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Bioware 'Q&A' - What a joke


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I understand what you are saying, i am more or less speaking about the constant whiners not so much the people with valid questions grips and complaints. It just gets a bit old daily seeing the same whiners post the same junk and expect something out of it. Does that help explain my first post a bit better?


gotcha, you mean the idiots who complain about stupid stuff :) or more politely, the irrational people on here. and yeah usually i skip all posts that complain after I see the first one about it, occasionally though I wonder off out into that territory and never come back :p

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gotcha, you mean the idiots who complain about stupid stuff :) or more politely, the irrational people on here. and yeah usually i skip all posts that complain after I see the first one about it, occasionally though I wonder off out into that territory and never come back :p


Yep....problem is you can't reason with stupid you know....no matter how much logic you implement in the post somebody will almost always see if differently. Why I try not to post to often.

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Yep....problem is you can't reason with stupid you know....no matter how much logic you implement in the post somebody will almost always see if differently. Why I try not to post to often.


truth, and they go in circles many times too

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Bump _ I started a thread on this after reading that garbage and then noticed this thread. They think were idiots apparently, I would advise Bioware to either do a real Q&A or drop the thing completely because ignoring and stonewalling real issues is not productive. To those that say stop complaining, I say this if you want BS in your Q&A then fine thats your right. I pay my mobnthly fee and do not like being fooled into thinking this is a legit Q&A when obviously they cherry picked the topics they could answer in 30 secs with no real info given. Its called customer service. Customers like to know their concerns are being adressed and this Q&A is basically saying fu we dont care. Edited by HaLeX
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Bump _ I started a thread on this after reading that garbage and then noticed this thread. They think were idiots apparently, I would advise Bioware to either do a real Q&A or drop the thing completely because ignoring and stonewalling real issues is not productive.


Yeah I suggest we keep this thread alive till we get somewhere, it's very frustrating to know they can end this **** storm by simply replying at least once, but they choose not to.


(Inb4 lock)

Edited by SithVeritas
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This was my original post which i will delete.


Really ? these are the big concerns of swtor community? Bioware can at least give the appearance that they are interested in what we think. You have massive balance issues in PVP and lots complaining about end game pve and paid server transfers and the Q&A session just disregards all those issues. Bioware I would rather read nothing than your phony excuse for a Q&A session. We tor players are brighter than average for the most part, so I think your strategy of not answering anything is counterproductive and makes me think you are just lazy or hiding something.

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You can argue that there are MUCH more worthy questions to be answered, especially when you consider the state of a great many things in this game. The Q&A has turned into nothing more than a shameless copout.


You can argue that, but the OP acts like he knows the truth for everyone and he doesn't. If you have suggestions for the Q&A then the suggestion box is there. See if you can get some support for your ideas.


Otherwise, this is just some unconstructive rage post (the OP) where someone tries to impose their views on the rest of the world because he either feels the need to exaggerate to compensate for his lack of arguments or because he thinks god talked to him and therefore he knows the truth for everyone.


Either way, I'm not impressed. Not sure why you would support this.

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Here is what I would like to see and what a competent company would have in their q&a.


Q- Hi, I would like to know if bioware is aware of imbalances in PVP that is causing alot of frustration in all but two classes.


A. As you are aware class balance issues are always difficult. We were relying on our metrics to balance out the classes to within a certain range. Apparantly with RWZ coming online the metrics appear to have not been as good a predictor as we anticipated. Our team is aware of this and we are currently evaluating what we can do do fix this problem and make all classes viable in pvp. . This process may take several weeks but we are working on it.


Or what scares me is the real possible answer ; This game is not on Ea's priority list so you should expect sub par customer service and updates and please don't expect us to respond to the players we need to get EPS up not haggle with a bunch of idiots. Plus we fired all the people who do the programming. An overstatement, yes, howoever, I think this answer is possible because why would they not answer real questions?


I am not trying to be a tard or create a fake controversy, but one thing that really ticks me off is liars and misinformation. I view this Q&A as total BS, which aims to deceive their customers into thinking its real.

Edited by HaLeX
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Frankly they could tell us they have five new expansions coming out all at once and you people would find something to complain about. Flame me all you want but at the end of the day you have no proof in any way shape or form that these questions didn't help somebody. You also have no right to bash them when in the end they still did post questions. You also do not have the right to tell them what to do with their forums. You also do not have the right or entitlement to the very character you play. You only have the right to the services offered which are covered by the $15 you spend on this game. You also do not have the right to demand certain company information pertaining directly to the implementation, patches, and or content that is coming in the future of the said game. maybe you all should read the terms and agreements you all willingly agree to when you decide to put forth the $15 price tag to play this game or any game for that matter. Proprietary information is not included in our agreement with Bioware, so the next time you think you are entitled to certain information, maybe you should understand the company involved regardless of the situation or how badly they want to tell you things they simply have an internal NDA that they must abide by. Facts are facts and i would challenge any of you to prove me wrong.
Absolutely right. However, if you want to keep your customers instead of having this game sink further and further (and seeing the numbers on my server, I'd say it's sinking), then you should at least 'pretend' to listen to your customers. Politicians get a virtually unlimited mandate for four years, but when they do stuff that no one wants and do not do any fan services, they're prone to get ousted.


