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Why not B2P like GW2?


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Read it again.......


We’re going to be in the business from a long-term standpoint so absolutely we’re going to embrace free access, free trial, ultimately some day we can move in and embrace that model,” EA’s Frank Gibeau told GamesIndustry International, noting also that EA is ”really proud of Star Wars” and “ really excited about the launch.”


"I don’t think subscriptions ever go away".

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Did YOU read the article let me quote it for you:


"We’re going to be in the business from a long-term standpoint so absolutely we’re going to embrace free access, free trial, ultimately some day we can move in and embrace that model,”


Free trial has been done. Free access is WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT NOW.


wow the caps made it so much clearer :rolleyes: that doesn't mean it's going full F2P, you are just spouting rumor and useless conjecture.

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"We're going to be in the business from a long term standpoint so absolutely we're going to embrace free access, free trial, ultimately some day we can move in and embrace that model. It's all a matter of timing and thinking things through. We have a great business right now and we're not looking to make any abrupt changes."


From: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2012-06-15-ea-confident-that-people-will-be-playing-star-wars-the-old-republic-a-decade-from-now


See? Better than Forbes.

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Yes, I wanna bet. You should read the original interview, not a copy paste from the text made by joystick.com. Forbes isn't the source for games news and they even get the trouble to investigate the truth about this interview.


“We are looking at free-to-play, but I can’t tell you in much detail. We have to be flexible and adapt to what is going on,” BioWare Lead Designer Emmanuel Lusinchi said recently


now read that again...in nearly every language, that's called a direct quote.

it's not speculation, it's a direct quote from someone in authority at BW.


deny that.


again I say that nowhere does it say it's going to happen, but don't be an idiot and ignore the very basic fact that it's on the table for consideration at some level..

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lol is the SWTOR forums full of trolls? This is just a complete and utter lie. It does have endgame PvE content. Just because they don't have 10 man instanced raids doesn't mean there no PvE content. And they've stated multiple times they will have content totally for free being added to the game.


Don't go around spreading bs. Trolling as an art and should be treated as such. If you're going to do it do it well at the very least. If not add to conversation at hand.




When it comes to the concerns surrounding Guild Wars 2's endgame, or lack thereof, there are a few that have been widely raised, and they can be broken down into two broad categories; concerns about the lifespan of the content, and concerns about the nature of the content.



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Yes, I wanna bet. You should read the original interview, not a copy paste from the text made by joystick.com. Forbes isn't the source for games news and they even get the trouble to investigate the truth about this interview.


I followed the sources and you're still wrong.


The article states: "Gibeau stressed that EA will continue to evaluate the business around Star Wars and implement changes as needed, so free-to-play isn't out of the question at all (indeed, BioWare recently said as much too)."


Here's another article: "While Emmanuel Lusinchi was discussing whether Old Republic could transition to other business models, we misquoted the lead designer in the original post. Lusinchi did not explicitly use the words “free-to-play” but did answer a question about the possibility of The Old Republic going free-to-play by saying “we are looking into everything.”


So what does that say? It says that they recognize that F2P is a big thing, they never explicity said no, and they are intenionally vague on the subject. That means the possibility of TOR going free to play is very real. Obviously not confirmed like some people seem to think but its very possible and BioWare/Ea are looking into it.

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IT'S NOT A RUMOR.. it has been actively looked at by people at EA/BW.. are you really that dense? can you read?


and don't confuse my argument as saying it's 100% going to happen.. I wont pretend to speculate on the inner workings of EA/BW. but also don't stick your head in the sand and act as if it isn't being addressed/considered by EA/BW.


Yes full F2P is a rumor !! it really is . Did i say they were not looking into it no i did not. will they expand upon the free trial i would assume so. will they add a fluff store most likely , but it would be a huge mistake for a company like EA/BW to make this game F2P which would not fix any of the problems the player base has with the game

Edited by TalonSaber
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“We are looking at free-to-play, but I can’t tell you in much detail. We have to be flexible and adapt to what is going on,” BioWare Lead Designer Emmanuel Lusinchi said recently


now read that again...in nearly every language, that's called a direct quote.

it's not speculation, it's a direct quote from someone in authority at BW.


deny that.


again I say that nowhere does it say it's going to happen, but don't be an idiot and ignore the very basic fact that it's on the table for consideration at some level..


I'll not comment on joystik text. Read the original at gameindustry and we can talk.

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"We're going to be in the business from a long term standpoint so absolutely we're going to embrace free access, free trial, ultimately some day we can move in and embrace that model. It's all a matter of timing and thinking things through. We have a great business right now and we're not looking to make any abrupt changes."


From: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2012-06-15-ea-confident-that-people-will-be-playing-star-wars-the-old-republic-a-decade-from-now


See? Better than Forbes.


see? from the article you posted...

Gibeau stressed that EA will continue to evaluate the business around Star Wars and implement changes as needed, so free-to-play isn't out of the question at all (indeed, BioWare recently said as much too).


that's ok son, keep fighting the good fight

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Well technically both of you are correct. There's no really not much end game content in the BETA (Explorable 5 Man Dungeons are pretty much Tier 1.5 Flashpoints) but that's because they're saving it for the actual release.


Zhaitan the Elder Dragon with the power of Undeath? He's only available to fight after the game goes live.


As far as World Bosses go, the Fire Elemental seemed pretty well done. I'd say easier than Nightmare Pilgrim but way harder than Gargath or PD - which is saying something for Beta content.


