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Why not B2P like GW2?


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That was Guild Wars 1 not Guild Wars 2 jesus christ people.


GW2 will be the exact same- you don't make money by making free content patches, have you even played a f2p?


Look at f2p that have had content- like DDO. Those content upgrades- called adventure packs- all cost money to purchase. GW2 will be the same- either you get a new xpac for new content, or, you pay in the shop for new content.

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GW2 will be the exact same- you don't make money by making free content patches, have you even played a f2p?


Look at f2p that have had content- like DDO. Those content upgrades- called adventure packs- all cost money to purchase. GW2 will be the same- either you get a new xpac for new content, or, you pay in the shop for new content.


gw2 isnt F2P lol only thing u pay for in gw series is fluff or xpacs thats it and gw is B2P see the b its not a f

Edited by belizar
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GW2 will be the exact same- you don't make money by making free content patches, have you even played a f2p?


Look at f2p that have had content- like DDO. Those content upgrades- called adventure packs- all cost money to purchase. GW2 will be the same- either you get a new xpac for new content, or, you pay in the shop for new content.


1. Guild Wars 2 is B2P not free to play. If 2 million people play an F2P game day 1 they have a guaranteed 0 dollars from their players. If 2 million play Guild Wars 2 day 1 thats 120 million dollars. A bit of a difference.


2. The developers have said they will be adding content regularly so are you saying their lying? I don't think so based off their path behavior.

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The only way for GW2 to fail is if their servers are totally empty after release.


They will buy it, play it, get mad at it, and then they will whine and cry and want their money back and WILL delcare it a failure in every forum that they can find.....even if they still continue to play it like the hypocrites that they are.


There... I just defined the average player for you.... and how they will crab walk their way to declaring a B2P game a failure. Just like they do with single player games all the freaking time.

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They will buy it, play it, get mad at it, and then they will whine and cry and want their money back and WILL delcare it a failure in every forum that they can find.....even if they still continue to play it like the hypocrites that they are.


There... I just defined the average player for you.... and how they will crab walk their way to declaring a B2P game a failure. Just like they do with single player games all the freaking time.


Just because that happened to TOR doesn't mean it'll happen to GW2. We'll see what TOR's subscriber numbers are soon but I'm guessing they're on a downward trend.


All games have complainers. All games. The difference is some games have mostly legitimate complaints and some simply have tons of complainers.

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GW2 will be the exact same- you don't make money by making free content patches, have you even played a f2p?


Look at f2p that have had content- like DDO. Those content upgrades- called adventure packs- all cost money to purchase. GW2 will be the same- either you get a new xpac for new content, or, you pay in the shop for new content.

Be sure we will have to pay for the famous new planet with +5 levels if it comes as an expansion, what is what you call "adventure packs" for GW1 (change the name doesn't make them another thing but an expansion).

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Just because that happened to TOR doesn't mean it'll happen to GW2. We'll see what TOR's subscriber numbers are soon but I'm guessing they're on a downward trend.


It happens to every new game that releases. It's what todays MMO players do. They buy, they complain, they crucify, then move on to the next game in the hopper. We've already rode the wave in these forums of D3 & Tera being the next salvation followed by rampant complaining and declarations of failure on their respective forums (and , thankfully, holding D3 and Tera up in these forums as salvation going silent). The same will happen with GW2 next, and whatever other game comes down the road in what is considered a large release (Pandaland being next probably).


I does not matter if the game is single player FPS, B2P like D3, new sub game like Tera, etc. They are going to consume and crucify from one game to the next. It's just the nature of the MMO community in 2012. It's a very needy, whiny, unhappy community. Sometimes I wonder why they play games at all.

Edited by Andryah
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GW2 will be the exact same- you don't make money by making free content patches, have you even played a f2p?


Look at f2p that have had content- like DDO. Those content upgrades- called adventure packs- all cost money to purchase. GW2 will be the same- either you get a new xpac for new content, or, you pay in the shop for new content.




Each of those 95 update months contains 2+ updates. There are dozens of major content addition updates that are free.


In fact they only released 3 expansions that you had to pay for and they were full expansions (like wow expansions)

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People tend to forget that just because WoW at its prime makes $1 billion/year doesn't mean this is the only possible way to make money. Sure every company would like to have a game that makes $1 billion/year but even $1 million/year of profit is better than $0.