But it seems BioWare is comfortable by getting ousted at the mid term elections already.

Edited by Aerevan
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Absolutely right. However, if you want to keep your customers instead of having this game sink further and further (and seeing the numbers on my server, I'd say it's sinking), then you should at least 'pretend' to listen to your customers. Politicians get a virtually unlimited mandate for four years, but when they do stuff that no one wants and do not do any fan services, they're prone to get ousted.


But it seems BioWare is comfortable by getting ousted at the mid term elections already.


I think they're just to focused on getting new players here. They're completely ignoring the state of the game itself and it's current player base. Make the game better and people will come back on their own...

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What always amazes me is that the instent I infringe on a code of conduct I get my post pulled and an E-mail. However all the valid and postive feed back I try to offer just gets ignored. Even if they think i am wrong about something they could explain why.


I assume that they are all off trying to figure out how to sell Free to Play to the comunity and if we will get a TR Store first and then free to play or it will all be rolled out in one hit.

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Well, they could just not do a Q&A. Would that make you feel better.


These Q&A's didn't just start happening 2 days ago. They've been around for a while. Most everyone knows what to expect from them. So why do you get upset? Just pretend they don't exist. You aren't getting your "Give me a developer outline for the next 2 years of this game" questions answered. Yet you rage every week? Seems silly.


Personally I don't care.


I used to care about them because they used to be an insight into what is coming up next, and be much longer.


I often forget about it.

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Yeah I suggest we keep this thread alive till we get somewhere, it's very frustrating to know they can end this **** storm by simply replying at least once, but they choose not to.


(Inb4 lock)

No, they couldn't.


All MMO community managers know you can never end the **** storm. Don't answer, and people will cry. Answer, and people will cry. It never gets better, only worse.


I believe it was WAR that didn't even bother with official forums. They wouldn't have made the game better than it was. They wouldn't have made the game worse than it was. Forums didn't stop the CU or NGE of Star Wars Galaxies. Forums didn't stop its closure. Constant communication with the development team didn't make Darkfall or Age of Conan worth playing for long. Constant communication with the development team didn't take Pirates of the Burning Sea beyond more than a tiny niche MMO.


You pay your subscription for a game, not a direct, on-demand link to the development team. Go work on any collaborative creative project and tell me you're 100% sure as to exactly how it will end up. And that, of course, is what you people want. You'll say it isn't, but if that were the case, we wouldn't hear quite so much about Bioware personally lying to you all the time, would we?


It's a no-win situation, and they're choosing not to engage in it. Good for them, frankly,

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True, it wouldnt make it better. But it would make your subscribers more at ease. Hell I played FFXIV when it first released. Played it for a bit and couldnt stand it. They fired Tanaka and brought in Yoshida. Yoshida started posting Letters from the Producer every so often. This lets you know, "Hey we're already working on this, it should be done soon. We also have this coming up next, along with blahblah in the future." Because of that I played off and on for a good while even though the game was in pretty bad shape. I also understood everything cannot be done overnight, just tell us more of what we could look forward to in the future. Or don't, and dodge Q&A and watch your subscribers drop. *shrug* :(
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No, they couldn't.


All MMO community managers know you can never end the **** storm. Don't answer, and people will cry. Answer, and people will cry. It never gets better, only worse.


I believe it was WAR that didn't even bother with official forums. They wouldn't have made the game better than it was. They wouldn't have made the game worse than it was. Forums didn't stop the CU or NGE of Star Wars Galaxies. Forums didn't stop its closure. Constant communication with the development team didn't make Darkfall or Age of Conan worth playing for long. Constant communication with the development team didn't take Pirates of the Burning Sea beyond more than a tiny niche MMO.


You pay your subscription for a game, not a direct, on-demand link to the development team. Go work on any collaborative creative project and tell me you're 100% sure as to exactly how it will end up. And that, of course, is what you people want. You'll say it isn't, but if that were the case, we wouldn't hear quite so much about Bioware personally lying to you all the time, would we?


It's a no-win situation, and they're choosing not to engage in it. Good for them, frankly,


You're probably right..


However, there are some folks such as myself, who are on the fence about this game. And when i look at the interaction between the developers/ community managers, and its player base, i sometimes wonder how much effort is being put forth on their end. Especially if they don't have the decency to "communicate" with us.


