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Pro-skippers, politeness will get you further


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I rest my case.


But not everyone. There are some that like to see the dialogue even in hard mode and furthermore some people have never done them until they get to level 50 so they are doing the hard modes and that is their right to do whichever mode they want to.


You have no right to tell them go do it in Story Mode because you demand a speed run. Most people have no problems watching the dialogue. The best way to handle this is find out up front what people would like and not be so demanding that it is your way or else. That is rude and disrespectful.


Of course the person being kicked might be yourself for being so rude.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Yea, in my experience, most folks don't care if people watch the cutscenes. Personally, I don't care either way, unless I haven't seen them before. Though, if people are willing to rant and kick someone for watching a cutscene, they probably aren't the kind of people I'd want to run with anyway. :rolleyes:
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I've never failed to vote off someone because they're holding up the group, so from my experience majority do not condone this behaviour. It is their right to watch the story, on THEIR time, not at at the expense of others. Therefore, if you want to watch the story, stick to Story Mode.


Pay attention very carefully. I know this concept is hard to understand. The DEFAULT option in a flashpoint is to play through the cutscenes. This is clearly indicated by Bioware since they did not include an option to automatically bypass all cutscenes. Even if you spaebar, you are still required to interact to advance. The default option is NOT spacebar. I don't have to press a special key that says "yes I want to see the scene". That makes this option baseline. Standard. Default.


What that means is you have no ground to stand on when it comes to "you are wasting everyone's time". Your time is equally valuable. Your time is not more valuable, and is not being wasted. By default, you are watching the cutscene and would be spending that time anyway. You should only queue with the understanding that by default, you are sitting through all of the content for however long it may take. Spacebar is the exception, not the rule. If you want to spacebar, good for you. But have no expectations or assumptions that everyone agrees with you. Again, if someone wants to watch the scene and you don't, they are still entitled, not you. If you don't like it, unfortunately that's too bad. Learn to suck it up and deal, or create a run explicitly defined as a spacebar run.

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Pay attention very carefully. I know this concept is hard to understand. The DEFAULT option in a flashpoint is to play through the cutscenes. This is clearly indicated by Bioware since they did not include an option to automatically bypass all cutscenes. Even if you spaebar, you are still required to interact to advance. The default option is NOT spacebar. I don't have to press a special key that says "yes I want to see the scene". That makes this option baseline. Standard. Default.


What that means is you have no ground to stand on when it comes to "you are wasting everyone's time". Your time is equally valuable. Your time is not more valuable, and is not being wasted. By default, you are watching the cutscene and would be spending that time anyway. You should only queue with the understanding that by default, you are sitting through all of the content for however long it may take. Spacebar is the exception, not the rule. If you want to spacebar, good for you. But have no expectations or assumptions that everyone agrees with you. Again, if someone wants to watch the scene and you don't, they are still entitled, not you. If you don't like it, unfortunately that's too bad. Learn to suck it up and deal, or create a run explicitly defined as a spacebar run.




The default in Groupfinder for all Guardians is TANK and DPS. The default in Groupfinder for all Commandos is HEAL and DPS.


Does that mean that all Guardians and Commandos should always leave those defaults when they queue?


Defaults are defaults and essentially meaningless.

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I never have space barred ONCE in this whole game. I LOVE the cutscenes and interaction of the choices being made in real time. It's amazing for an mmorpg to get it. I have been through sooooo many cutscenes. Does it bother me NO.


If people don't want to spacebar...what's the big deal? This is what this game is. Sit back, relax and enjoy the cutscenes. Not just "spacebbaarrrrr dammit!!" Sorry..but that's not what this game is :)

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I always ask if people have done the flashpoint before... If everyone in the group has done it before then I ask them to skip the scenes, if not I don't mind. I'd rather, though, it goes a bit faster, when I have seen those scenes about 20 times before, than have to watch them again, but if people are new to it thats fine too.
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The default in Groupfinder for all Guardians is TANK and DPS. The default in Groupfinder for all Commandos is HEAL and DPS.


