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If Darth Vadar Vs Yoda-Who would win?

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in ROTS film, Obi-Wan pleaded with Yoda to let him fight Sidious since he didn't want to face Vader. Yoda straight out told him that he wasn't strong enough to face Sidious, and sent him after Anakin instead. If Obi wasn't strong enough to face Sidious and was sent after Vader instead, one can conclude that Yoda is stronger than Vader, which is why Yoda fought the more powerful Sidious insead.


Was going to post this myself, how in the world are there so many choosing Vader?

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Was going to post this myself, how in the world are there so many choosing Vader?


Because Yoda never faced him and hid on his little swamp planet for nearly 20 years even though he would be quite easy for him to find.

Edited by Tuscad
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Because Yoda never faced him and hid on his little swamp planet for nearly 20 years even though he would be quite easy for him to find.


But Yoda knew that fighting the Sith would only give them more power and really, why bother killing off Vader, when the Emperor would then know of his existence, track him down and then finally kill him, by the time Yoda got to Dagobah, all that mattered were Anakin's offspring.

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Yoda would've tickled Anakin to death and he would not be so angry and distraught anymore. Seriously, Vader can't mess with Yoda. I love Vader, but that's like a no-win situation for him. People bringing up Yoda's age and all in this thread. I mean seriously, did they watch that old man in action on the movies? Like Roy Jones said in that song of his, "Ya'll must've forgot!"


Now you're not thinking. Sure Yoda is very old and that doesn't stop hin in "Revenge of the Sith," however he is close to dying, and dies of old age in the original trilogy = He must be weakening.


Vader on the other hand only grows more powerful, and is nearly as powerful as the Emporer when he betrays him. Here we have to count that Sidious has also grown more powerful since the 3 movie.


Furthermore, it is state in one of the books that Luke knew that if Vader had wanted to kill him in there final fight he would have. The reason for seemingly weakness is that the dark side comes from emotions and mainly the will to kill the one you're fighting. Vader didn't truly want to kill his son = he was weak in that fight.


All who judge that Yoda would win are watching at the movie special effects used in the fight instead of lore. Sure Vader seems weak to some, but that's because they couldn't make that epic lightsaber fights in the original trilogy.


As for all the lightsaber forms. If you have read Dark Lord: The Raise of Darth Vader, you would know that Vader not only masters all lightsaber forms, he was also able to quickly switch between them midfight, therefore confusing his opponents.


in ROTS film, Obi-Wan pleaded with Yoda to let him fight Sidious since he didn't want to face Vader. Yoda straight out told him that he wasn't strong enough to face Sidious, and sent him after Anakin instead. If Obi wasn't strong enough to face Sidious and was sent after Vader instead, one can conclude that Yoda is stronger than Vader, which is why Yoda fought the more powerful Sidious insead.


This argument is completely invalid. You're right that Yoda was more powerful than Anakin at this given time, but Vader grows more powerful after this, as clearly shown in Dark Lord: The Raise of Darth Vader. Furthermore, Sidious also claims that when Anakin lost he was in a weakened state, flowing between the light and dark side, unable to draw out the full power of neither.


Vader would win, no question about it.

Edited by Inzuher
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I got you my friend.



Page 430 ROTS Novelization


The end came with astonishing suddenness.

The shadow could feel how much it cost the little green freak to bend back his lightnings into the cage of energy that enclosed them both; the creature ha reached the limits of his strength. The shadow released its power for an instant, long enough only to whirl away through the air and the creature leapt to follow-

Half a second too slow.

The Shadow unleashed its lightning while the creature was still in air, and the little green freak took its full power. The shock blasted him backward to crash against the podium and he fell.




And then here is the page where he realizes he Bantha Poodoo


Page 427


The truth: that he, the avatar of light, Supreme master of the Jedi Order, the fiercest most implacable, most devastatingly powerful foe the darkness had ever known...



have it.

He'd never have it. He had lost before he started.

He had lost before he was born.

The Sith had changed. The Sith had grown, had adapted, had invested a thousand years' intensive study into every aspect of not only the Force but Jedi lore itself, in preparation for exactly this day. The Sith had remade themselves.

They had become new.

While the Jedi-

The Jedi had spent the same millennium training to re-fight the last war.







The problem here is that this isn't a fight between Yoda and Pally. This is a fight between Yoda and Vader. Remember, Pally is THE most powerful Sith of all time, according to Canon. Comparing how the duel with Pally went down to how the duel with Vader would go down isn't going to show that Vader would win. Pally was waaaayyyyy more powerful than Vader.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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The problem here is that this isn't a fight between Yoda and Pally. This is a fight between Yoda and Vader. Remember, Pally is THE most powerful Sith of all time, according to Canon. Comparing how the duel with Pally went down to how the duel with Vader would go down isn't going to show that Vader would win. Pally was waaaayyyyy more powerful than Vader.


