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If Darth Vadar Vs Yoda-Who would win?

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I'm curiously interested.


Let's assume for a moment that near the ending of the movie, instead of Darth Vadar fighting his master. He instead fought Yoda. Do you think He would have won, and would Yoda been able to kill him if he had won?


The Emperor clearly defeated Yoda but did not kill him.

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It would be an interesting fight. But Yoda would win.


It wouldn't be a ROFLSTOMPsmash fight though. People forget just how fast Anakin was progressing in Skill and power, if he survived The Lava without any wounds. He would have surpassed Yoda within weeks.

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Vader wins, it would be a good fight but I see Yoda eventually running out of steam due to his age and succumbing to Vader's brute strength. Now, if Vader had not gotten jacked up on Mustafar and had realized his full potential, he would decimate Yoda in a heartbeat.
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Yoda, quite easily Yoda, Obi-Wan was just enough to take down Vader, Yoda would be more than enough to stop him at that point, he faced off with the most powerful Sith Lord ever for a very long time and only lost when he realised he could only ever hold him off, he could not defeat him. Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Yoda, quite easily Yoda, Obi-Wan was just enough to take down Vader, Yoda would be more than enough to stop him at that point, he faced off with the most powerful Sith Lord ever for a very long time and only lost when he realised he could only ever hold him off, he could not defeat him.



Good point If Obi could do it at that time Yoda could have for sure.

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Yoda, quite easily Yoda, Obi-Wan was just enough to take down Vader, Yoda would be more than enough to stop him at that point, he faced off with the most powerful Sith Lord ever for a very long time and only lost when he realised he could only ever hold him off, he could not defeat him.


That's a good point. One could argue that Obi and Vader were evenly matched and Obi only won because of Vader's overconfidence(if we are talking about the Mustafar fight)in his still growing power though. I'm still not 100% sold on Yoda ceding the fight to Sidious because he realized he could never win, I think he knew he would lose and chose to flee in order to ensure the Order's survival.

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That's a good point. One could argue that Obi and Vader were evenly matched and Obi only won because of Vader's overconfidence(if we are talking about the Mustafar fight)in his still growing power though. I'm still not 100% sold on Yoda ceding the fight to Sidious because he realized he could never win, I think he knew he would lose and chose to flee in order to ensure the Order's survival.


Obi-Wan was able to hold off vader because of his mastery of Soresu, Yoda was a full master of every single lightsaber form and was the most powerful Light Side practitioner bar Grand Master Luke, Vader stands no chance.


And the RotS novel states that he knows he can't beat him, for numerous reasons and decides to take the battle to the force itself and not in a physical confrontation, which he realised was useless against Sidious.

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Yoda probably would win against Darth Vader. Yoda made a tactical withdrawl after the force lightning backlash that threw both Sideous and Yoda to different locations. He probably could have continued the fight if he wanted to but Yoda wasn't about to fight half the clone army and Sideous at the same time.


Yoda said that Obi Wan wasn't strong enough to take on the Emperor, and let's face it, Obi Wan and Vader were practically an even match. If Yoda is able to go toe-to-toe against someone that would have shredded Obi Wan rather easily, then chances are Yoda could probably defeat Vader.


We're looking at a match up of raw physical strength vs. incredible speed, considering how destructive lightsabers are, Yoda has the advantage due to the incredible speed.

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Yoda and Darth Vader can't fight because Yoda knew that Anakin, though he had fear in his heart he was on the light side. Palpatine simply corrupted him with power. He didn't kill Anakin's true nature, he just over powered it. That's why in the end Darth Vader killed the emperor to save Luke. So if they did fight Yoda would "throw the fight" just like Obi-wan did.
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Yoda would've tickled Anakin to death and he would not be so angry and distraught anymore. Seriously, Vader can't mess with Yoda. I love Vader, but that's like a no-win situation for him. People bringing up Yoda's age and all in this thread. I mean seriously, did they watch that old man in action on the movies? Like Roy Jones said in that song of his, "Ya'll must've forgot!"
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Yoda probably would win against Darth Vader. Yoda made a tactical withdrawl after the force lightning backlash that threw both Sideous and Yoda to different locations. He probably could have continued the fight if he wanted to but Yoda wasn't about to fight half the clone army and Sideous at the same time.


Yoda said that Obi Wan wasn't strong enough to take on the Emperor, and let's face it, Obi Wan and Vader were practically an even match. If Yoda is able to go toe-to-toe against someone that would have shredded Obi Wan rather easily, then chances are Yoda could probably defeat Vader.