Does that mean that all Guardians and Commandos should always leave those defaults when they queue?


Defaults are defaults and essentially meaningless.


Strawman at best. Both roles are checked because those classes are able to do both roles. You choose which role you want just like you can choose to watch the scenes or not.

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Pay attention very carefully. I know this concept is hard to understand. The DEFAULT option in a flashpoint is to play through the cutscenes. This is clearly indicated by Bioware since they did not include an option to automatically bypass all cutscenes. Even if you spaebar, you are still required to interact to advance. The default option is NOT spacebar. I don't have to press a special key that says "yes I want to see the scene". That makes this option baseline. Standard. Default.


What that means is you have no ground to stand on when it comes to "you are wasting everyone's time". Your time is equally valuable. Your time is not more valuable, and is not being wasted. By default, you are watching the cutscene and would be spending that time anyway. You should only queue with the understanding that by default, you are sitting through all of the content for however long it may take. Spacebar is the exception, not the rule. If you want to spacebar, good for you. But have no expectations or assumptions that everyone agrees with you. Again, if someone wants to watch the scene and you don't, they are still entitled, not you. If you don't like it, unfortunately that's too bad. Learn to suck it up and deal, or create a run explicitly defined as a spacebar run.

This was stated by many people in this thread multiple times, including me. But all those "go story mode" people seem to ignore such posts, so no point in repeating it again to be honest.


The default in Groupfinder for all Guardians is TANK and DPS. The default in Groupfinder for all Commandos is HEAL and DPS.


Does that mean that all Guardians and Commandos should always leave those defaults when they queue?


Defaults are defaults and essentially meaningless.

A very weak argument which proves nothing.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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If you want to listen to to the story, then do it in Story Mode, that's what it's for. If you're holding up my HM because you're refusing to spacebar, I'll boot your *** in a heartbeat. My time is precious, not to be wasted on waiting for every new noob who stepped into Hard Mode without ever even doing Story Mode. They should just disable cinematics in Hard/Nightmare modes.


Oh man. Impatient people always make me want to watch the cinematics. Relax, it is a video game, if your time was so precious, you probably wouldn't be playing a game.


I will gladly skip if people ask me, or better yet, I usually ask if people want to skip. I will watch them if someone else is though. If I have to wait, might as well enjoy the cinematic. I refuse to let ANYONE ruin anything for me. If you are so impatient, kick them or leave, it is simple. That way they can find other people to be grouped with.

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I watch every scene, regardless of if it's normal or hard mode. If people get uppity and starts creaming "SPAAACE BAR OR KIIIICK" I just join them, saying "spacebar" myself. That way they don't know who to kick unless it's a guild group.
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If you're in a rush let people know in the beginning that way everyone knows what's up. I've space barred through cut scenes because I've been through the dialogue enough that I was tired of it :p , but I would wait on everyone else to catch up. no point in rushing them IT IS MM (MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER). Learn meditation in the down time. :D
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If you're in a rush let people know in the beginning that way everyone knows what's up. I've space barred through cut scenes because I've been through the dialogue enough that I was tired of it :p , but I would wait on everyone else to catch up. no point in rushing them IT IS MM (MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER). Learn meditation in the down time. :D


I have also spacebar'd through scenes when the folks in a hurry ask nicely. However, if they act like it is our duty to spacebar... Different outcome. I will also be patient if there is only one person wanting to watch the scenes. I will often go out of my way to make them feel welcome to do so since we have reached the age of "spcbr nao go fstr!".

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I watch every scene, regardless of if it's normal or hard mode. If people get uppity and starts creaming "SPAAACE BAR OR KIIIICK" I just join them, saying "spacebar" myself. That way they don't know who to kick unless it's a guild group.