"Good for them"

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Frankly they could tell us they have five new expansions coming out all at once and you people would find something to complain about. Flame me all you want but at the end of the day you have no proof in any way shape or form that these questions didn't help somebody. You also have no right to bash them when in the end they still did post questions. You also do not have the right to tell them what to do with their forums. You also do not have the right or entitlement to the very character you play. You only have the right to the services offered which are covered by the $15 you spend on this game. You also do not have the right to demand certain company information pertaining directly to the implementation, patches, and or content that is coming in the future of the said game. maybe you all should read the terms and agreements you all willingly agree to when you decide to put forth the $15 price tag to play this game or any game for that matter. Proprietary information is not included in our agreement with Bioware, so the next time you think you are entitled to certain information, maybe you should understand the company involved regardless of the situation or how badly they want to tell you things they simply have an internal NDA that they must abide by. Facts are facts and i would challenge any of you to prove me wrong.


All true, but he can expect/demand whatever he wants, whenever he gets it is another matter but alltho he aint paying for that info, a person can still expect/demand it and unsub if they dont get it.


On a whole other matter is, why people even want anything from EA, they just gonna lie like they done ever since game is out.

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I don't have a huge problem with them not giving detailed information about future content persay, however it would be nice to get updates periodically of how things are shaping up. One thing I really wish they would start addressing more often is things like class balance/changes regularly on the forums. With the fabled metrics BW talks about I assume you could look at your data and share your findings, and possibly share some thoughts on the current, and future potential changes.
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You're probably right..


However, there are some folks such as myself, who are on the fence about this game. And when i look at the interaction between the developers/ community managers, and its player base, i sometimes wonder how much effort is being put forth on their end. Especially if they don't have the decency to "communicate" with us.


"Good for them"


I've long been a supporter of this game, my posting history will show that.


Right now there is nothing to look forward to any more for me. You know I used to actually look forward to these things. They used to be a insight on what the devs were up to.


Just read this one May 4th


The very first question you learn that then Bioware was planning on having the Hutts take over the GTN.


If you just look at the previous ones you'll see they answered harder questions and actually gave their players just a little something to tide us over until the next big patch announcement.


Right now I have four days left on my sub I believe. Unless they get me excited to re-sub for another month within that time then I'll be gone. Q&As used to at least show a bit of what they were working on and of course they shifted their focus


As a reminder, we previously suggested a shift in focus in your questions. As development plans are always subject to change, questions about future features will often get vague answers which can be repetitive and sometimes annoying. With that in mind, the development team is more interested in questions about current in-game features or systems, or questions about why development decisions were made. You’re still welcome to ask questions about future features and we’ll continue to answer them where appropriate – just expect the occasional ‘soon.’


But now they are boring. Used to look forward to these and the past few weeks checking the site on fridays have slipped my mind.


Also no I am not saying that the new boring Q&As are a reason I'm quitting. Just that right now it used to be a extra thing that could add a bit of hype to the next patch or update. Right now as it stands there is nothing for me to look forward in this game...and I've never been one to stick around to run on a treadmill.

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I asked when is this new planet and new companion thing coming out. They show us this stuff at E3 and we still have no idea when we will see it. I do not think it is too much to ask. You say $15 I have spent $150 + shipping + tax on the game itself plus paid every month since launch. I think I have a right to ask when this new content they teased us with is coming. How can they still not have any idea when this is coming out?
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""""t's a no-win situation, and they're choosing not to engage in it. Good for them, frankly"""""


I completely disagree with you. We caused a Stink about the populations and posted thousands and thousands of complaints. It was a major issue that was making the game unplayable for many. They finally responded to it in the Q&A and the complaints went down and it actually made me stay as a subscriber. They acted on it and in a big way and the game is 5x better with full servers. Yes people will complain about everything, next day ppl are complaining about servers too full. But the posts were random and never gained any steam bc noone cared. Now pvp balance is another issue that will cost them subs and probably soon. Go read the PVP forums, noone is happy with the current status of PVP and it could cost them subs if they dont fix it. There are other issues as well for end game content. If you get out ahead of the problem and just ackowledge it exists people are much more forgiving. Ever wait on a long line and you know your stuck, but the CSR looks your way and says ill be with you in a moment? Thats called ackowledgement, and it works, poeple will be more patient if you let them know whats going on.

When I signed up for this game i did so for 2 reasons. #1 I love Star Wars, #2 i knew there was big money behind this and I wanted a competent team to handle major issues not hide from them like other cheap korean games do. I am worried that they have gutted their pvp team and cant fix it. If that is the case I will be gone in 3 months. However if they were to ackowledge it, I would be willing to give them more time than that even. You get my point I'm sure.

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see, i'm not sure, I used to feel the same way.. to an extent. But, honestlay man, after playing D3 and seeing their community support, I feel like for the size game this is, and for the amount of people that play here, the Dev's don't do that bad of a job.. idk man, it could be tons worse.
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