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I Love this game


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Hello all,


Just a quick tidbit of background about me. First and foremost, I am a casual gamer+. I play more than the average casual yet I am not hardcore by any means because I work and have a family.


Now, my MMO history is not as extensive as most since Ive only played Lineage II, Aion, WoW, Rift and now SWTOR, but I must say, this game has captivated me like none of those have. I must also say that I am an Altoholic and love creating alts, so when I started playing and noticed each class had their own, different quests and progression, I was excited. You still have to go through the same areas just like in every MMO but thats where legacy perks comes in. Its the first game that has done this much for alts. They make it easier for you to just do the class quests if thats what you want to do, and for me, thats exactly correct. The other perks they have are nifty as well. for someone like me making 16 different characters, that helps me a ton. I only wish they had more character slots :cool:


The game is still new, it is by far unfinished, but gee people, it is still an infant in the MMO world. This game does have Mega potential. For those that rush to 50 and thats all they want to do is one thing at the end, you have to understand that you are a rarity, not the other way around. You have to undertand that you will be waiting on the masses. They have tons of server statistics to see where the majority is in the game to know how they will proceed. Granted, I wish we had more communication from Bio/EA, but the game itself is wonderful.


I agree with another poster about all the negativity in the forums being bad for business. If you have an issue, go to the suggestion forums and put in a positive critique. General session is not always needing to be negative. All you complainers out there are actually doing the reverse for what you want. You keep shooting something in the foot and eventually it will die. People need to be smart about their approach.


Anyways, if anyone actually read the entire thing, which in these days, im sure its like 1 in 5, I enjoy the game very much and am looking forward to the future for this game. If you are a new guy thinking about the game, give it a try, Im sure you wont be dissapointed, unless of course, you are one of the aforementioned type. Give the game time, critique it in the correct location in a positive manner, and watch how things turn around.

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Are you expecting a paycheck or something? BioWare doesn't care, or they'd talk to us directly. We don't need self-professed casuals(+!) telling us everything is okay. MMO vets, and folks who value their $15/month, already know otherwise.
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Wow. You see everyone? There's tons of negativity but once in a bit you'll see a positive thread or two pop up. Proved that in my latest thread.


Now, I'm really glad you're enjoying this game. I'm glad you're taking your time and all but here's the thing: I think this game was designed for players like you. :)


This game was aimed for players who didn't have to devote all their time or just could devote as much time as they wanted to for the game. It was also for those players who wanted this story BioWare provided above all else—a story that BioWare praised highly. The thing is, all of that work that's put into the story and voice acting kinda made a hollow elimination of the grindfest this game really had. Now you, being a player of your caliber, enjoys taking your time playing several classes that you don't see it the way many of us do.


Not only that, but the Legacy system is, too, a grindfest. The reason why you enjoy the Legacy is because you enjoy playing so many characters that you get to advance without getting bothered by the way the majority of the community feels about the Legacy.


Unfortunately, I realize this game was meant to be a PvE-oriented game that would be enjoyed by players that would like playing several stories that would be very amazed by all the story and voice acting that you wouldn't spacebar, and that you would like going through each of the side-quests which makes it far easier and more entertaining for you to advance your Legacy.


This game had potential. I just think it's too late for BioWare. This game may go F2P (or *cough*P2W*cough*) and may bring back some players, but only the players that would sit back and enjoy this game would be players of your caliber. Everyone else will eventually be unsubscribed and move on to MMOs that are bigger and better in their eyes. :(

Edited by HomicidalWhales
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This game had potential. I just think it's too late for BioWare. This game may go F2P (or *cough*P2W*cough*) and may bring back some players, but only the players that would sit back and enjoy this game would be players of your caliber. Everyone else will eventually be unsubscribed and move on to bigger and better MMOs. :(


The game had? potential. Think it's too late? The game's been out for 7 months, that's extremely young for an MMO. It takes years for most MMO's to truly settle in. People keep on forgetting that. The competition is formed by games with 10 years or more of development pumped into it so far.