In general I'd argue $15/month sub games are a ripoff. They in no ways provide enough content worth that $15/month, and the reason why people pay that is because there's no better alternatives out there. However with the rise of F2P (which definitely makes less than $15/month, as you don't hear any F2P make WoW's like numbers in profit) people are starting to realize that you could get more for your $15/month or equivalent. With even WoW seem to be falling apart, people are now realizing they have more power than they thought for their $15/month, and the most successful MMORPGs in this new era is either the game that delivers more content for $15/month, or, as unfathomable as this might be to game developers, simply charge less money.


Even a 'failed' MMORPG usually have a revenune comparable to the most successful non subscription games. Now I'm sure some of them ended up as a loss because they ended up mortaging their first born and bought an island in the Caribbeans before the game was out thinking they have a money printing machine on their hand, and was shocked to find this game only makes $5 million dollars an years instead of $1 billion dollars a year. Game makers need to accept your game isn't going to make money as if it's the next WoW. There might not even be a next WoW in terms of revenue in the next decade. You just have to make do on figuring out how to survive on less than $1 billion a year.

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I does not matter if the game is single player FPS, B2P like D3, new sub game like Tera, etc. They are going to consume and crucify from one game to the next. It's just the nature of the MMO community in 2012. It's a very needy, whiny, unhappy community. Sometimes I wonder why they play games at all.

This is the way the community has been since I play MMORPGS (started with SWG) and surely before that. That's nothing new in MMORPG world, unfortunately.

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I'd rather pay money for a well-designed content update then sit here month after month for nothing, and then get hit with half-assed content dev's rushed to deliver because of subscribers crying and threatening to cancel. just a thought.
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Each of those 95 update months contains 2+ updates. There are dozens of major content addition updates that are free.


In fact they only released 3 expansions that you had to pay for and they were full expansions (like wow expansions)


Thanks. I was looking for this as well, because ArenaNet does continue to create content. Anything major will be in an expansion obviously, but they have already said they will constantly be adding dynamic events and monthly events. Jon Peters created the BWE3 final beta event "The Hunger Royale" in under 12 hours just to show how they can manipulate the system to put in these kinds of events.

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GW2 will be the exact same- you don't make money by making free content patches, have you even played a f2p?


Look at f2p that have had content- like DDO. Those content upgrades- called adventure packs- all cost money to purchase. GW2 will be the same- either you get a new xpac for new content, or, you pay in the shop for new content.


Just because one company chooses to nickel and dime their customers doesn't mean EVERY game is like that. Also a free to play game is totally different than a buy to play game.


Just to paint a picture for you based on your subscription MMOs and Guild Wars. You pay 15$ a month to play a game like SWTOR, and it takes them at least 4-6 months to release a content update that is usually just a new raid, daily hub and sometimes a new warzone with fluff items like "legacy" or pets/mounts. So 60$ of your money has gone to pay for this "update"


Well, in that time Guild Wars released an expansion that you could choose not to buy because every expansion was a stand alone game that wasn't required to purchase because they didn't raise the level cap. In which each expansion gave you an entire content of new missions, new classes, alliance battles, factions etc for the same price.


Do you honestly believe Sub based MMOs are giving you your moneys worth? I just don't understand the logic that people have that they get so insulted that another game coming out might actually be better?


I honestly don't believe that SWTOR was worth 15$ a month, unfortunately I bought a 6 month sub because I didn't think and now I regret it. The only sub based MMO that deserves the sub in my honest opinion based on content updates alone is Rift. They actually put tons of content out there and try really hard to please their player base.




This is the kind of fun stuff Arenanet does, and will continue to do after launch. You can't tell me that isn't fun! They made this event in the span of 12 hours also, can't wait to see what they can do when they actually put significant time into one!

Edited by KhealThar
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Currently the game is pay to play (P2P) - Initial 40-60 dollar payment and subsequently 15 dollars a month.

People are talking about it going free to play (F2P) - No initial payment nor a fee to access it but a cash shop where one can buy items and perks.


But why not go B2P a la GW2? That way you buy the game for 60 dollars and the cash shop is only for cosmetics and additional perks.


So the main thing i have gotten out of all of your responses specifically is that you cant handle somone disagreeing with you. Every comment you make, whether its to a constructive or not, is claiming that the poster is a troll and doesnt know what he is talking about. So i dont think you will actually read my stance with an open mind but hey ill say my piece.

So my stance is that this game should remain Pay to play for now. Here is my reasoning. This game is very content heavy. Yes as of right now content is little i understand that. But bioware and EA need to pay the people creating the content. To do they need income to do that. And i honestly dont think 40$ per game will be able to fund more and more future content. Especially since the game has released already, so the amount of people buying the game will be very low now. Thus we wont get enough income for the content we desire.