I have seen this tactic mentioned before. I like it. :cool:

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I watch every scene, regardless of if it's normal or hard mode. If people get uppity and starts creaming "SPAAACE BAR OR KIIIICK" I just join them, saying "spacebar" myself. That way they don't know who to kick unless it's a guild group.


LOL I like that, I will try it if the issue ever arises. :cool:

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The other day, we had a Guild group of 3 for Lost Island HM. We PuG`d a healer from General. Solid player.


Our plan was to speedrun and skip the bonus boss, having it done 2 times for the day already. The guy came out as a really nice fellow and he stated that he never done the Bonus. We gone out of our way and did it too.


But ONLY because he was nice.


The equal would have been equally true : if he would apply a "I`m a tank/healer and I will show you who`s boss".. well... we`d kick him and find a replacement.


We made a friend that day, not one more name for "The List".

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Wow you typed a lot assuming I would actually do that. I was just trying to make a point.


I would never do that. It's as childish and selfish as forcing 3/4 of the players in a hard-mode flashpoint to wait for you while you watch the cut-scenes for the 20th time. Or to enrage and max out the timers on every player choice just because someone asked you to skip the dialog in a way that didn't coddle your sensitive nature.


What I do is type this into chat:


"I'm sorry, I don't have the time or patience to sit through these cut scenes yet again."


Or even:


"I'm sorry, I don't have the time or patience to kill these optional bosses if they won't improve anyone's gear."


Followed by:


"Hopefully the next tank|healer in the queue will be more compatible with your goals."


Then immediately after:




They can watch a cutscene or 7 while they wait for the next tank or healer to queue and I go do something more enjoyable with my time. Everyone wins. It's beautiful.



EDIT: But please do get off your "respectful" high horse. It is no more respectful for one player to waste other players' time in a hard mode flashpoint than it is for another player to expect his time to not be wasted.


If having to sit through a few cutscenes is too much of a waste of someone's time, I seriously doubt that they would even consider actually dropping group and having to sit through a debuff before they could even queue again. It would likely be quicker to finish the run, even watching the cutscenes, than to eat a debuff, the exceptions being esseles and BT. The much more likely scenario, IMO, is that the impatient person would threaten to leave if the person(s) who wish to watch the cutscenes or do optional bosses are not vote-kicked. This is even more likely, IMO, if the impatient one is either a tank or healer.

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For me, wasting, wasting other's would be not choosing their dialog options quickly, or just going AFK without warning the group.


Ah, and BTW, I usually use the spacebar BUT I keave the whole cinematic of killings in Black Talon, and the last boss intro on Eseless, bad luck if someone enrages about it. Lucky for me, I'm the tank or healer :D

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i have done imperial and the republic starter FP multiple times now enough to safely say i have seen every possible outcome (trying to get pants that aren't there to drop)


if i make a new alt i just don't do them any more no matter how well written something is once you have seen it so many times its boring, am not going to tell any one to space bar but am also not going to sit through it again so its kind of a loss on both sides


all the other FP's i don't mind if they watch the cut scenes there not that long but the Black Talon for example is 15min of cut scenes

for evidence


now am not one for complaining but to have to sit through 1h 15min of cut senes to do the average 5 runs for gear is not what i call fun


that's my 2p worth

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Well, I was EXTREMELY bored tonight while doing a bunch of uploads. So, I hope you bickering people's enjoy my effort.


In The Black Talon (Light Side), there is 17 minutes and 5 seconds worth of cut scenes. While it isn't quite the 20 minutes some were saying, it is a lot closer to that than the "No more than 5 minutes" others were saying. The 5 minute mark was about where your first LS/DS choice was.

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If they haven't done the story mode yet, they are probably insufficiently geared for the hard mode. Therefore they should probably queue for the story mode. Then they can watch the story during the story mode. Wow, problem solved!


This. Go do Black Talon (Esseless for you Republic scum) Story Mode to gear up for your HMs. That's how this game works, right?


