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Operation: Saving SWTOR


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LMAO! Actually they do listen to the community. Their paying attention gace us the killer UI, RWZs and a nice LFG tool. Fortunately they are sifting through the white noise (i.e. griefers) and doing what needs to be done. All of the major issues are pretty much dealt with. So if the current 12 kickass servers is enough for them to continue development then the game ain't even close to being weak let alone being on life support.


Two problems with believing this.


1. Is it enough? They need atleast 500k subs just to pretty much break even. Do 12 servers hold 500k subs? I dont believe so.


2. You are also relying on noone else dropping there sub or atleast new people comming in at a rate of atleast people leaving. I dont believe that is the case either.

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What is appearence tab? Just curious.



BTW I'd love a more indepth space system with a more customizable ship (appearence and upgrades)


An appearance tab is basically a tab that you could put any armor you want on it. Your character would wear that armor without losing the stat armor that he currently wears.

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Everything take time, energy, and money to code. We aren't going to get all of it. What's important to some of us may not be important to everyone. There is no crystal clear way to improve the game. I suspect bioware has some project underway as they have hinted at. They don't have infinite manpower.

Indeed they don't have infinate manpower, but i feel my list Is a clearcut way to vastly improve the game, the main issue, is the endgame is dull, boring, and overall a copy of WoW.


And yes i re-posted my thing into its own form, otherwise it will be lost in a vast post.


Just about everything i post on these forums is ment to be helpfull, i help people with their computers, and i want to help swtor get funner, thus making it more enjoyable for Me.

Edited by Daethorz
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2. You are also relying on noone else dropping there sub or atleast new people comming in at a rate of atleast people leaving. I dont believe that is the case either.


Counting the free month with the game, the other free one with the botched 1.2 patch, the 6 month'ers are due about Aug. 15th to 20th (give or take a day or 2).


It will be interesting times. Of course we'll never hear the figures but the smart money is on quieter forums and fleets. (Only something like 2 out of our 16 person OPs team isn't buying a game that's out a week or 2 later. **OFC! I'm only reading between the lines.**). :)

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This about covers my list but I would add


10. More leveling planets to choose from. If we could take alts on a different path then I would be inclined to level more alts. It could also branch your story line, so that you know when you touted about choices mattering...they can actually matter. I think you missed a golden opportunity on this one but I dont think it is fixable now, without a complete rewrite.


Yeah that's a big problem, especially when they WANT you to level basically 1 of each class story.

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Hm, I know this would be impossible but, how about some dynamic quests? I've spent the past 2 months (or 3, not sure. I'm not great with the passage of time) playing the Guild Wars 2 open beta and I like how dynamic most of the quests are. Now, I know that would be kind of impossible what with how all the instancing works for most quests, but I still think it would be cool.


Imagine you're on your way to your class quest/story/mission, you turn a corner and a quest gets added to the upper right of your screen. You decide to check it out and when you arrive at the area you see about 15 other players doing the same quest, so you help out, get XP and you had fun. No load times, no adding people to your party, just straight up working together. You can ignore it if you want as well since it'll automatically remove itself when you're far enough away.


I guess for something like this to work they'd have to make the game less instanced and if they were to even try this idea out they would probably have to create new planets to test it out on. But yeah, I think this would make leveling a little more fun.


Plus, if Final Fantasy 14 is (apparently) going to survive then this game has to as well since it's better. (I'm currently playing that as well and that's how I feel.

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Mentor System


Customizing options for ships


New avenues of the space game


More stories


New races


New planets


Redesign of gear


Better art designs for gear yet to be released


Slug Throwers


Vibro Axes


Multiple weapon choices for each class


Multiple wield styles for jedi and sith


Bounty system


Krayt Dragon worldboss on Tatooine




Bodies of water to swim in (in worlds yet to be released at least)


Ability to strip mods from pre 1.2 gear and retain the set bonus


Better epics that aren't just prettier vendor trash


Social points awarded for any/all types of player interaction (including PVP)


Taxis with a taxi driver instead of the player driving the taxi. (It's a rent-a-car if you're the one driving it...)


