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BIOWARE how long does it take to fix hacking in the game?


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They will do something about hacking when people learn the difference between bugs/glitches and mechanics. And they most certainly do things about hacking if they have the evidence and it's legit.


For instance, I had some weenie in a warzone the other night saying that some Jugg was hacking because it took 7 people to bring him down; never mind the fact that he constantly had rolling hots and a heal bot following him around, of which I seemed to be the only person to notice. Ah, pug warzones, how I love thee.



JUST GOOGLE SEARCH < SWTOR HACK,,,, THEN YOU"LL SEE HOW MANY "ABILITYs" YOU CAN DOWNLOAD<LOL.....casting 3 ability in a second aint a class thing, you tube it too, there some nice stuff.............:rak_01:

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ok yes, hacking ruins the game blah blah blah, but IMO > 90% of what people call "Hacking" is just a common bug / exploit. and that is not against game rules...


well if you purposely exploit a bug you can be ban... but the simple thing is, if its in-game you can do it.


ya ok, check those links: http://www.***********.com/forum/swtor-hacks-bots-cheats-exploits/













So dont tell me that hacking aint happening and that it's a skill/ability / gear thing

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I'm sure that 99% of the QQ'ing here is just people not knowing what's up, I get that. But riddle me this Batman...


If I am an Assassin auto running against the barrier at the Huttball countdown, my Mara buddy pops predation, I popped force speed, ZERO lag happening... How the EFF did that Shadow grab the ball before I got to the acid pit?


Please tell me the obvious class ability that I'm missing here.

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From: EEAWare

Subject: Hacking in PVP


Please be advised, that we cannot fix any hacking until you bring your Cartel Coin balance up from Zero. Should you obtain our Cartel coin Premium Package, we may even listen........


May the Force be with you.......



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in the last two day I've noted that out since the update that out off 20 game in PvP 12 on a good day and 4-5 at least normaly match that i would win and it would not sprisse me if teams are on the hatch my sloution would be to rest the persons in question back down to level ONE and rest the story with a ban on PvP until level 45 item and money will remain but until there charter is at the aproprit level.
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YA...OK.... 3 guy around me, i "overload" and none of them budge a bit? i must be really unawared of some ability's then...


Resolve smarts.



Edited by Jaick
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Youy know, I get tired of reading the self ego driven BS from little kids saying "get smart"


Fact is resolve doesnt work as intended and many players get very angry about it!


So maybe some of them do say cheating happening when its not




They report, EA checks it out, no problem, everyone moves one.


Only the problem does stille xist regarding the buggy resolve system that has absolutely nothing to do with skill and everything to do with hopping you have your cc break up when its required. And if your chain stunned 2 secs after you use it (as I have been) tough luck.


So tired of mouthy internet kids with their swarmy attitudes.


Buddy, your really not as good as you think you are.


As for class abilities. I find thats to often a cheap excuse to try and dismiss a obvious hack.

Speed hack being the most obvious.

Yeah there is class abilities that give a group a 20% speed boost for a short period of time.


Show me the class ability that gives a full group force speed for the entire match?

It doesnt exist and never has.

Yet you complain about that happening and you get the smart mouth kids all smack talking over the internet.


Simple truth (again)

It doesnt matter if someone reports 1 or 100 assumed exploits/hacks

EA isnt going to ban anyone with out proff so if they all just class abilities, nothing comes from it

But if even 1 of the 100 is a hacker/cheater and gets the boot. Then we are better off as a game for it.


If only put in a couple reports myself since game launched regarding obvious hacking/cheating but Im certainly not going to crucify the player that puts in far more then that.

Heck report me if he wants, I have NOTHING TO HIDE.


I suspect those that get nose outta joint about people reporting more then likely know something or alot of somethings they do breaks the TOS and thats why they scream so loudly against players reporting others.


Me, nothing to hide. EA come watch me, scan me, read my logs, I do not mind in the least.


PS: And when your done with that put in the freaking LOS code Trion did in RIFT to stop the morons that constantly stand on top of me while attacking to EXPLOIT the games defaulty LOS issues.

