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Rank Your Toons by lvl of Fun-Gasm


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Which one of your toons gives you the biggest fun-gasm? Rank um by gasm size


For me this is always changing. I can't just play one toon, I get bored quickly. And I feel all of them are effective except my poor merc


As of today here is what I'm enjoying out of my toons, in rank. If I posted this last week AP PT would be at 1 and Sorc at 7. Right now I enjoy my sorc so much because people say they suck. I do not find this to be true at all, crazy high damage/melt-ability


1. Madness Sorc lvl 50

2. Conceal Oper lvl 44

3. Advanced Proto PT lvl 50

4. Healer Oper lvl 44 (same toon as #2)

5. Jugg lvl 16

6. Sniper (bounce between MM/Lethality) lvl 50

7. Pyro Merc lvl 34

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Ok here we go:


1. Vengeance Juggernaut (lvl 50)

2. Vigilance Guardian (lvl 32) Yes I known these are the exact same I love them so much I wanted to play both sides! :)

3. Shield Vanguard (lvl 45)

4. Seer sage (lvl 18)

5. Powertech Bounty Hunter (lvl 26)


As you can see I love heavy armor dps. We may hit just slightly less than a sentinel or marauder but I can survive longer which in turn adds to overall damage. After than tanking with my Vanguard is awesome.

Edited by LukeSaberRattler
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1. Concealment Operative - 45

2. Medic Operative - same

3. Darkness Sin lvling, hated it when I hit 50

4. Carny Mara -50

5. Lethality Sniper - 50

6. Pyrotech Powertech - 29

7. Arsenal Merc - 50

8. Madness Sorc -50

9. Any juggy spec

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1. 50 Sage Balance/TK hybrid (fresh recruit 50)

2. 50 Pyro PT

3. 50 Assassin Deception

4. 23 Gunslinger

5. 22 Marauder

6. 50 Sorc Corruption/Lightning (gear got all messed up a while go with mod changes, retired)


And next will be Vigilance/Defense Guardian that I expect to be in the top 3! :)


I think I only like the new Sage because it reminds me of my old main, the Sorcerer. Otherwise, it is much more painful being a recruit sage than recruit other classes.

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1. Assault Vanguard (50)

2. Mara (50)

3. Assault Vanguard (50)

3. Mara (50)

4. Ops Healer (50)

5. Assault Vanguard (50)

6. Mara (50)

7. Ops Healer (50)

8. Pyro (50)

Edited by Pistols
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On a scale from 1 to 10, how much i like playing my characters. All lvl 50


10 Concealment operative

8 Sorc hybrid dps

6 Jugg hybrid

5 Assassin

3 Powertech


That's my character list at lvl 50.


Regarding other classes /specs that i don't currently have/play : marauder /sniper /healers i will rate 3 or under.

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Sab gunslinger 50

Commando healer 50

Sage heals 22ish

Pyro power tech 11

Tank assassin 26ish

Op healer 12ish (I hear this gets better but at low levels so boring.)


Really I just love the slinger and commando so much it takes me awhile to work on the others.

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In order of favoritism (although not playtime):


1. 4x Op healer (healing as it should be imo)

2. 50 Sorc Madness/Lightning hybrid (ex healer toon, cant stand sorc healing atm)

3. 50 Jugg Rage/Immortal hybrid (too easy but fun for an hour of epeening)

4. 2x PT pyro-faceroll (joke class but i want the buff)

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Fun Factor.

Madness Sorcerer (50 Full Augmented WH)

Carnage Marauder (50 partially augmented WH)

Annihilation Marauder (50 partially augmented WH)

Pyro Powertech (50 full battlemaster)



Pyro Powertech (50 full battlemaster)

Annihilation Marauder (50 partially augmented WH)

Carnage Marauder (50 partially augmented WH)

Madness Sorcerer (50 Full Augmented WH)

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1. Shadow, awesome class, I love everything about it, (except for the full balance tree)

2. Sentinel, very interesting playstyle, I enjoy it

3. Scoundrel, pretty fun

4. Sniper, I'm still not too sure about this class, it has some cool stuff, but it's not exactly my stlye

5. Commando, didn't like it at all, havent played it in months


those are the classes I've played to lvl 25 or higher

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1. Vigilance Guardian - 50

2. Immortal/Vengeance Juggernaut (23/18/0) - 50

3. Dirty Fighting Gunslinger - 50

4. Operative healer - 38

5. Assault Vanguard - 35


I don't like my level 29 Shadow at all but want to give her time before I accept that the class is simply not for me; having great fun with a level 24 Corruption Sorcerer but that's way too low level to accurately judge the fun level; the level 25 Sentinel is a little "meh" atm and the level 12 Mercenary is... level 12.

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My #1 is pretty akward... but here goes

1. Trooper... no spec, no chestpieces, no guns... only my punches... 33

2. Commando gunnery 50

3. Scoundrel sawbones 50

4. Gunslinger Hybrid DF/Sab 50

5. Sage balance 50

6. Guardian vigilance 50

7. Shadow infiltration 50

8. Sentinel watchman 26

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1. 50 Optimized War Hero Scrapper Scoundrel

2. Sub-50 Scrapper Scoundrel

2. Mid-40s Infiltration Shadow with decent gear

3. Sawbones Scoundrel any level

4. ~15 Marauder

5. ???

6. Profit

7. 50 Scrapper Scoundrel in anything other than optimized full War Hero.


Yes, I know there's two 2's. They are equal in fun factor.

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