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Everything posted by Lyseira

  1. I have the same problem with my preview window. I often try outfits and check (preview) dye modules on adaptive armor from the GTN. That's not possible anymore, because the GTN and Preview closes each other. Or I don't know a walkaround. You (Bioware) don't expect me to buy the items blind so I can preview them from inventory? Edit: I found a workaround. When you open the GTN, the game auto opens the inventory. If you close it before you preview, the GTN+Preview doesn't closes each other.
  2. I send recently a ticket ingame to change my characters eye colors back to the previously bought CM-Blue ones. The only reply I got after 13 days that it was send to bug report. I haven't seen the eyes buy-able in the shop yet either, only that I could change it back with the image designer for 20cc, and my wild guess is that there might still be an issue/bug about it. Perhaps thats why there is no real answer of anyone 'official' concerning paying 20cc for each character (again).
  3. Exactly my thought Timorelle! A suggestion also, if you don't mind playing a female character, then make your character female. There is an epic opportunity you can do at your first chapter boss fight as a female smugler, which I don't want to miss.
  4. Good point. I think in the Kotor 1 game, those maps was self repairing (lore wise).
  5. Well, you can easily farm 1000 companion affection with the belsavis bonus series, a day. Push the following keys with the named Questgivers during the conversation to get max affection for Azshara Zavros. Corporal Haddon Hc2: 1,1 and 2 on deliver Lord Shar Hc2 1,1,1 Major Charkron 1,1,1 Ar-72 -,1 Specialist Nattis 1,1,1 and 2 on deliver Darth Synar 1,1 and 1 on deliver sd-9 1,1,- Mission Terminal Gelko 1,2,2 Mission Terminal Lord Atren 3,2,2 N471 and AR-72 doesn't give affection for Azhara Additional note, the '-' means, that this talk-option doesn't gives any affection, and any number can be pushed.
  6. Signed However a problem why this might never be implemented is, because of the (needed) money sink for removing mods.
  7. I agree, I love the tranquility of the place. Would be cool for a stronghold, or a perhaps a small story/questline? Perhaps a quest where both republic and sith characters could join (just brainstorming). And a social area for roleplayers.
  8. At the moment on Amazon.de, I see a used version for 60€, with the ownership of playing this account. Another listed as unused for 120€ and another for 180€. I *think* I pre-ordered the game for 150€ when it was released. Well, 5000$ for the game, and even 120€ being way lower, I see why you don't want to pay that much for some virtual items (I think you said you don't care about the 'real' stuff). However, some people did pay the money because of the ingame items and/or the 'real' stuff, and wouldn't it be cheating to them, if the ingame items could be cheaper attained now? Well, I still feel cheated when I see the collectors edition for 120€ on Amazon right now! Btw, what is the difference between digital deluxe and the CE Box concerning ingame items?
  9. You also get close to zero xp in WoW (World of Warcraft) with Quests way below your level. They once even gave less Reputation reward.
  10. I also signed for Thana Vesh as Companion and an interesting companion for Sith Inquisitor. Spoiler for Sith Inquisitor Class Story Since it seem that no new Class stories are implemented in the near future... Perhaps Add a Companion for each class, and add some side quests combined with companion quests to it.
  11. I don't consider the smuggler story very good compared to the Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior. But the smuggler has some of the best witty one liner dialog options in the game. The fight against the chapter 1 Boss with a female smuggler is just epic. Also, I love the "WHERE IS MY SHIP?!?" which you could repeat at most Story dialogs.