Companions ride in taxis too


Companions ride in mounts with more than 1 seat


Other players can ride in mounts with more than 1 seat


Improved shadows


Engine improvements (performance and optimization)


Music looping instead of cutting off


Better sound system that doesn't have crazy quirks like hearing 2 NPCs talking to eachother at full volume from 2 football fields away


Animal Mounts


Improvements to existing game systems (Group finder, Solo Queue on Ranked Warzones, more GTN improvements)


Guild capital ships


Guild Legacy that discourages ninja gquitters


Chat Bubbles


More RP Tools


More interactive elements in the world (More Chairs to sit in, bar stools at cantinas, kareoke on the stage, etc.)


More achievements


More complex Codex


Dual spec


Fighting pits where you can bet on the outcome of player duels


An Arena system where everyone wears an arena set that has the same stats as anyone else so the playing field is completely based upon skill and rewards are more for boasting rights than gear grind.


PVP system that scales horizontally instead of vertically




That's all I could think of off of the top of my head.

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Mentor System


Customizing options for ships


New avenues of the space game


More stories


New races


New planets


Redesign of gear


Better art designs for gear yet to be released


Slug Throwers


Vibro Axes


Multiple weapon choices for each class


Multiple wield styles for jedi and sith


Bounty system


Krayt Dragon worldboss on Tatooine




Bodies of water to swim in (in worlds yet to be released at least)


Ability to strip mods from pre 1.2 gear and retain the set bonus


Better epics that aren't just prettier vendor trash


Social points awarded for any/all types of player interaction (including PVP)


Taxis with a taxi driver instead of the player driving the taxi. (It's a rent-a-car if you're the one driving it...)


Companions ride in taxis too


Companions ride in mounts with more than 1 seat


Other players can ride in mounts with more than 1 seat


Improved shadows


Engine improvements (performance and optimization)


Music looping instead of cutting off


Better sound system that doesn't have crazy quirks like hearing 2 NPCs talking to eachother at full volume from 2 football fields away


Animal Mounts


Improvements to existing game systems (Group finder, Solo Queue on Ranked Warzones, more GTN improvements)


Guild capital ships


Guild Legacy that discourages ninja gquitters


Chat Bubbles


More RP Tools


More interactive elements in the world (More Chairs to sit in, bar stools at cantinas, kareoke on the stage, etc.)


More achievements


More complex Codex


Dual spec


Fighting pits where you can bet on the outcome of player duels


An Arena system where everyone wears an arena set that has the same stats as anyone else so the playing field is completely based upon skill and rewards are more for boasting rights than gear grind.


PVP system that scales horizontally instead of vertically




That's all I could think of off of the top of my head.



You forgot the most important one of all....DAY / NIGHT CYCLE!!!!

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Above and beyond anything else, if the devs do only ONE THING EVER to fix the game it's merely COMMUNICATION. As in not the way they are doing it now, as a player I feel completely left in the dark. We get the QA once a week which seems to hardly address any issues we bring up. Then Bioware suddenly does surprise updates, no word why so many updates, no word why they tweak some classes the way they do, no word why a lot of things are how they are. Players raise concerns repeatedly and often we get ignored. Bioware has an iron wall and they refuse to have a dialog with the players.


To paraphrase who I consider a far better dev then the SWTOR team, Yoshi P from FFXIV, who more or less said that there's a few scenarios of what will happen. You can either say nothing and the players will be pissed, or you can tell them what's happening and when, and if it doesn't happen on schedule they will get pissed. No matter what they will be pissed, but at least you can explain what went wrong, or why you made a decision that you did. The alternative is leaving the players in the dark and if they don't know whats happening with the game then they have no confidence in either the game or the devs, and that doesn't bode well for the future of the game.


So too long version: Devs need to start talking and explaining what's going on. Otherwise the players can only assume the devs have no clear goals, no idea what they are doing, and/or the game is failing miserably.

