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Why pay for this....


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Bioware has not made us a great game. We have continuous lag. The game has been out for how long, and is pushing out new content very very slowly. Class balance in this game is a joke. We don't even have open world pvp. I doubt we'll ever hav open world pvp due to how bad the game handles people clustering together. Last and most importantly, the game was built around a horrible horrible engine, which is why we're probably experiencing so many issues to begin with.


This game was only fun for the stories. The warzone pvp is decent, but not the best. I agree with the OP on this thread. I don't mind downtime, but we're not seeing any gains what so ever. The servers are still laggy, and game is running like crap. People say be patient for new content, but how long are we really suppose to wait? Bioware, as a company, is in shambles. Of course that is my opinion, but they've has major lay offs these last few months. Their investors are unhappy, and EA isn't helping at either. If you think Bioware has made such a great game, then why has the game lost so many subs?



Months for content is not long for mmo's. Some go years without any new content, including the beast of em all. Any that throw content out too soon end up being crap content anyway. I'd rather continue enjoying this game and getting alts to 50 like crazy so I'll always have many chars to play. Instead of just lvling one char, then burning through endgame and sitting around with my thumb up my arse. Now when each new content is released, i can quikly lvl all my toons to the new cap and burn through the endgames with a variety of playstyles.



This new generation has no patience whatsoever, it comes from getting everything these days instantly. But if you look at it from a quality stand point on our goods and services that we recieve nowadays, the quality has gone to shiz, and we have only ourselves to blame. Want me to paint your house? I can do it quikly but it's goona look like crap.....or slowly and give ya what you really want.

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its 50 cents a day, remember arcades? you couldnt play all month with fifty cents a day could you?


get over your friggin self , geez, stop being so spoiled, i got other things to do that i can spend those eight extra hours in , gamers these days....too spoiled

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So, does the OP also want to be paid back for the hours he sleeps, or when he's at work, or every other hour he doesn't spend on the game?


That's like the worst argument ever. Hell, argument is too strong of a word for that presentation.


Just imagine if they took down your phone or internet 2-3 times per week? Would you be cool with that or do you put your agreements/contracts in relation to importance? How many of your phone calls are 911 calls? Zero? Well, then it won't be a problem. Do you ask for money back when you're not on the internet or are you paying for a service you can use when you wish to use it?

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Thats fine or american players...what about players in the EU...oh yeah thats right there is nothing outside of amercia


You mean that time period where maintenance takes place between like 9am-1pm for you guys? The time period where the MAJORITY of you SHOULD be either at work or in school? And for the summer vacation kids...go outside for a few hours...


The only people that really get screwed with maintenance is the Australians because the maintenance takes place at like 5pm for them.

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You mean that time period where maintenance takes place between like 9am-1pm for you guys? The time period where the MAJORITY of you SHOULD be either at work or in school? And for the summer vacation kids...go outside for a few hours...


The only people that really get screwed with maintenance is the Australians because the maintenance takes place at like 5pm for them.




I am an EU player and I am not affected at all by the regular maintenance slots. I feel sorry for the Aussies and Kiwis though.

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You mean that time period where maintenance takes place between like 9am-1pm for you guys? The time period where the MAJORITY of you SHOULD be either at work or in school? And for the summer vacation kids...go outside for a few hours...


The only people that really get screwed with maintenance is the Australians because the maintenance takes place at like 5pm for them.

I'm pretty sure that a lot of people around the globe is affected and would be affected regardless of hour. The thing that sucks is that it, with the exception of one time, always starts at the same static hour. I'm in EU but work nights so it takes place every time I come home and just want to sit down and have my "evening". What els is there to do a weekday morning when everyone els is at work? And that's just my reason for wanting to play at that specific hour. Hence, some rotation would have been to prefer.


That said, it would have been funny as hell if all the "go do something els" sayers had it happening to them at 8 PM three times per week. To them I'd like to say "go do something els" while totally disregarding the fact that if you havent made plans for something by 8 PM on a weekday it's likely that there isnt that much els to do. I'm pretty sure they can solve that though since it's "not a big deal". Then when the weekend comes up and they actually have plans they can all look back on a week where they paid for something they only got to play two evenings. Rinse and repeat for next week.

Edited by MidichIorian
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What is the point in us paying for a game that is down 8 somtimes more hours a week...

What is the point in us paying for a game that has a team of devs that dont communicate with its customers...


If i wanted all this i would be still paying money to SoE....BW/EA get with it and start talking to your paying customers


what is the point of you trying to push this game to go F2P?

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What is the point in us paying for a game that is down 8 somtimes more hours a week...

What is the point in us paying for a game that has a team of devs that dont communicate with its customers...


If i wanted all this i would be still paying money to SoE....BW/EA get with it and start talking to your paying customers


Oh its THIS thread again.


The servers go down so they can fix bugs (major update came out a little while ago and it sounds like you are new to mmos).


The devs have already stated and will not restate just for every thread in existence that once they answer a question, it is up to you to go on the dev tracker and look for it. That is the whole purpose of that feature.

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its 50 cents a day, remember arcades? you couldnt play all month with fifty cents a day could you?


get over your friggin self , geez, stop being so spoiled, i got other things to do that i can spend those eight extra hours in , gamers these days....too spoiled


In Aus/NZ, it's more like not going to the arcade for a day at all if you happen to work at least 8 hours a day.


That's unless you don't sleep or eat.

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I'm pretty sure that a lot of people around the globe is affected and would be affected regardless of hour. The thing that sucks is that it, with the exception of one time, always starts at the same static hour. I'm in EU but work nights so it takes place every time I come home and just want to sit down and have my "evening". What els is there to do a weekday morning when everyone els is at work? And that's just my reason for wanting to play at that specific hour. Hence, some rotation would have been to prefer.


That said, it would have been funny as hell if all the "go do something els" sayers had it happening to them at 8 PM three times per week. To them I'd like to say "go do something els" while totally disregarding the fact that if you havent made plans for something by 8 PM on a weekday it's likely that there isnt that much els to do. I'm pretty sure they can solve that though since it's "not a big deal". Then when the weekend comes up and they actually have plans they can all look back on a week where they paid for something they only got to play two evenings. Rinse and repeat for next week.


Which is why I said the majority. The maintenance times are scheduled in a way to affect the least amount of people. You fall into that minority that doesn't work normal hours. You can't really blame bioware for that.


Oh yeah...I played FFXI for 8 years. Guess when they did their maintenance? JST. That's right, they did all their maintenance during Japan Standard Time which meant the servers where always down in the evenings for me since I lived on the east coast of the US and their maintenance were 8-10 hours long and it never bothered me once because its not that big of a deal.

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Months for content is not long for mmo's. Some go years without any new content, including the beast of em all. Any that throw content out too soon end up being crap content anyway. I'd rather continue enjoying this game and getting alts to 50 like crazy so I'll always have many chars to play. Instead of just lvling one char, then burning through endgame and sitting around with my thumb up my arse. Now when each new content is released, i can quikly lvl all my toons to the new cap and burn through the endgames with a variety of playstyles.



This new generation has no patience whatsoever, it comes from getting everything these days instantly. But if you look at it from a quality stand point on our goods and services that we recieve nowadays, the quality has gone to shiz, and we have only ourselves to blame. Want me to paint your house? I can do it quikly but it's goona look like crap.....or slowly and give ya what you really want.


Some people will settle for anything you give them.

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