  12. You kind off missed quests between Nar Shaddaa and the Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series... And that would be the Quests of Tattooine. On Taris, the Bonus Series immidiately follows the Taris Planet Storyline. That differs with Nar Shaddaa and other Planets. The Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series is designed to be played after Tattooine Planet+Class Storyline (from what I remember). Taris bonus series - right after regular quests around lvl 21 or so Nar Shadaa - After tatooine or alderaan, around lvl 31 Tatooine - right after regular quests, around lvl 26-27 Alderaan - Come back around lvl 40, in house organa Balmorra - right after regular quests, around lvl 36-37 Hoth - Come back around lvl 47 Voss - After regular quest line (Thats a quote from Atheiocrates, but dont know exactly how to quote, so I copy+paste)
  13. Okay, I think I actually need to read those books The german translation of the 'classic' (4-6) Trilogy was partly awfull. Are the books of the prequels actually the base for the movies? Or an interpretation of the author on the movies? Sometimes authors seem to twist or overdue a storyline.
  14. I disagree that the emperor win (clearly?) over Yoda. They was even, or rather that Yoda was actually stronger. Just remember the end of this duel. The emperor was on higher ground and Yoda on lower ground. If the emperor would be stronger, why didn't he just jump down and finish off Yoda? I think he feared Yoda. Yoda on the other hand, was outmatched by the clone troopers and the emperor, and also that he couldn't reach the higher ground. So he left. And this leads me to, that he would easily beat Lord Vader. Yoda would probably loose if Anakin/Vader would be fully trained in the sith ways (plus the jedi knowledge), and wouldn't need to wear the cumbersome armor.
  15. Lysira @ Bria My char was Entertainer and TKM, on the way becoming padawan in this village on I-don't-remember. Was doing dancing in Mos Eisley and Coronet@Corellia Cantina. Was in an Imperial Guild and City which name I don't fully remember. Something like Mos Eisligrade or similar. I stopped playing between CU and NGE.
  16. This fight is indeed hard, helped there a couple of times. However, I find the class quest of the soldier way harder. Seem to be the only republic class without a companion at this class stage.
  17. Not sure if a show weapon feature is much of use yet, since you cannot zoom into the preview. But I agree, a show weapon feature would be nice, but it would really needs a huge zoom in.
  18. I suggest you check the auction house for mod-able heavy armor, even for higher levels. Additional, you can check standard heavy armor vendors on the different planets (usually at the starting area), sometimes they sell instead of a white item a mod-able chest, or check the commendation vendors, they often sell mod-able armor pieces. Also HC2/4 Quests sometimes give mod-able equipment as reward. Perhaps also just roam the republic fleet/station, and look at the equipment from other players. If you find a player using a nice chest piece you would like to use, then inspect him, and check for the item in the chest slot. Then google the item's name e.g. http://www.torhead.com, and see where you can obtain it. I hope they will add a remove/show hood toggle, some of the jedi knight armor pieces look nice, if they won't have the hood showing...
  19. I would like to see a force user companion for a non force user Character. Would probably be hard to implement that story wise for the sith side, meaning Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter, because a Sith would unlikely put themself under control of a common person . However, I dont see such a restriction for the republic side.
