life incident. Stop trying to catch people on semantics to justify quitting.

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Now here's a guy who doesn't know how to play Huttball and who ignores people saying "control mid".


Controlling mid isn't important when the enemy is running the ball towards your goal line. Control your endzone first, then control mid.

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Controlling mid isn't important when the enemy is running the ball towards your goal line. Control your endzone first, then control mid.


Actually, the opposite is true. If the enemy is running towards your goal line you need to control mid to prevent them from chaining goals. If your whole team is in your endzone trying to prevent a score, you will wind up on your heels the whole match doing just that... and failing.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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Directly above this post you will see a difference of opinion in regards to strategy.

If these guys are quitters (I am not saying they are) they will each have a "justifiable" reason to quit because they were playing with the other guy.

Edited by richardya
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Directly above this post you will see a difference of opinion in regards to strategy.

If these guys are quitters (I am not saying they are) they will each have a "justifiable" reason to quit because they were playing with the other guy.


I'm a pragmatist.


I'd rather stick it out with a losing team and get something for it over jumping ship and getting nothing.


Nothing < Something < Winning


I know how to win in Huttball, and I tell my PUG how to win. If they choose to ignore me then I'm going to get something. If they choose to listen then I'm going to get something or I'm going to win. My team cannot do anything that will cause me to get nothing. Only I can rob myself of any reward.

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see the thing is you dont get nothing. you get to ditch the derps inside your warzone and get a new set of derps. it is easy for an experienced player to gauge his team after the initial enemy contact. yes if you wait until right near the end then it's stupid to leave. but if you can see in the first 30 seconds that your team is just too dumb/outgeared/inexperienced to win then you gain more by ragequitting than staying.
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see the thing is you dont get nothing. you get to ditch the derps inside your warzone and get a new set of derps. it is easy for an experienced player to gauge his team after the initial enemy contact. yes if you wait until right near the end then it's stupid to leave. but if you can see in the first 30 seconds that your team is just too dumb/outgeared/inexperienced to win then you gain more by ragequitting than staying.


No, you don't. You gain more by winning than you do by losing. You gain more by losing than you do by quitting.

When you quit you actually gain nothing at all, and your lost opportunity costs actually start to factor in. The only way you could break even with those who lose is if you had instant queues and minimal loading times, which never happens.

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I haven't left a warzone that didn't involve connection issues.


However, I understand that if you instantly realize your team is unprepared and are going to get their throats stepped on.... and Gain 50 Coms by losing...

Quitting and getting in on another match can possibly get you 140 Coms by winning. But if you don't leave you'll never know. I'd personally take the sure thing.


I enjoy PvPing, I'm not stupid competitive with it though... and even on the losing side, I'm still usually Top 5 overall for damage. And I'm happy with that.

Edited by Graalis
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Here is another chuckle.


I'm on my op who is full war hero, augments, etc. I'm just going to log on to it to do the daily.


My first match is huttball, we win. Np. Second match is civil war. In the lobby I see someone basically say, "2/4/2 and that him and another are going to be the two going right." I examine his gear and I examine the guy going with him. One is ~1K expertise and the other is 1100 something.


I know this ain't going to go well. So rather than going middle and trying to actually kill something, I figure I will go there and just try to sap caps after they pwn our 3 guys at middle. I get off a few darts and even a flashbang but never the less, by the time I could respawn middle is gone. Not to mention the side with the two guys going right is capped.


Promptly afterwards, both of the guys who did not take right side node quit the wz.

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.......Promptly afterwards, both of the guys who did not take right side node quit the wz.


It is important that you understand who these guys are. They are the people in this thread complaining their team is bad. In your match they probably said, "how did they not get mid and left when we took on 3 people at right." They determined that the team was bad and quit. These are the people posting in favor quitters. They are delusional because they can't admit they just hate losing. Whenever you go down early it is because your team played bad, the other team played well or they are just better.


If you look above you will see people saying that they can judge a team in 30 seconds. You know what that means?

Either in 30 seconds they were able gauge all 7 of their teammates skill (even the ones on the other two nodes or other door or guarding mid when they are by the goal line) or in 30 seconds they are able to see the other team is winning and blame their team.

Edited by richardya
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like staying in a WZ that the pugs suck in is going to help any thing. I will leave a wz only if the rest of my team cant take a pop sickle stand if you give the the pop sickle stick to do so. Those that don't like some one that leave because of this don't understand it does not matter if the leave other then the WZ is over faster so you can get onto a better group.
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I've always found people who left warzones to be idiots. Usually it's because their team is losing, or not playing the objectives, or doing stupid stuff, or so on and so forth.


In the time it takes to get back into a new game, and play into the duration where you quit the last game, typically, you will have earned less WZ comms for the time spent, even if you win.


But honestly, a lot of the people I see quit, were not much better than the ones who they claimed were making the team lose. Basically, what I'm trying to say here, is that if you quit a WZ because you are losing, you probably suck, yourself.


I think personally, though, I don't mind those people quitting. I can't count how many times I've seen a game turn around, after the quitters (who sucked, themselves, and were a large reason we were losing.), open up slots for more skilled players to join.

Edited by MobiusZero
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I've always found people who left warzones to be idiots. Usually it's because their team is losing, or not playing the objectives, or doing stupid stuff, or so on and so forth.


In the time it takes to get back into a new game, and play into the duration where you quit the last game, typically, you will have earned less WZ comms for the time spent, even if you win.


But honestly, a lot of the people I see quit, were not much better than the ones who they claimed were making the team lose. Basically, what I'm trying to say here, is that if you quit a WZ because you are losing, you probably suck, yourself.


I think personally, though, I don't mind those people quitting. I can't count how many times I've seen a game turn around, after the quitters (who sucked, themselves, and were a large reason we were losing.), open up slots for more skilled players to join.


I've actually been in games in which the team turned around and won with only 7 players after the quitter bailed. That always makes me smile on the inside because we did better without the "1337" guy who couldn't stand to play with us lowly "n00bs".

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Hehe, not only that, but I've joined in just as many games, where a quitter opened up a slot for me, and we turned it around.


In fact, I don't particularly mind getting into a losing game, because it will usually be fast comms. Thanks quitter!

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I almost always quit WZ, when I meet enemy team (I play always only solo in PUG) as ranked guild premade. Because I know, how great advantage brings voice comm for focusing fire, and PUG really have zero chances to win.


I always stand for skill, and equal chances of both sides in game. I dont play in games which wittingly lose.


And this is main reason of good playing in WZ 10-49 lvl - because there are practically NO PREMADES, and PUG vs. PUG only.


So, as I think, all regular WZ at 50 lvl must be only solo queue, but all ranked WZ must be only premade vs. premade (maybe, premades of 4+4 with both sides). There really two different games, two different styles - ranked "pro", "hardcore" team tactics ranked, and PUG vs. PUG crazy random-like tactics. Two kinds of fun, for both kinds of players.


No one dont be facerolled in wittingly losing situation.

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