If people keep on having this sort of mentality, that it needs to outdo all of that within 6 month, we may just as well declare the genre dead, as it's never going to work out anymore anyway. That bigger and better MMO you're talking about, will never be found in a newer MMO due to that.

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Are you expecting a paycheck or something? BioWare doesn't care, or they'd talk to us directly. We don't need self-professed casuals(+!) telling us everything is okay. MMO vets, and folks who value their $15/month, already know otherwise.



Comprehension is not a strong suit of yours apparently. I never once said the game is OK, perfect and doesn't need anything. When you learn to comprehend, then you can come back here and give me some positive insight. I'm going to assume you are part of the 5% aforementioned and only proves me correct.


I value my $15 as well, and as per my post, its a great investment. .50$ a day to play this game, its a freaking steal!!!

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Are you expecting a paycheck or something? BioWare doesn't care, or they'd talk to us directly. We don't need self-professed casuals(+!) telling us everything is okay. MMO vets, and folks who value their $15/month, already know otherwise.


I'm an MMO vet and I value $15 a month yet I think the game is a lot of fun.


Question is if you value your $15 a month and you know otherwise why are you still here?

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*hugs. The negative posts in here is not going to kill the game. Now..feel better? :)


Actually, if just one time you types would do some market research before bloviating all over the boards you would find that you are not correct in this assumption, no more then any other assumption based on hyperbole.


Negative reputation has a negative effect on marketing and sales, always. It is an absolute, which is why the image consulting field is always booming.

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The game had? potential. Think it's too late? The game's been out for 7 months, that's extremely young for an MMO. It takes years for most MMO's to truly settle in. People keep on forgetting that. The competition is formed by games with 10 years or more of development pumped into it so far.


If people keep on having this sort of mentality, that it needs to outdo all of that within 6 month, we may just as well declare the genre dead, as it's never going to work out anymore anyway. That bigger and better MMO you're talking about, will never be found in a newer MMO due to that.

Well I should be more specific: MMOs that the player thinks are bigger and better in their eyes. :p


I get where you're coming from, but if you decided to post your opinion about that in your own thread I don't think you'll get much support.


The point I'm trying to prove is that it's too late because this game will at least suffice for players similar to the OP. For players like the OP, they'll surely enjoy this game. The thing is, the majority of the fan-base is leaving because they wanted massive space battles like BFII, epic land battles like seen in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the movies, and just look at my signature—we were given three trailers but unfortunately, SWTOR could not live up to its potential. Therefore, that's why I say it's too late.


As much I don't want to keep my current mentality, this game is most certainly at this point PvE-oriented and just fits for the type of player like the OP. :(

Edited by HomicidalWhales
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I love this game as well!! It's awesome and I'm glad your enjoying it!

It's nice to see 1 or 2 positive threads in the forum.

But yea, like another person said, positive threads like these are gonna be filled with haters

and "doom and gloom" posts - Haters are gonna hate!

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. Everyone else will eventually be unsubscribed and move on to bigger and better MMOs. :(


For those players I say this:


Have fun playing with your elves and shooting bows and arrows again while learning a crafting skill that requires a camp fire so you can make smores.


For me, I'm tired of that crap. Give me a Twil'ek with a blaster and I'm a happy man.

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Now, my MMO history is not as extensive as most since Ive only played Lineage II, Aion, WoW, Rift and now SWTOR, but I must say, this game has captivated me like none of those have.


Mine is, OP, going back almost 20 years of beta testing and playing. Through-out those years there have always been the detractors posting their negativity with little more then conjecture as a basis for such. Lately, the facebook generation of drama queens have inundated this genre with their "opinions" to the point where there is not a single game out there who's message boards are not filled with the type of hate, armchair analysis, and plain ole nonsense we read here on a daily basis.


Either way, as far as MMORPGs go this is a pretty entertaining game with lots to do and the promise of more to come. Well worth the 50 cents a day one pays for endless hours of entertainment.

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Mine is, OP, going back almost 20 years of beta testing and playing. Through-out those years there have always been the detractors posting their negativity with little more then conjecture as a basis for such. Lately, the facebook generation of drama queens have inundated this genre with their "opinions" to the point where there is not a single game out there who's message boards are not filled with the type of hate, armchair analysis, and plain ole nonsense we read here on a daily basis.