  20. Might not need much of heatsinks, because of a roughly 0°Kelvin outside temperature. The exhaustion port might be sufficient. Or had it more than one, and the rebel alliance picked one at random? Wolfninjajedi, I played on Bria as well. Was fun, pre CU/NGE. Mtfbwy, Lys'
  21. Hallo Leute, Es sind doch ständig unlogische Sachen in Star Wars. Natürlich kann man sich immer irgendeine Erklärung aus den Fingern saugen, aber Star Wars ist ein Märchen, für Erwachsene, Kinder, oder erwachsene Kinder^^. Man muß da nicht ständig rationale Erklärungen sehen, behaltet euch einen Teil des Zaubers und ignoriert den Teil der unlogisch ist. Oder schaut euch in solchen Fällen eure Zimmerdecke an. (Jar Jar Binks? ... Ich könnte mal wieder die Decke streichen...) Typisches Märchen: Böse Dunkler Ritter entführt schöne Prinzessin in seine Festung des Terrors und wird von dem jungen Ritter befreit. Aber ich schweife ab... Hier meine Problemlösungstrategie von Starwars unlogik: -Warum sind die Sith und Imperialen Schiffe Dreieckig, und die Republikanischen und Rebellen Allianz Schiffe so uncool rund? Damit man sofort erkennt wer die Bösen sind. -Warum hat das Sith Imperium zur TOR Zeit das fast gleiche Symbol wie das des Imperiums in SWEP4-6? Damit man sofort erkennt wer die Bösen sind. -Wie funktioniert die Macht? - Egal, sie funktioniert! -Warum sind Laserschwerter nur 1m lang und man die Klinge sehen? Weil's cool aussieht! -Warum nutzen die Gegner keine Projektilwaffen anstatt die langsamen Laserschusswaffen? Weil Licht schneller als ein Projektil ist! Die sind nur deshalb so langsam im Film dargestellt, damits cool aussieht. Ein Jedi pariert nicht, er weiß wo der Schuss hingeht und hat das Schwert schon dort, wo der Schuss mal sein wird. -Warum kann man in Weltraum die Schüsse hören? Das geht nicht, es hört sich aber cooler an. -Warum ist die Technologie von Episode 1-3 höher als in Episode 4-6? Das ist sie nicht. Die Tricktechnik von damals war halt nicht so gut wie heute. Und GL hatte ein weit kleines Budget. -Warum stirbt Padme im Kindbett, wenn Leia sich an ihre Mutter erinnern kann? Nur wegen uns. Wir haben Padme schätzen und kennengelernt, und wir haben das Recht uns von ihr zu verabschieden. Stellt euch nur vor das Padme SWEP3 überlebt hätte, dann wäre es unfair gewesen das Schicksal eines so wichtigen Charakters im Unwissen zu halten. Da favorisiere ich den leicht unlogischen Weg von George Lucas, und sage nur "Danke Padme, war schön mit dir.". Naja, mein Fazit: Hinterfragt nicht alles bezüglich Starwars, genießt es einfach. Grüße Lys'
  22. Okay, hier etwas detaillierter. Da ich die Jedi Ritter Storyline nicht durchhabe, weiß ich nicht ob zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt noch mehr passiert. So, hier der massive Spoiler, vor allem für Jedi Consular und Jedi Ritter. Bitte nicht klicken wenn ihr die Klassen spielen wollt, es ruiniert euch das Spielerlebnis.
  23. Es gibt auch Verbindungen zwischen dem Jedi-Consular und dem imperialen Agenten. Zenith, Gefährte des Consulars, erzählt öfters über seinen Mentor, Gray Star. Allerdings sieht man ihn nie. Bei der Storyline des Agenten findet man genau diesen auf Balmorra. Interessant sind auch die Verbindungen des "Children of the Emperor"-Plots zwischen Jedi Consular und Knight. Vor allem wenn man die Identität des "First Son of the Emperor" kennt, und die Reaktionen dieser Person in der Jedi Knight Storyline beobachtet.
  24. Es gab mal ein Adventure Modul des ersten Star Wars Rollenspiels, welches in einem Victory Class SD spielte. Die beigelegten Pläne waren sehr spärlich, mal abgesehen davon das die äußere Ansicht eines VSD von Spiel zu Spiel zu Sourcebook geändert werden, mal mit >< Flügeln, mal mit <> Flügeln. Ich glaube nicht das es detaillierte Pläne eines ISD gibt, und kann dir nur raten selbst welche zu erstellen. Falls du sowas vorhast, kann ich mal meine RPG Sammlung durchforsten, ob ich das Modul über den VSD wiederfinde. Erwarte aber nicht allzu viel von den Plänen, soweit ich mich erinnere war das recht grob erstellt. Evtl. kannst du diese 'Pläne' als Basis für den ISD nehmen, da beide Kreuzer relativ ähnlich aussehen, mal abgesehen von den Flügeln und der Brückensektion. Grüße Lys' "Mind what you have learned, save you it can."
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