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Please do something about hacking in the game, it makes pvp pointless


there is only about 5% of swtors comunity that hack most of the stuff you see is bug abuse or exploiting and a good 50% of swtors player base do that.

swtor has alot of bugs and even more exploits, there is so many of them its not even funny,some are game breaking but it seems bioware just dont give a dam because game breaking exploits and bugs need to be fixed as soon as possible not 1 minor bug fix every 2 months or so.


i can see bioware/EA/lucas arts tryed to make swtor into an mmo they gave it a good try but unfortunatly it has failed badly,swtor has so much potential but it seems the game owners dont know how to take that opertunity.

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Youy know, I get tired of reading the self ego driven BS from little kids saying "get smart"


Fact is resolve doesnt work as intended and many players get very angry about it!


So maybe some of them do say cheating happening when its not




They report, EA checks it out, no problem, everyone moves one.


Only the problem does stille xist regarding the buggy resolve system that has absolutely nothing to do with skill and everything to do with hopping you have your cc break up when its required. And if your chain stunned 2 secs after you use it (as I have been) tough luck.


So tired of mouthy internet kids with their swarmy attitudes.


Buddy, your really not as good as you think you are.


As for class abilities. I find thats to often a cheap excuse to try and dismiss a obvious hack.

Speed hack being the most obvious.

Yeah there is class abilities that give a group a 20% speed boost for a short period of time.


Show me the class ability that gives a full group force speed for the entire match?

It doesnt exist and never has.

Yet you complain about that happening and you get the smart mouth kids all smack talking over the internet.


Simple truth (again)

It doesnt matter if someone reports 1 or 100 assumed exploits/hacks

EA isnt going to ban anyone with out proff so if they all just class abilities, nothing comes from it

But if even 1 of the 100 is a hacker/cheater and gets the boot. Then we are better off as a game for it.


If only put in a couple reports myself since game launched regarding obvious hacking/cheating but Im certainly not going to crucify the player that puts in far more then that.

Heck report me if he wants, I have NOTHING TO HIDE.


I suspect those that get nose outta joint about people reporting more then likely know something or alot of somethings they do breaks the TOS and thats why they scream so loudly against players reporting others.


Me, nothing to hide. EA come watch me, scan me, read my logs, I do not mind in the least.


PS: And when your done with that put in the freaking LOS code Trion did in RIFT to stop the morons that constantly stand on top of me while attacking to EXPLOIT the games defaulty LOS issues.


thats one of the game breaking problems is the resolve bar.the resolve bar is a key element to swtors pvp function and because its not working properly as its broken we are see'ing alot of problems and i mean alot of problems just from that one disaster and yes with all the exploits and bugs and imbalance issues players get a bit paranoid or so frustrated with the BS they see infront of them,players will think they are hacking.

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I don't understand all the QQ about hacking. After 7 months of playing this game I have never seen a single hacker. Is it because I play on RP-PvP servers and the players are more respectful/mature?


Why do people always say "Resolve is broken" and provide no real proof or evidence that it is broken? I would love to see a video of how you're being stunned in full resolve etc.

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I've never seen anyone hack in 7 months of playing, three characters valor ~80, and 150+ rwz matches.


I'd bet that 99% of the hacker accusations come from people who don't know game mechanics or are mistaking graphical/latency related problems with hacking (or using it as a convenient excuse).

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The game is a buggy mess. That's what people need to realize. Any type of speed, especially talented mara/sent speed, puts stress on the system a lot of the times and it looks wonky to those viewing it, warping and going all over the place. Someone can have this speed and be nowhere near the mara/sent as well. Lag/latency issues between your connection, the games, and your opponents connection often don't sync in harmony and this causes lots of suspicious looking things to happen at times. I have had instances where I thought I fell off a ledge, then warped to another spot back on top due to latency or some glitch of abilities hitting me right at the edge, causing confusion to the client. I'm sure it looked like I intentionally ported myself back onto the platform, as a couple enemies jumped down after me. I've also seen this happen to other people where I have moved after someone. I've been glitched with the huttball while stealthed as well, which was pretty hilarious. I have seen goals not count at all and I have scored for my team, which gave a point to the enemy team instead. I've been perma mezzed on a fire trap, not breaking when I took damage. (not a stun, I know the difference) In any case, lots of other odd things happen, but my point being that it isn't always intentional or a hack.