Either way, as far as MMORPGs go this is a pretty entertaining game with lots to do and the promise of more to come. Well worth the 50 cents a day one pays for endless hours of entertainment.



I'm glad I'm not alone :)

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I enjoyed the game a lot and played for several months, I have 4 max level characters and at this point there is not much else for me to do, I'd like to roll another alt but I'm actually hoping for them to release a new species before I do that.


Also at level 50 there is not that much quality content after you finish your class quest so Im gonna take a break for now but I will no doubt come back once they add a significant ammount of stuff for me to enjoy, like more class quests, maybe open world pvp, thats something id love to see and more minigames, you know, stuff.

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Hello all,


Just a quick tidbit of background about me. First and foremost, I am a casual gamer+. I play more than the average casual yet I am not hardcore by any means because I work and have a family.


Now, my MMO history is not as extensive as most since Ive only played Lineage II, Aion, WoW, Rift and now SWTOR, but I must say, this game has captivated me like none of those have. I must also say that I am an Altoholic and love creating alts, so when I started playing and noticed each class had their own, different quests and progression, I was excited. You still have to go through the same areas just like in every MMO but thats where legacy perks comes in. Its the first game that has done this much for alts. They make it easier for you to just do the class quests if thats what you want to do, and for me, thats exactly correct. The other perks they have are nifty as well. for someone like me making 16 different characters, that helps me a ton. I only wish they had more character slots :cool:


The game is still new, it is by far unfinished, but gee people, it is still an infant in the MMO world. This game does have Mega potential. For those that rush to 50 and thats all they want to do is one thing at the end, you have to understand that you are a rarity, not the other way around. You have to undertand that you will be waiting on the masses. They have tons of server statistics to see where the majority is in the game to know how they will proceed. Granted, I wish we had more communication from Bio/EA, but the game itself is wonderful.


I agree with another poster about all the negativity in the forums being bad for business. If you have an issue, go to the suggestion forums and put in a positive critique. General session is not always needing to be negative. All you complainers out there are actually doing the reverse for what you want. You keep shooting something in the foot and eventually it will die. People need to be smart about their approach.


Anyways, if anyone actually read the entire thing, which in these days, im sure its like 1 in 5, I enjoy the game very much and am looking forward to the future for this game. If you are a new guy thinking about the game, give it a try, Im sure you wont be dissapointed, unless of course, you are one of the aforementioned type. Give the game time, critique it in the correct location in a positive manner, and watch how things turn around.


Almost brought a tear to my eye. :) I couldn't agree more OP. And although I'm a bit more than a casual player as I have logged in everyday since December, capped 3 toons etc. etc., I have had the same experience.


Two things that have helped me that I would like to point out. 1. I make my own fun. That is, I don't rely on the story or content exclusively to show me how to have fun. I've had great fun exploring on my own finding things off the beaten path. That includes datacrons, the Tauntlet and loot. 2. I enjoy helping others as I go, guildies as well as others. I have several toons at different stages which I keep fairly static so I can jump in and out of groups to help others run fps and or heroics.


But what keeps me going is the end game content and my alts. I find that with my alts, end game is very different for each as I have a very diverse group of toons at 50. So... my strategy is different as well as my focus and consequently the content plays differently.


And... while I found legacy lacking at first, I'm really taking advantage of the perks now, and it has really helped me enjoy the game. The XP perk specifically has been great. If I need to speed through levels with my newer alts, its no problem at all. Add to that all the companion bonuses and running other alts is not a grind at all.


Anyway, I love the game. I'm taking the time to try GW2 as well, but I find that after a beta weekend, I'm always glad to be back on SWTOR.


Hang in there BW. We know you had a rough go of it with the layoffs, but you have a player base that is willing to stick with you. Just keep working on the game and give us some content to continue the evolution of the game. This MMO will get over these growing pains and be around for a long time to come.