Thank you for the breath of sanity in this thread. There's tons of PvE "endgame" content, it's just not endgame as in WoW/SWTOR which is actually a welcome change. That model is evidently starting to die out.

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Did you read what you posted? Are there concerns? Yes because no popular MMO has done this model before. ArenaNet has said there will be content updates hopefully every month. There is no endgame in the normal sense of the word but people aren't talking about that. When people say it has a lack of endgame content it means when they get to 80 they won't have anything fun or interesting to do which isn't true. They also think that no 10 man instanced raids means no PvE content which is again completely false.

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Well, to quote the same article...


For example, if raiding appeals to you because of the large number of players involved, or because of the "epic" feel of fighting massive bosses, then dynamic events are exactly what you want. Conversely, if raiding appeals to you because of the challenge—the difficulty of the encounters and the requirements of preparation and teamwork—then explorable mode dungeons will provide you with these things.


If however you absolutely must have all of these characteristics within a single type of content, then Guild Wars 2 most likely will not be for you, at least in this respect.


It has tons of positive things to say about the available content. And the cherry on top? The world is VIBRANT AND ALIVE. Everywhere you go, there's wildlife, NPCs going about their lives, chatting with one another, and the world is DENSE with content. Compare it to the sterile, lifeless worlds of SWTOR.

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More than half of development will go towards said vanity items instead of content and expansions.


No, still think I'd prefer paying $60 + $15/month sub fee.


Sorry, I have to say this like in every post, but we're not getting anything for the $15, only the privilige of playing their game.

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Did I lost anything?:rolleyes:


You've been consistently proven wrong but you don't want to admit, see it, or accept it. I know you won't concede because people often don't concede on the internet. That's ok but the topic is shelved as far as I'm concerned. Unless you can put forth a quote that says "We are not looking at F2P" or "We were improperly quoted" or something to that effect the cased is closed.

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Did you read what you posted? Are there concerns? Yes because no popular MMO has done this model before. ArenaNet has said there will be content updates hopefully every month. There is no endgame in the normal sense of the word but people aren't talking about that. When people say it has a lack of endgame content it means when they get to 80 they won't have anything fun or interesting to do which isn't true. They also think that no 10 man instanced raids means no PvE content which is again completely false.


The game features a whopping 8 dungeons (3 at endgame) and no endgame raids. As far I'm concerned that is no PvE endgame.


I don't even know why you're championing GW2 here anyway, shouldn't you be on the Anet forums?

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You've been consistently proven wrong but you don't want to admit, see it, or accept it. I know you won't concede because people often don't concede on the internet. That's ok but the topic is shelved as far as I'm concerned. Unless you can put forth a quote that says "We are not looking at F2P" or "We were improperly quoted" or something to that effect the cased is closed.





"We have a great business right now and we're not looking to make any abrupt changes."


And, sorry


Did I 'lost' something?:p

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And it's Another Comparasion to GW to boot.


Here's a scary thought..... soon GW2 will go live and after a few weeks the locusts and armchair experts will pronounce it "FAIL" and "cooked and finished"..... which pretty much only leaves them Pandaland to use as their success benchmark forecast to compare to so the forums will get Panda'ed big time. That is going to be some funny doodoo. :D


The funniest part about when GW2 gets pronounced "FAIL" is that they cannot claim it will go F2P in 30 or 60 days. :p

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"We have a great business right now and we're not looking to make any abrupt changes."


And, sorry


Did I 'lost' something?:p


yeah you lost the ability to admit when you've been proven wrong. and you still lack the ability to type in english.

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Guild Wars 2 doesn't have any endgame PvE content and probably never will. The only content expansions will be through actual expansion packs.


uh...yes it does.. lmao


It may not have traditional MMO end game ie: grinding dailies, doing "heroic" dungeons and raids but it most certainly has end game content.


Guild Wars 1 had endgame content, despite what many people who never played the game say. They just also rushed everyone to max level so 90% of the game was considered endgame.


The thing I really don't understand is people pay 15$ a month to play WoW or SWTOR for example, and what content do you really get? is it worth 15$ a month?


Is 1 warzone 1 raid and a new daily hub worth 60$ to you? It takes AT LEAST 4 months for these two companies to release this content if not more. Rift is probably the only sub based MMO worth it.


Yet Guild Wars 1 released entire expansions for 40$ every 6 months yet it's not okay? Think about what you're actually paying for.

Edited by KhealThar
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The game features a whopping 8 dungeons (3 at endgame) and no endgame raids. As far I'm concerned that is no PvE endgame.


I don't even know why you're championing GW2 here anyway, shouldn't you be on the Anet forums?


"Each of our dungeons is divided into story and explorable versions. The story version of each dungeon comes first, and completing it unlocks the ability to run the explorable version. In turn, the explorable versions of the dungeons have several options (usually three), each of which creates a different set of challenges and goals in the game. So, when we say that there are currently eight dungeons, we really mean there are thirty-two dungeons, as each dungeon has a story version and three explorable versions."


Second no ones championing anything I'm just tired of bs and lies spewed by fanboys. If you want to say something that blatantly false I'm going to point it out it has nothing to do with what game we're talking about.


This thread isn't even about GW2 it's about the B2P method and how it could work for TOR. But people obviously came and spewed nothing but uninformed bs and I corrected them so hopefully, just maybe, they could learn something.

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More than half of development will go towards said vanity items instead of content and expansions.


No, still think I'd prefer paying $60 + $15/month sub fee.


What content? The content we've been getting since launch has been bare bones

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