You mention having vanity items for sale on the website. Well that isnt reliable or steady enough income to guarentee more content. I can say that my self and afew people i play with have no interest in paying for some outfit or somthing like that.

I applaud GW1 & 2 for being able to create content on low income but i dont think that BioWare would be able to.


So i hope you read this with an open mind and not a one sided biased mindset.

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This is actually a model that a lot of companies including Blizzard Entertainment has taken into account. You figure by now they have so much revenue incoming that a 15 a month subscription is completely unnecessary. You aren't paying for the content they dish out. You are paying 15 bucks a month to fund their servers which they can easily maintain on their own. Guild wars has released 95 plus updates in the time it has been played and over 3 expansions I believe with no P2P model. Guild Wars 1 successfully had a F2P MMO for a good 8 + years I believe it was and they survived very well I may add for a long time. Even now as I log on my account the game is still busy with people doing things. A F2P model brings a lot to the table. You get more people playing because of no worry of paying a fee every month. Wasting money when they can't play because of maintenance and such. (Guild Wars 2 seems to solve the maintenance problem by doing it while you play which is awesome.) Yes the money you lose from it is very minor but it builds up over the months/years.



A F2P is a better model for both sides and a lot of MMO developers are considering it more and more each day. Look at Aion and Rift. (Sure they aren't that great of games but they still have a big playerbase). Also LOTRO is still doing well as far as I know.

Edited by spectreclees
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*Raises hand*

What's B2P? I've been trying to find a word that fits for the B but I can't come up with anything.


Buy 2 play. Basically like a console game, or other stand alone games. Basically you buy the game and own it. No monthly subs. Yes there is a cash shop, but it's just cosmetic and vanity, nothing that would help you have an advantage over someone else.


I think the confusion in this thread is people don't know much or anything at all about Guild Wars track record with this very model, and instead take it as a nickel and dime you type of game like Lord of The Rings.

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Buy 2 play. Basically like a console game, or other stand alone games. Basically you buy the game and own it. No monthly subs. Yes there is a cash shop, but it's just cosmetic and vanity, nothing that would help you have an advantage over someone else.


I think the confusion in this thread is people don't know much or anything at all about Guild Wars track record with this very model, and instead take it as a nickel and dime you type of game like Lord of The Rings.


Of course! BUY 2 Play! Thanks =)


I plan on playing Guild Wars 2 when it comes out. I had a blast during the Beta events but I'm gonna split my free time with both that game and SWTOR.

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GW1 is different from GW2. Extremely different. With GW1 they released expansions but GW2 will have free content updates just like a P2P game. You're just being difficult and/or trolling.


So I'll go out on a limb and say that ArenaNET is in this business to make money. So if GW2, unlike GW1, won't have paid expansions, whatever they are called, just free content updates, then they must be counting on MicroTrasactions to fund development and server maintenance.


If they sell anything meaningful so far as progression in either PvP or PvE then it becomes pay to win and could get very expensive.


If they don't I personally doubt very much whether the income from their cash shop will generate enough revenue to make meaningful improvements to the game.


Unless you're trying to tell me that ArenaNET will be releasing updates and content out of the goodness of their hearts because they love gamers?


I'd rather pay a monthly subscription fee.

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Of course! BUY 2 Play! Thanks =)


I plan on playing Guild Wars 2 when it comes out. I had a blast during the Beta events but I'm gonna split my free time with both that game and SWTOR.


Yea me too. that's the best thing about GW to be honest. It doesn't make you choose which game to sub to. It's win/win for the players because besides buying the game, you can keep paying the sub you are paying now and get both.

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So I'll go out on a limb and say that ArenaNET is in this business to make money. So if GW2, unlike GW1, won't have paid expansions, whatever they are called, just free content updates, then they must be counting on MicroTrasactions to fund development and server maintenance.


If they sell anything meaningful so far as progression in either PvP or PvE then it becomes pay to win and could get very expensive.


If they don't I personally doubt very much whether the income from their cash shop will generate enough revenue to make meaningful improvements to the game.


Unless you're trying to tell me that ArenaNET will be releasing updates and content out of the goodness of their hearts because they love gamers?


I'd rather pay a monthly subscription fee.


Well here, you are mistaken. Your thought process is correct, tho. You have to remember that ArenaNet didn't spend the same kind of money Bioware did, nor do they have a huge staff like Bioware did. My point is their vanity cash shop is enough, just like it was in GW1, to sustain the team. Also, the cash shop will not have anything that will give you an advantage over someone else, that's already been stated.


They also have said they will continue rolling monthly events (just like they did in gw1) and implementing dynamic events. Content saved for expansions are going to be new areas and the likes.

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