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I'm glad you love the game! and seeing as at least 50% of your gaming experience involved god-awful games(lineage 2 and aion) I can easily see why you love swtor.


I encourage you and anyone else that loves this game to continue playing for as long as you love it! I also would like to add one word of advice if you really want to continue loving this game:


don't pvp

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I am far from casual too. I have alts on two servers, one devoted to Pubs and one to Imps. My goal is to have one toon in every class, male, female, DS and LS LOL. I am never bored and I often find myself laughing laud which never happened before in any MMO.... Yes I love the story and yes I love how the NPSs recognize that you are in group LOL... questing with friends is so much fun especially id you play DS and they LS...


I played EQ2 for 6 years and had 8 alts to 90 there, but leveling was boring there, nothing comparing to this game.


I am here for a long run... staying with my 6-month subscription until BW will make SWTOR 2 in the future /grin....


PS. I am sick and tired of elves, gnoms, dwarfs etc.... and don't want to suffer from arrow in my knee as well /grin... give me a blaster shot any day ......

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The game had? potential. Think it's too late? The game's been out for 7 months, that's extremely young for an MMO. It takes years for most MMO's to truly settle in. People keep on forgetting that. The competition is formed by games with 10 years or more of development pumped into it so far.


If people keep on having this sort of mentality, that it needs to outdo all of that within 6 month, we may just as well declare the genre dead, as it's never going to work out anymore anyway. That bigger and better MMO you're talking about, will never be found in a newer MMO due to that.


There's never been an MMORPG that has had subs nose-dive after release to go on to massive numbers.


If there is any that ever do it'll be one with a massive amount of development post launch (and many that have that sort of development still don't do that well - i.e. AoC & Rift).


It's just how things are, and it's not really so much to do with the players, as corporate exec slashing developement budgets the instant they realise an MMORPG isn't equally or bettering WoW peak numbers - which is an impossible standard.

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Definitely here for the long run myself. Great game that's mucho fun and has lots of promise.


I've been playing MMOs since '99. Asheron's Call and Anarchy Online mostly before a few years of WoW. Sprinkled in some Eve, EQII, LOTRO, Planetside, and others on and off.


It's all about what you personally are looking for.


Just enjoy and ignore the self-entitled marys hanging out on this forum.

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Definitely here for the long run myself. Great game that's mucho fun and has lots of promise.


I've been playing MMOs since '99. Asheron's Call and Anarchy Online mostly before a few years of WoW. Sprinkled in some Eve, EQII, LOTRO, Planetside, and others on and off.


It's all about what you personally are looking for.


Just enjoy and ignore the self-entitled marys hanging out on this forum.




Planetside is a good example, excellent vanilla game (too high a sub for it though), one really bad expansion (where the Devs made what they thought players wanted rather than what they wanted) and SOE basically pulled the development rug out from under the game leaving far too few Devs with little to do other than mess around with what they still had.

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I'm with you OP. I enjoy the hell out of this game and feel it is a ton of potential. It's far from perfect, but with feedback and use of the Suggestion Box it should become an amazing MMO.


Blow all your cooldowns, pop a stim, and be prepared for level 50 Champ trolls inc.

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Two things that have helped me that I would like to point out. 1. I make my own fun. That is, I don't rely on the story or content exclusively to show me how to have fun. I've had great fun exploring on my own finding things off the beaten path. That includes datacrons, the Tauntlet and loot. 2. I enjoy helping others as I go, guildies as well as others. I have several toons at different stages which I keep fairly static so I can jump in and out of groups to help others run fps and or heroics.


But what keeps me going is the end game content and my alts. I find that with my alts, end game is very different for each as I have a very diverse group of toons at 50. So... my strategy is different as well as my focus and consequently the content plays differently.


This is mainly what I was going after. I know I am not the majority, and I certainly know Im not the minority. So, I make my own fun, I experience as much of the content that I can, and then I find new ways to do it again, and the best part, SWTOR gives you that opportunity and the ability to customize your way.


I just don't want to see this game die prematurely, so I hope we can get more positive posts, or more postive critiques in the correct locations. Give it some time, it will be what we want it to be.

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