I love that the OP said, essentially, that if you want him to skip the cutscenes, all you have to do is not be a dick. Then it turned into the people who want cutscenes to be skipped trying (apparently) to out-dick each other to argue with the concept of not being a dick. I just think it's amusing that you're going so far out of your way to prove the point you're arguing against.

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The default in Groupfinder for all Guardians is TANK and DPS. The default in Groupfinder for all Commandos is HEAL and DPS.


Does that mean that all Guardians and Commandos should always leave those defaults when they queue?


Defaults are defaults and essentially meaningless.


This could be relevant, but your context is incorrect.


The context is not whether this is an "option".


This is not a setting, this is a pre-programmed operation of the game that happens to be modifieable as a luxury.


If the cut scenes were meant to be skipped as a primary optiion, we would have a "play full scene" option.


Until we see the baseline behavior of the cuts asking to play the full scene, no player is obligated for any reason to skip anything.


And BECAUSE of that, no player should be ridiculed, shamed, ousted, blacklisted or otherwise negatively seen for playing the game as it was programmed.


This argument that the skipping is also programmed, and therefore an equal option in the game is a fallacy, the skip option is a luxury, an "add-on" to the REGULAR operation of the cut scenes.


If the skip option were to be an equal part of this area of the game, you would have been given the option to "play full" in addition to skip.


But its not that way, is it.


All of these self-entitled brats, screaming that folks who dont skip are wasting their time, are in fact, wasting their breath.

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This. Go do Black Talon (Esseless for you Republic scum) Story Mode to gear up for your HMs. That's how this game works, right?


I love that the OP said, essentially, that if you want him to skip the cutscenes, all you have to do is not be a dick. Then it turned into the people who want cutscenes to be skipped trying (apparently) to out-dick each other to argue with the concept of not being a dick. I just think it's amusing that you're going so far out of your way to prove the point you're arguing against.


BT and Esseles are the most-run flashpoints on-level. If you can't get a group for Esseles or BT upon arriving at fleet, you're doing something horribly, massively wrong. Even the last couple characters I've rolled - before and after merges - ran these multiple times on-level.


If you haven't seen it and want to see its story, solo it instead of hardmoding it. It's pretty easy to solo Esseles when you're 50.


That is a separate issue from gearing up for hard-modes, which can be done by queueing up for regular modes.

Edited by DarthTHC
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This could be relevant, but your context is incorrect.


The context is not whether this is an "option".


This is not a setting, this is a pre-programmed operation of the game that happens to be modifieable as a luxury.


If the cut scenes were meant to be skipped as a primary optiion, we would have a "play full scene" option.


Until we see the baseline behavior of the cuts asking to play the full scene, no player is obligated for any reason to skip anything.


And BECAUSE of that, no player should be ridiculed, shamed, ousted, blacklisted or otherwise negatively seen for playing the game as it was programmed.


This argument that the skipping is also programmed, and therefore an equal option in the game is a fallacy, the skip option is a luxury, an "add-on" to the REGULAR operation of the cut scenes.


If the skip option were to be an equal part of this area of the game, you would have been given the option to "play full" in addition to skip.


But its not that way, is it.


All of these self-entitled brats, screaming that folks who dont skip are wasting their time, are in fact, wasting their breath.




So you just made my point for me.


Anyone who accepts the default of what the game throws at us should be revered, coddled, carried through instances, all the while having his feet cleaned with the tears and hair of 12 virgins.


So when the DPS Guardian or DPS Vanguard or DPS Commando pops open the LFG tool and smashes the "go" button without ever looking at what it checked, and then they get allocated the role of tank or healer for HM Lost Island when they're wearing green level 46 gear, the rest of the group should carry them and love them and treat them like rock stars, right?


Because that's how the game was coded to act by default, and as you said the default option is the one the developers meant us to take.

Edited by DarthTHC
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