We're looking at a match up of raw physical strength vs. incredible speed, considering how destructive lightsabers are, Yoda has the advantage due to the incredible speed.


this exactly, if obi-wan could beat anakin/vader then yoda could have done it easy, yoda would have probably beat palpatine if he had the time. and when it comes to using a lightsaber strength isn't the be all and end all, its hardly like its a heavy weapon to swing

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That's a good point. One could argue that Obi and Vader were evenly matched and Obi only won because of Vader's overconfidence(if we are talking about the Mustafar fight)in his still growing power though. I'm still not 100% sold on Yoda ceding the fight to Sidious because he realized he could never win, I think he knew he would lose and chose to flee in order to ensure the Order's survival.


i thought that yoda fell of the side of the platform after the emp went into a crazed rage and was hurling the plats at yoda and almost fell him self

it was to far for yoda to get back to him so he chose escape

and if i rember right didnt he drop his light saber when he fell

to be blunt yoda would maul vader he was the greatest jedi master of his time and had a med count second only to vader and luke in the intire history of starwars he was the man so was vader buy yoda WAS THE ****

Edited by TheLordMagnus
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i thought that yoda fell of the side of the platform after the emp went into a crazed rage and was hurling the plats at yoda and almost fell him self

it was to far for yoda to get back to him so he chose escape

and if i rember right didnt he drop his light saber when he fell

to be blunt yoda would maul vader he was the greatest jedi master of his time and had a med count second only to vader and luke in the intire history of starwars he was the man so was vader buy yoda WAS THE ****


The novelization mentions Yoda ceding the fight to Sidious rather than him just falling and escaping, I think. it's been a long time since I have read it and I don't have enough recall about the novel to be 100% clear, but Rayla seems to recall that and I trust Rayla on most lore issues.


I'm not arguing that Yoda wasn't one of the greatest Jedi of all time and probably the best practitioner of Ataru of all time, I was just thinking that Vader's growing power combined with the scales being tipped in favor towards the Dark Side might be enough to hinder Yoda slightly and allow Vader to gain the upper hand.


As I said in my first post though, a Yoda vs. Vader(non injured from Mustafar) would have been a whole different fight in itself and probably the more interesting fight.

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The novelization mentions Yoda ceding the fight to Sidious rather than him just falling and escaping, I think. it's been a long time since I have read it and I don't have enough recall about the novel to be 100% clear, but Rayla seems to recall that and I trust Rayla on most lore issues.


I'm not arguing that Yoda wasn't one of the greatest Jedi of all time and probably the best practitioner of Ataru of all time, I was just thinking that Vader's growing power combined with the scales being tipped in favor towards the Dark Side might be enough to hinder Yoda slightly and allow Vader to gain the upper hand.


As I said in my first post though, a Yoda vs. Vader(non injured from Mustafar) would have been a whole different fight in itself and probably the more interesting fight.


I got you my friend.



Page 430 ROTS Novelization


The end came with astonishing suddenness.

The shadow could feel how much it cost the little green freak to bend back his lightnings into the cage of energy that enclosed them both; the creature ha reached the limits of his strength. The shadow released its power for an instant, long enough only to whirl away through the air and the creature leapt to follow-

Half a second too slow.

The Shadow unleashed its lightning while the creature was still in air, and the little green freak took its full power. The shock blasted him backward to crash against the podium and he fell.




And then here is the page where he realizes he Bantha Poodoo


Page 427


The truth: that he, the avatar of light, Supreme master of the Jedi Order, the fiercest most implacable, most devastatingly powerful foe the darkness had ever known...



have it.

He'd never have it. He had lost before he started.

He had lost before he was born.

The Sith had changed. The Sith had grown, had adapted, had invested a thousand years' intensive study into every aspect of not only the Force but Jedi lore itself, in preparation for exactly this day. The Sith had remade themselves.

They had become new.

While the Jedi-

The Jedi had spent the same millennium training to re-fight the last war.






Edited by BrandonSM
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in ROTS film, Obi-Wan pleaded with Yoda to let him fight Sidious since he didn't want to face Vader. Yoda straight out told him that he wasn't strong enough to face Sidious, and sent him after Anakin instead. If Obi wasn't strong enough to face Sidious and was sent after Vader instead, one can conclude that Yoda is stronger than Vader, which is why Yoda fought the more powerful Sidious insead.
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in ROTS film, Obi-Wan pleaded with Yoda to let him fight Sidious since he didn't want to face Vader. Yoda straight out told him that he wasn't strong enough to face Sidious, and sent him after Anakin instead. If Obi wasn't strong enough to face Sidious and was sent after Vader instead, one can conclude that Yoda is stronger than Vader, which is why Yoda fought the more powerful Sidious insead.


Sounds about right.

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in ROTS film, Obi-Wan pleaded with Yoda to let him fight Sidious since he didn't want to face Vader. Yoda straight out told him that he wasn't strong enough to face Sidious, and sent him after Anakin instead. If Obi wasn't strong enough to face Sidious and was sent after Vader instead, one can conclude that Yoda is stronger than Vader, which is why Yoda fought the more powerful Sidious insead.


But he lost..

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Unless Yoda knew he wasn't powerful enough to defeat Vader, but did have a chance against Sidious, and had seen Obi-Wan defeat Vader via the force. Thus made a choice to provide the greatest chance for the orders survival.


Yes force vision makes everything confusing.

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