People do intentionally exploit/abuse game bugs, and even a tiny percent use hacks. I have never said otherwise. I do not agree with the whole 50% of the populace does so, that is a guesstimate and most likely way off. I hardly ever see people doing these things blatantly or to a degree where I think it's out of control. I think these people should also be reported and dealt with. The reason why I post in these threads are because most people are confused or wrong about what is happening, and I am here to enlighten them. I get tired of seeing people cry about hacks/cheats and only 10% of them ever being legit cases; and even when they are, they should be reporting/recording the instance.

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I'd bet that 99% of the hacker accusations come from people who don't know game mechanics or are mistaking graphical/latency related problems with hacking (or using it as a convenient excuse).





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I don't understand all the QQ about hacking. After 7 months of playing this game I have never seen a single hacker. Is it because I play on RP-PvP servers and the players are more respectful/mature?


Why do people always say "Resolve is broken" and provide no real proof or evidence that it is broken? I would love to see a video of how you're being stunned in full resolve etc.


if you think the resolve system on swtor is fine then you are not very bright and should not be posting on these forums.


im sorry but getting stunned 3 times in a row with a full solid white reolve bar is enough proof for me that the resolve system is not working properly.

ive had healers spamming me with 3 people on me through 7 stuns more than enough times. 1st 2 stuns are from targets that get fed up of attacking me from getting healed which sets me at a solid full white resolve then getting stunned 5 times in a row from the next 3 targets on me trying to kill me which then another healer has to step in to compensate the battering im getting as im defenseless from being stun spammed not being able to attack back and you think the resolve is fine ? you need to get your eyes tested lol.

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if you think the resolve system on swtor is fine then you are not very bright and should not be posting on these forums.


im sorry but getting stunned 3 times in a row with a full solid white reolve bar is enough proof for me that the resolve system is not working properly.

ive had healers spamming me with 3 people on me through 7 stuns more than enough times. 1st 2 stuns are from targets that get fed up of attacking me from getting healed which sets me at a solid full white resolve then getting stunned 5 times in a row from the next 3 targets on me trying to kill me which then another healer has to step in to compensate the battering im getting as im defenseless from being stun spammed not being able to attack back and you think the resolve is fine ? you need to get your eyes tested lol.


I refuse to believe that you were stunned 7 times in a row without any kind of evidence. Please, show me some proof of these ridiculous claims.


Roots/snares are not the same as stuns if that's what you're talking about.

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Had a match the other day, VS we started on the defend. Gate lifts, we take a step and drop to ledge, to find the OTHER TEAM THERE WAITING FOR US.


How can that happen under normal game mechanics?


Well, they either intentionally abused something to get outside the shield; or the game bugged without a shield on their side. Or if you want a under normal circumstances solution, it was mara/sent talented group run speed buff on everyone. The talented version gets you places fast as hell. A lot of people think of the regular speed buff and think it's impossible, but the talented version of it is extremely quick. My guess is it was most likely this.


If you suspect people of foul play, make sure you record the names and what is happening and then try to get multiple cases of them doing it and report them. If it is legit, Bioware will do something about it.

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if you think the resolve system on swtor is fine then you are not very bright and should not be posting on these forums.


im sorry but getting stunned 3 times in a row with a full solid white reolve bar is enough proof for me that the resolve system is not working properly.

ive had healers spamming me with 3 people on me through 7 stuns more than enough times. 1st 2 stuns are from targets that get fed up of attacking me from getting healed which sets me at a solid full white resolve then getting stunned 5 times in a row from the next 3 targets on me trying to kill me which then another healer has to step in to compensate the battering im getting as im defenseless from being stun spammed not being able to attack back and you think the resolve is fine ? you need to get your eyes tested lol.


Look, I get that the resolve system is not always the greatest, but it works to some degree. Latency and glitches, can of course, throw it off in some cases; but I have never ever witnessed or seen anything like you are describing. Sorry, that just doesn't happen and I will never believe it without seeing it.

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Look, I get that the resolve system is not always the greatest, but it works to some degree. Latency and glitches, can of course, throw it off in some cases; but I have never ever witnessed or seen anything like you are describing. Sorry, that just doesn't happen and I will never believe it without seeing it.


It doesn't happen, it's obvious he has no idea what he's talking about.

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