You're wrong. Lorewise Vader was 80% of Sidious power when he died.

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The Darth Vader in Episode III before he ended up in the armor, could not have taken on Yoda.


While Anakin had learned many saber forms, he specialized in Ataru and shien's Djem-So (which is what he used against Dooku).


The reason Dooku lost against Djem-So was that Anakin was rather skilled and Djem-So's brute strength was kinda the worst style for Makashi to be used against.


Anakin would be outmatched Ataru vs Ataru, and Djem-So would be at a disadvantage against Yoda's Ataru, particularly since Ataru's effectiveness increases when the person using the technique (provided they are skilled) is physically smaller than their opponent.


Anakin Skywalker's chief advantage was physical strength.


Yoda's advantage was speed, enhanced by the fact he was a smaller target.


Lightsabers aren't like regular swords, it doesn't take much in the way of effort to cut through something. Considering Yoda's ability to essentially mop the floor with Dooku using Ataru (and Ataru isn't exactly the best stance to take on Makashi), implies Yoda's speed pretty much overwhelmed Dooku's defenses, and he would have been killed if he hadn't retreated.


Djem So isn't known for it's speed, it uses physical strength. If Yoda wanted to just trade blows like a complete idiot and simply stand still while Anakin took swings at him, Anakin would win. The problem with the argument of Anakin/Vader beating Yoda is that Yoda wouldn't be stupid enough to stand still, he'd use his speed to keep Anakin off balance to the point Anakin couldn't bring his strength to bear.


A more realistic question would be whether or not Anakin could have even survived 120 seconds in an actual saber fight against Yoda.

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This argument is completely invalid. You're right that Yoda was more powerful than Anakin at this given time, but Vader grows more powerful after this, as clearly shown in Dark Lord: The Raise of Darth Vader. Furthermore, Sidious also claims that when Anakin lost he was in a weakened state, flowing between the light and dark side, unable to draw out the full power of neither.


Vader would win, no question about it.


Except this isn't after Mustafar, this is a question about what would have happened if Yoda went instead of Obi-Wan, your argument is the invalid one.

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That is true Rayla, but do also notice that I admitted Anakin couldn't win doring Episode III. Besides the title is miss leading, when writing Darth Vader vs. Yoda you would automatic think Vader overall, and generally after he get the suite on.
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Besides the title is miss leading, when writing Darth Vader vs. Yoda you would automatic think Vader overall, and generally after he get the suite on.


Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader the moment he betrayed Mace Windu and was knighted a Sith Lord, the suit is nothing to do with the title to anyone who knows Star Wars lore well.

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That is true Rayla, but do also notice that I admitted Anakin couldn't win doring Episode III. Besides the title is miss leading, when writing Darth Vader vs. Yoda you would automatic think Vader overall, and generally after he get the suite on.


The situation for Vader is even worse when you consider a suited Darth Vader, that suit was rather cumbersome, Yoda's speed advantage would be even larger.

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Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader the moment he betrayed Mace Windu and was knighted a Sith Lord, the suit is nothing to do with the title to anyone who knows Star Wars lore well.


Wow! *claps* You have an exellent abillity for stading the obvious. Seriously, do you think anyone on this forum havn't seen the movies?


However, when one hears of Darth Vader, one would most likely think of this: http://www.imgbase.info/images/safe-wallpapers/tv_movies/star_wars/19227_star_wars_darth_vader.jpg



The situation for Vader is even worse when you consider a suited Darth Vader, that suit was rather cumbersome, Yoda's speed advantage would be even larger.


But much stronger in the force. Furthermore, Yoda would be old and sick at that point, or at least weakened.

Edited by Inzuher
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Wow! *claps* You have an exellent abillity for stading the obvious. Seriously, do you think anyone on this forum havn't seen the movies?


However, when one hears of Darth Vader, one would most likely think of this: http://www.imgbase.info/images/safe-wallpapers/tv_movies/star_wars/19227_star_wars_darth_vader.jpg


And you seemed to have missed the obvious, the general public thinks of Darth Vader as a large masked armoured intimidating figure of rage, anyone who knows anything about the lore can tell you Darth Vader is just the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader is the persona he took on, the suit was the punishment for his actions that he had to live with for the rest of his life.


To put it in much simpler terms and to get to the point, the obviousness of my statement is that here on swtor.com, where the lore section is concerned, nobody thinks of the masked man as Darth Vader, but everything he was, not just the consequences, your accusation that the title is misleading is flatly false.