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Above and beyond anything else, if the devs do only ONE THING EVER to fix the game it's merely COMMUNICATION. As in not the way they are doing it now, as a player I feel completely left in the dark. We get the QA once a week which seems to hardly address any issues we bring up. Then Bioware suddenly does surprise updates, no word why so many updates, no word why they tweak some classes the way they do, no word why a lot of things are how they are. Players raise concerns repeatedly and often we get ignored. Bioware has an iron wall and they refuse to have a dialog with the players.


To paraphrase who I consider a far better dev then the SWTOR team, Yoshi P from FFXIV, who more or less said that there's a few scenarios of what will happen. You can either say nothing and the players will be pissed, or you can tell them what's happening and when, and if it doesn't happen on schedule they will get pissed. No matter what they will be pissed, but at least you can explain what went wrong, or why you made a decision that you did. The alternative is leaving the players in the dark and if they don't know whats happening with the game then they have no confidence in either the game or the devs, and that doesn't bode well for the future of the game.


So too long version: Devs need to start talking and explaining what's going on. Otherwise the players can only assume the devs have no clear goals, no idea what they are doing, and/or the game is failing miserably.




I don't understand why they can't put out a producers letter every 3 months or so at the very least.

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bring us back to planets more. They shouldn't be, say, levels 1-10 only, or something like that. There should be a time when you can go to a harder part of the planet at a higher level- not just for 1 quest or a bonus series.
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Oh, god I hate these "Let us come together as a COMMUNITY and rally forth our ideas so that the devs might hear us...Because reasons!" rants...


Stop saying the game is dying...That's Fear Mongering...


Can there be things in the game that could make things better? Oh sure, sure. Word bubbles would be nice. Mini Games, player housing, a more in-depth RP kit, all ideas I think be nice to have.


But let's not kid ourselves with the overly idealistic "we are the player base, they MUST listen to us!" cluster [censored]. The Devs are paid professionals, they have their jobs, I don't go to a farm that grows the vegetables I buy and tell the farmer how to raise his crops. Nor do I send emails to an author I like and tell them how to write their books. Even if I AM THE CUSTOMER, my will does not dictate the output...

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Simply two things and I will be completely satisfied.


1. Pod Racing off tracks.


Real Pod Racing that you control where you go, how fast you move, what your pod looks like etc. Also an arena similar to SW: Ep 1 where you could watch the racers. That can add betting to matches. With the new Cartel System being added, that would be something that could be betted with instead of normal credits so the loss and gain would be more significant. Same goes with the winnings of the pod racing: Cartel Coins. If the future is the boutique that uses Cartel Coins for currency, I suppose that will be a very valuable thing to have. The Boutique could also be a way to purchase a podracer as well, so only a select few have enough to buy a racer and not everyone is racing right away.


2. Pazzak and Nar Shadaa real time casino


Just would be a great idea. Both Cartel Coins and Credits are able to be won. Pazaak could be played in your ship against your crew members for practice where some crew members are harder than others. for example: with smugglers, Corso would be the hardest while say Bowdaar would be the easiest. Or for a Jedi, Doc and or T3 the hardest(T3 is a droid so super computer mind). Also playable in ALL planetary spaceports not just a select few as well as in the fleet, however the major place for Pazaak would be in Nar Shadaa's NEW casino.

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Oh, god I hate these "Let us come together as a COMMUNITY and rally forth our ideas so that the devs might hear us...Because reasons!" rants...


Stop saying the game is dying...That's Fear Mongering...


Can there be things in the game that could make things better? Oh sure, sure. Word bubbles would be nice. Mini Games, player housing, a more in-depth RP kit, all ideas I think be nice to have.


But let's not kid ourselves with the overly idealistic "we are the player base, they MUST listen to us!" cluster [censored]. The Devs are paid professionals, they have their jobs, I don't go to a farm that grows the vegetables I buy and tell the farmer how to raise his crops. Nor do I send emails to an author I like and tell them how to write their books. Even if I AM THE CUSTOMER, my will does not dictate the output...


You are so damn right.. People just whine all day that they don't get what they want and that there are bugs in the game... of course there are, its still a fresh game, and yes, a less than a 1 year old game is still fresh... go back to your 10+ WoW and have what you want, when TOR gets 5+ old, i would like to see a comparison between the two...

Edited by Nightthunder
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