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I disagree that the emperor win (clearly?) over Yoda.


They was even, or rather that Yoda was actually stronger. Just remember the end of this duel. The emperor was on higher ground and Yoda on lower ground. If the emperor would be stronger, why didn't he just jump down and finish off Yoda? I think he feared Yoda.

Yoda on the other hand, was outmatched by the clone troopers and the emperor, and also that he couldn't reach the higher ground. So he left.


And this leads me to, that he would easily beat Lord Vader. Yoda would probably loose if Anakin/Vader would be fully trained in the sith ways (plus the jedi knowledge), and wouldn't need to wear the cumbersome armor.

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I disagree that the emperor win (clearly?) over Yoda.


They was even, or rather that Yoda was actually stronger. Just remember the end of this duel. The emperor was on higher ground and Yoda on lower ground. If the emperor would be stronger, why didn't he just jump down and finish off Yoda? I think he feared Yoda.

Yoda on the other hand, was outmatched by the clone troopers and the emperor, and also that he couldn't reach the higher ground. So he left.


That is just your interpretation of the movie scene, the Rots Novelization has the canonical version of the battle and it has been quoted directly by Brandon earlier in the thread.

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Okay, I think I actually need to read those books :)

The german translation of the 'classic' (4-6) Trilogy was partly awfull.

Are the books of the prequels actually the base for the movies? Or an interpretation of the author on the movies?


Sometimes authors seem to twist or overdue a storyline.

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Okay, I think I actually need to read those books :)

The german translation of the 'classic' (4-6) Trilogy was partly awfull.

Are the books of the prequels actually the base for the movies? Or an interpretation of the author on the movies?


Sometimes authors seem to twist or overdue a storyline.


Lucas himself oversaw the novels' writing and they weren't based on the movies but the script itself, it actually makes for much better entertainment than the actual movies do, the dialoque is far better and the Sidious vs Kolar, Tiin, Fisto and Windu battle makes far more sense as well.

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Lucas himself oversaw the novels' writing and they weren't based on the movies but the script itself, it actually makes for much better entertainment than the actual movies do, the dialoque is far better and the Sidious vs Kolar, Tiin, Fisto and Windu battle makes far more sense as well.


Much more epic in the book too...

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Now you're not thinking. Sure Yoda is very old and that doesn't stop hin in "Revenge of the Sith," however he is close to dying, and dies of old age in the original trilogy = He must be weakening.


Vader on the other hand only grows more powerful, and is nearly as powerful as the Emporer when he betrays him. Here we have to count that Sidious has also grown more powerful since the 3 movie.


Furthermore, it is state in one of the books that Luke knew that if Vader had wanted to kill him in there final fight he would have. The reason for seemingly weakness is that the dark side comes from emotions and mainly the will to kill the one you're fighting. Vader didn't truly want to kill his son = he was weak in that fight.


All who judge that Yoda would win are watching at the movie special effects used in the fight instead of lore. Sure Vader seems weak to some, but that's because they couldn't make that epic lightsaber fights in the original trilogy.


As for all the lightsaber forms. If you have read Dark Lord: The Raise of Darth Vader, you would know that Vader not only masters all lightsaber forms, he was also able to quickly switch between them midfight, therefore confusing his opponents.




This argument is completely invalid. You're right that Yoda was more powerful than Anakin at this given time, but Vader grows more powerful after this, as clearly shown in Dark Lord: The Raise of Darth Vader. Furthermore, Sidious also claims that when Anakin lost he was in a weakened state, flowing between the light and dark side, unable to draw out the full power of neither.


Vader would win, no question about it.


Old Age has no meaning in a Jedi Fight. Sidious was 80 years old-human wise that is Old for Humans. And during the ROTJ he was 100-110, yet he managed to do some crazy stuff.

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obi won defeated vader, but couldn't bring himself to actually kill him. Not only is yoda more powerful than obi won, but he actually has the will to kill vader. end of discussion.


Obi-won threw the fight because he knew that he was more useful as a ghost and that Luke couldn't possible defeat the empire himself. so obi-won, trusting his masters judgement let Vader win so that he could cool his rage and think clearly. then he would realize the corruption of the empire. I believe Yoda would have done the same.

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Obi-won threw the fight because he knew that he was more useful as a ghost and that Luke couldn't possible defeat the empire himself. so obi-won, trusting his masters judgement let Vader win so that he could cool his rage and think clearly. then he would realize the corruption of the empire. I believe Yoda would have done the same.


He's referring to the end of the Mustafar battle.

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Now you're not thinking



This argument is completely invalid.Vader grows more powerful after this, .



Now you're not thinking. Had Vader fought Yoda at this point, he never would have gotten stronger. He would be dead.

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